Assholes making trouble in Oregon

I have been off topic in response to questions or off-topic statements made by others here. Faun just lately. She seems determined to excuse the inexcusable in that POS coward Kerry.

That "POS coward" earned a Silver Star and a Bronze Star with Combat "V" for heroism.

... you ... ?

Nope. He was awarded them. He earned a swift court martial and firing squad.
I was there and know what I'm talking about. How about you?
High ranking officers in his chain of command agreed with me. How about you?
It has been alleged:
That the truck was being fired on before coming to a stop in the snow.
The the firing continued as he stuck his head and empty hands out of the window.
That his getting out of the truck was an effort to protect the women inside.
And that he lowered his hands after being shot the first time.
Can someone refute these allegations?
Yes, the FBI and Oregon State Police.

Fine. Can you quote them or provide a link? Or are you just continuing talk shit?
No, they shot him while his hands were in the air. Then his hands came down. Then they shot him some more.
No one is able to determine that from the video. Maybe that is why you consistently get the stories wrong. You are not able to separate speculative subjective information from objective facts. You form an opinion and insist your opinion is fact instead of just your opinion.
i can. why would they pause in the shooting? why fire once and leave him standing?

the claim that his arms cane down because of a gunshot are bullshit
they paused because he didn't go down on the first shot. They were going to end it with one bullet, and he didn't go down, so then they both shot him. That's why the pause.
right. all those single-shot police shootings you hear about lend credence to that 'theory'
usually they use pistols right? these folks used rifles. And they weren't cops.

They were CHAOS agents. CONTROL is working on the case right now.
You're confusing us, KosherGirl. What's up?
Burns is almost solely populated by employees and officials for the forest service, state police, BLM and state parks. When the mills and forests were shut down, the feds moved in. So don't assume that the virulent pro-federal, anti-protest rhetoric you hear out of Burns is accurate or even representative of rural residents. It is not. You are hearing the feds being pumped up and supported by other feds.

One of the lies they liked to share was that the protesters were intimidating and threatening people. And yet NOT ONE PERSON has been able to name who they threatened, who did the threatening, or what the threat was. The FBI put out the lie that "militia" were following people around and scaring them, vandalizing, etc. Until they got busted dressing up as militia and doing just that. Now the scuttlebutt in Burns is that it's "their" issue and everybody else (except the feds, of course) should just go home and let it blow over. The other ridiculous thing put out there is that federal $$ is the "lifeblood" of the community, because they're employed by the government.

Yeah, because the government shut down their industry and stole their resources, and they had no choice. But most of the locals either left..and what are left are jackasses who put in for jobs there and now consider themselves "locals". And some are. There are families where there are 2-3 generations of government employees (because they give jobs to their families).

You see the problem?
You've no doubt seen the video. Can you point to the times when those alleged shots were allegedly fired?
Sure as soon as the audio is released.
How about if one of the witnesses who was in the car and arrested claims LaVoy was demanding the cops shot him as he was reaching for his gun? How about if the witness claims he had his shoulder holster on when he jumped out of the vehicle? How about if the arrested terrorist start squealing like pigs and trapped rats?
What if? Doesn't override the fact he had no weapon when shot, right?
That's not actually a fact you can prove.
sure it is, I have eyes and I can see his hands had no weapon.

If you question that, please provide the photo that has a gun in his hand. Ok?
I take it this means you think you have xray vision and can see what's under his jacket and in his pockets? :cuckoo:
Sure as soon as the audio is released.
How about if one of the witnesses who was in the car and arrested claims LaVoy was demanding the cops shot him as he was reaching for his gun? How about if the witness claims he had his shoulder holster on when he jumped out of the vehicle? How about if the arrested terrorist start squealing like pigs and trapped rats?
What if? Doesn't override the fact he had no weapon when shot, right?
That's not actually a fact you can prove.
sure it is, I have eyes and I can see his hands had no weapon.

If you question that, please provide the photo that has a gun in his hand. Ok?
The shot him before he could draw. That is why he is called "Festus Slow Draw".
Now he's known as dead Festus slow draw.
Burns, Oregon has suffered terribly from the invasion of out-of-state terrorists led by Ammon Bundy. Bundy unleashed an insurrection against the federal government by taking over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in early January. However, the town is the real victim of the crime.

The heavily-armed insurrection attracted a disparate group of so-called “patriots”, many of whom had their own agenda and four of whom continue to occupy the refuge that belongs, not to them, but to the public. Bundy, sitting in a jail cell, has made two pleas to these misguided renegades to leave the refuge — but he is powerless to end the devastation that he began with his own call to lawlessness.

The four holdouts shift in their increasingly outrageous demands as the FBI tries to negotiate their departure. First, they wanted safe passage, with no one leaving in handcuffs. Then they wanted charges from 2014, pending in another state, to be cleared from the record of one of their band, Sean Anderson. Anderson reportedly has an extensive criminal record.

On Friday, the demands escalated. In a live feed, one the four, David Fry said:

“Before we leave, every single one of the people involved in this operation should be pardoned.”

Burns is torn apart as the ridiculous demands increase
As this ridiculousness goes on, Burns continues to be torn apart.
Ammon Bundy's Victim: Burns, Oregon Not The Federal Government

Who gives a shit about the government housing project called "Burns"?

Obviously you do not, you lying little bitch. There are a lot of very good people in Burns that have had really bad experiances in the last month because of the Bundy Militia. Personally, I give great credit to all the LEO's involved in that there was only one death in taking down the felons.
I hope everyone of them gets ten years or more to occupy a federal installation.
You're confusing us, KosherGirl. What's up?
Burns is almost solely populated by employees and officials for the forest service, state police, BLM and state parks. When the mills and forests were shut down, the feds moved in. So don't assume that the virulent pro-federal, anti-protest rhetoric you hear out of Burns is accurate or even representative of rural residents. It is not. You are hearing the feds being pumped up and supported by other feds.

One of the lies they liked to share was that the protesters were intimidating and threatening people. And yet NOT ONE PERSON has been able to name who they threatened, who did the threatening, or what the threat was. The FBI put out the lie that "militia" were following people around and scaring them, vandalizing, etc. Until they got busted dressing up as militia and doing just that. Now the scuttlebutt in Burns is that it's "their" issue and everybody else (except the feds, of course) should just go home and let it blow over. The other ridiculous thing put out there is that federal $$ is the "lifeblood" of the community, because they're employed by the government.

Yeah, because the government shut down their industry and stole their resources, and they had no choice. But most of the locals either left..and what are left are jackasses who put in for jobs there and now consider themselves "locals". And some are. There are families where there are 2-3 generations of government employees (because they give jobs to their families).

You see the problem?
Certainly do see the problem. A lying little bitch named Kosher. The feds did not move in when the mills shut down. There were there the whole time. And there were more of them. Some of those jobs went away, also. The resources of which you speak were always on BLM, State, or Forest Service land.
Damn it. That's just cruel and unusual punishment. Now how are they going to watch SpongeBob SquarePants?

You gotta watch this last dance, and grab some tissue! LOL!

(they don't want to go to jail, they were only camping! hahahaha!)

See, this is all just a great American love story. A man expressing his love for another man. And his blue tarp.
Damn it. That's just cruel and unusual punishment. Now how are they going to watch SpongeBob SquarePants?

You gotta watch this last dance, and grab some tissue! LOL!

(they don't want to go to jail, they were only camping! hahahaha!)

See, this is all just a great American love story. A man expressing his love for another man. And his blue tarp.

The water I'm drinking just came out my nose! :D
Damn it. That's just cruel and unusual punishment. Now how are they going to watch SpongeBob SquarePants?

You gotta watch this last dance, and grab some tissue! LOL!

(they don't want to go to jail, they were only camping! hahahaha!)

See, this is all just a great American love story. A man expressing his love for another man. And his blue tarp.

Someone call Hollywood. They've got to make a movie out of this! lol
Damn it. That's just cruel and unusual punishment. Now how are they going to watch SpongeBob SquarePants?

You gotta watch this last dance, and grab some tissue! LOL!

(they don't want to go to jail, they were only camping! hahahaha!)

See, this is all just a great American love story. A man expressing his love for another man. And his blue tarp.

Someone call Hollywood. They've got to make a movie out of this! lol

Maybe some indie director will pick it up and make an arthouse pic. Tarpaulin Azule: The Constitution of the my Heart.

Bubba: "Hold me, Vern. Help me forget that the FBI are out there in the night."

Vern: "Why can't I quit you, Bubba?"
so my fact is indeed a fact, he had no weapon when he was shot.
Shawna Cox, his comrade who was in the car when he tried to run the Oregon Trooper over says he had his 9mm and the coppers said he had one on him. You have to prove they are all lying. Otherwise, circumstantial evidence and eyewithnesses say he had a gun in the exact place he was reaching for.
dude, I don't care where it was, it wasn't in his hand, he posed no threat as he had his hands in the air. And until they release the audio, I will say he was shot with his hands in the air.
If I was the trooper he tried to run over or on the spot where he almost killed that trooper I would have shot him before he even had a chance to raise his hands. Try to run down a trooper and you better freeze and not move a muscle and follow instructions to the letter. Fuck that jumping out of the vehicle and walking away crap or playing some silly game. That dude wanted to be a martyr. He committed suicide by cop.

If I was the trooper he tried to run over or on the spot where he almost killed that trooper I would have shot him before he even had a chance to raise his hands.

but that is just you right --LOL

but you would have restrained yourself when mike brown was coming in through the window

pounding you and trying to take your gun

hands up dont shoot
No, I would have shot him too. I am not a cop and don't think I have the temperament to be one.

why is that
so my fact is indeed a fact, he had no weapon when he was shot.

Tamir Rice was 12 years old with no did not take 3 and half weeks to kill him...that took 2 seconds...
yes he did, and there were witnesses who called the cops to come and resolve the kid walking around aiming it everyone. And in another thread, the air pellet gun looks like a real gun. so a threat is a threat is a threat and the kid had the weapon in his hands.

the old guy in Oregon, nope.

hands up dont shoot counts in the tamir case

but hands up dont shoot dont count in the lavoy case

someone sounds like a hypocrite at best
Lavoy , a blow hard Right wing armed thug....vowed he would not be taken alive ...vowed to shoot if anyone tried to interfere with his crimes...he was stopped by the Police and fled heavily armed from Police ...he then crashed his car in a snow bank and came out resisting...he got shot...oh well shit happens

you are a hypocrite plain and simple

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