Atheism's big LIE

Can you point to a single thread on here started by Atheists attacking Christians?
I'm looking for the threads where atheists compliment Christians/Christianity (and people of other faiths, too).
I'm looking for the threads where atheists compliment Christians/Christianity (and people of other faiths, too).

Atheists infiltrated the CHURCH and used it to make a living, gain prestige and further their power. It is easy to pretend to be what one isn't ---
they have been looking for centuries ... wonder why.

the christian bible is a corruption of the 1st century liberation theology it misconstrues for its own nefarious purpose -

when are christians going to give accreditation for their book where it belongs - to themselves and allow the true events of the 1st century to bear the fruits of prosperity it has long been denied. the goal for humanity on Earth to triumph over evil as prescribed centuries earlier before the 1st - and its reenactment by the religious itinerant at that time who they crucified.
The true liars are the religious who pretend to believe in God but secretly have reservations

They attend services and say all the right words because they don’t want to admit to family and their community that they really don’t believe all they are being told.
Why do you think doubts and reservations are not discussed among family and friends? Even Bible study groups discuss doubts and reservations and other possibilities on some accounts and issues.

The Christian Way of Life makes sense. This can be lived even if one does have doubts about miracles, about some stories, or even about God.
One does not need to worship any gods in order to live a life that "makes sense".
The act of worship is giving thanks to the gift giver by showing one's appreciation for the talent he was given by using that talent.

So... yeah, one kinda does need to worship God to show God that appreciation to live a life that makes sense.
I disagree.

one can be thankful without worshiping any gods.

My life is not a gift given by some god it is a cosmic accident that could just as easily not have happened. That however in no way means I am not glad to be alive and I certainly don't owe anything to any gods.
Not in the manner I described.

The act of worship is giving thanks to the gift giver by showing one's appreciation for the talent he was given by using that talent.

And the "gift giver" is who exactly?
God. He created existence. You are sharing in His existence.
That's your theory not mine.
Yes, which is why you can't GET the same benefit as I can.

So you believe in gods for the benefits you get?

I don't need to worship gods to get what I want out of life.
I don't believe in gods.
A god, gods all the same
The true liars are the religious who pretend to believe in God but secretly have reservations

They attend services and say all the right words because they don’t want to admit to family and their community that they really don’t believe all they are being told.
Why do you think doubts and reservations are not discussed among family and friends? Even Bible study groups discuss doubts and reservations and other possibilities on some accounts and issues.

The Christian Way of Life makes sense. This can be lived even if one does have doubts about miracles, about some stories, or even about God.
One does not need to worship any gods in order to live a life that "makes sense".
The act of worship is giving thanks to the gift giver by showing one's appreciation for the talent he was given by using that talent.

So... yeah, one kinda does need to worship God to show God that appreciation to live a life that makes sense.
I disagree.

one can be thankful without worshiping any gods.

My life is not a gift given by some god it is a cosmic accident that could just as easily not have happened. That however in no way means I am not glad to be alive and I certainly don't owe anything to any gods.
Not in the manner I described.

The act of worship is giving thanks to the gift giver by showing one's appreciation for the talent he was given by using that talent.

And the "gift giver" is who exactly?
God. He created existence. You are sharing in His existence.
That's your theory not mine.
Yes, which is why you can't the same benefit as I can.
Do you maybe want to write a complete sentence?
No. :)

Why am I not surprised?
Because you think you know everything?
I know that what you wrote was an incomplete sentence and therefore meaningless.
Because you couldn't figure it out?
Because I don't read minds. But hey you can throw out word salad all you want
Sorry to have confused you so much.
that you cannot write complete sentences is not a sign of my confusion
Here presented and refuted are 3 BIG lies that Atheists spread about Christianity.

There is no “Atheist vs Christianity”
We just don’t believe it

Christians seem threatened by Atheism
Atheists are not attacking them

Being free from religion is perceived by Christians as an ‘attack,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
is further proof of the arrogance and intolerance common to most theists.

It all comes down to if atheists are just as well off as those who are religious, there is no justification for being religious

So, attacking atheism and creating false narratives about it amounts to survival
Oh, my. We’re such delicate flowers.
I wish. Better than everyone being so bitter and narrow minded that we can never see the beauty in the position of others. Last thing any of us here are is "delicate."
Religion and Ethics forum – it’s theists’ lack of ethics which warrants participation, the thread premise being a prime example.
This thread...atheists blame Christians for war and death so that's turned around to blame atheists for war and death. War has always been about the same thing, the thirst on someone's part for wealth and power. No group has ever been exempt from this, not even people of faith, not even people of no faith. And what comes next? People of every group attaching blame on the group they refuse to relate to.

Tell me about the ethics in this.
The folks I see as bitter are the religionists continually opening new “I hate atheists”, threads.
It's on both sides. That it is not difficult to see.
Why do you even care about atheists?
Why not just ignore them?

It is like having a club and being obsessed by those who don’t want to join
The folks I see as bitter are the religionists continually opening new “I hate atheists”, threads.
It's on both sides. That it is not difficult to see.
Why do you even care about atheists?
Why not just ignore them?

It is like having a club and being obsessed by those who don’t want to join
Yep. I was under the impression this is a discussion board. I never expected that everyone would agree with everything I write. To enter a board such as this and allow your feelings to be hurt by a differing opinion suggests you might want to reconsider participating.
Being free from religion is perceived by Christians as an ‘attack,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
This edges closer to the truth while still missing the point. People of faith are the people who live the most freely. Those who feel imprisoned by religion somehow got things twisted and tangled, and it's the snarl they fled. Or the web, if you prefer. Jesus noted that the way is narrow and few find it. And he was speaking to people of faith. If non-believers cannot find the narrow way, then it may very well be better for them to flee the broad road and be people of no faith.
It actually is difficult to see. I don’t see any “Religionism’s Big Lie”, threads.
Ah. Then all the posts insisting that people who believe/experience God are delusional have escaped notice. What about all the ones demanding physical proof of what is spiritual? Since people do not demand "proof" of truth, it seems that people are being accused of spreading lies whenever they speak of God.
Why do you even care about atheists?
Why not just ignore them?
Atheists are lovely people. I've lived with them my entire life. They are worth giving one's attention. In fact, half my time here is about defending atheists. I get more roiled over people of faith who embrace "Rapture" and are forever announcing "End Times" are here than atheists.

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