Are You Going to Hell?

The Bible is a book written by corrupt men who made it up 1500 years ago. They stole from several older religions.
Are you referring to the account of Genesis? Or something else?
The new testament.

The modern scholarly consensus is that the figure of Moses is legendary, and not historical, although a "Moses-like figure may have existed in the mid-late 13th century B.C." Certainly no Egyptian sources mention Moses or the events of Exodus–Deuteronomy, nor has any archaeological evidence been discovered in Egypt or the Sinai wilderness to support the story in which he is the central figure. The story of his discovery picks up a familiar motif in ancient Near Eastern mythological accounts of the ruler who rises from humble origins

The foundation of your myth is a lie. The Jews predicted a Jesus figure would come someday and some Jews invented a new religion about 1500 years ago.

Jesus, Mohammad, Joseph Smith are all real people but they are legions. Lies.

Theists must have been frustrated they weren't converting more sinners so they made up that god visited and you say we are hard wired. Yea, to be brainwashed with lies sure.
Both Moses and Jesus were historical figures. They really did walk the earth. A submerged land bridge was discovered with artifacts nearby which supports the account of exodus. I suspect the account of exodus is similar to the account of Genesis which is the allegorical account of an actual historical event.

The Messiah predicted in Judaism (at least the one you are referring to) pertains to end of days which means that the time for that has not occurred yet. Jesus was not fulfilling that prophecy. It wasn’t the time for that. He had another task.

I remembered that when Christians invented Christianity, they used that Jewish prophecy to say look the Messiah has been sent just as predicted. Jews don't believe that Jesus was the messiah that was predicted but a lot of Christians do/did.

The founders of Christianity used that prophecy and make it hard for Jews to call bullshit on their own prophecy.

Most people today don't believe Moses was a real person. Nothing saved of his? And nothing saved of Jesus except for a shroud that isn't even probably legit? Pretty pathetic for such historic figures.

More like the greatest legend stories ever told.
You weren’t around when Christianity was founded so you can’t remember that.

As to what you were told second hand that is called hearsay. No where in the NT does it make the claim. So I don’t know where you got that from. Was it an atheist website perchance?

It seems you expect evidence like it happened yesterday instead of thousands of years ago.
Let me see, virgin births, performing miracles, turning 3 loaves of bread into food for 5000, curing the sick, rising from the dead. All superstition and fantasy. I don’t need to have lived with Adam to know there were no talking snakes. If you swallow that stuff that’s sad

I don’t believe these things have ever really happened.
I have no doubt Flood Stories were probably inspired by the massive amount of flooding that must have been going on at the end of the ice age.

But the silliness of a world wide flood and all species on earth descending from pairs of survivors... they'd have gone extinct due to inbreeding within generations.
Scripture, in the original language, does not describe the flood as planet wide. In fact, scripture says there was no planet-wide flood. It is not, "The Earth was covered with water" it is, "The earth was covered with water."
Are you referring to the account of Genesis? Or something else?
The new testament.

The modern scholarly consensus is that the figure of Moses is legendary, and not historical, although a "Moses-like figure may have existed in the mid-late 13th century B.C." Certainly no Egyptian sources mention Moses or the events of Exodus–Deuteronomy, nor has any archaeological evidence been discovered in Egypt or the Sinai wilderness to support the story in which he is the central figure. The story of his discovery picks up a familiar motif in ancient Near Eastern mythological accounts of the ruler who rises from humble origins

The foundation of your myth is a lie. The Jews predicted a Jesus figure would come someday and some Jews invented a new religion about 1500 years ago.

Jesus, Mohammad, Joseph Smith are all real people but they are legions. Lies.

Theists must have been frustrated they weren't converting more sinners so they made up that god visited and you say we are hard wired. Yea, to be brainwashed with lies sure.
Both Moses and Jesus were historical figures. They really did walk the earth. A submerged land bridge was discovered with artifacts nearby which supports the account of exodus. I suspect the account of exodus is similar to the account of Genesis which is the allegorical account of an actual historical event.

The Messiah predicted in Judaism (at least the one you are referring to) pertains to end of days which means that the time for that has not occurred yet. Jesus was not fulfilling that prophecy. It wasn’t the time for that. He had another task.

I remembered that when Christians invented Christianity, they used that Jewish prophecy to say look the Messiah has been sent just as predicted. Jews don't believe that Jesus was the messiah that was predicted but a lot of Christians do/did.

The founders of Christianity used that prophecy and make it hard for Jews to call bullshit on their own prophecy.

Most people today don't believe Moses was a real person. Nothing saved of his? And nothing saved of Jesus except for a shroud that isn't even probably legit? Pretty pathetic for such historic figures.

More like the greatest legend stories ever told.
You weren’t around when Christianity was founded so you can’t remember that.

As to what you were told second hand that is called hearsay. No where in the NT does it make the claim. So I don’t know where you got that from. Was it an atheist website perchance?

It seems you expect evidence like it happened yesterday instead of thousands of years ago.
Let me see, virgin births, performing miracles, turning 3 loaves of bread into food for 5000, curing the sick, rising from the dead. All superstition and fantasy. I don’t need to have lived with Adam to know there were no talking snakes. If you swallow that stuff that’s sad

I don’t believe these things have ever really happened.
Not allegorical accounts. :smile:
Maybe this will help explain it. The first five books of the Bible (known as the Torah) were written by Moses - an adopted son of the king of Egypt - in approximately 1400 B.C..

Okay, you are starting out bad, here. Most scholars believe the books of the Torah were written well after Moses...

Only fundies think, "Yup, Moses wrote this stuff all down referring to himself in third person."

The Bible even explains how it was possible for the Chinese to record the account of Genesis 1500 years before Moses recorded it. The account of the Tower of Babel was the allegorical account of the great migration from Mesopotamia. This also explains why all ancient cultures have an account of a great flood. Because they all shared a common history and religion before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

Or get this.. they were just recycling other people's OLDER stories. The video I posted has a pretty good explanation of the relationship between the Bible and the Epic of Gilgamesh and earlier flood accounts. (It also has a great bit at the end with Peter Capaldi - the guy in my Avi until next week - which is hilarious. )
No, Joe. Before the great migration they had a shared history.
So the migration started when the ark came to rest in Turkey?
Not sure. The flood came first that much I know.
So where’s the ark?
So the migration started when the ark came to rest in Turkey?

And they got all the way to South America and Australia... by walking.
Do you somehow think this negates the fact that the first 11 chapters of Genesis is the allegorical account of world history before the great migration from Mesopotamia?
No, it’s true accounts, ask a real Christian.
Maybe this will help explain it. The first five books of the Bible (known as the Torah) were written by Moses - an adopted son of the king of Egypt - in approximately 1400 B.C..

Okay, you are starting out bad, here. Most scholars believe the books of the Torah were written well after Moses...

Only fundies think, "Yup, Moses wrote this stuff all down referring to himself in third person."

The Bible even explains how it was possible for the Chinese to record the account of Genesis 1500 years before Moses recorded it. The account of the Tower of Babel was the allegorical account of the great migration from Mesopotamia. This also explains why all ancient cultures have an account of a great flood. Because they all shared a common history and religion before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

Or get this.. they were just recycling other people's OLDER stories. The video I posted has a pretty good explanation of the relationship between the Bible and the Epic of Gilgamesh and earlier flood accounts. (It also has a great bit at the end with Peter Capaldi - the guy in my Avi until next week - which is hilarious. )
No, Joe. Before the great migration they had a shared history.
So the migration started when the ark came to rest in Turkey?
Not sure. The flood came first that much I know.
So where’s the ark?
No idea? What there an Ark? Or an allegorical Ark?
So the migration started when the ark came to rest in Turkey?

And they got all the way to South America and Australia... by walking.
Do you somehow think this negates the fact that the first 11 chapters of Genesis is the allegorical account of world history before the great migration from Mesopotamia?
No, it’s true accounts, ask a real Christian.
I am a real Christian. That's how I know that what I am telling you is true.

You should be happy now that you can study history instead of fairy tales.
I'm not the one who is shitting all over ancient historical documents.

I can't help it if the concept of how information was passed down 6,000 years ago is to difficult to comprehend.

It's not difficult to comprehend at all. These were myths from 3500 years ago.
No. Joe. These are allegorical accounts of ancient man's understanding of their world and major historical events. The earliest of which originated 6,000 years ago.

Holy shit, man. You are crapping on the oldest known account of world history. :lol:

Don't you think it is cool how ancient man passed down knowledge orally from one generation to the next for thousands of years.

This stuff must have been very valuable to them. It's kind of sad that some idiots would discard it all because they were ignorant of the history, right?
Can you stop being silly?

Scripture tells us sins are forgiven. In other words, God gives us words of guidance, and our transgressions are forgiven. I understand you want to paint a picture of God as villain and yourself as victim, but when using the original history, language, and culture, that will not fly.

Honey... there is no God. There never was a God. What you do have is a myth made up by men who have used this to get power and money... and it's an awesome scam... if you ignore the pedophile conspiracy that was the Catholic Clergy.

Given that you Xians have been murdering each other for 2000 years over God's word's of guidance, you think he could have made them a little clearer...

Perhaps it is time to let that little boy grow up and become a man. Or, is there reason still to wallow in self-pity?

Isn't about me, sweetie.. It's not about self pity, it's about rejecting con men and liars with bibles.

But I do see I hit a nerve. Your Sky Pixie really is an abusive parent/spouse. Do what I want, or I will torture you for all eternity. Man, that does sound kind of needy and insecure.

You know, I've never threatened anyone I care about with eternal torture if they didn't do things my way. I haven't even threatened people I dislike with that.

You do not understand scripture, and worse, you do not want any understanding of it. Understandable then--not so much now.

Actually, here's what I understand about Scripture. God wasn't changing his mind, so we changed ours. God didn't outright say that slavery, genocide, misogyny and racism were wrong... but we decided they were. The way you Christians have survived into the modern world is you "Disney-fied" your faith.

Now, what do I mean by that? You take a story, you take out all the grisly parts, you leave in all the cute stuff, and you call it a day. So not surprisingly, I got through 12 years of Catholic School, and never heard any of the horrible stories about characters like Jephthah the Gileadite (The one who killed, dismembered and burned his daughter as a sacrifice to Yahweh, before killing 42,000 of his fellow Hebrews.).

Or Sampson, who murdered a lot of people in cruel ways, including women and children, but the part we hear about is his hair.


As I said to someone on another thread, don’t conflate religion with God. This scripture immediately came to mind when I looked at that image:

Pure, unstained religion, according to God our Father, is to take care of orphans and widows when they suffer and to remain uncorrupted by this world.

– James 1:27


As I said to someone on another thread, don’t conflate religion with God. This scripture immediately came to mind when I looked at that image:

Pure, unstained religion, according to God our Father, is to take care of orphans and widows when they suffer and to remain uncorrupted by this world.

– James 1:27

So James couldn't have thought of that himself? I could. I bet you could, too.
there is no God
I believe in God and have every reason to know He does exist.

You have a very poor understanding of the Bible, but there is no excuse for attaching your own interpretation of the Bible to its contents to lecture to believers. That is comparable to someone opening up a book written in a foreign language about psychiatry and pretending it translates into Dr. Seuss's The Cat in the Hat on your say-so.

There are very good reasons not to believe in God--you don't have to make them up by mistranslating Biblical accounts. That is plain sloppy.

By the way, I'm not anyone's "honey" let alone yours, so knock it off.
Christ died for our sins. Dare we make his martyrdom meaningless by not committing them?

-Jules Feiffer
Christ died for our sins. Dare we make his martyrdom meaningless by not committing them?

-Jules Feiffer
Says someone who hasn't a clue about why Christ died. It was more to the point so that people might know their sins are forgiven.

As I said to someone on another thread, don’t conflate religion with God. This scripture immediately came to mind when I looked at that image:

Pure, unstained religion, according to God our Father, is to take care of orphans and widows when they suffer and to remain uncorrupted by this world.

– James 1:27

So James couldn't have thought of that himself? I could. I bet you could, too.

I get your underlying point here, but you’re touching on a different topic that would require time to get into, and would probably be better on its own thread. And I am not going to do that right now. But I’m pretty sure you and I have discussed that topic before (though not in depth) and I’m sure it will come up again.

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