Arlen Specter: Santorum Too Extreme To Represent America


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
By Igor Volsky

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter said he would not support his former colleague Rick Santorum in his bid for the presidency, claiming that Santorum’s view on gay people and women are too extreme to “represent America.” “When you have Senator Santorum’s views, so far to the right, with his attitude on women in the workplace and gays and the bestiality comments and birth control, I do not think it is realistic for Rick Santorum to represent America,” Specter explained Friday morning during an appearance on MSNBC’s The Daily Rundown.

Asked about the snub this morning on the Laura Ingraham radio show, Santorum claimed, ”I’m happy that Arlen Specter is opposing me, I think that shows how strong a conservative I am and I was able to go out and fight for the conservative cause and have victories for the conservative cause.”

Santorum had endorsed Specter in his 2004 re-election bid and Specter returned the favor and backed Santorum in 2006. The support has become a political liability for Santorum after Mitt Romney questioned why he supported Specter over his more conservative challenger and claimed that Specter provided the deciding vote for Obamacare.

Arlen Specter: Santorum Is Too Anti-Gay To Be President | ThinkProgress

[ame=]Arlen Specter on Santorum.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]
Specter is the pig lawyer that allowed Ira Einhorn to be free in France for decades.

Why is it that it doesn't surprise me Lakota that you would align yourself with such a swine of a human being?

For those that are young and don't remember, Ira Einhorn is the Unicorn Killer. Basically he killed Holly and then composted her in his apartment.

The biggie here is Ira started Earth Day.
Specter is the pig lawyer that allowed Ira Einhorn to be free in France for decades.

Why is it that it doesn't surprise me Lakota that you would align yourself with such a swine of a human being?

For those that are young and don't remember, Ira Einhorn is the Unicorn Killer. Basically he killed Holly and then composted her in his apartment.

The biggie here is Ira started Earth Day.

Why are you blaming Arlen Specter? This thread is about Arlen Specter's knowledge/opinion of Santorum's fitness for the Oval Office. I would guess that no one knows Santorum better politically than Specter.

Einhorn had a five-year relationship with Holly Maddux, a graduate of Bryn Mawr College who was originally from Tyler, Texas. In 1977, Maddux broke up with Einhorn. She went to New York City and became involved with Saul Lapidus. After learning about this turn of events, Einhorn called Maddux and told her to come back to Philadelphia to retrieve her belongings. She did so and was never seen again.

When questioned, Einhorn told police that Maddux had left to go to the store but never came back. Eighteen months later on March 28, 1979, the same date as the accident at Three Mile Island, Maddux's decomposing corpse was found by police in a trunk stored in a closet in Einhorn's apartment. After finding Maddux the police reportedly said to Einhorn "It looks like we found Holly" to which Einhorn reportedly replied "you found what you found". Einhorn's bail was reduced to $40,000 at the request of his attorney Arlen Specter; Einhorn was released from custody in advance of his trial by paying 10% of the bond's value, or $4,000. This bail was paid, not by Einhorn, but by Barbara Bronfman, a Montreal socialite and a member of the family that owned the Seagram liquor company at the time.

In 1981, just days before his murder trial was to begin, Einhorn skipped bail and fled to Europe. Einhorn traveled in Europe for the next 16 years, along the way marrying a Swedish woman named Annika Flodin. Back in Pennsylvania, as Einhorn had already been arraigned, the state convicted him in absentia in 1993 for the murder of Maddux. Einhorn was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Ira Einhorn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again, why are you blaming Arlen Specter? I do, however, find it strange that the judge reduced the bail - let alone allowing bail at all.
Ah memories...


Obama openly bribed Joe Sestak, this is an impeachable offense. When do the impeachment trials start?

The Post & Email » Maintenance Mode
Congressman Joe Sestak (D-PA) has stated on tape that he was offered a high-level post in Barack Obama’s administration to keep him from running against turncoat Senator Arlen Specter in the upcoming Pennsylvania primary election. It happened as Larry Kane interviewed Sestak for Comcast Network’s “Voice of Reason” program of Feb. 21.

Larry Kane says that after taping the interview with Sestak he called the White House press office, played the tape for them, and invited a response, which came the next day: “The White House strongly denies the Sestak claim.” The denial is not surprising, since bribing a federal official is a crime.

Here is Kane’s original account of Joe Sestak’s revelation:

During the taping of my Comcast Network “Voice of Reason” show, which airs Sunday night at 9:30, I asked Congressman Joe Sestak: “Is it true that you were offered a high-ranking job in the administration in a bid to get you to drop out of the primary against Arlen Specter?”

Sestak looked a little surprised. He said, “Yes.”

I asked him if the job was Navy Secretary. He said, “I can’t comment on that.” In the next few seconds, he admitted that it was a “high-up” job, that it came from the White House, and that he didn’t accept the offering.

Obama openly bribed Joe Sestak, this is an impeachable offense. When do the impeachment trials start? - Yahoo! Answers
Specter is the pig lawyer that allowed Ira Einhorn to be free in France for decades.

Why is it that it doesn't surprise me Lakota that you would align yourself with such a swine of a human being?

For those that are young and don't remember, Ira Einhorn is the Unicorn Killer. Basically he killed Holly and then composted her in his apartment.

The biggie here is Ira started Earth Day

Do some research....

Senator Gaylord Nelson Started Earth Day. Einhorn hosted the first event held in Philadelphia, and the was before he killed anyone. Do you know why he was known as the "unicorn killer"? Not because he was some kind of serial killer...but because his name is Einhorn...which translates to "one horn" in uni-corn. Don't get me wrong...I'm glad the prick is in prison and hope he dies here. but to try to connect Einhorn with Specter is absolute bullshit and the main reason you fuckers are a bunch of frauds.

Here's what happened with the extradition me Specter's name on any of that. I don't know which AM radio Pundit spoon fed you your information...but they fuckin' lied to you.


In 1997, Einhorn was tracked down and arrested in Champagne-Mouton, France, where he had been living under the name "Eugene Mallon." The extradition process, however, proved more complex than it was initially envisioned, and contrasted the different interpretations that France and the U.S. have of the concept of the "right to a fair trial". Under the extradition treaty between France and the United States, either country may refuse extradition if it finds that the defendant may not get a fair trial.

Einhorn's defense attorneys, including Dominique Tricaud and the Human Rights League (LDH), argued that Einhorn would face the death penalty if returned to the United States. France, like many countries which have abolished the death penalty, does not extradite defendants to jurisdictions which retain the death penalty without assurance that the death penalty will be neither sought nor applied. Pennsylvania authorities pointed out that at the date of the murder, Pennsylvania did not have the death penalty and therefore Einhorn could not be executed, due to provisions in the U.S. and Pennsylvania Constitutions regarding ex post facto law. However, a second issue soon arose: French law and the European Court of Human Rights require a new trial when the defendant was tried in absentia, hence was unable to present his defense. On this basis, the court of appeals of Bordeaux rejected the extradition request.

Following the court's decision, thirty-five members of the United States Congress sent a letter to President Jacques Chirac of France, asking for Einhorn's extradition. However, under France's doctrine of the separation of powers, which was invoked in this case, the President cannot give orders to courts and does not intervene in extradition affairs.

As a consequence of this refusal, in order to secure the extradition of Ira Einhorn, the Pennsylvania legislature passed in 1998 a bill (nicknamed the "Einhorn Law") allowing defendants convicted in absentia to request another trial. The bill was, however, criticized as being unconstitutional (as it was argued that the legislature cannot overrule a final judgment handed down by a court), and Einhorn's attorneys tried to use this to get French courts to deny the extradition again, on the grounds that the law would be inapplicable. However, the French court ruled itself "unable"[4] to evaluate the constitutionality of foreign laws. Another point of friction with the U.S. was that the court freed Ira Einhorn under police supervision — French laws put restrictions on remand (the imprisonment of suspects awaiting trial). Einhorn was then the focus of intense surveillance by the French police.

The matter then went before Prime Minister Lionel Jospin, since extraditions, after having been approved by courts, must be ordered by the executive. Meanwhile, Einhorn's supporters alleged that he had been unfairly treated by American criminal justice and that he would not receive a fair trial. The French Green Party, in particular, complained that Einhorn should not have been extradited until the issues concerning his case were fully settled.[5] In some respects, the debate took on a political character, with discussion going beyond the particular case of Einhorn and widening into criticism of American justice and its perceived unfairness for some categories of defendants; there were also concerns that the case against Einhorn was politically motivated. Because of the sensitive nature of the case, Jospin took some time to reach a decision, but eventually issued an extradition decree. Jospin was then criticized by some on the right wing of French politics as having caved in to political pressure from U.S. President Bill Clinton. Einhorn litigated against the decree before the Conseil d'État, which ruled against him; again, the Council declined to review the constitutionality of foreign law.[6] He then attempted to slit his throat[7], and eventually litigated his case before the European Court of Human Rights, which also ruled against him.

On July 20, 2001, Einhorn was extradited to the United States.
Specter is the pig lawyer that allowed Ira Einhorn to be free in France for decades.

Why is it that it doesn't surprise me Lakota that you would align yourself with such a swine of a human being?

For those that are young and don't remember, Ira Einhorn is the Unicorn Killer. Basically he killed Holly and then composted her in his apartment.

The biggie here is Ira started Earth Day.

Why are you blaming Arlen Specter? This thread is about Arlen Specter's knowledge/opinion of Santorum's fitness for the Oval Office. I would guess that no one knows Santorum better politically than Specter.

Einhorn had a five-year relationship with Holly Maddux, a graduate of Bryn Mawr College who was originally from Tyler, Texas. In 1977, Maddux broke up with Einhorn. She went to New York City and became involved with Saul Lapidus. After learning about this turn of events, Einhorn called Maddux and told her to come back to Philadelphia to retrieve her belongings. She did so and was never seen again.

When questioned, Einhorn told police that Maddux had left to go to the store but never came back. Eighteen months later on March 28, 1979, the same date as the accident at Three Mile Island, Maddux's decomposing corpse was found by police in a trunk stored in a closet in Einhorn's apartment. After finding Maddux the police reportedly said to Einhorn "It looks like we found Holly" to which Einhorn reportedly replied "you found what you found". Einhorn's bail was reduced to $40,000 at the request of his attorney Arlen Specter; Einhorn was released from custody in advance of his trial by paying 10% of the bond's value, or $4,000. This bail was paid, not by Einhorn, but by Barbara Bronfman, a Montreal socialite and a member of the family that owned the Seagram liquor company at the time.

In 1981, just days before his murder trial was to begin, Einhorn skipped bail and fled to Europe. Einhorn traveled in Europe for the next 16 years, along the way marrying a Swedish woman named Annika Flodin. Back in Pennsylvania, as Einhorn had already been arraigned, the state convicted him in absentia in 1993 for the murder of Maddux. Einhorn was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Ira Einhorn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again, why are you blaming Arlen Specter? I do, however, find it strange that the judge reduced the bail - let alone allowing bail at all.

I love murder. I know this case inside and out. Don't even dream to test me on this.

Arlen worked with the Bronfman family to secure Ira a spot in France.

You really should not align yourself with this pig Specter.
Ah memories...


Obama openly bribed Joe Sestak, this is an impeachable offense. When do the impeachment trials start?

The Post & Email » Maintenance Mode
Congressman Joe Sestak (D-PA) has stated on tape that he was offered a high-level post in Barack Obama’s administration to keep him from running against turncoat Senator Arlen Specter in the upcoming Pennsylvania primary election. It happened as Larry Kane interviewed Sestak for Comcast Network’s “Voice of Reason” program of Feb. 21.

Larry Kane says that after taping the interview with Sestak he called the White House press office, played the tape for them, and invited a response, which came the next day: “The White House strongly denies the Sestak claim.” The denial is not surprising, since bribing a federal official is a crime.

Here is Kane’s original account of Joe Sestak’s revelation:

During the taping of my Comcast Network “Voice of Reason” show, which airs Sunday night at 9:30, I asked Congressman Joe Sestak: “Is it true that you were offered a high-ranking job in the administration in a bid to get you to drop out of the primary against Arlen Specter?”

Sestak looked a little surprised. He said, “Yes.”

I asked him if the job was Navy Secretary. He said, “I can’t comment on that.” In the next few seconds, he admitted that it was a “high-up” job, that it came from the White House, and that he didn’t accept the offering.

Obama openly bribed Joe Sestak, this is an impeachable offense. When do the impeachment trials start? - Yahoo! Answers

How does this affect Arlen Specter?
By the way, he composted Holly. You see you're not getting the whole story.

The neighbors below Ira's apartment started complaining because all this yucky stuff was running down their walls.

Holly's body fluids.

That's how they found out about Holly being murdered and shoved in a trunk in his closet.
By the way, he composted Holly. You see you're not getting the whole story.

The neighbors below Ira's apartment started complaining because all this yucky stuff was running down their walls.

Holly's body fluids.

That's how they found out about Holly being murdered and shoved in a trunk in his closet.

Well, gee, how does Arlen Specter fit in?
Specter is the pig lawyer that allowed Ira Einhorn to be free in France for decades.

Why is it that it doesn't surprise me Lakota that you would align yourself with such a swine of a human being?

For those that are young and don't remember, Ira Einhorn is the Unicorn Killer. Basically he killed Holly and then composted her in his apartment.

The biggie here is Ira started Earth Day

Do some research....

Senator Gaylord Nelson Started Earth Day. Einhorn hosted the first event held in Philadelphia, and the was before he killed anyone. Do you know why he was known as the "unicorn killer"? Not because he was some kind of serial killer...but because his name is Einhorn...which translates to "one horn" in uni-corn. Don't get me wrong...I'm glad the prick is in prison and hope he dies here. but to try to connect Einhorn with Specter is absolute bullshit and the main reason you fuckers are a bunch of frauds.

Here's what happened with the extradition me Specter's name on any of that. I don't know which AM radio Pundit spoon fed you your information...but they fuckin' lied to you.


In 1997, Einhorn was tracked down and arrested in Champagne-Mouton, France, where he had been living under the name "Eugene Mallon." The extradition process, however, proved more complex than it was initially envisioned, and contrasted the different interpretations that France and the U.S. have of the concept of the "right to a fair trial". Under the extradition treaty between France and the United States, either country may refuse extradition if it finds that the defendant may not get a fair trial.

Einhorn's defense attorneys, including Dominique Tricaud and the Human Rights League (LDH), argued that Einhorn would face the death penalty if returned to the United States. France, like many countries which have abolished the death penalty, does not extradite defendants to jurisdictions which retain the death penalty without assurance that the death penalty will be neither sought nor applied. Pennsylvania authorities pointed out that at the date of the murder, Pennsylvania did not have the death penalty and therefore Einhorn could not be executed, due to provisions in the U.S. and Pennsylvania Constitutions regarding ex post facto law. However, a second issue soon arose: French law and the European Court of Human Rights require a new trial when the defendant was tried in absentia, hence was unable to present his defense. On this basis, the court of appeals of Bordeaux rejected the extradition request.

Following the court's decision, thirty-five members of the United States Congress sent a letter to President Jacques Chirac of France, asking for Einhorn's extradition. However, under France's doctrine of the separation of powers, which was invoked in this case, the President cannot give orders to courts and does not intervene in extradition affairs.

As a consequence of this refusal, in order to secure the extradition of Ira Einhorn, the Pennsylvania legislature passed in 1998 a bill (nicknamed the "Einhorn Law") allowing defendants convicted in absentia to request another trial. The bill was, however, criticized as being unconstitutional (as it was argued that the legislature cannot overrule a final judgment handed down by a court), and Einhorn's attorneys tried to use this to get French courts to deny the extradition again, on the grounds that the law would be inapplicable. However, the French court ruled itself "unable"[4] to evaluate the constitutionality of foreign laws. Another point of friction with the U.S. was that the court freed Ira Einhorn under police supervision — French laws put restrictions on remand (the imprisonment of suspects awaiting trial). Einhorn was then the focus of intense surveillance by the French police.

The matter then went before Prime Minister Lionel Jospin, since extraditions, after having been approved by courts, must be ordered by the executive. Meanwhile, Einhorn's supporters alleged that he had been unfairly treated by American criminal justice and that he would not receive a fair trial. The French Green Party, in particular, complained that Einhorn should not have been extradited until the issues concerning his case were fully settled.[5] In some respects, the debate took on a political character, with discussion going beyond the particular case of Einhorn and widening into criticism of American justice and its perceived unfairness for some categories of defendants; there were also concerns that the case against Einhorn was politically motivated. Because of the sensitive nature of the case, Jospin took some time to reach a decision, but eventually issued an extradition decree. Jospin was then criticized by some on the right wing of French politics as having caved in to political pressure from U.S. President Bill Clinton. Einhorn litigated against the decree before the Conseil d'État, which ruled against him; again, the Council declined to review the constitutionality of foreign law.[6] He then attempted to slit his throat[7], and eventually litigated his case before the European Court of Human Rights, which also ruled against him.

On July 20, 2001, Einhorn was extradited to the United States.

Bite me. Seriously bite me. I lived those days. Ira was a "god" to us. Earth Day made sense. Then we found out what he did to Holly.

And to say Arlen wasn't linked to Ira is the biggest piece of shit I have ever witnessed on the net.
As if the single bullet theory wasn't bad enough from that old fuck, defending and continuing to defend Ira was unreal.
Ah memories...


Obama openly bribed Joe Sestak, this is an impeachable offense. When do the impeachment trials start?

The Post & Email » Maintenance Mode
Congressman Joe Sestak (D-PA) has stated on tape that he was offered a high-level post in Barack Obama’s administration to keep him from running against turncoat Senator Arlen Specter in the upcoming Pennsylvania primary election. It happened as Larry Kane interviewed Sestak for Comcast Network’s “Voice of Reason” program of Feb. 21.

Larry Kane says that after taping the interview with Sestak he called the White House press office, played the tape for them, and invited a response, which came the next day: “The White House strongly denies the Sestak claim.” The denial is not surprising, since bribing a federal official is a crime.

Here is Kane’s original account of Joe Sestak’s revelation:

During the taping of my Comcast Network “Voice of Reason” show, which airs Sunday night at 9:30, I asked Congressman Joe Sestak: “Is it true that you were offered a high-ranking job in the administration in a bid to get you to drop out of the primary against Arlen Specter?”

Sestak looked a little surprised. He said, “Yes.”

I asked him if the job was Navy Secretary. He said, “I can’t comment on that.” In the next few seconds, he admitted that it was a “high-up” job, that it came from the White House, and that he didn’t accept the offering.

Obama openly bribed Joe Sestak, this is an impeachable offense. When do the impeachment trials start? - Yahoo! Answers

How does this affect Arlen Specter?

His opinion doesn't mean shit...:lol:..(and it appears bribery is just fine with You)

On April 28, 2009, Specter announced that, after 44 years as an elected Republican, he was switching membership to the Democratic Party,[3][4] On May 18, 2010, Specter was defeated in the Democratic primary by Joe Sestak. He was replaced by current Senator Pat Toomey on January 3, 2011.

Arlen Specter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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By the way, he composted Holly. You see you're not getting the whole story.

The neighbors below Ira's apartment started complaining because all this yucky stuff was running down their walls.

Holly's body fluids.

That's how they found out about Holly being murdered and shoved in a trunk in his closet.

Well, gee, how does Arlen Specter fit in?

Arlen was his lawyer who connected Ira with Barbara to escape to France.
I love this. Arlen Specter is saying Santorum isn't good enough. Dem turned Republican turned Dem again.

Oh pulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze let jimmeh come out and endorse Obama.

My life will be fulfilled.
Sounds like ole Arlen was A-Okay - while he was a Republican. Oh, the wrath of the right...
By the way, he composted Holly. You see you're not getting the whole story.

The neighbors below Ira's apartment started complaining because all this yucky stuff was running down their walls.

Holly's body fluids.

That's how they found out about Holly being murdered and shoved in a trunk in his closet.

Well, gee, how does Arlen Specter fit in?

Arlen was his lawyer who connected Ira with Barbara to escape to France.

Got any credible proof? Seem to me if there had been any proof, Arlen would have been prosecuted.

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