Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

This young man was denied by several prestigious universities simply because he is Asian. These institutions each have an enrollment of 20 to 30 thousand students. He has the qualifications to enroll in any prestigious university. Denying a well earned life changing opportunity because of one’s race, something which is beyond one’s control, is not something which should happen in America.

Those who say that he has no extra circular activities which added to his resumé are just guessing.
I doubt that's the case. Again if he was denied start questioning the unqualified white legacy students that got admitted instead of the racist assumption about blacks.

…the White standards were lowered as well.
But not lowered to the point to where the black standards were!

And the point is….there should NOT be different cut-offs for different racial groups.

Finally, you’ve moved the goalposts. You and all the supporters of race-based admissions kept insisting that standards are not lower for blacks. This proves they are. Also proves how much racism exists against Asians.
I doubt that's the case. Again if he was denied start questioning the unqualified white legacy students that got admitted instead of the racist assumption about blacks.
Legacies are not race-based.

The people who suffer are the middle-class whites and Asians. Middle-class blacks get benefit of Affirmative Action.
Admissions have never been based on GPA/Test Scores alone.

I work with admissions for our graduate programs in a state university. We look at GPA and require a minimum 3.0, we look at what courses they took, their resume, a required essay (statement of purpose) and what schools their undergraduate work was done in. We require reference letters and they also have an interview with a faculty member. We look at the entire package. Top academic scores is no guarantee of admission if other factors are deficient or the student is not a good fit. I suspect the undergraduate programs of these very competitive universities are similar.
Thank you Coyote. Because Lisa claims to have worked in admissions but when asked to explain the criteria used for admission, she has yet to do so.
So what’s your point? Jews are more likely to be victims of hate crimes.

If there are more hate crimes against blacks in absolute numbers, we’ll duh….there are like 6x more blacks. But per capital, there is more hate against Jews.
9. Anti-Black or African American hate crimes continue to be the largest bias incident victim category, with 2,871 incidents in 2020, a 49% increase since 2019.
Of course we would be stagnant

Socialists lack ambition and imagination since they get paid the same whether they work hard or not
I doubt that. The human mind is creative with or without capitalism.
9. Anti-Black or African American hate crimes continue to be the largest bias incident victim category, with 2,871 incidents in 2020, a 49% increase since 2019.
Blacks get the most hate crimes annually. Way more than Jews.
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9. Anti-Black or African American hate crimes continue to be the largest bias incident victim category, with 2,871 incidents in 2020, a 49% increase since 2019.
Again - you are dense - absolute numbers mean nothing given the difference in population. Jews are almost three times as likely as blacks to be victims of hate crimes.
Black get the most hate crimes annually. Way more than Jews.
Another dummy who pretends not to understand per capita.

Thats like saying there are more robberies of Idaho residents in Idaho than there are of people visiting from Kansas.
But not lowered to the point to where the black standards were!

…and Native American, and Hispanic…

And WHITES were lowered! Where is the outrage?

And the point is….there should NOT be different cut-offs for different racial groups.

It sounds like they are trying to attract a diverse array of applicants. Nothing wrong with that.

Finally, you’ve moved the goalposts. You and all the supporters of race-based admissions kept insisting that standards are not lower for blacks. This proves they are. Also proves how much racism exists against Asians.

As long as the minimum standards for admission are met, then they haven’t lowered the standards. They are applying different cut offs. We require a minimum 3.0 GPA. If we accepted a student with a 2.75, THAT is lowering the standards, and I agree with you that it is wrong.

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I doubt that's the case. Again if he was denied start questioning the unqualified white legacy students that got admitted instead of the racist assumption about blacks.
I never mentioned anything about black people you idiot. You are a complete effing moron.
…and Native American, and Hispanic…

And WHITES were lowered! Where is the outrage?

It sounds like they are trying to attract a diverse array of applicants. Nothing wrong with that.

As long as the minimum standards for admission are met, then they haven’t lowered the standards. They are applying different cut offs. We require a minimum 3.0 GPA. If we accepted a student with a 2.75, THAT is lowering the standards, and I agree with you that it is wrong.

And you’re trying to argue that’s acceptable? That it’s OK to lower the minimum standards for blacks, and raise them for Asians? And you’re interpreting that as not lowering standards?!

I‘ve entered Liberal Crazy Zone.

He said Harvard sends recruitment letters to African-American, Native American and Hispanic high schoolers with mid-range SAT scores, around 1100 on math and verbal combined out of a possible 1600, CNN reported.

Asian-Americans only receive a recruitment letter if they score at least 250 points higher — 1350 for women, and 1380 for men.

Fitzsimmons explained a similar process for white wannabe students in states that don’t see a lot of Harvard attendees, like Montana or Nevada. Students in those states would receive a recruitment letter if they had at least a 1310 on their SATs.
The problem with the argument presented by those making negative claims is this, and I have posted this information before.

Asians are six percent of the American population, but they were 25.9 percent of the students entering Harvard in 2021. That is a full ten percentage points more than African Americans (15.9%) and more than double the percentage of both Hispanics (12.5%) and Native Americans (11%). In fact, there were more Asians admitted into Harvard than Hispanics and Native Americans combined. Additionally, a study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research and reported on the website on September 20, 2019, revealed this:

“Using publicly released reports, we examine the preferences Harvard gives for recruited athletes, legacies, those on the dean’s interest list, and children of faculty and staff (ALDCs). Among white admits, over 43% are ALDC. Among admits who are African American, Asian American, and Hispanic, the share is less than 16% each. Our model of admissions shows that roughly three quarters of white ALDC admits would have been rejected if they had been treated as white non-ALDCs. Removing preferences for athletes and legacies would significantly alter the racial distribution of admitted students, with the share of white admits falling and all other groups rising or remaining unchanged.”

Here, we see that whites are provided entry by a plethora of other preferences they would not qualify for if not for connections they have due to their race. The study shows that Asians are not adversely impacted because Harvard must admit blacks and Hispanics that are presumably unqualified. Instead, we see white ALDC students who would not qualify under any other circumstance who get accepted at more than double the percentage of Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans who meet the same criteria.

Admissions Statistics, A Brief Profile of the Admitted Class of 2025, Harvard welcomes students from across the country and all over, Admissions Statistics

Daniella Silva, Study on Harvard finds 43 percent of white students are legacy, athletes, related to donors or staff, percent-white-students-are-legacy-athletes-n1060361

Peter Arcidiacono, Josh Kinsler, Tyler Ransom, National Bureau Of Economic Research, Legacy And Athlete Preferences At Harvard, Working Paper 26316, Legacy and Athlete Preferences at Harvard

And you’re trying to argue that’s acceptable? That it’s OK to lower the minimum standards for blacks, and raise them for Asians? And you’re interpreting that as not lowering standards?!

I‘ve entered Liberal Crazy Zone.
The soft bigotry of low expectations.
I never mentioned anything about black people you idiot. You are a complete effing moron.
You said Asians were denied because of race, but Asians are included in Affirmative Action. This shows that you don't know what you are talking about and your argument is based on anti black bias.
Lisa, the expectations are even lower for:


They are automatically accepted
But you didn’t problem with the lowered standards for Whites. You didn’t even object to Native Americans and Hispanics until it was pointed out.

Do I object? As long as they do not lower their minimum requirement for admissions for a group, I don’t care.

I don’t mind it if they trying to attract different demographics to their school whether it is racial, ethnic, gender, economic, first generation, or White people states that don’t typically send student’s to Harvard.

If they flat refused to admit anyone in a specific group (or did so so rarely it was a token) I would have a problem.

And you’re trying to argue that’s acceptable? That it’s OK to lower the minimum standards for blacks, and raise them for Asians? And you’re interpreting that as not lowering standards?!

I‘ve entered Liberal Crazy Zone.
Whatever. I’m also ok with lower standards for first Gen students too (and that is done).
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The soft bigotry of low expectations.
And the leftists supporting this have quietly changed the goal posts. For months, they have insisted that standards are not being lowered for blacks, and here we have the proof in Harvard’s recruitment effort. They are sending out letters to blacks with combined SAT scores of 1100! That’s quite mid-range, and whites with that score would never even be considered.

We already know how low Harvard has fallen: They gave a teaching post to Lori Lightfoot.

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