Are you for or against socialism for the USA?

Are you for or against socialism for the USA?

  • I am for socialism for the USA.

    Votes: 4 12.1%
  • I am against socialism for the USA.

    Votes: 28 84.8%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 1 3.0%

  • Total voters
Do parents charge their children for food and rent in order to make a profit from them?
Parents give birth to kids- Uncle Sham ain't nobody's daddy

Uncle Sham has nothing to do with socialism.
Socialism is inherently local.
There are some things that should be done at the federal level that are inherently socialist, like the FDA, FAA, defense, etc., but socialism should always be as local as possible.
If you think socialism means centralized, you would be wrong.
Stalinism was centralized, but that also was not socialism or communism, but state capitalism.
Socialism is where everyone is equal, except the more equal- I think the US has been operating that ways since long before any of us were around-

Equality is not really part of socialism at all.
All socialism does is pool some resources for some joint ventures.
And all that requires is equal access.
If one does not use that equal access, that is your own fault.
For example, even if you do not drive, the roads are useful to you because you get your food from trucks using them.
Where do you stand...are you for or against socialism for the USA?
Since people here have different definitions of the word social ism maybe you should define your terms.

Are you using the actual definition in the dictionary ?

so•cial•ism sō′shə-lĭz″əm

  • n.
    Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
Where do you stand...are you for or against socialism for the USA?
You really need to learn what Socialism really is. You obviously have no idea.
I don't think they understand that this lies along a continuum. It's either/or for them. We're either the Wild West or Cuba.

And really Cuba is not socialism, but Stalinism, which is actually capitalist.
When you do not have a democratic republic that is for all, then it is for an elite subgroup of wealthy, which means capitalist.
As long as they can get their greedy mitts on somebody's money, they're happy.
That applies to BOTH sides of the aisle which exists for show so the Empty Suit brigade in the District of Criminals can have tools or enemies to play to, for the former, and against for the latter, for those who choose to be stupid-
Wow. It didn't take any time for the Bolshevik Bros to jump in with "...but the US is already a socialist country..."

They were on this thread like dogs on a pork chop.


That is because if one understands what socialism is, then one realizes it is inherent to the human DNA instincts.
Do parents charge their children for food and rent in order to make a profit from them?

Wait....let me hear you say it again....

"It's not Socialism. It's Democratic Socialism...."


all i want is

an excellent affordable healthcare system
an excellent affordable education system
a decent social security system for retired people
police who do not kill people in the streets
gay rights
legal pot
the right to own guns
an end to the EC
a secular government
We already have socialism in a blend with capitalism in our economic model. It's here in a default.
Probably better you ask the question, are you for or against increasing or expanding programs that people would consider socialistic in nature. And what would those changes be.
Or creating programs like public option or a high risk pool for healthcare?

I don't hear anyone left or right proposing that the government or the state own and control the means of production.
What part of the means of production is owned by government?

We are a country of about 75% bourgeoisie.

Quit spreading lies. Government participation in the market is stupid, but not socialism.
All democratic republic governments are all inherently socialist by definition, meaning they are collaborative and cooperative.
Public schools, roads, police, fire departments, etc. are all inherently socialist.
If you think socialist means central instead of local, you do not know anything about socialism.
Socialism can only work if local.
The romans had most of you must think that they too were socialists?
Where do you stand...are you for or against socialism for the USA?
Since people here have different definitions of the word social ism maybe you should define your terms.

Are you using the actual definition in the dictionary ?

so•cial•ism sō′shə-lĭz″əm

Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

Incorrect definition of socialism.
The difference may seem subtle, but it is not really.
Here is a more real definition.

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

The idea of regulation being to prevent monopolies, apply anti trust laws, protective unions, laws against child labor, laws against slavery, etc.
Anyone who is against socialism is for slavery, feudalism, fascism, etc.
So 10 people have voted against socialism so far, and one only 1 vote for socialism?

Apparently socialists don't even need to vote, when it's so much easier just to steal an election.

Where do you stand...are you for or against socialism for the USA?
Since people here have different definitions of the word social ism maybe you should define your terms.

Are you using the actual definition in the dictionary ?

so•cial•ism sō′shə-lĭz″əm

Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

Incorrect definition of socialism.
The difference may seem subtle, but it is not really.
Here is a more real definition.

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

The idea of regulation being to prevent monopolies, apply anti trust laws, protective unions, laws against child labor, laws against slavery, etc.
Anyone who is against socialism is for slavery, feudalism, fascism, etc.

Take it up with the editors of the American Heritage Dictionary
Government participation in the market
Is Keynesean (top down) monetary policy, i.e., trickle down "economic theory" developed for the Bristish Monarchy by a British subject, Nixon made it famous with; I guess we're all Keynesean now- just before he imposed a wage and price freeze so Federal Reserve Notes could be exchanged and put in place for US Silver Certificates-
a democratic republic
which no one has- the US is a constitutional republic- words mean things or they don't.

We can always add more words to be more accurate, like a representative, constitutional, democratic, republic, etc.
But if we already know what we mean, then just saying republic usually is sufficient.
The point being that the source of legal authority comes from the defense of inherent individual rights, not might makes right of an authoritarian regime.
We already have socialism in a blend with capitalism in our economic model. It's here in a default.
Probably better you ask the question, are you for or against increasing or expanding programs that people would consider socialistic in nature. And what would those changes be.
Or creating programs like public option or a high risk pool for healthcare?

I don't hear anyone left or right proposing that the government or the state own and control the means of production.
Oh, so you are for eradicating all of the free market, which means marxism, which means the elimination of the propertied class, which means the eradication of the middle class home owners.

Got it.

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