As a Senior, Collecting Social Security and as a Registered Democrat, I Agree With Donald Trump: Shut Down The Government

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Joining the Weird: I Agree With Donald Trump that the GOP should Shut Down The Government if they don't get their way. And as with the Border bill they killed, I say "Blame ME," meaning blame Trump. Between the claims of being responsible for the protections of pregnant women in Roe v Wade being destroyed, and making the border issue a bigger mess than it had to be, I cheer Trump on in this:

I would shut down the government in a heartbeat if they don’t get it,” Trump said on the “Monica Crowley Show” last week. (very weird)

Bring it on!

As a Senior, Collecting Social Security and as a Registered Democrat, I Agree With Donald Trump: Shut Down The Government. Help Harris/Walz in every way you can.
99% of people dont even realize it when it happens.
People like you are just knee jerking retards.
We don’t have government shut downs in this country.

☝️ ☝️ ☝️ ☝️ ☝️ ☝️
To expand since I was on my phone earlier.

This why they can get away with "government shutdowns". Why? Because they don't hurt. Make them hurt and see how often it happens.

We don't have government shutdowns, we have government slowdowns. Shouldn't we dispense with this nansy-pansy type of "partial" shutdown bull crap.

If Congress is going to shutdown the government than they should be required to actually shut it down. None of this "essential" work force bull shyte.

Shut it down and make it painful so that Congress will really hear from constituents.

  • Government workers (all of them) are sent home with no back pay for time missed. This includes EVERYONE.
  • Air Traffic Controllers get to stay on the job until aircraft have landed, no new flights are allowed to take off or enter American air space from other countries if they took off after the shutdown time.
  • FBI, Border Patrol, NSA, CIA, etc. - Go home. We'll call you to come back.
  • Government processing of financials stops.
  • No Social Security checks issued.
  • No Medicare checks issued.
  • No VA checks issued.
  • No pay for the military.
  • Payment to State and School districts for everything stops.
  • Federal Courts shut down.
  • etc.
Congressional staff is sent home. The only ones allowed to work in the empty Capital Building are the actual members of Congress because under the Constitution their compensation cannot be reduced during their term of office so they are the only ones getting paid.

If a shutdown was a real shut down Congress would think twice before ignoring their responsibilities and pulling political stunts.


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