Article on how our leftist dominated educational system is undermining America.

No, it’s an article of rightwing lies and idiotic sophistry.
Sorry, no, it's spot on and undeniable... and you're a bald faced LIAR to deny it.

I don't believe there's a person in America today that doesn't know that schools are nothing more than LEFTIST INDOCTRINATION CENTERS.

You're probably a product of it.

Considering I taught in public schools in two states and for the Department of Defense, I find your accusation hysterical!

You're the problem and the reason our kids don't know SHIT when they get out of fake school. You people brainwashed them and literally have made them stupid.
"That's not a grammar dumbass!"? You can't type shit right, can you? And you want me to believe you're a teacher?

Go pound sand, bubble head.

Unlike you, I work for a living and just got off work. I'm tired and made a type. Thank your for pointing them out. I am typing while walking 4 dogs, feeding them and getting them ready for bed because my daughter is ill and needs my help. I am sorry that you cannot discuss the topic without deflecting. Please try harder.

BTW, I have two warfare qualifications, not just in submarines. Any idea how few naval officers can say that?
I worked my days and now I'm retired. I spent 8 years in the AF enlisted, worked Avionics on fighter jets, got out a TSgt, went to school and got my BA in Electrical Engineering, started my own business, sold it, then went back to school for fun for Harley Davidson, retired from HD as a Master Tech, and now have a hobby welding business. So I work my ass off, always have, always will, even though I'm a service connected disabled veteran.

THat's my roots as well.. Started in Biomedical Engineering which was a program thru the Electrical Engineering Dept.. Was all about straight up academics back in the 80s...
Oddly enough, all the Math, Trigonometry, Calculus, and Quadratics that we had in Electrical Engineering, I loved it. Got straight A's. But I found that to make real good money in that field you really need a Masters, and I wasn't into that. I made more money as a Master Harley Tech than I ever dreamed I'd make as an Electrical Engineer.

One of my favorite jokes about motorcycles is:

What is the difference between a vacuum cleaner and a Harley?

The dirtbag rides a Harley.
Pretty stupid joke. You into stupid jokes? Sounds like some faggot Navy joke.
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Considering my mother was a teacher, my aunt was a teacher, and I have two cousins that are college professors, and I have a BA in Electrical Engineering, I find your rebuttal a farce.

And check your grammar... TEACHER.

That's not grammar dumbass! It's a typo.

Maybe your family is the problem with liberal indoctrination and the rest of us know what the real truth is.

Those who make blanket statements about all schools being liberal indoctrination centers need to get their ass into a typical school and see that accusation is far from true.

Although the public schools where you taught are still bound by local parental control, the universities will SEPARATE the parents from the entire process right at "orientation".. Where parents are told to SCRAM and STFU and that they will not be allowed to even MONITOR their kids' progress without the kid's consent..

That LEADS to a thorough "unmonitored" baking of your kids mind and YOUR wallet.. And the campuses are now FACTORIES for forcing progressive left indoctrination and dogma...

Parents should not be involved with their kids in college simply because they are adults! Also, parents should not be paying for an education doused in liberalism anyway. If they really want to control the kid's college education, send them to good school and don't pay for a lousy liberal dominated school. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

The power of the purse is strong. I have never spent a dime for my three kid's college educations. They turned out just fine. All are good conservatives with a strong moral upbringing. They made it their own way, just like I did..
Now that I can agree with. But if the parents are paying for their kids college, then they certainly should be involved.

Then you need to change the law regarding the age where the student gains rights to their own education. Dems want 16 year-olds to vote for President. That's just insane.
Compulsory education needs to end. Nationalized education needs to end. Parents should have complete and total control over their kids' education, and re form the small community schools that were so successful until the retards of the left started consolidating schools and bussing children as if it was more important who they attend school with, rather than what they're being taught.
Unlike you, I work for a living and just got off work. I'm tired and made a type. Thank your for pointing them out. I am typing while walking 4 dogs, feeding them and getting them ready for bed because my daughter is ill and needs my help. I am sorry that you cannot discuss the topic without deflecting. Please try harder.

BTW, I have two warfare qualifications, not just in submarines. Any idea how few naval officers can say that?
I worked my days and now I'm retired. I spent 8 years in the AF enlisted, worked Avionics on fighter jets, got out a TSgt, went to school and got my BA in Electrical Engineering, started my own business, sold it, then went back to school for fun for Harley Davidson, retired from HD as a Master Tech, and now have a hobby welding business. So I work my ass off, always have, always will, even though I'm a service connected disabled veteran.

THat's my roots as well.. Started in Biomedical Engineering which was a program thru the Electrical Engineering Dept.. Was all about straight up academics back in the 80s...
Oddly enough, all the Math, Trigonometry, Calculus, and Quadratics that we had in Electrical Engineering, I loved it. Got straight A's. But I found that to make real good money in that field you really need a Masters, and I wasn't into that. I made more money as a Master Harley Tech than I ever dreamed I'd make as an Electrical Engineer.

One of my favorite jokes about motorcycles is:

What is the difference between a vacuum cleaner and a Harley?

The dirtbag rides a Harley.
Pretty stupid joke. You into stupid jokes?
Yes he's a pos, a fake educator, a leftist indoctrinator.....someone who deliberately targeted kids for his garbage ideology...while pretending to be *teaching* them.

A more despicable racket has never been perpetrated on a people as the myth of leftist *education*.
Parents should not be involved with their kids in college simply because they are adults! Also, parents should not be paying for an education doused in liberalism anyway. If they really want to control the kid's college education, send them to good school and don't pay for a lousy liberal dominated school. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

The power of the purse is strong. I have never spent a dime for my three kid's college educations. They turned out just fine. All are good conservatives with a strong moral upbringing. They made it their own way, just like I did..

I DID cruise through "good colleges" with my daughter. And at EACH, the parents are told to "stay out of it".. Seemed a might arrogant considering whose wallet was paying them... And you cannot TELL how much indoctrination they are getting if you CANNOT EVEN SEE A TRANSCRIPT of what they are being channeled into..

THIS -- is a large part of the problem.. Fortunately, I saved my daughter from being channeled into the more indoctrinated version of her specialty. She wants to be in neuroscience. And you can approach that thru either the Med school side or the "Psychology Dept"... She wanted to Medical research and go on to graduate work..

So having done some graduate work in conjunction with a great teaching hospital, I asked her to simply look around at the labs.. If all you see is cages of mice and no MRI, or pharma labs or statistics reqs or other ACTUAL TOOLS -- just run away.. She took my advice -- went the Med School and got a free ride and stipend for graduate work..

AND she went to the "fairly conservative" Univ of Tenn instead of some other choices. Now in Grad school at one of the best neuro-science schools in the nation.. HOPEFULLY beyond most of the "socio-political" programming. But NOT completely...

When the universities claim your child at ORIENTATION, that should be a warning sign.. I understand they are adults, but it's your investment. And it should be a contract based on visibility and trust. Most parents don't truly care about indoctrination. THey care about prestige and ratings and getting their kids into hoc for their own egos..
Considering I taught in public schools in two states and for the Department of Defense, I find you accusation hysterical!
Considering my mother was a teacher, my aunt was a teacher, and I have two cousins that are college professors, and I have a BA in Electrical Engineering, I find your rebuttal a farce.

And check your grammar... TEACHER.

That's not grammar dumbass! It's a typo.

Maybe your family is the problem with liberal indoctrination and the rest of us know what the real truth is.

Those who make blanket statements about all schools being liberal indoctrination centers need to get their ass into a typical school and see that accusation is far from true.
Dude. Normally, I would take your word for it, but SHIT!!!

I went to the most conservative public university on the motherfucking planet, and I had to write like a goose-stepping commie buttfucker to get As. The more COMMIE I made my exams and essays, the better my grades. So, FUCK YOU!!! Don't piss on me and tell me it's raining.

Academia is a FUCKING CESSPOOL of slimy little communist shit twinkle-toed cocksuckers.

Considering I taught in public schools in two states and for the Department of Defense, I find you accusation hysterical!
Considering my mother was a teacher, my aunt was a teacher, and I have two cousins that are college professors, and I have a BA in Electrical Engineering, I find your rebuttal a farce.

And check your grammar... TEACHER.

That's not grammar dumbass! It's a typo.

Maybe your family is the problem with liberal indoctrination and the rest of us know what the real truth is.

Those who make blanket statements about all schools being liberal indoctrination centers need to get their ass into a typical school and see that accusation is far from true.
Dude. Normally, I would take your word for it, but SHIT!!!

I went to the most conservative public university on the motherfucking planet, and I had to write like a goose-stepping commie buttfucker to get As. The more COMMIE I made my exams and essays, the better my grades. So, FUCK YOU!!! Don't piss on me and tell me it's raining.

Academia is a FUCKING CESSPOOL of slimy little communist shit twinkle-toed cocksuckers.

and he is one of them.
That's not grammar dumbass! It's a typo.

Maybe your family is the problem with liberal indoctrination and the rest of us know what the real truth is.

Those who make blanket statements about all schools being liberal indoctrination centers need to get their ass into a typical school and see that accusation is far from true.

Although the public schools where you taught are still bound by local parental control, the universities will SEPARATE the parents from the entire process right at "orientation".. Where parents are told to SCRAM and STFU and that they will not be allowed to even MONITOR their kids' progress without the kid's consent..

That LEADS to a thorough "unmonitored" baking of your kids mind and YOUR wallet.. And the campuses are now FACTORIES for forcing progressive left indoctrination and dogma...

Parents should not be involved with their kids in college simply because they are adults! Also, parents should not be paying for an education doused in liberalism anyway. If they really want to control the kid's college education, send them to good school and don't pay for a lousy liberal dominated school. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

The power of the purse is strong. I have never spent a dime for my three kid's college educations. They turned out just fine. All are good conservatives with a strong moral upbringing. They made it their own way, just like I did..
Now that I can agree with. But if the parents are paying for their kids college, then they certainly should be involved.

Then you need to change the law regarding the age where the student gains rights to their own education. Dems want 16 year-olds to vote for President. That's just insane.
Isn't it up to the states when I kid can quit school? I remember some kids quitting school when they were 16. Course I'm 63 years old, I can't say what the law is today, or if it's state or federally mandated, I have no idea.

A 16 year old voting, that's absolutely absurd. In fact, the voting age should be raised to 21 if they're going to change it.

I'd settle for a H.S. diploma as a req to vote.. Kids who drop out are gonna be left in the dust in the 21st century.. And they are not gonna be part of "any solution" politically... So if they haven't dropped out at 17 and are on course to complete -- I have NO PROBLEM with them registering early..

Part of a "social contract" so that folks WANT to invest in your "pursuit of happiness" and welfare needs.
Although the public schools where you taught are still bound by local parental control, the universities will SEPARATE the parents from the entire process right at "orientation".. Where parents are told to SCRAM and STFU and that they will not be allowed to even MONITOR their kids' progress without the kid's consent..

That LEADS to a thorough "unmonitored" baking of your kids mind and YOUR wallet.. And the campuses are now FACTORIES for forcing progressive left indoctrination and dogma...

Parents should not be involved with their kids in college simply because they are adults! Also, parents should not be paying for an education doused in liberalism anyway. If they really want to control the kid's college education, send them to good school and don't pay for a lousy liberal dominated school. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

The power of the purse is strong. I have never spent a dime for my three kid's college educations. They turned out just fine. All are good conservatives with a strong moral upbringing. They made it their own way, just like I did..
Now that I can agree with. But if the parents are paying for their kids college, then they certainly should be involved.

Then you need to change the law regarding the age where the student gains rights to their own education. Dems want 16 year-olds to vote for President. That's just insane.
Isn't it up to the states when I kid can quit school? I remember some kids quitting school when they were 16. Course I'm 63 years old, I can't say what the law is today, or if it's state or federally mandated, I have no idea.

A 16 year old voting, that's absolutely absurd. In fact, the voting age should be raised to 21 if they're going to change it.

I'd settle for a H.S. diploma as a req to vote.. Kids who drop out are gonna be left in the dust in the 21st century.. And they are not gonna be part of "any solution" politically... So if they haven't dropped out at 17 and are on course to complete -- I have NO PROBLEM with them registering early..

Part of a "social contract" so that folks WANT to invest in your "pursuit of happiness" and welfare needs.
I'd settle for illegal aliens not voting, but that seems to be intent of the democrats, just let ANYONE vote. They see their chances of winning elections slipping, so they're pulling out all the stops, and why do you think they want to make college free? Well that's not hard to figure out, that's where they indoctrinate their new bubble heads.
This is how students at college campuses conduct themselves when faced with ideas they don't like.

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Parents should not be involved with their kids in college simply because they are adults! Also, parents should not be paying for an education doused in liberalism anyway. If they really want to control the kid's college education, send them to good school and don't pay for a lousy liberal dominated school. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

The power of the purse is strong. I have never spent a dime for my three kid's college educations. They turned out just fine. All are good conservatives with a strong moral upbringing. They made it their own way, just like I did..
Now that I can agree with. But if the parents are paying for their kids college, then they certainly should be involved.

Then you need to change the law regarding the age where the student gains rights to their own education. Dems want 16 year-olds to vote for President. That's just insane.
Isn't it up to the states when I kid can quit school? I remember some kids quitting school when they were 16. Course I'm 63 years old, I can't say what the law is today, or if it's state or federally mandated, I have no idea.

A 16 year old voting, that's absolutely absurd. In fact, the voting age should be raised to 21 if they're going to change it.

I'd settle for a H.S. diploma as a req to vote.. Kids who drop out are gonna be left in the dust in the 21st century.. And they are not gonna be part of "any solution" politically... So if they haven't dropped out at 17 and are on course to complete -- I have NO PROBLEM with them registering early..

Part of a "social contract" so that folks WANT to invest in your "pursuit of happiness" and welfare needs.
I'd settle for illegal aliens not voting, but that seems to be intent of the democrats, just let ANYONE vote. They see their chances of winning elections slipping, so they're pulling out all the stops, and why do you think they want to make college free? Well that's not hard to figure out, that's where they indoctrinate their new bubble heads.

Just the details of FAIRLY offering free college makes my head spin.. Like WHICH colleges? Which STUDENTS?

It would end up like Japan and other countries.. Where the kids are channeled from the time they learn to line-up for lunch and which end of crayon to use.. These systems (germany I think also) DETERMINES a "track" for each student by our grade 8 or 9... And they are STUCK with that.. SOME go vocational, some get Jr College, some get less prestigious schools and only the ones that SHOULD BE in college will get the best anyways..

But ITS FREE.. Even tho you lack any FREEDOM of choice or recognition of achievement. :rolleyes:

Until they TAKE OVER the universities and equalize all that under the tenets of "social justice"...
Now that I can agree with. But if the parents are paying for their kids college, then they certainly should be involved.

Then you need to change the law regarding the age where the student gains rights to their own education. Dems want 16 year-olds to vote for President. That's just insane.
Isn't it up to the states when I kid can quit school? I remember some kids quitting school when they were 16. Course I'm 63 years old, I can't say what the law is today, or if it's state or federally mandated, I have no idea.

A 16 year old voting, that's absolutely absurd. In fact, the voting age should be raised to 21 if they're going to change it.

I'd settle for a H.S. diploma as a req to vote.. Kids who drop out are gonna be left in the dust in the 21st century.. And they are not gonna be part of "any solution" politically... So if they haven't dropped out at 17 and are on course to complete -- I have NO PROBLEM with them registering early..

Part of a "social contract" so that folks WANT to invest in your "pursuit of happiness" and welfare needs.
I'd settle for illegal aliens not voting, but that seems to be intent of the democrats, just let ANYONE vote. They see their chances of winning elections slipping, so they're pulling out all the stops, and why do you think they want to make college free? Well that's not hard to figure out, that's where they indoctrinate their new bubble heads.

Just the details of FAIRLY offering free college makes my head spin.. Like WHICH colleges? Which STUDENTS?

It would end up like Japan and other countries.. Where the kids are channeled from the time they learn to line-up for lunch and which end of crayon to use.. These systems (germany I think also) DETERMINES a "track" for each student by our grade 8 or 9... And they are STUCK with that.. SOME go vocational, some get Jr College, some get less prestigious schools and only the ones that SHOULD BE in college will get the best anyways..

But ITS FREE.. Even tho you lack any FREEDOM of choice or recognition of achievement. :rolleyes:

Until they TAKE OVER the universities and equalize all that under the tenets of "social justice"...
The nation is lost if we ever get to that point. Makes me wonder, what in the HELL is Betsy DeVos doing? Doesn't she have ANY influence over the schools? I thought she was the Secretary of Ed. She appears to be MIA.
Parents should not be involved with their kids in college simply because they are adults! Also, parents should not be paying for an education doused in liberalism anyway. If they really want to control the kid's college education, send them to good school and don't pay for a lousy liberal dominated school. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

The power of the purse is strong. I have never spent a dime for my three kid's college educations. They turned out just fine. All are good conservatives with a strong moral upbringing. They made it their own way, just like I did..
Now that I can agree with. But if the parents are paying for their kids college, then they certainly should be involved.

Then you need to change the law regarding the age where the student gains rights to their own education. Dems want 16 year-olds to vote for President. That's just insane.
Isn't it up to the states when I kid can quit school? I remember some kids quitting school when they were 16. Course I'm 63 years old, I can't say what the law is today, or if it's state or federally mandated, I have no idea.

A 16 year old voting, that's absolutely absurd. In fact, the voting age should be raised to 21 if they're going to change it.

I'd settle for a H.S. diploma as a req to vote.. Kids who drop out are gonna be left in the dust in the 21st century.. And they are not gonna be part of "any solution" politically... So if they haven't dropped out at 17 and are on course to complete -- I have NO PROBLEM with them registering early..

Part of a "social contract" so that folks WANT to invest in your "pursuit of happiness" and welfare needs.
I'd settle for illegal aliens not voting, but that seems to be intent of the democrats, just let ANYONE vote. They see their chances of winning elections slipping, so they're pulling out all the stops, and why do you think they want to make college free? Well that's not hard to figure out, that's where they indoctrinate their new bubble heads.

Exactly, the slackers that used to drop out of High School now graduate from our dumbed down schools and go to college. There they study leftist political indoctrination at taxpayer expense and become mis-educated malcontents.
From PGR88, reader comment at Zero Hedge
" Academia is where totally useless, parasite ideologues and idiots go to hide from reality."
From PGR88, reader comment at Zero Hedge
" Academia is where totally useless, parasite ideologues and idiots go to hide from reality."

Only certain segments of academia provide that haven. Math and actual science creates real world progress. Social Science looks good in theory, except in practice has produced far more ideologues than constructive practitioners.
No, it’s an article of rightwing lies and idiotic sophistry.
In other words, it's truth. Left wing professors are traitors to this country and the human race. They are leading the naive and gullible down the chute to the abattoir. However, the process is irreversible. The brainwashing has already become too pervasive. 1984 is here.
That's not grammar dumbass! It's a typo.

Maybe your family is the problem with liberal indoctrination and the rest of us know what the real truth is.

Those who make blanket statements about all schools being liberal indoctrination centers need to get their ass into a typical school and see that accusation is far from true.

Although the public schools where you taught are still bound by local parental control, the universities will SEPARATE the parents from the entire process right at "orientation".. Where parents are told to SCRAM and STFU and that they will not be allowed to even MONITOR their kids' progress without the kid's consent..

That LEADS to a thorough "unmonitored" baking of your kids mind and YOUR wallet.. And the campuses are now FACTORIES for forcing progressive left indoctrination and dogma...

Parents should not be involved with their kids in college simply because they are adults! Also, parents should not be paying for an education doused in liberalism anyway. If they really want to control the kid's college education, send them to good school and don't pay for a lousy liberal dominated school. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

The power of the purse is strong. I have never spent a dime for my three kid's college educations. They turned out just fine. All are good conservatives with a strong moral upbringing. They made it their own way, just like I did..
Now that I can agree with. But if the parents are paying for their kids college, then they certainly should be involved.

Then you need to change the law regarding the age where the student gains rights to their own education. Dems want 16 year-olds to vote for President. That's just insane.
Compulsory education needs to end. Nationalized education needs to end. Parents should have complete and total control over their kids' education, and re form the small community schools that were so successful until the retards of the left started consolidating schools and bussing children as if it was more important who they attend school with, rather than what they're being taught.
Government education needs to end. All these problems can be traced directly to government control.

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