Article on how our leftist dominated educational system is undermining America.

Liberals control every aspect of higher education. It’s tenure and government funds that do it. And it’s part off the system used by elites to maintain control. As atheists they use universities as their cathedrals.

Another education basher heard from!

The greatest control of education is at the state and local level. I taught in Florida for many years where a Republican legislature should have been public enemy number one for the way they treated education. It has not improved.

Tell me...what control does the Connecticut legislature have over Yale’s curriculum ? Ever heard of tenure?

We were talking about public education. Yale is not "public". Try reading the thread before popping off!
I think that the second any school accepts federal (or state) $$$ it becomes *public*. Or should.
Yale can remain private if they like. They just need to give up the public funding. Until they do, no matter what they call themselves, they are *public*. At least, they are publicly funded.
The 20 universities getting the most money from the federal government
"The federal government transferred $480.2 million in grant and contract money to Yale University in 2015, a larger sum than all but a handful of universities. While $3.0 million of the federal government’s obligations to Yale were in the form of Pell Grants to undergraduates, the remaining $477.1 million were grants and contracts for research and development."

Liberals control every aspect of higher education. It’s tenure and government funds that do it. And it’s part off the system used by elites to maintain control. As atheists they use universities as their cathedrals.

Another education basher heard from!

The greatest control of education is at the state and local level. I taught in Florida for many years where a Republican legislature should have been public enemy number one for the way they treated education. It has not improved.

Tell me...what control does the Connecticut legislature have over Yale’s curriculum ? Ever heard of tenure?

We were talking about public education. Yale is not "public". Try reading the thread before popping off!

No we were talking about higher education. But yes the problem extends to public education.

Try reading it again. You are throwing two threads together.
Liberals control every aspect of higher education. It’s tenure and government funds that do it. And it’s part off the system used by elites to maintain control. As atheists they use universities as their cathedrals.

Another education basher heard from!

The greatest control of education is at the state and local level. I taught in Florida for many years where a Republican legislature should have been public enemy number one for the way they treated education. It has not improved.

Tell me...what control does the Connecticut legislature have over Yale’s curriculum ? Ever heard of tenure?

We were talking about public education. Yale is not "public". Try reading the thread before popping off!
I think that the second any school accepts federal (or state) $$$ it becomes *public*. Or should.
Yale can remain private if they like. They just need to give up the public funding. Until they do, no matter what they call themselves, they are *public*. At least, they are publicly funded.
The 20 universities getting the most money from the federal government
"The federal government transferred $480.2 million in grant and contract money to Yale University in 2015, a larger sum than all but a handful of universities. While $3.0 million of the federal government’s obligations to Yale were in the form of Pell Grants to undergraduates, the remaining $477.1 million were grants and contracts for research and development."
At least when you give money to universities and colleges you get something for it. Republicans shuffle money to billionaires and don’t expect anything at all.
Liberals control every aspect of higher education. It’s tenure and government funds that do it. And it’s part off the system used by elites to maintain control. As atheists they use universities as their cathedrals.

Another education basher heard from!

The greatest control of education is at the state and local level. I taught in Florida for many years where a Republican legislature should have been public enemy number one for the way they treated education. It has not improved.

Tell me...what control does the Connecticut legislature have over Yale’s curriculum ? Ever heard of tenure?

We were talking about public education. Yale is not "public". Try reading the thread before popping off!
I think that the second any school accepts federal (or state) $$$ it becomes *public*. Or should.
Yale can remain private if they like. They just need to give up the public funding. Until they do, no matter what they call themselves, they are *public*. At least, they are publicly funded.
The 20 universities getting the most money from the federal government
"The federal government transferred $480.2 million in grant and contract money to Yale University in 2015, a larger sum than all but a handful of universities. While $3.0 million of the federal government’s obligations to Yale were in the form of Pell Grants to undergraduates, the remaining $477.1 million were grants and contracts for research and development."
At least when you give money to universities and colleges you get something for it. Republicans shuffle money to billionaires and don’t expect anything at all.

By “when you give” you mean “seize it from the people who earned it and hand it out like its yours in exchange for political support?”
Liberals control every aspect of higher education. It’s tenure and government funds that do it. And it’s part off the system used by elites to maintain control. As atheists they use universities as their cathedrals.

Another education basher heard from!

The greatest control of education is at the state and local level. I taught in Florida for many years where a Republican legislature should have been public enemy number one for the way they treated education. It has not improved.

Tell me...what control does the Connecticut legislature have over Yale’s curriculum ? Ever heard of tenure?

We were talking about public education. Yale is not "public". Try reading the thread before popping off!
I think that the second any school accepts federal (or state) $$$ it becomes *public*. Or should.
Yale can remain private if they like. They just need to give up the public funding. Until they do, no matter what they call themselves, they are *public*. At least, they are publicly funded.
The 20 universities getting the most money from the federal government
"The federal government transferred $480.2 million in grant and contract money to Yale University in 2015, a larger sum than all but a handful of universities. While $3.0 million of the federal government’s obligations to Yale were in the form of Pell Grants to undergraduates, the remaining $477.1 million were grants and contracts for research and development."
At least when you give money to universities and colleges you get something for it. Republicans shuffle money to billionaires and don’t expect anything at all.

So you approve of people with money paying money for degrees they didn't earn?

Of course you did. You'd love it if someone would do that for you, because you're a lazy ignoramus who has never earned anything in his entire, worthless, parasitic life.
Liberals control every aspect of higher education. It’s tenure and government funds that do it. And it’s part off the system used by elites to maintain control. As atheists they use universities as their cathedrals.

Another education basher heard from!

The greatest control of education is at the state and local level. I taught in Florida for many years where a Republican legislature should have been public enemy number one for the way they treated education. It has not improved.

Tell me...what control does the Connecticut legislature have over Yale’s curriculum ? Ever heard of tenure?

We were talking about public education. Yale is not "public". Try reading the thread before popping off!
I think that the second any school accepts federal (or state) $$$ it becomes *public*. Or should.
Yale can remain private if they like. They just need to give up the public funding. Until they do, no matter what they call themselves, they are *public*. At least, they are publicly funded.
The 20 universities getting the most money from the federal government
"The federal government transferred $480.2 million in grant and contract money to Yale University in 2015, a larger sum than all but a handful of universities. While $3.0 million of the federal government’s obligations to Yale were in the form of Pell Grants to undergraduates, the remaining $477.1 million were grants and contracts for research and development."
At least when you give money to universities and colleges you get something for it. Republicans shuffle money to billionaires and don’t expect anything at all.
What we get is a concerted attack on our society that will lead to this country swirling down the drain just like Venezuela.
Remember the devil does not change tactics. Kingdom divided against itself doesn't stand.

The same tactics used over and over again. Using the good intentions of the naive and gullible.

Same tactics used by the bolsheviks, the brown shirts, the red guard, khmer rouge and castro henchmen.

Now we the same totalitarian tactics and the misery it brings in Venezuela.

We see story after story after story from those that have lived and escaped these regimes and instead we all listen to the idealistic myths from those who have never lived in it. As they all benefit from the amenities that a free market brings and the opportunities the free market has given to those willing to work in the peasant class. Instead of being grateful for their lifestyles that so many from around the world are desperate to get to, they open up their fucking spoiled arrogant buttcheeks and shit all over it.

All promising to leave this tyranny, but never do.

That is what we are living through. We have seen it through history and history tells us we will passively allow it to happen.

The time for debate is over. They have drawn first blood and their antifa group and blm group have declared a physical war.

What now? Talk?
Remember the devil does not change tactics. Kingdom divided against itself doesn't stand.

The same tactics used over and over again. Using the good intentions of the naive and gullible.

Same tactics used by the bolsheviks, the brown shirts, the red guard, khmer rouge and castro henchmen.

Now we the same totalitarian tactics and the misery it brings in Venezuela.

We see story after story after story from those that have lived and escaped these regimes and instead we all listen to the idealistic myths from those who have never lived in it. As they all benefit from the amenities that a free market brings and the opportunities the free market has given to those willing to work in the peasant class. Instead of being grateful for their lifestyles that so many from around the world are desperate to get to, they open up their fucking spoiled arrogant buttcheeks and shit all over it.

All promising to leave this tyranny, but never do.

That is what we are living through. We have seen it through history and history tells us we will passively allow it to happen.

The time for debate is over. They have drawn first blood and their antifa group and blm group have declared a physical war.

What now? Talk?
Yeah "never again" doesn't work when they call history and truth "hate speech".

We're in it, there will ultimately be war. We'll either be slaughtered in our beds, or we'll rise up and deal with them.
Remember the devil does not change tactics. Kingdom divided against itself doesn't stand.

The same tactics used over and over again. Using the good intentions of the naive and gullible.

Same tactics used by the bolsheviks, the brown shirts, the red guard, khmer rouge and castro henchmen.

Now we the same totalitarian tactics and the misery it brings in Venezuela.

We see story after story after story from those that have lived and escaped these regimes and instead we all listen to the idealistic myths from those who have never lived in it. As they all benefit from the amenities that a free market brings and the opportunities the free market has given to those willing to work in the peasant class. Instead of being grateful for their lifestyles that so many from around the world are desperate to get to, they open up their fucking spoiled arrogant buttcheeks and shit all over it.

All promising to leave this tyranny, but never do.

That is what we are living through. We have seen it through history and history tells us we will passively allow it to happen.

The time for debate is over. They have drawn first blood and their antifa group and blm group have declared a physical war.

What now? Talk?
Yeah "never again" doesn't work when they call history and truth "hate speech".

We're in it, there will ultimately be war. We'll either be slaughtered in our beds, or we'll rise up and deal with them.
History says we will be slaughtered and since the tribulations must happen, well.

We should be able to read the writing on the wall.

Good news for those that giggle today. They will be crying tomorrow.

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