Are You Better or Worse (Economically) Now Than YOU Were 3 Years Ago ?

I have a skill & trade, but I'm retired, and on a very fixed income, with prices going to the moon. Even if I still was working at my skilled trade, my wages wouldn't be keeping up with Biden's runaway inflation.
I suggest renting a corner at a busy intersection to bum dough.
Typical eletist attitude: "I gots me mine and fuck everyone else", right?
That is the "Coastal Elite" mindset, JGalt which is why I'm seeing a huge shift in blue collar Americans away from the Democratic Party! They don't think the Dems care about them and that belief is backed up by what the Biden Administration has done for the past 3 and 1/2 years. The people running things care about illegals and they care about the Coastal Elite's pet projects. They could care less about the working man.
So, you are in love with Tampa/St Pete area, but cannot afford to be a property owner.
I am not impressed. I could not afford to buy down there either, though I could get the loan. Getting loan (as we saw during the crash of 08/09 doesn't mean much, except a bank will make money for a little while, even if prospect being able to keep making payment is low, then the bank gets the property. We vacation in Florida, leasing beach homes. Nice place to visit, but for us, it's similar to Hawaii, one needing to bring lots of short term money and now planning to stay long. It does not sound like you are the type of resident, they are trying to attract. If you still or ever did have anything useful to offer, in the way of skills, education, abilities, training or talents, perhaps you should consider some other part of the country. Not everyone can afford Tampa/St Pete area. That is just the way it is.
1. Until just recently, the Tampa Bay area, like most places throughout the South, was one of the most affordable areas in the country. That's one of the reasons I made the arduous trip of driving across the country from California, to move here.

2. You seem to either not be reading my posts, or have reading comprehension trouble. I'm not interested in buying a house or having to mow lawns, repair window screens, replace refrigerators or air conditioners, etc, etc. I live in an apartment building built in 2002, have lots of extra conveniences including 2 elevators, a large swimming pool, picnic area with barbeques, large screened in patio with tables/chairs, activity room, exercise room, arts & crafts room, billiards room, and 2 nice balconies on my floor. What would I need with a big house that costs a mint to heat and keep cool, and is hard to keep clean ?

3. I'm 78 years old, multi-disabled, been retired for 16 years, and am not able or interested in returning to the general workforce.
As for what I have to offer, maybe you missed what I posted regarding my art gallery, which extends over the internet to the whole world, thereby making "some other part of the country" irrelevant. And you likely could never have to offer the same, if you became a multi-billionaire. >>

I don't believe it. Businesses all over the country are getting killed from rent increases taking away their sale $$, but you're at record profits, huh ? :right:

do you not ever read the news, business are making record profits across the board
And you think you’re not to blame for your own failure? What about personal responsibility?
I don't have "failure"' What gave you that idea ? In fact, if you click the links in Post # 89, you will find accomplishments on a level that I might challenge anyone in this forum to match, and doubt that they would/could.

As for personal responsibility, good subject. If we could get Joe Biden, the Democrats, the landlords, and oil companies to excercise some of that, things would be a lot better for renters, motorists, and the entire nation's business community, suffering heavily from the insane inflation.
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1. Until just recently, the Tampa Bay area, like most places throughout the South, was one of the most affordable areas in the country. That's one of the reasons I made the arduous trip of driving across the country from California, to move here.

and then everyone started moving there and the prices for everything went up.
2. You seem to either not be reading my posts, or have reading comprehension trouble. I'm not interested in buying a house or having to mow lawns, repair window screens, replace refrigerators or air conditioners, etc, etc. I live in an apartment building built in 2002, have lots of extra conveniences including 2 elevators, a large swimming pool, picnic area with barbeques, large screened in patio with tables/chairs, activity room, exercise room, arts & crafts room, billiards room, and 2 nice balconies on my floor. What would I need with a big house that costs a mint to heat and keep cool, and is hard to keep clean ?

That is our plan for retirement as well, or something close to that. There are advantages to not owning.
Isn't it AMAZING! Every single progressive on this board is claiming that they're better off now with their finances than they were 3 years ago despite nearly 20% inflation and interest rates through the roof!

You guys can't admit the obvious...can you? Too funny...
20% ? Try 100-200% on the most important things > rental housing, gas at the pump, food.
It always makes me smile when the liberals who spend hours on this board all claim that their incomes went up by astronomical amounts. They're like the internet tough guys who all claim to be badasses.
They don't want to admit that Biden's insane inflation has them over a barrel. Incredible amounts of people are paying more than $1000/month more for rent, than they were 3 years go.

The apartment that I lived in 3 years go was $600/minrh when I moved out. Now it's $1600/month. I pity the poor folks still living there. It's almost like going out on the street and being mugged for $1000, once every month.
Actually, inflation is down but my salary is still up so I'm ahead. Way ahead if you consider how well the stock market has done.
Inflation shouldn't be "down", it should be non-existent, like when Trump was president. To say inflation is "down", merely means prices arent going up as much now as they were. which means prices are still GOING UP.

So my friend's apartment which went from $750/month 3 years ago, to $2000/month now is still getting rent increases. Well, isnt that just wonderful ? o_O
Inflation shouldn't be "down", it should be non-existent, like when Trump was president. To say inflation is "down", merely means prices arent going up as much now as they were. which means prices are still GOING UP.
I don't know many economists that would agree with you.

So my friend's apartment which went from $750/month 3 years ago, to $2000/month now is still getting rent increases. Well, isnt that just wonderful ? o_O
I think it is called capitalism. Do you want socialist/communist price fixing? Landlords are asking $2000/mo because there are people willing and able to pay it. Sounds to me like your friend wants to live in an apartment he can't afford. Whose problem is that?

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