Article on how our leftist dominated educational system is undermining America.

One can throw a hissy fit about all this but until one quits his or her job and becomes a professor and fixes the problem, one has not much to say. Get in there and teach. I had 3 kids go to do called "indoctrination centers". They all respect America and with their degrees ate doing very well. A ton better than without.

Can we criticize police brutality if we're not willing to change careers in middle age and go to police academy? Can people criticize President Trump if they're not willing to run for President themselves? Can we criticize Catholic Priests for molesting altar boys if we're not willing to take a vow of chastity and enter the ministry?

"One can throw a hissy fit about what Catholic priests are doing to altar boys but until one quits his or her job and becomes a priest and fixes the problem, one has not much to say. Get in there and preach. I had 3 sons that were altar boys and they didn't get molested as far as I know. They all respect America and with their religious upbringing are doing very well. A ton better than without."
One can throw a hissy fit about all this but until one quits his or her job and becomes a professor and fixes the problem, one has not much to say.
One would, but one must pass the commie litmus test of Academia. One cannot pass said litmus test. And one who had to pay for such an education sure the fuck DOES have a say.

Parents should not be involved with their kids in college simply because they are adults! Also, parents should not be paying for an education doused in liberalism anyway. If they really want to control the kid's college education, send them to good school and don't pay for a lousy liberal dominated school. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

The power of the purse is strong. I have never spent a dime for my three kid's college educations. They turned out just fine. All are good conservatives with a strong moral upbringing. They made it their own way, just like I did..
Now that I can agree with. But if the parents are paying for their kids college, then they certainly should be involved.

Then you need to change the law regarding the age where the student gains rights to their own education. Dems want 16 year-olds to vote for President. That's just insane.
Compulsory education needs to end. Nationalized education needs to end. Parents should have complete and total control over their kids' education, and re form the small community schools that were so successful until the retards of the left started consolidating schools and bussing children as if it was more important who they attend school with, rather than what they're being taught.
Government education needs to end. All these problems can be traced directly to government control.

Bullshit. All of the problems can be traced directly to parents who abdicated their responsibilities. You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit.
Blaming the parents is a classic tactic of incompetent public school systems.
Bullshit. All of the problems can be traced directly to parents who abdicated their responsibilities. You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit.
On this point, I would agree, but that is the same problem parents would have either way, regardless of whether the school were government-funded or private.

At least with private, the parents are forced to pay for it, and will likely demand their money's worth out of the school and child.


Now that I can agree with. But if the parents are paying for their kids college, then they certainly should be involved.

Then you need to change the law regarding the age where the student gains rights to their own education. Dems want 16 year-olds to vote for President. That's just insane.
Compulsory education needs to end. Nationalized education needs to end. Parents should have complete and total control over their kids' education, and re form the small community schools that were so successful until the retards of the left started consolidating schools and bussing children as if it was more important who they attend school with, rather than what they're being taught.
Government education needs to end. All these problems can be traced directly to government control.

Bullshit. All of the problems can be traced directly to parents who abdicated their responsibilities. You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit.
Blaming the parents is a classic tactic of incompetent public school systems.
Yes they've been doing it for decades. And now that they've fucked everybody's families up, they're claiming it's the fault of the parents that children are confused, stupid, and mentally ill. There's a reason crazy kids shoot up schools..they despise those places. They're forced to go there, and their poor crazy asses have to deal with the even crazier administrators and teachers..and well, look where it gets us. All that stupidity is school sanctioned. All the retardation that leads to schools having "no firearm" policies, and that maintains that crazy kids MUST be allowed to attend class with everybody else no matter HOW crazy they are...that's all leftist educator approved. Our kids' mistaken understanding that their feelings dictate reality..that comes from the schools. Who then whine when they can't get the kids to pay attention or show them respect.

I love when chickens come home to roost.
Now that I can agree with. But if the parents are paying for their kids college, then they certainly should be involved.

Then you need to change the law regarding the age where the student gains rights to their own education. Dems want 16 year-olds to vote for President. That's just insane.
Compulsory education needs to end. Nationalized education needs to end. Parents should have complete and total control over their kids' education, and re form the small community schools that were so successful until the retards of the left started consolidating schools and bussing children as if it was more important who they attend school with, rather than what they're being taught.
Government education needs to end. All these problems can be traced directly to government control.

Bullshit. All of the problems can be traced directly to parents who abdicated their responsibilities. You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit.
Blaming the parents is a classic tactic of incompetent public school systems.
And incompetent educators.
Bullshit. All of the problems can be traced directly to parents who abdicated their responsibilities. You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit.
On this point, I would agree, but that is the same problem parents would have either way, regardless of whether the school were government-funded or private.

At least with private, the parents are forced to pay for it, and will likely demand their money's worth out of the school and child.


Blaming it on the parents is what those responsible do.
Then you need to change the law regarding the age where the student gains rights to their own education. Dems want 16 year-olds to vote for President. That's just insane.
Compulsory education needs to end. Nationalized education needs to end. Parents should have complete and total control over their kids' education, and re form the small community schools that were so successful until the retards of the left started consolidating schools and bussing children as if it was more important who they attend school with, rather than what they're being taught.
Government education needs to end. All these problems can be traced directly to government control.

Bullshit. All of the problems can be traced directly to parents who abdicated their responsibilities. You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit.
Blaming the parents is a classic tactic of incompetent public school systems.
And incompetent educators.
they find a comfortable home in government schools.
Then you need to change the law regarding the age where the student gains rights to their own education. Dems want 16 year-olds to vote for President. That's just insane.
Compulsory education needs to end. Nationalized education needs to end. Parents should have complete and total control over their kids' education, and re form the small community schools that were so successful until the retards of the left started consolidating schools and bussing children as if it was more important who they attend school with, rather than what they're being taught.
Government education needs to end. All these problems can be traced directly to government control.

Bullshit. All of the problems can be traced directly to parents who abdicated their responsibilities. You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit.
Blaming the parents is a classic tactic of incompetent public school systems.
Yes they've been doing it for decades. And now that they've fucked everybody's families up, they're claiming it's the fault of the parents that children are confused, stupid, and mentally ill. There's a reason crazy kids shoot up schools..they despise those places. They're forced to go there, and their poor crazy asses have to deal with the even crazier administrators and teachers..and well, look where it gets us. All that stupidity is school sanctioned. All the retardation that leads to schools having "no firearm" policies, and that maintains that crazy kids MUST be allowed to attend class with everybody else no matter HOW crazy they are...that's all leftist educator approved. Our kids' mistaken understanding that their feelings dictate reality..that comes from the schools. Who then whine when they can't get the kids to pay attention or show them respect.

I love when chickens come home to roost.
You wouldn't love it if it were your kids being put through the meat grinder.
Compulsory education needs to end. Nationalized education needs to end. Parents should have complete and total control over their kids' education, and re form the small community schools that were so successful until the retards of the left started consolidating schools and bussing children as if it was more important who they attend school with, rather than what they're being taught.
Government education needs to end. All these problems can be traced directly to government control.

Bullshit. All of the problems can be traced directly to parents who abdicated their responsibilities. You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit.
Blaming the parents is a classic tactic of incompetent public school systems.
Yes they've been doing it for decades. And now that they've fucked everybody's families up, they're claiming it's the fault of the parents that children are confused, stupid, and mentally ill. There's a reason crazy kids shoot up schools..they despise those places. They're forced to go there, and their poor crazy asses have to deal with the even crazier administrators and teachers..and well, look where it gets us. All that stupidity is school sanctioned. All the retardation that leads to schools having "no firearm" policies, and that maintains that crazy kids MUST be allowed to attend class with everybody else no matter HOW crazy they are...that's all leftist educator approved. Our kids' mistaken understanding that their feelings dictate reality..that comes from the schools. Who then whine when they can't get the kids to pay attention or show them respect.

I love when chickens come home to roost.
You wouldn't love it if it were your kids being put through the meat grinder.
My kids are.
Government education needs to end. All these problems can be traced directly to government control.

Bullshit. All of the problems can be traced directly to parents who abdicated their responsibilities. You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit.
Blaming the parents is a classic tactic of incompetent public school systems.
Yes they've been doing it for decades. And now that they've fucked everybody's families up, they're claiming it's the fault of the parents that children are confused, stupid, and mentally ill. There's a reason crazy kids shoot up schools..they despise those places. They're forced to go there, and their poor crazy asses have to deal with the even crazier administrators and teachers..and well, look where it gets us. All that stupidity is school sanctioned. All the retardation that leads to schools having "no firearm" policies, and that maintains that crazy kids MUST be allowed to attend class with everybody else no matter HOW crazy they are...that's all leftist educator approved. Our kids' mistaken understanding that their feelings dictate reality..that comes from the schools. Who then whine when they can't get the kids to pay attention or show them respect.

I love when chickens come home to roost.
You wouldn't love it if it were your kids being put through the meat grinder.
My kids are.
I recommend home schooling.
Bullshit. All of the problems can be traced directly to parents who abdicated their responsibilities. You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit.
Blaming the parents is a classic tactic of incompetent public school systems.
Yes they've been doing it for decades. And now that they've fucked everybody's families up, they're claiming it's the fault of the parents that children are confused, stupid, and mentally ill. There's a reason crazy kids shoot up schools..they despise those places. They're forced to go there, and their poor crazy asses have to deal with the even crazier administrators and teachers..and well, look where it gets us. All that stupidity is school sanctioned. All the retardation that leads to schools having "no firearm" policies, and that maintains that crazy kids MUST be allowed to attend class with everybody else no matter HOW crazy they are...that's all leftist educator approved. Our kids' mistaken understanding that their feelings dictate reality..that comes from the schools. Who then whine when they can't get the kids to pay attention or show them respect.

I love when chickens come home to roost.
You wouldn't love it if it were your kids being put through the meat grinder.
My kids are.
I recommend home schooling.
So do I.
The US is barely in the top 20 for education worldwide, in large part to the ridiculous mish mash of public school education whereby parents decide what their children will be taught on the basis of religion an d segretation. It's especially not working for science and math, and other STEM subjects.

That "mish mash" of local control is the ONLY THING keeping the public system viable.. We all KNOW how successful attempts to FEDERALIZE the system has been right? Outright RIOTS over standardized national testing or closing failing schools...

If the Fed govt can't even ADMINISTER "national proficiency exams" to QUANTIFY the problem -- they CAN NOT FIX anything...

And I'm glad we agree the public system is failing. It's a matter of DEGREE how badly it fails depending on where you live.. But the FEDS are not helpful in their approach..

The focus needs to be on INSTILLING a PURPOSE for studying and learning. And the BASICS should be TAUGHT -- not explored by having students emote about how they FEEL about history.. for example...

This whole debate over necessity or efficacy of college is BECAUSE our public system produces functional illiterates.. They have more hours being INDOCTRINATED into multiculturisms and historical horror tales, and butchered math and science than actual learning..
Parents should not be involved with their kids in college simply because they are adults! Also, parents should not be paying for an education doused in liberalism anyway. If they really want to control the kid's college education, send them to good school and don't pay for a lousy liberal dominated school. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

The power of the purse is strong. I have never spent a dime for my three kid's college educations. They turned out just fine. All are good conservatives with a strong moral upbringing. They made it their own way, just like I did..
Now that I can agree with. But if the parents are paying for their kids college, then they certainly should be involved.

Then you need to change the law regarding the age where the student gains rights to their own education. Dems want 16 year-olds to vote for President. That's just insane.
Compulsory education needs to end. Nationalized education needs to end. Parents should have complete and total control over their kids' education, and re form the small community schools that were so successful until the retards of the left started consolidating schools and bussing children as if it was more important who they attend school with, rather than what they're being taught.
Government education needs to end. All these problems can be traced directly to government control.

Bullshit. All of the problems can be traced directly to parents who abdicated their responsibilities. You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

No, all of the problems can be traced directly back to the scumbags who perpetrated the great social experiment upon our children.
Liberals control every aspect of higher education. It’s tenure and government funds that do it. And it’s part off the system used by elites to maintain control. As atheists they use universities as their cathedrals.

Another education basher heard from!

The greatest control of education is at the state and local level. I taught in Florida for many years where a Republican legislature should have been public enemy number one for the way they treated education. It has not improved.

Tell me...what control does the Connecticut legislature have over Yale’s curriculum ? Ever heard of tenure?

We were talking about public education. Yale is not "public". Try reading the thread before popping off!
Liberals control every aspect of higher education. It’s tenure and government funds that do it. And it’s part off the system used by elites to maintain control. As atheists they use universities as their cathedrals.

Another education basher heard from!

The greatest control of education is at the state and local level. I taught in Florida for many years where a Republican legislature should have been public enemy number one for the way they treated education. It has not improved.

Tell me...what control does the Connecticut legislature have over Yale’s curriculum ? Ever heard of tenure?

We were talking about public education. Yale is not "public". Try reading the thread before popping off!
I think that the second any school accepts federal (or state) $$$ it becomes *public*. Or should.
Yale can remain private if they like. They just need to give up the public funding. Until they do, no matter what they call themselves, they are *public*. At least, they are publicly funded.
The 20 universities getting the most money from the federal government
"The federal government transferred $480.2 million in grant and contract money to Yale University in 2015, a larger sum than all but a handful of universities. While $3.0 million of the federal government’s obligations to Yale were in the form of Pell Grants to undergraduates, the remaining $477.1 million were grants and contracts for research and development."
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Now that I can agree with. But if the parents are paying for their kids college, then they certainly should be involved.

Then you need to change the law regarding the age where the student gains rights to their own education. Dems want 16 year-olds to vote for President. That's just insane.
Compulsory education needs to end. Nationalized education needs to end. Parents should have complete and total control over their kids' education, and re form the small community schools that were so successful until the retards of the left started consolidating schools and bussing children as if it was more important who they attend school with, rather than what they're being taught.
Government education needs to end. All these problems can be traced directly to government control.

Bullshit. All of the problems can be traced directly to parents who abdicated their responsibilities. You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit.
Blaming the parents is a classic tactic of incompetent public school systems.

I blame idiots like you who are so self-centered you cannot see the hypocrisy in what you post. Society has changed far more than the schools have. When we held parent teacher conferences the only parents who showed up were the ones who we did not need to see! Kids came to school wearing the same clothes three days a week. Over 95% of my students in one school did not have a mother and father living under the same roof. Many were taught by their parents to be bigots and had no self-discipline.

Don't tell me it is not the parent's fault!
Then you need to change the law regarding the age where the student gains rights to their own education. Dems want 16 year-olds to vote for President. That's just insane.
Compulsory education needs to end. Nationalized education needs to end. Parents should have complete and total control over their kids' education, and re form the small community schools that were so successful until the retards of the left started consolidating schools and bussing children as if it was more important who they attend school with, rather than what they're being taught.
Government education needs to end. All these problems can be traced directly to government control.

Bullshit. All of the problems can be traced directly to parents who abdicated their responsibilities. You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit.
Blaming the parents is a classic tactic of incompetent public school systems.

I blame idiots like you who are so self-centered you cannot see the hypocrisy in what you post. Society has changed far more than the schools have. When we held parent teacher conferences the only parents who showed up were the ones who we did not need to see! Kids came to school wearing the same clothes three days a week. Over 95% of my students in one school did not have a mother and father living under the same roof. Many were taught by their parents to be bigots and had no self-discipline.

Don't tell me it is not the parent's fault!
Society has changed because the commie fools in our schools have changed it. Today's racism and bigotry surge can be laid directly at the door of you fake educators. You imbeciles who tell our kids how stupid and backwards their parents are..then blame the parents when the kids are disrespectful.

You swine have no value to society. You deserve the gulag and worse.
Liberals control every aspect of higher education. It’s tenure and government funds that do it. And it’s part off the system used by elites to maintain control. As atheists they use universities as their cathedrals.

Another education basher heard from!

The greatest control of education is at the state and local level. I taught in Florida for many years where a Republican legislature should have been public enemy number one for the way they treated education. It has not improved.

Tell me...what control does the Connecticut legislature have over Yale’s curriculum ? Ever heard of tenure?

We were talking about public education. Yale is not "public". Try reading the thread before popping off!

No we were talking about higher education. But yes the problem extends to public education.

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