At long last, I have given up on attempting to live at peace with the Democrats

One day the OP is reading the liberal demon organizer Saul Alinsky. Then he discovers the devil has a sense of humor after all, and he’s converted to the Alinsky technique. That lasts exactly one day. He gives up Alinsky and announces to the waiting world he’s through with politics and “caring.” But the same day and countless OPs later he declares the country should be divided longitudinally because it’s falling apart anyway and we might as well hurry it along. Meanwhile he gathers dozens of “Likes” from the lunatic anti-liberal, anti-Globalist fringe.

Just another day at USMB ...
Hey, it's the weekend. They go off the rails a little when talk radio isn't on. They'll be better tomorrow, you'll see.
Thank you for quoting my comment. Your photo of a man you consider “the epitome of modern day liberalism” dramatically misses the point.

I called Saul Alinsky a “liberal demon organizer” ironically, since that is how he is portrayed by the right, who only recall that Hillary wrote a thesis about him in graduate school and Obama, after Alinsky was already dead, was himself at one time a “community organizer” In Chicago.

Alinsky was NOT a liberal. He was a radical. He was moreover all his life dedicated to helping the poor and powerless in society seize some real power ... because he believed that democracy could not succeed if large sections of our people remained powerless. That is at the very essence of what Saul Alinsky believed. If nothing else, people should at least learn this from this thread about Saul Alinsky.
Remember what you're dealing with here: Pointing out distinctions like that is too complicated.

If you're not an obedient Trumpster, you're a radical pinko commie Hitler Nazi fake news deep state socialist. And that's that.

I certainly believe that “black people can be racist too.” They can be racist towards white people, or towards themselves. It is all too easy for every American to internalize the racism practiced in our society over hundreds of years. What else is new?
Nothing is new.........the riots .....looting ........burning is nothing new.............They do this every election cycle..........The DNC pushes it for the election.............They believe they get more votes this way.

They encourage it..........sponsor it..............and then after enough has burned they come out an say BE CALM.......when they were the arsonist............LOL

This will all go away after November..............then they will wait and do it again in the next election.

Rioting & looting in the streets is completely different than politically posturing. Both major political parties posture shamelessly. Neither party riots and loots in the streets.

In the late 1960s and when MLK was murdered we saw real rioting and looting at a scale immeasurably greater than anything now. Your partisan reaction, however, is predictably the same today — perhaps even more hysterical — than white racist reactions were then.

Well it is political. I don't think you're going to find many Tea Party people in those riots and looting. The left always sides with Satan and the right with God. The left is for lawlessness and the right for law and order.

Everything in this country is political.
The right supported Donald Trump. An adulterer, woman abuser, liar, business cheat, generally amoral piece of shit. And youn assfucks think that God supports that?

None of that is actually true though.
Our Republic had a good run, but it is over. We cannot live at peace with a political party that no longer believes in the principles set forth in the United States Constitution, and that resorts to murder and property destruction when it loses a Presidential election.

I will begin preparations for what it to come. I will purchase weapons and train in their use. I will stock up on food and supplies. I will arrange security for my home. I will make plans for the war that is to come.

I will urge like-minded people to organize a militia to protect our homes, as is our right under the Second Amendment. When they come to my neighborhood to cause me or my home harm, I will shoot them in self defense.

If you think what I say is extreme, wait a few years. You will come to realize that I am right. The Democrats have more plans to create more chaos and destruction. They will not relent until there is an actual shooting war and we will all have to take sides.
Democrats went to war to keep their slaves, so don't be surprised if they do it again.
Democrats went to war to keep their slaves, so don't be surprised if they do it again.
Yes, conservative democrats. You know, in the now conservative red states. The same conservatives that want to start a civil war everytime the issue of equality for blacks comes up.
Our Republic had a good run, but it is over. We cannot live at peace with a political party that no longer believes in the principles set forth in the United States Constitution, and that resorts to murder and property destruction when it loses a Presidential election.

I will begin preparations for what it to come. I will purchase weapons and train in their use. I will stock up on food and supplies. I will arrange security for my home. I will make plans for the war that is to come.

I will urge like-minded people to organize a militia to protect our homes, as is our right under the Second Amendment. When they come to my neighborhood to cause me or my home harm, I will shoot them in self defense.

If you think what I say is extreme, wait a few years. You will come to realize that I am right. The Democrats have more plans to create more chaos and destruction. They will not relent until there is an actual shooting war and we will all have to take sides.
Democrats went to war to keep their slaves, so don't be surprised if they do it again.
Democrats went to war to keep their slaves, so don't be surprised if they do it again.
Yes, conservative democrats. You know, in the now conservative red states. The same conservatives that want to start a civil war everytime the issue of equality for blacks comes up.

They want to start a civil war? Who is it that's destroying businesses all over America, destroying police cars, destroying public property, the Tea Party???
The left always sides with Satan and the right with God. The left is for lawlessness and the right for law and order....
So has “God” also told you ... “to give up attempting to live at peace with the Democrats”?

God has told us numerous times to fight evil at every turn. The Democrat party has a history of siding with evil.

Police vs criminals. Democrats side with criminals.

US military vs foreign enemies. Democrats side with foreign enemies and have protested against our military.

Armed law abiding citizens or just armed criminals. Democrats side with having only armed criminals.

Killing babies vs not killing babies. Democrats side with killing babies.
Losing your god damn mind (... 102)

Truth is not losing your mind.
Those who “have given up attempting to live at peace with the Democrats” — or Republicans — have a few alternatives: They can 1) try to start a partisan civil war, 2) leave the country, 3) kill themselves.
Our Republic had a good run, but it is over. We cannot live at peace with a political party that no longer believes in the principles set forth in the United States Constitution, and that resorts to murder and property destruction when it loses a Presidential election.

I will begin preparations for what it to come. I will purchase weapons and train in their use. I will stock up on food and supplies. I will arrange security for my home. I will make plans for the war that is to come.

I will urge like-minded people to organize a militia to protect our homes, as is our right under the Second Amendment. When they come to my neighborhood to cause me or my home harm, I will shoot them in self defense.

If you think what I say is extreme, wait a few years. You will come to realize that I am right. The Democrats have more plans to create more chaos and destruction. They will not relent until there is an actual shooting war and we will all have to take sides.

The Dems have been taken over by a globalist marxist cabal which wishes to enslave the U.S. They are our enemy - something to keep in mind when anyone advocates for compromising with them.
Those who “have given up attempting to live at peace with the Democrats” — or Republicans — have a few alternatives: They can 1) try to start a partisan civil war, 2) leave the country, 3) kill themselves.

Or adopting my idea and dividing the country in half. One side for Democrats, and the other for Republicans. Nothing would make me happier than never having to be around Democrats again.
Our Republic had a good run, but it is over. We cannot live at peace with a political party that no longer believes in the principles set forth in the United States Constitution, and that resorts to murder and property destruction when it loses a Presidential election.

I will begin preparations for what it to come. I will purchase weapons and train in their use. I will stock up on food and supplies. I will arrange security for my home. I will make plans for the war that is to come.

I will urge like-minded people to organize a militia to protect our homes, as is our right under the Second Amendment. When they come to my neighborhood to cause me or my home harm, I will shoot them in self defense.

If you think what I say is extreme, wait a few years. You will come to realize that I am right. The Democrats have more plans to create more chaos and destruction. They will not relent until there is an actual shooting war and we will all have to take sides.
I would say YOU are the problem being that you do not abide by the laws of the land and constitution. You are setting up to revolt and should be arrested and tried for your crimes.
Those who “have given up attempting to live at peace with the Democrats” — or Republicans — have a few alternatives: They can 1) try to start a partisan civil war, 2) leave the country, 3) kill themselves.

Or adopting my idea and dividing the country in half. One side for Democrats, and the other for Republicans. Nothing would make me happier than never having to be around Democrats again.
I detest repukes so we are equal!
Wait... hard core ultra right wing Trumpers have given up being nice to Dems...

Myra... that’s funny
The whole situation since Trump was elected has transformed me. I now see the Democrats clearly for what they are.

They are not a political party willing to work within the peaceful boundaries of a Constitutionally based Republic.

They are an organized band of thugs, willing to do whatever it takes to gain and keep power.
Your dear king has brought about this division with his unconstitutional actions and his immoral behavior. Not to mention his disrespect for the laws of our country. We are simply trying to contain his attempts to become a real dictator with Putins aid.
Those who “have given up attempting to live at peace with the Democrats” — or Republicans — have a few alternatives: They can 1) try to start a partisan civil war, 2) leave the country, 3) kill themselves.

Or. . .

4) They can go fuck themselves.
Yep big changes will now come

Whites will stop spending time and money watching football

Alabama’s coach Nick Saban came out and promoted the abortion democrat party now I will not down one dime on bama until they fire Saban

Also no more nfl or pro sports

This is a wake up call for the whites

A big boomerang will come
Also white males will understand that the founders were right that
Good lord, some of you guys have really jumped the shark.
Listen to talk radio for a while. Read the winger websites.

These people have allowed themselves to be worked up into a froth of anger and frustration. This is what it looks like.

Mac has mental issues and cannot see what’s happening and what will happen

Sports blacks now will lose a ton of money from the white male boycotts

White males are what makes real progress

They will stop producing for the nation

This will bring it all back to how the Bible shows history

The unwise obeying.the wise will come back after the destruction misery to democrats and women
Hey Sergei, do you guys eat borscht for breakfast, or is that more of a dinner thing over there?

Mac is a foolish loser with mental issues

Too dumb to know how he harms himself

Just a joke

He cannot understand easy universal laws

The unwise must obey the wise

The wise will begin to boy cott the unwise
Mac is a troll PoS.

Better on ignore.
Agreed! Do it! Thanks!


The men have woke up and are going with trump to save the nation by stopping sick peoples like Mac and stopping the unwise from voting

As soon the men growls it will be over

No more unwise voting in of crooks
The whole situation since Trump was elected has transformed me. I now see the Democrats clearly for what they are.

They are not a political party willing to work within the peaceful boundaries of a Constitutionally based Republic.

They are an organized band of thugs, willing to do whatever it takes to gain and keep power.
Your dear king has brought about this division with his unconstitutional actions and his immoral behavior. Not to mention his disrespect for the laws of our country. We are simply trying to contain his attempts to become a real dictator with Putins aid.

The division comes with blacks having 400 percent more of murdering

The division comes with the wise going opposite the unwise who supports ... the wise always stops the unwise
Good lord, some of you guys have really jumped the shark.
Listen to talk radio for a while. Read the winger websites.

These people have allowed themselves to be worked up into a froth of anger and frustration and pure paranoia. This is what it looks like.
There's hardly anything paranoid about. BLM has white people kneeling before black people and shaving their heads.

Look close most are young white females

Their lower logic ability and less experience in life makes them make a fatal error

The unwise will be stopped from voting by the wise
Good lord, some of you guys have really jumped the shark.
Listen to talk radio for a while. Read the winger websites.

These people have allowed themselves to be worked up into a froth of anger and frustration and pure paranoia. This is what it looks like.
Wonder how that happened..........after we burned down the cities.......went to DNC rallies and burned police cars and started riots........looted and burned........paid protesters to start shit with...........

HEY WAIT A MINUTE.............WE DIDN'T DO THIS. SHIT...........your TRIBE DID MAC.........Now I'm pissed off.........thanks for straightening out how we are the problem as your TRIBE burns the country to the ground.

Maybe we should just say.............WHEN IN ROME do as the ROMANS WOULD DO.......then we can have WWF on the news without the pay per view..........

hmmm..........Mr. TRIBAL MAN

Mac is sick. Got real mental issues
Those who “have given up attempting to live at peace with the Democrats” — or Republicans — have a few alternatives: They can 1) try to start a partisan civil war, 2) leave the country, 3) kill themselves.

Or adopting my idea and dividing the country in half. One side for Democrats, and the other for Republicans. Nothing would make me happier than never having to be around Democrats again.
I detest repukes so we are equal!

Then lets do it I say. If the east side of the country is Republican and the Democrats have to move out, my property value would double or even triple overnight.
Our Republic had a good run, but it is over. We cannot live at peace with a political party that no longer believes in the principles set forth in the United States Constitution, and that resorts to murder and property destruction when it loses a Presidential election.

I will begin preparations for what it to come. I will purchase weapons and train in their use. I will stock up on food and supplies. I will arrange security for my home. I will make plans for the war that is to come.

I will urge like-minded people to organize a militia to protect our homes, as is our right under the Second Amendment. When they come to my neighborhood to cause me or my home harm, I will shoot them in self defense.

If you think what I say is extreme, wait a few years. You will come to realize that I am right. The Democrats have more plans to create more chaos and destruction. They will not relent until there is an actual shooting war and we will all have to take sides.
Democrats went to war to keep their slaves, so don't be surprised if they do it again.
Democrats went to war to keep their slaves, so don't be surprised if they do it again.
Yes, conservative democrats. You know, in the now conservative red states. The same conservatives that want to start a civil war everytime the issue of equality for blacks comes up.

They want to start a civil war? Who is it that's destroying businesses all over America, destroying police cars, destroying public property, the Tea Party???
They want to start a civil war? Who is it that's destroying businesses all over America, destroying police cars, destroying public property, the Tea Party???
That's not civil war, dope. That's civil unrest.
At long last, I have given up on attempting to live at peace with the Democrats

This is the thread you're currently posting in.
The whole situation since Trump was elected has transformed me. I now see the Democrats clearly for what they are.

They are not a political party willing to work within the peaceful boundaries of a Constitutionally based Republic.

They are an organized band of thugs, willing to do whatever it takes to gain and keep power.
Your dear king has brought about this division with his unconstitutional actions and his immoral behavior. Not to mention his disrespect for the laws of our country. We are simply trying to contain his attempts to become a real dictator with Putins aid.

The division comes with blacks having 400 percent more of murdering

The division comes with the wise going opposite the unwise who supports ... the wise always stops the unwise
The division comes with blacks having 400 percent more of murdering

The division comes with the wise going opposite the unwise who supports ... the wise always stops the unwise
400% more murdering?
You are truly retarded.
99.9% of black folks commit no murder just like 99.9% whites commit no murder.

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