Are you for or against socialism for the USA?

Are you for or against socialism for the USA?

  • I am for socialism for the USA.

    Votes: 4 12.1%
  • I am against socialism for the USA.

    Votes: 28 84.8%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 1 3.0%

  • Total voters
We already have socialism in a blend with capitalism in our economic model. It's here in a default.
Probably better you ask the question, are you for or against increasing or expanding programs that people would consider socialistic in nature. And what would those changes be.
Or creating programs like public option or a high risk pool for healthcare?

I don't hear anyone left or right proposing that the government or the state own and control the means of production.
Abraham Lincoln was the first openly socialist President, he favored big business and socialism for the rich and well connected, ' the old Whig 'American system' which has been a standard U.S. form since he launched a civil war to fund his Federal programs for railroads and financiers, the now traditional; 'socializing the costs of business and privatizing the profits'. The wild success of that socialist policy for the top 1% has led to the modern day, where those on the bottom of the food chain, a growing number thanks to right wing domination, now see no alternatives, manly because so few Wall Street types ever practice what they preach and now lobby for a Red Chinese style police state that relies on labor racketeering and police state population controls. The 'middle class' lost its ability to govern itself back in the 1960's, so there isn't much in the way of alternatives in a country with such a poor education system and its own 'elites' promoting racial violence and hate crime against what is left of the middle class. We can't even protect school children from sexual deviants any more, so what is there to save, really? A few remaining fat asses getting drunk while playing around on their riding lawn mowers and bigger Prozac distributions?

Want to start sonewhere, start doing away with the 'Corporate Personhood' scam and limit the 'limited liability' incorporation scam to what it was originally intended for, only corporations that provided a public service and profits limited by law, not just any gang of morons who could pay a lawyer to file some forms for them. That way the 'free market' propogandists can start practicing what they preach to 'everybody else'.
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Where do you stand...are you for or against socialism for the USA?

You really need to learn what Socialism really is. You obviously have no idea.
And neither do the self described socialist retards like Sanders or AOC who mention both Europe and Venezuela in the same breath as being socialists when their governments could not be any more different.

But feel free to keep electing these boobs and ignoring their stupidity.
All democratic republic governments are all inherently socialist by definition, meaning they are collaborative and cooperative.
Public schools, roads, police, fire departments, etc. are all inherently socialist.
If you think socialist means central instead of local, you do not know anything about socialism.
Socialism can only work if local.
Obviously it is much cheaper and efficient if we all pool some of our extra money for shared resources like roads, schools, defense, etc.
Where we are doing things wrong is not enough socialism, like each person having to take care of their own health care risks with for profit insurance, when it should be a shared risk,
Wow. It didn't take any time for the Bolshevik Bros to jump in with "...but the US is already a socialist country..."

They were on this thread like dogs on a pork chop.


That is because if one understands what socialism is, then one realizes it is inherent to the human DNA instincts.
Do parents charge their children for food and rent in order to make a profit from them?
Wow. It didn't take any time for the Bolshevik Bros to jump in with "...but the US is already a socialist country..."

They were on this thread like dogs on a pork chop.


That is because if one understands what socialism is, then one realizes it is inherent to the human DNA instincts.
Do parents charge their children for food and rent in order to make a profit from them?

Wait....let me hear you say it again....

"It's not Socialism. It's Democratic Socialism...."

Socialism is where everyone is equal, except the more equal- I think the US has been operating that ways since long before any of us were around-
Wow. It didn't take any time for the Bolshevik Bros to jump in with "...but the US is already a socialist country..."

They were on this thread like dogs on a pork chop.


No, snowflake. We're just pointing out that our economic model is a blend of capitalism and socialism. Has been for a long time
We'll leave it to people like you to scream, shout, and yell SOCIALISM!! at the top of their lungs.
Your media masters have slung the term around so much without a clue to its context, nobody is afraid of the term.
Wow. It didn't take any time for the Bolshevik Bros to jump in with "...but the US is already a socialist country..."

They were on this thread like dogs on a pork chop.


That is because if one understands what socialism is, then one realizes it is inherent to the human DNA instincts.
Do parents charge their children for food and rent in order to make a profit from them?

Wait....let me hear you say it again....

"It's not Socialism. It's Democratic Socialism...."


There is not way to have undemocratic socialism.
When it is not democratic, then it is for profit, so is capitalist fascism.
Socialism has to be cooperative and collaborative.
So has to be inherently democratic.

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