Are you guys aware the GOP has a plan to rewrite the US Constitution?

Right-Wing Billionaires Have a Project to Rewrite Our Constitution, and They Are Shockingly Close to Pulling It Off

Imagine if the U.S. Constitution barred the EPA and Department of Education from existing. All union protections are dead, there are no more federal workplace safety standards, and even child-labor laws are struck down, along with a national minimum wage.

Imagine that the Constitution makes it illegal for the federal government to protect you from big polluters, big banks and even big food and pharma—all are free to rip you off or poison you all they want, and your only remedy is in state courts and legislatures, because the Constitution prevents Congress from doing anything about any of it. The federal government can't even enforce voting or civil rights laws.

To add injury to insult, the federal government has to shut down Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, because all of these programs (along with food stamps, housing supports and any programs that help the middle class, the less fortunate or disabled) are “beyond the reach” of what the federal government can do.

The Koch Brothers’ plan to rewrite the Constitution

Coburn: Let’s change Constitution

The Conservative Plan to Rewrite the Constitution, and Yes, It’s a Thing

I watched former Senator Coburn talk about this on TV just this morning. It's no joke. Republicans are deadly serious.

Kochs Bankroll Move to Rewrite the Constitution

Some of the con radio talk show hosts have been harping on having a Constitutional Convention to change the Constitution for 5+ years. They are deadly serious. They know the demographic clock is ticking and they will soon be relegated to not being able to win national elections. Their feverish efforts the last 8 years to put voter suppression laws in place is part of this. They have been using every cheating method they could think of to delay the inevitable. This was the biggest threat to the democracy that Trump posed. It was clear he would sign ANYTHING the Republicans wanted to do along this line.

People don't realize it yet but the democracy itself is in grave danger from the conservatives. And think about why, it is simply because they cannot accept people that are different than they are and they are terrified of change.
Right-Wing Billionaires Have a Project to Rewrite Our Constitution, and They Are Shockingly Close to Pulling It Off

Imagine if the U.S. Constitution barred the EPA and Department of Education from existing. All union protections are dead, there are no more federal workplace safety standards, and even child-labor laws are struck down, along with a national minimum wage.

Imagine that the Constitution makes it illegal for the federal government to protect you from big polluters, big banks and even big food and pharma—all are free to rip you off or poison you all they want, and your only remedy is in state courts and legislatures, because the Constitution prevents Congress from doing anything about any of it. The federal government can't even enforce voting or civil rights laws.

To add injury to insult, the federal government has to shut down Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, because all of these programs (along with food stamps, housing supports and any programs that help the middle class, the less fortunate or disabled) are “beyond the reach” of what the federal government can do.

The Koch Brothers’ plan to rewrite the Constitution

Coburn: Let’s change Constitution

The Conservative Plan to Rewrite the Constitution, and Yes, It’s a Thing

I watched former Senator Coburn talk about this on TV just this morning. It's no joke. Republicans are deadly serious.

Kochs Bankroll Move to Rewrite the Constitution

The Koch brothers, Eric O'Keefe, Tom Coburn, Marco Rubio and almost everyone mentioned in the articles you sited are no fans of Donald Trump.
Yeah, but these incompetent clowns cannot even repeal Obamacare

America is safe

Believe me
And now we have Trump. Are American citizens living in Puerto Rico "safe"?
We had to beat his ass hard and make him a national embarrassment, but he surrendered eventually and sent help.

The American people need to be reminded of what republicans with power is like.

The verdict is obvious
Right-Wing Billionaires Have a Project to Rewrite Our Constitution, and They Are Shockingly Close to Pulling It Off

Imagine if the U.S. Constitution barred the EPA and Department of Education from existing. All union protections are dead, there are no more federal workplace safety standards, and even child-labor laws are struck down, along with a national minimum wage.

Imagine that the Constitution makes it illegal for the federal government to protect you from big polluters, big banks and even big food and pharma—all are free to rip you off or poison you all they want, and your only remedy is in state courts and legislatures, because the Constitution prevents Congress from doing anything about any of it. The federal government can't even enforce voting or civil rights laws.

To add injury to insult, the federal government has to shut down Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, because all of these programs (along with food stamps, housing supports and any programs that help the middle class, the less fortunate or disabled) are “beyond the reach” of what the federal government can do.

The Koch Brothers’ plan to rewrite the Constitution

Coburn: Let’s change Constitution

The Conservative Plan to Rewrite the Constitution, and Yes, It’s a Thing

I watched former Senator Coburn talk about this on TV just this morning. It's no joke. Republicans are deadly serious.

Kochs Bankroll Move to Rewrite the Constitution

Yes....they are actually trying to use the Amendment process to make changes they think are necessary......they are using the actual process created by the Founders to change the Constitution, legally....unlike you morons who just get a judge to do what you want.....
I love the republicans in this thread climbing over each other in their screaming how much they hate America.
The funniest part is you all know full well that a re-write of the Constitution by rich and powerful republicans will result in the confiscation of your guns by this new government
I have no issue with rewriting or changing the Constitution, so long as it's done through legitimate means.

I would be totally in favor of an Amendment to dissolve ALL Social spending.

I am against any chsnge that gives corporations or businesses direct legislative influence. To the point where I would prefer an Amendment limiting who can even donate to a politician, and how much.
Imagine if the U.S. Constitution barred the EPA and Department of Education from existing.
It already should, under a proper reading of the document.

All union protections are dead, there are no more federal workplace safety standards, and even child-labor laws are struck down, along with a national minimum wage.
Unconstitutional overreaches anyway. There should never have been a need to re-write the constitution.

Imagine that the Constitution makes it illegal for the federal government to protect you from big polluters, big banks and even big food and pharma—all are free to rip you off or poison you all they want, and your only remedy is in state courts and legislatures, because the Constitution prevents Congress from doing anything about any of it. The federal government can't even enforce voting or civil rights laws.
Civil litigation has caused the highest standards of safety in every industry, and would have without the need for government intervention. Plaintiff's lawyers are the best assets in promoting the safety and protection of consumers. You keep businesses from misbehaving by suing them and making them pay damages.

To add injury to insult, the federal government has to shut down Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, because all of these programs (along with food stamps, housing supports and any programs that help the middle class, the less fortunate or disabled) are “beyond the reach” of what the federal government can do.

I used to buy into the bullshit narrative that the Koch Brothers are bad. Then, I read some of their writings. They are classic liberals who want to preserve limitations on federal government over local power.
I have no issue with rewriting or changing the Constitution, so long as it's done through legitimate means.

I would be totally in favor of an Amendment to dissolve ALL Social spending.

I am against any chsnge that gives corporations or businesses direct legislative influence. To the point where I would prefer an Amendment limiting who can even donate to a politician, and how much.

The point of this thread is that billionaires are funding the changing of the constitution. They will not allow an amendment that limits donations to politicians.
Department of Education? That's one of the enumerated powers granted to the federal government?

Could you point that out please?
Right-Wing Billionaires Have a Project to Rewrite Our Constitution, and They Are Shockingly Close to Pulling It Off

Imagine if the U.S. Constitution barred the EPA and Department of Education from existing. All union protections are dead, there are no more federal workplace safety standards, and even child-labor laws are struck down, along with a national minimum wage.

Imagine that the Constitution makes it illegal for the federal government to protect you from big polluters, big banks and even big food and pharma—all are free to rip you off or poison you all they want, and your only remedy is in state courts and legislatures, because the Constitution prevents Congress from doing anything about any of it. The federal government can't even enforce voting or civil rights laws.

To add injury to insult, the federal government has to shut down Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, because all of these programs (along with food stamps, housing supports and any programs that help the middle class, the less fortunate or disabled) are “beyond the reach” of what the federal government can do.

The Koch Brothers’ plan to rewrite the Constitution

Coburn: Let’s change Constitution

The Conservative Plan to Rewrite the Constitution, and Yes, It’s a Thing

I watched former Senator Coburn talk about this on TV just this morning. It's no joke. Republicans are deadly serious.

Kochs Bankroll Move to Rewrite the Constitution

Article V doesn't allow anyone to rewrite the Constitution. It only allows states to propose amendments. Those amendments still have to be voted on by the states and approved by 3/4s of them
Imagine if the U.S. Constitution barred the EPA and Department of Education from existing.
It already does. There's no authorization in the Constitution for either (except environmental concerns that cross state lines). But the Fed govt violates the Constitution a lot.

All union protections are dead, there are no more federal workplace safety standards, and even child-labor laws are struck down, along with a national minimum wage.
Something wrong with State governments handling those things? States can even get together and agree to make their standards the same if they want to, as they already have for car design, headlight height etc. But if the people of Massachusetts want their union protections to be different from what the people of Texas want, remind me again why Massachusetts should have to conform to Texas' standards? Why do we have to have a one-size-fits-all policy?

Imagine that the Constitution makes it illegal for the federal government to protect you from big polluters, big banks and even big food and pharma—all are free to rip you off or poison you all they want,
Typical hysterical screech from a typical big-govt addict. "OMG, if the Fed govt doesn't do it, no one will do it!"
and your only remedy is in state courts and legislatures
And your problem with that is what, exactly? Aside from it being harder for liberals to bully and corrupt fifty state legislatures than for them to corrupt just one Federal legislature? Are you trying to pretend the states can't regulate or shut down someone polluting in the state? Or that the Fed govt can't remedy someone in one state creating pollution that flows through the air or down a river into another state? They have had that authority since the day the original Constitution was ratified.

because the Constitution prevents Congress from doing anything about any of it. The federal government can't even enforce voting or civil rights laws.
Wrong as usual. We've come to expect that from liberals who loudly try to pretend they have a point.
I have no issue with rewriting or changing the Constitution, so long as it's done through legitimate means.

I would be totally in favor of an Amendment to dissolve ALL Social spending.

I am against any chsnge that gives corporations or businesses direct legislative influence. To the point where I would prefer an Amendment limiting who can even donate to a politician, and how much.

The point of this thread is that billionaires are funding the changing of the constitution. They will not allow an amendment that limits donations to politicians.
No one is stopping your from trynig to pass one.
As long as they do it legally by amending the Constitution instead of that commie faggot, Obama, who did it by executive orders, who cares.
Right-Wing Billionaires Have a Project to Rewrite Our Constitution, and They Are Shockingly Close to Pulling It Off

Imagine if the U.S. Constitution barred the EPA and Department of Education from existing. All union protections are dead, there are no more federal workplace safety standards, and even child-labor laws are struck down, along with a national minimum wage.

Imagine that the Constitution makes it illegal for the federal government to protect you from big polluters, big banks and even big food and pharma—all are free to rip you off or poison you all they want, and your only remedy is in state courts and legislatures, because the Constitution prevents Congress from doing anything about any of it. The federal government can't even enforce voting or civil rights laws.

To add injury to insult, the federal government has to shut down Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, because all of these programs (along with food stamps, housing supports and any programs that help the middle class, the less fortunate or disabled) are “beyond the reach” of what the federal government can do.

The Koch Brothers’ plan to rewrite the Constitution

Coburn: Let’s change Constitution

The Conservative Plan to Rewrite the Constitution, and Yes, It’s a Thing

I watched former Senator Coburn talk about this on TV just this morning. It's no joke. Republicans are deadly serious.

Kochs Bankroll Move to Rewrite the Constitution
Now "THAT'S " something I can fap to!
The point of this thread is that billionaires are funding the changing of the constitution. They will not allow an amendment that limits donations to politicians.

They may not have any choice in the near future. Especially if they attempt to force an Amendment through giving them the dirt of power you suggest.

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