Are you afraid to die ??

Plow Boy
Yes , I am Jewish , and we have our own sections.
I donā€™t think it is a sense of superiority lol
Just a long standing tradition
It is a matter of belief, and I havenā€™t found anything in the Bible that canā€™t be believed. I have looked at supposed Scriptures, like the Book of Mormon, and it is an obvious fraud.

Denying the virgin birth is simply denial, and nothing else; it doesnā€™t disprove, it simply states a position.

The virgin birth is believable to me.

BTW: I have no fear of death, itā€™s kind of spooky even to me. I just donā€™t have it. Angels will carry me away to my appointed destination, and I donā€™t have a dread fear.

It's not a matter of belief. Faith does not equate to fact.
The bible states God turned a woman into salt, cripples were he a led and walked in minutes, water into wine and parting of the seas. Yet you tell me a all those were possible????
Don't insult me please.

Pathenogenisis is impossible in mammals. Spirits cannot physically impregnate any woman. It's anatomically impossible. So I'm not buying your bible rubbish.

How arrogant of you to claim to know your mode of transport and your destination after you die. You cannot possibly know that nor have you evidence of that is what happens. It's what you hope.

It's even arrogant of you to think you are going to heaven to begin with. There's no evidence of that either.

This belief craze is wearing a bit thin with evidence available that there is nothing. That fable has been peddled for 2000 years and you still have no evidence a God exists. As a mature human being, you can't be serious about all that hype.
Everybody is afraid to die. However, having The Peace of the Lord is a comfort.
Many Laws of Torah are applicable only to Jews. Mostly Ritual Laws which are difficult to understand.

Other Laws are applicable to all people.
I had a good one here on this trip. Not much left I think I need to do.Zero really. I've done it all.
I anxiously await what is on the other side. It will likely be super cool beyond imagination.
I mean. Stand in Canyonlands national park and watch it snow for 2 hours on labor day( I have). Then think about it being"not shit"
I'm not scared of death itself because I believe in Heaven, but it depends on how I die of whether or not I'm afraid of going through the motions of dying.
That was a classic movie but a species that big cannot walk on walls . Too much mass

Also itā€™s really not true that insects are vastly stronger than us . Finally itā€™s biologically impossible for any insect to get very big as they would sufficate as their air ducts cannot catch up

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