As I Expected- 'White people are less likely to be Gay'

Republicans lie better than anyone. Look at Iraq. Look at the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts. Look at "They hate us for our freedom". The list is endless.
Gallup polls have gone so weird lately that it seems like they are in it for the political spin rather than honesty. When Black people take up about 12% of the population it's impossible for Whites to be less likely to be homosexual.
Well...a lot of blacks go to prison. And in makes sense.
Look at the number of black men walking around with their pants below their butt hole. This is a practice used by black males in prison to let other inmates know they are willing to be ass-fucked. This is common knowledge among prisoners.
Or maybe they are just more likely to admit it. BTW, the difference in that statistic of 4.6 for blacks and 4.3 for Asians is miniscule. There is really no difference regarding the number of black gays and Asian gays. As well, 4% Hispanic--hardly any difference. Based on this survey, I'd say that whites are just reluctant to admit it....still in the closet.
Blacks have more reason to stay in the closet because of almost universal dislike for homosexuality in the black community. In fact, there's probably a lot more blacks in the closet and should they come out, the statistical representation would be even greater.
This is an assumption of yours, erroneous by the way, based on your racism and complete lack of knowledge and understanding of the black community. Wishful thinking on both your parts as to what the survey results show. You want something to be true, so you make up a reality to fit it. Pathetic.
It's actually your racism that blinds you to the fact that homosexuality is very unpopular among blacks and they don't view it as a "civil right".
I am not ignorant or unexperienced of the black community. Not at all. You obviously are. My racism? Really? You are obviously someone who has no experience of close relationships with black Americans nor have you any black Americans in your family, otherwise you would not assume anyone who is not black is in the same position you are in. Not everyone who is 'white' lives their lives separately from the black community or culture in America. You live in a vacuum and think it is the whole of reality.
I'm Native American. So much for your racist ASSumptions.
Being native American does not qualify you to speak for the black community in America.
Well...a lot of blacks go to prison. And in makes sense.
Look at the number of black men walking around with their pants below their butt hole. This is a practice used by black males in prison to let other inmates know they are willing to be ass-fucked. This is common knowledge among prisoners.
Seriously. This assertion of average guy is completely stupid.
Blacks have more reason to stay in the closet because of almost universal dislike for homosexuality in the black community. In fact, there's probably a lot more blacks in the closet and should they come out, the statistical representation would be even greater.
This is an assumption of yours, erroneous by the way, based on your racism and complete lack of knowledge and understanding of the black community. Wishful thinking on both your parts as to what the survey results show. You want something to be true, so you make up a reality to fit it. Pathetic.
It's actually your racism that blinds you to the fact that homosexuality is very unpopular among blacks and they don't view it as a "civil right".
I am not ignorant or unexperienced of the black community. Not at all. You obviously are. My racism? Really? You are obviously someone who has no experience of close relationships with black Americans nor have you any black Americans in your family, otherwise you would not assume anyone who is not black is in the same position you are in. Not everyone who is 'white' lives their lives separately from the black community or culture in America. You live in a vacuum and think it is the whole of reality.
I'm Native American. So much for your racist ASSumptions.
Being native American does not qualify you to speak for the black community in America.
Neither does being black, racist. People are all different and have different perspectives, even within the same community. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, racists like you, are not the emperors of black people. Nobody is.
This is an assumption of yours, erroneous by the way, based on your racism and complete lack of knowledge and understanding of the black community. Wishful thinking on both your parts as to what the survey results show. You want something to be true, so you make up a reality to fit it. Pathetic.
It's actually your racism that blinds you to the fact that homosexuality is very unpopular among blacks and they don't view it as a "civil right".
I am not ignorant or unexperienced of the black community. Not at all. You obviously are. My racism? Really? You are obviously someone who has no experience of close relationships with black Americans nor have you any black Americans in your family, otherwise you would not assume anyone who is not black is in the same position you are in. Not everyone who is 'white' lives their lives separately from the black community or culture in America. You live in a vacuum and think it is the whole of reality.
I'm Native American. So much for your racist ASSumptions.
Being native American does not qualify you to speak for the black community in America.
Neither does being black, racist. People are all different and have different perspectives, even within the same community. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, racists like you, are not the emperors of black people. Nobody is.
Well, I'm not a racist dearie. You can say it as often as you like. Intelligent people know that repeating a lie over and over and over again does not make it true. And comparing me to someone like Al Sharpton is beyond ludicrous. You must be pretty desperate to try to win an argument you are so clearly losing.
It's actually your racism that blinds you to the fact that homosexuality is very unpopular among blacks and they don't view it as a "civil right".
I am not ignorant or unexperienced of the black community. Not at all. You obviously are. My racism? Really? You are obviously someone who has no experience of close relationships with black Americans nor have you any black Americans in your family, otherwise you would not assume anyone who is not black is in the same position you are in. Not everyone who is 'white' lives their lives separately from the black community or culture in America. You live in a vacuum and think it is the whole of reality.
I'm Native American. So much for your racist ASSumptions.
Being native American does not qualify you to speak for the black community in America.
Neither does being black, racist. People are all different and have different perspectives, even within the same community. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, racists like you, are not the emperors of black people. Nobody is.
Well, I'm not a racist dearie. You can say it as often as you like. Intelligent people know that repeating a lie over and over and over again does not make it true.
You don't like being called a racist? Take a look at your previous posts and contemplate how the golden rule might apply. I'm just turning your bigotry back on you and you don't like what you see in the mirror.
I was giving this some thought the other day. Blacks per capita, really are an interesting statistic when it comes to violent crime, and as the poll reveals, are more inclined to smoke the Johnson.


'White people are less likely to be gay': Poll reveals African-American community has highest percentage of 'LGBT' adults in U.S.

    • Gallup survey, based on interviews with more than 121,000 people, showed that 3.4% of U.S. adults were lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT)
    • Highest proportion in black community, at 4.6%, followed by Asians (4.3%), Hispanics (4%) and Caucasians (3.2%)
    • Poll found 44% of LGBT adults were Democratic, and 13% Republican
Poorer blacks and Asians are more likely to be gay than wealthier whites, a controversial study claimed yesterday.

A Gallup survey – said to be the largest of its kind ever undertaken in America – estimated that 3.4 per cent of US adults saw themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT).

That figure consisted of 4.6 per cent of African-Americans, 4.3 per cent of Asians, 4 per cent of Hispanics – but only 3.2 per cent of white

Read more: White people are less likely to be gay Huge study reveals highest proportion of homosexual people are in African-American community Daily Mail Online

You have finally convinced me that Polls are nothing but a piece of crap......white people put homosexuality on the damned map and if blacks are most likely gay? 2 theories come to men in prison getting turned out and black women from a lack of black male resources turning lesbo, just because.....but none of that out numbers the gay white people I see ALL THE DAMNED TIME.

Good post. Raw statistics don't paint the whole picture and often distort it. The black community is far more staunch in their disfavor of homosexuality and I'll never see homosexuality as a "black thing". The truth is, I don't see a whole lot of black faces pushing the homosexual agenda in this country. In fact, white people are like the Tea Party in their statistical representation of the movement, but nobody ever accuses them of racism.

I'm 57 years old and when I was growing up, I saw maybe 4 gay blacks.....but in my adult life, every person of gayness was that of white people. Maybe they're more open about it.


Down-low sexual slang - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

“ Rejecting a gay culture they perceive as white and effeminate, many black men have settled on a new identity, with its own vocabulary and customs and its own name: Down Low. There have always been men – black and white – who have had secret sexual lives with men. But the creation of an organized, underground subculture largely made up of black men who otherwise live straight lives is a phenomenon of the last decade... Most date or marry women and engage sexually with men they meet only in anonymous settings like bathhouses and parks or through the Internet. Many of these men are young and from the inner city, where they live in a hypermasculine thug culture. Other DL men form romantic relationships with men and may even be peripheral participants in mainstream gay culture, all unknown to their colleagues and families. Most DL men identify themselves not as gay or bisexual but first and foremost as black. To them, as to many blacks, that equates to being inherently masculine.[10]"
Wikipedia. Uh huh. Truth written in stone. Sure. :rolleyes:
I am not ignorant or unexperienced of the black community. Not at all. You obviously are. My racism? Really? You are obviously someone who has no experience of close relationships with black Americans nor have you any black Americans in your family, otherwise you would not assume anyone who is not black is in the same position you are in. Not everyone who is 'white' lives their lives separately from the black community or culture in America. You live in a vacuum and think it is the whole of reality.
I'm Native American. So much for your racist ASSumptions.
Being native American does not qualify you to speak for the black community in America.
Neither does being black, racist. People are all different and have different perspectives, even within the same community. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, racists like you, are not the emperors of black people. Nobody is.
Well, I'm not a racist dearie. You can say it as often as you like. Intelligent people know that repeating a lie over and over and over again does not make it true.
You don't like being called a racist? Take a look at your previous posts and contemplate how the golden rule might apply. I'm just turning your bigotry back on you and you don't like what you see in the mirror.
Which posts would that be that say I'm a racist? You are so desperate, so desperate.
I'm Native American. So much for your racist ASSumptions.
Being native American does not qualify you to speak for the black community in America.
Neither does being black, racist. People are all different and have different perspectives, even within the same community. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, racists like you, are not the emperors of black people. Nobody is.
Well, I'm not a racist dearie. You can say it as often as you like. Intelligent people know that repeating a lie over and over and over again does not make it true.
You don't like being called a racist? Take a look at your previous posts and contemplate how the golden rule might apply. I'm just turning your bigotry back on you and you don't like what you see in the mirror.
Which posts would that be that say I'm a racist? You are so desperate, so desperate.
You idiot, you were calling others a racist. Do you even know what the golden rule is?
Being native American does not qualify you to speak for the black community in America.
Neither does being black, racist. People are all different and have different perspectives, even within the same community. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, racists like you, are not the emperors of black people. Nobody is.
Well, I'm not a racist dearie. You can say it as often as you like. Intelligent people know that repeating a lie over and over and over again does not make it true.
You don't like being called a racist? Take a look at your previous posts and contemplate how the golden rule might apply. I'm just turning your bigotry back on you and you don't like what you see in the mirror.
Which posts would that be that say I'm a racist? You are so desperate, so desperate.
You idiot, you were calling others a racist. Do you even know what the golden rule is?
What I said was that it was obvious from your posts that you knew nothing, directly, about the black community and you were spouting assumptions that were not true, based on having heard these things or read them somewhere. You do indeed have no direct knowledge or experience of the black community: that's clear. I can only assume that wanting to believe in the OP is a racist perspective. Please explain what else it could be when the OP's assertion is not backed up by any credible or concrete evidence?

I'm putting you on ignore. Not only are you a racist, but you are too stupid, ignorant, desperate and tiresome to waste any more thought and energy on. I do not go on and on with fruitless and stupid discussions. :bye1: You just go on and on spouting your angry, hateful nonsense. You are pathetic. You think saying the word racist to people who are not makes it so, with absolutely no evidence. You think repeating something over and over again makes it true. Really, really pathetic.
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Neither does being black, racist. People are all different and have different perspectives, even within the same community. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, racists like you, are not the emperors of black people. Nobody is.
Well, I'm not a racist dearie. You can say it as often as you like. Intelligent people know that repeating a lie over and over and over again does not make it true.
You don't like being called a racist? Take a look at your previous posts and contemplate how the golden rule might apply. I'm just turning your bigotry back on you and you don't like what you see in the mirror.
Which posts would that be that say I'm a racist? You are so desperate, so desperate.
You idiot, you were calling others a racist. Do you even know what the golden rule is?
What I said was that it was obvious from your posts that you knew nothing, directly, about the black community and you were spouting assumptions that were not true, based on having heard these things or read them somewhere. You do indeed have no direct knowledge or experience of the black community: that's clear. I can only assume that wanting to believe in the OP is a racist perspective. Please explain what else it could be when the OP's assertion is not backed up by any credible or concrete evidence?
Truth is not "racist" except to racists like yourself.
This is just from my personal observation. Asian gays tends to show off and proud of their femininities. On the other hand gay whites and blacks is hard to tell.
We've been doing a lot of business all over S.E. Asia since early 80s. We traveled heavily each year but I slowed down since my son took over 5 years ago.
Bad personal experience. This is a true story no BS. It was 1985 in the Philippines I met this beautiful gorgeous woman named Jaimie an accountant. After couple of days we dated got intimate inside a restaurant booth. It's a booth where you can do just about everything. got hand wonder down there. I did not expect to touch a male anatomical part. I screamed very loud, freaked out start beating him I thought. I was able to hit him only once but he beat the shit out me. Considering I'm bigger and taller. Two kick on my chest and busted lips. His name was James a black belter. Just want to warn everyone when traveling to the Phil. Just sharing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's actually your racism that blinds you to the fact that homosexuality is very unpopular among blacks and they don't view it as a "civil right".
I am not ignorant or unexperienced of the black community. Not at all. You obviously are. My racism? Really? You are obviously someone who has no experience of close relationships with black Americans nor have you any black Americans in your family, otherwise you would not assume anyone who is not black is in the same position you are in. Not everyone who is 'white' lives their lives separately from the black community or culture in America. You live in a vacuum and think it is the whole of reality.
I'm Native American. So much for your racist ASSumptions.
Being native American does not qualify you to speak for the black community in America.
Neither does being black, racist. People are all different and have different perspectives, even within the same community. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, racists like you, are not the emperors of black people. Nobody is.
Well, I'm not a racist dearie. You can say it as often as you like. Intelligent people know that repeating a lie over and over and over again does not make it true. And comparing me to someone like Al Sharpton is beyond ludicrous. You must be pretty desperate to try to win an argument you are so clearly losing.

YOu could have just disagreed with his knowledge of Black America, but no, you had to call him "racist and ignorant".

SUch behavior is the core of what race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton do. Your behavior deserves the comparison.

Why could you not just address his argument, without personally attacking him?
Well...a lot of blacks go to prison. And in makes sense.
Look at the number of black men walking around with their pants below their butt hole. This is a practice used by black males in prison to let other inmates know they are willing to be ass-fucked. This is common knowledge among prisoners.
Seriously. This assertion of average guy is completely stupid.
I think the black man with Big Brothers who works with inner city youth knows better than you.
I was giving this some thought the other day. Blacks per capita, really are an interesting statistic when it comes to violent crime, and as the poll reveals, are more inclined to smoke the Johnson.


'White people are less likely to be gay': Poll reveals African-American community has highest percentage of 'LGBT' adults in U.S.

  • Gallup survey, based on interviews with more than 121,000 people, showed that 3.4% of U.S. adults were lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT)
  • Highest proportion in black community, at 4.6%, followed by Asians (4.3%), Hispanics (4%) and Caucasians (3.2%)
  • Poll found 44% of LGBT adults were Democratic, and 13% Republican

Poorer blacks and Asians are more likely to be gay than wealthier whites, a controversial study claimed yesterday.

A Gallup survey – said to be the largest of its kind ever undertaken in America – estimated that 3.4 per cent of US adults saw themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT).

That figure consisted of 4.6 per cent of African-Americans, 4.3 per cent of Asians, 4 per cent of Hispanics – but only 3.2 per cent of white

Read more: White people are less likely to be gay Huge study reveals highest proportion of homosexual people are in African-American community Daily Mail Online

More like whites are less likely to be out n proud, and more likely to be closeted.
I was giving this some thought the other day. Blacks per capita, really are an interesting statistic when it comes to violent crime, and as the poll reveals, are more inclined to smoke the Johnson.


'White people are less likely to be gay': Poll reveals African-American community has highest percentage of 'LGBT' adults in U.S.

    • Gallup survey, based on interviews with more than 121,000 people, showed that 3.4% of U.S. adults were lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT)
    • Highest proportion in black community, at 4.6%, followed by Asians (4.3%), Hispanics (4%) and Caucasians (3.2%)
    • Poll found 44% of LGBT adults were Democratic, and 13% Republican
Poorer blacks and Asians are more likely to be gay than wealthier whites, a controversial study claimed yesterday.

A Gallup survey – said to be the largest of its kind ever undertaken in America – estimated that 3.4 per cent of US adults saw themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT).

That figure consisted of 4.6 per cent of African-Americans, 4.3 per cent of Asians, 4 per cent of Hispanics – but only 3.2 per cent of white

Read more: White people are less likely to be gay Huge study reveals highest proportion of homosexual people are in African-American community Daily Mail Online

More like whites are less likely to be out n proud, and more likely to be closeted.

What do you base that on?

Everyone else seems to think that the perceived, ie "out" gay population seems to be mostly white.
I was giving this some thought the other day. Blacks per capita, really are an interesting statistic when it comes to violent crime, and as the poll reveals, are more inclined to smoke the Johnson.


'White people are less likely to be gay': Poll reveals African-American community has highest percentage of 'LGBT' adults in U.S.

    • Gallup survey, based on interviews with more than 121,000 people, showed that 3.4% of U.S. adults were lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT)
    • Highest proportion in black community, at 4.6%, followed by Asians (4.3%), Hispanics (4%) and Caucasians (3.2%)
    • Poll found 44% of LGBT adults were Democratic, and 13% Republican
Poorer blacks and Asians are more likely to be gay than wealthier whites, a controversial study claimed yesterday.

A Gallup survey – said to be the largest of its kind ever undertaken in America – estimated that 3.4 per cent of US adults saw themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT).

That figure consisted of 4.6 per cent of African-Americans, 4.3 per cent of Asians, 4 per cent of Hispanics – but only 3.2 per cent of white

Read more: White people are less likely to be gay Huge study reveals highest proportion of homosexual people are in African-American community Daily Mail Online

More like whites are less likely to be out n proud, and more likely to be closeted.

What do you base that on?

Everyone else seems to think that the perceived, ie "out" gay population seems to be mostly white.
What does that have to do with whites that hide? There are way more whites that hide being gay.
Important to read polling results carefully.

"Gallup survey, based on interviews with more than 121,000 people, showed that 3.4% of U.S. adults were lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT)"

If you don't understand that this means that only 3.4% of people who when asked over the phone identified themselves as members of a persecuted minority, you need to read more polls. PLus, transgendered isn't accurately placed in a LGB discussion not having anything to do with sexuality. Can be heterosexual AND transsexual.

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