atheism and its follower are not bright

There is much more going on here than what meets the eye that seems to indicate that there is a hidden barrier, a great gulf that separates the superstitious from the rational as great as the gulf that separates the living from the dead which may further imply the existence of a living God who either grants or denies comprehension.

Seriously, how is it even possible that even one person on earth whether they believe in God or not has failed to comprehend the implications of a talking serpent unless there is some sort of God who either grants or denies comprehension and a higher sphere of intelligent life?

No one is debating the historical veracity of the story of the boy who cried wolf. No nation bases its legal and moral code on the story of pinoccio. No churches have been built, no statues have been made, and no one prays to the wise pig.

How can you explain why anyone in this day and age believes that the world is 6000 years old in spite of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary?

What could possibly prevent anyone from seeing the truth unless that insight was being denied and is evidence of what is conveyed in scripture as divine condemnation?

it can't be just that. I know from talking with many former believers who all said they tried for the faith thing with all their willpower, they wanted to believe, but ultimately had to be honest with themselves and others and left the church for greener pastures.

Can you see how that transformation amounts to what is described in scripture as rising from the dead?

Are those who remain really bound by some unspecified 'faith' when may others who have tried to have faith in the ridiculous have been demonstrably faithful to the truth and then freed from the captivity of ignorance and superstition?
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How does one follow atheism

There is no doctrine, no dogma, no anything

IMO agnosticism is the only rational choice at the moment when it comes to a supreme being there not being enough evidence on either side to prove the claims of existence or not

So I say I'm agnostic with atheistic leanings
How does one follow atheism

There is no doctrine, no dogma, no anything

IMO agnosticism is the only rational choice at the moment when it comes to a supreme being there not being enough evidence on either side to prove the claims of existence or not

So I say I'm agnostic with atheistic leanings
Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
Just a simple fact.

You guys are not the logic queens you believe you are. Sorry: you are not very sharp,



The belief that there was a God- who magically created everything from nothing- in 6 days.
6 days- in which night and day existed 3 days before the Sun existed. And that plants existed the day before the Sun existed.
And in that time God magically created dinosaur fossils that appear to be millions of years old, but really are only 6,000 years old and just didn't get on the Ark. And created every animal and organism on earth and they have never changed.

Makes perfect sense.
How does one follow atheism

There is no doctrine, no dogma, no anything

IMO agnosticism is the only rational choice at the moment when it comes to a supreme being there not being enough evidence on either side to prove the claims of existence or not

So I say I'm agnostic with atheistic leanings
Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.

I really don't think about it except for when people want to attack me for not believing in their fairy tales.
How does one follow atheism

There is no doctrine, no dogma, no anything

IMO agnosticism is the only rational choice at the moment when it comes to a supreme being there not being enough evidence on either side to prove the claims of existence or not

So I say I'm agnostic with atheistic leanings
Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
I don't feel one way or another about it.

As an empiricist I wait for the evidence. There is no feeling involved
Just a simple fact.

You guys are not the logic queens you believe you are. Sorry: you are not very sharp,


Yes, it really is that simple.

And the only comeback (of sorts) they have is then "well then who made God?"

Which has no bearing on the subject, because it does not matter or change anything. The fact remains, without God or an intelligent designer and creator, we could never be. Something did not come from nothing, and then from that that mass of inanimate inorganic sludge or rocks could NEVER assemble itself into complex organic orderly life by chance! So get over yourselves and quit pretending you are being reasonable.

Actually me not knowing how everything came into being has no bearing on my lack of belief in any of your fairy tales.

The Big Bang theory is an interesting theory- but has nothing to do with my lack of belief in any fairy tales. I don't believe in your fairy tales because I don't believe in your fairy tales. There is no evidence that any of your fairy tales are true.

I don't believe in your fairy tales just as I don't collect stamps.
I am a Christian but can see value in other faith systems.

I have no trouble with atheism if its proponents are being honest.

I think you do.

Otherwise I don't think you would have posted your OP.

Or maybe you are just really that ignorant.

What you posted is a bizarrely dishonest description of atheism. That only a believer in fairy tales could possibly believe to be accurate or true.

Atheism is the lack of believe in a God. Nothing more.

And I don't go around starting threads telling Christians that you are stupid for believing


I don't need to.

Because I am okay with you believing in your fairy tales. And I am okay with not believing in them myself.
Just a simple fact.

You guys are not the logic queens you believe you are. Sorry: you are not very sharp,


Yes, it really is that simple.

And the only comeback (of sorts) they have is then "well then who made God?"

Which has no bearing on the subject, because it does not matter or change anything. The fact remains, without God or an intelligent designer and creator, we could never be. Something did not come from nothing, and then from that that mass of inanimate inorganic sludge or rocks could NEVER assemble itself into complex organic orderly life by chance! So get over yourselves and quit pretending you are being reasonable.

Actually me not knowing how everything came into being has no bearing on my lack of belief in any of your fairy tales.

The Big Bang theory is an interesting theory- but has nothing to do with my lack of belief in any fairy tales. I don't believe in your fairy tales because I don't believe in your fairy tales. There is no evidence that any of your fairy tales are true.

I don't believe in your fairy tales just as I don't collect stamps.
Actually, you saying "you not knowing" is tantamount to saying “I am afraid to confront a reasonable question that should have a reasonable answer.”

And that reasonable answer is this >>> No way in the world could a rock turn into organic life and no way in the world could the most rudimentary forms of life assemble eyes, ears, organs, spines. Et al. by chance!!

But you cannot get yourself to admit to that so you pretend this all could have happened without an outside intelligent force or designer.

We are not asking you to say it was the God of the Bible who was the Creator. We have not come close to that discussion. But you jump ahead because you are afraid to address the first part of the logical proposition.
Just a simple fact.

You guys are not the logic queens you believe you are. Sorry: you are not very sharp,


Yes, it really is that simple.

And the only comeback (of sorts) they have is then "well then who made God?"

Which has no bearing on the subject, because it does not matter or change anything. The fact remains, without God or an intelligent designer and creator, we could never be. Something did not come from nothing, and then from that that mass of inanimate inorganic sludge or rocks could NEVER assemble itself into complex organic orderly life by chance! So get over yourselves and quit pretending you are being reasonable.

Actually me not knowing how everything came into being has no bearing on my lack of belief in any of your fairy tales.

The Big Bang theory is an interesting theory- but has nothing to do with my lack of belief in any fairy tales. I don't believe in your fairy tales because I don't believe in your fairy tales. There is no evidence that any of your fairy tales are true.

I don't believe in your fairy tales just as I don't collect stamps.
Actually, you saying "you not knowing" is tantamount to saying “I am afraid to confront a reasonable question that should have a reasonable answer.”

And that reasonable answer is this >>> No way in the world could a rock turn into organic life and no way in the world could the most rudimentary forms of life assemble eyes, ears, organs, spines. Et al. by chance!!.

No- why do you spout such crap?

I am not saying that 'you not knowing' where God came from is tantamount to you saying "I am afraid to confront a reasonable question that should have a reasonable answer'.

I don't think we actually know how the world was created yet. However the reasonable answer is not that some 'god' just happens to exist and just happens to create the universe.

We have evidence about how planets are formed- and we have evidence for evolution. But none of that is necessary for me to not believe your fairy tale.

I have no reason to believe your fairy tale- because belief in fairy tales is not reasonable. I don't need an answer to how the universe was created to not believe in your explanation of how the universe was created.
But you cannot get yourself to admit to that so you pretend this all could have happened without an outside intelligent force or designer.

I don't pretend anything.

I have seen no evidence that some outside intelligent force or designer has done anything. I have no reason to believe that any such entity was involved- which is why I don't believe in any fairy tales about some outside entity.

You have seen no evidence that any such entity has done anything- but you believe your fairy tales that your God did.
And that reasonable answer is this >>> No way in the world could a rock turn into organic life and no way in the world could the most rudimentary forms of life assemble eyes, ears, organs, spines. Et al. by chance!!
You are exactly right, it could not happen by chance. Chance certainly plays a part in evolution but what you seem to forget is the natural selection part.
But you cannot get yourself to admit to that so you pretend this all could have happened without an outside intelligent force or designer.

I don't pretend anything.

I have seen no evidence that some outside intelligent force or designer has done anything. I have no reason to believe that any such entity was involved- which is why I don't believe in any fairy tales about some outside entity.

You have seen no evidence that any such entity has done anything- but you believe your fairy tales that your God did.
Well allow me to try again. This is what you said >>Actually me not knowing how everything came into being has no bearing on my lack of belief in any of your fairy tales.<<

And this is all I am saying --- A single life cell has over one thousand machines in side of it working harmoniously together to create incredibly complex chemical and organic entities that create life or sustain life. Beyond that they have created complex organs and physiological systems. I am not saying that is proof of God. I am saying that has to be proof this could never have happened by chance without any intelligent force or designer.

And that is exactly what godless evolution maintains is possible. To me, that is insulting of one’s intelligence. It’s like them saying if you stare at an ant long enough it will turn into an eagle --- all by mindless chance.

Richard Dawkins essentially admits this in his book The Blind Watchmaker: “"Natural selection is the blind watchmaker, blind because it does not see ahead, does not plan consequences, has no purpose in view. Yet the living results of natural selection overwhelmingly impress us with the appearance of design as if by a master watchmaker, impress us with the illusion of design and planning.”

“the illusion of design.” --- right. That’s not science… that is agenda.
And then we have a select few agnostic, dyslexic insomniacs. Those people who, in their red Dr. Dentons, lie awake at night worrying about whether there is a dog.
Henry, I know you are afraid of dying. At your age that is normal but can be assuaged by better Dr. Dentons, counseling, and secure assisted living centers.

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