Attempted Military Coup in Turkey

The only way a Muslim country can be remotely peaceful is if it's ruled by an iron secular fist. If you let Muslims vote, they'll always end up voting in more and more extremists.
then you are ignorant of the history of turkey

You're ignorant of the history of Islam.
here dopey

History of the Republic of Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We can now add to their history today, that Obama supports his Islamist buddy Erdogan.
obama supported Morsi too. He's in prison. obama does not support duly elected Assad though. Assad protected the Christians. Can't have that.

Our foreign policy does seem pretty confusing these days.
Our foreign policy does seem pretty confusing these days.

Yes and no. If you believe what Obama says, then it's confusing. If you realize that Obama makes decisions depending on what's good for the radical Muslims, it all makes perfect sense.

He's treated Muslim countries better than the U.S. and our allies.
The supporters of Erdogan are more strong because they can fight for their believe in the hope to gain a place in Paradise.
The supporters of Erdogan are mainly the poor people in the countryside. They are farmers, manual laborers. They have no power and would never have the organization needed to rise up.
But they did manage to slaughter rather a lot of Armenians armed only with farm implements and kitchen utensils :)
That was the military, not the poor, peasant civilians, and it was 100 years ago.
No surprise...
CNN is reporting that Obama has issued a statement supporting the democratically elected government.
It's no surprise only because the U.S. cannot officially support a coup against a democratically elected leader, no matter what we actually wish for.

You can't lecture the world about democracy, then cheer on a coup.
Granny says, "Dat's right - it's all dat jihadi preacher's fault...

AP EXPLAINS: The cleric being blamed for Turkey coup attempt
Jul 15,`16 - A lawyer for the Turkish government, Robert Amsterdam, said that "there are indications of direct involvement" in the coup attempt by Fethullah Gulen, a Muslim cleric who is living in exile in Pennsylvania. He said he and his firm "have attempted repeatedly to warn the U.S. government of the threat posed" by Gulen and his movement. According to Turkish intelligence sources, he said, "there are signs that Gulen is working closely with certain members of military leadership against the elected civilian government."
The president of a group that promotes Gulen's ideas, the New York-based Alliance for Shared Values, denied the charges. Y. Alp Aslandogan told The Associated Press "we categorically deny such accusations and find them to be highly irresponsible." Earlier in the evening, the alliance said, "we condemn any military intervention in (the) domestic politics of Turkey."

Some background on Gulen:


Trained as an imam, or prayer leader, Fethullah Gulen gained notice in Turkey some 50 years ago, promoting a philosophy that blended a mystical form of Islam with staunch advocacy of democracy, education, science and interfaith dialogue. Supporters started 1,000 schools in more than 100 countries, including about 150 taxpayer-funded charter schools throughout the U.S. In Turkey, they have run universities, hospitals, charities, a bank and a large media empire with newspapers and radio and TV stations. Turkish President Recip Tayyip Erdogan has long accused Gulen of plotting to overthrow the officially secular government from a gated 26-acre compound in Pennsylvania's Pocono Mountains. Gulen is rarely seen in public and has been put on trial in absentia at least three times.


The U.S. has shown little inclination to send Gulen back to Turkey. The Justice Department has declined to comment on Gulen's case. In an interview with the AP early this year, Aslandogan, of the Alliance for Shared Values, said: "(Gulen) said that the United States has a long tradition of democracy and rule of law. ... They will see that these are politically oriented charges, and they will not allow Erdogan to spread his ambition into the United States."


Last month, a lawyer representing the Turkish government said he would continue exposing Gulen's "unlawful conduct" one day after a federal judge in Scranton, Pennsylvania, dismissed his lawsuit against the cleric. "Despite the outcome of this ruling, a very clear message has been sent to Gulen and his co-conspirators in the Poconos: the days of impunity are numbered, and your unlawful conduct will be brought to light," lawyer Robert Amsterdam said. The suit contended Gulen ordered sympathetic police, prosecutors and judges in Turkey to target members of a rival spiritual movement critical of his teachings. U.S. District Judge Robert Mariani ruled the claims did not belong in U.S. courts.


Some of the U.S. schools have been investigated by the FBI amid allegations of financial mismanagement and visa fraud. One of the most explosive claims is that the schools are importing Turkish teachers to identify impressionable students and indoctrinate them into Gulen's movement, sometimes called Hizmet, Turkish for "service." In May, a complaint filed with Texas education officials accused a network of charter schools associated with the Gulen movement of abusing a visa program to import large numbers of Turkish teachers and violating state and federal laws by paying them more than American teachers. The complaint also asserted that the network, Harmony Public Schools, skirts competitive bidding rules to award contracts to Turkish vendors. Harmony has denounced the complaint as politically motivated and without merit.

Granny says, "Dat's right - it's all dat jihadi preacher's fault...

AP EXPLAINS: The cleric being blamed for Turkey coup attempt
Jul 15,`16 - A lawyer for the Turkish government, Robert Amsterdam, said that "there are indications of direct involvement" in the coup attempt by Fethullah Gulen, a Muslim cleric who is living in exile in Pennsylvania. He said he and his firm "have attempted repeatedly to warn the U.S. government of the threat posed" by Gulen and his movement. According to Turkish intelligence sources, he said, "there are signs that Gulen is working closely with certain members of military leadership against the elected civilian government."
The president of a group that promotes Gulen's ideas, the New York-based Alliance for Shared Values, denied the charges. Y. Alp Aslandogan told The Associated Press "we categorically deny such accusations and find them to be highly irresponsible." Earlier in the evening, the alliance said, "we condemn any military intervention in (the) domestic politics of Turkey."

Some background on Gulen:


Trained as an imam, or prayer leader, Fethullah Gulen gained notice in Turkey some 50 years ago, promoting a philosophy that blended a mystical form of Islam with staunch advocacy of democracy, education, science and interfaith dialogue. Supporters started 1,000 schools in more than 100 countries, including about 150 taxpayer-funded charter schools throughout the U.S. In Turkey, they have run universities, hospitals, charities, a bank and a large media empire with newspapers and radio and TV stations. Turkish President Recip Tayyip Erdogan has long accused Gulen of plotting to overthrow the officially secular government from a gated 26-acre compound in Pennsylvania's Pocono Mountains. Gulen is rarely seen in public and has been put on trial in absentia at least three times.


The U.S. has shown little inclination to send Gulen back to Turkey. The Justice Department has declined to comment on Gulen's case. In an interview with the AP early this year, Aslandogan, of the Alliance for Shared Values, said: "(Gulen) said that the United States has a long tradition of democracy and rule of law. ... They will see that these are politically oriented charges, and they will not allow Erdogan to spread his ambition into the United States."


Last month, a lawyer representing the Turkish government said he would continue exposing Gulen's "unlawful conduct" one day after a federal judge in Scranton, Pennsylvania, dismissed his lawsuit against the cleric. "Despite the outcome of this ruling, a very clear message has been sent to Gulen and his co-conspirators in the Poconos: the days of impunity are numbered, and your unlawful conduct will be brought to light," lawyer Robert Amsterdam said. The suit contended Gulen ordered sympathetic police, prosecutors and judges in Turkey to target members of a rival spiritual movement critical of his teachings. U.S. District Judge Robert Mariani ruled the claims did not belong in U.S. courts.


Some of the U.S. schools have been investigated by the FBI amid allegations of financial mismanagement and visa fraud. One of the most explosive claims is that the schools are importing Turkish teachers to identify impressionable students and indoctrinate them into Gulen's movement, sometimes called Hizmet, Turkish for "service." In May, a complaint filed with Texas education officials accused a network of charter schools associated with the Gulen movement of abusing a visa program to import large numbers of Turkish teachers and violating state and federal laws by paying them more than American teachers. The complaint also asserted that the network, Harmony Public Schools, skirts competitive bidding rules to award contracts to Turkish vendors. Harmony has denounced the complaint as politically motivated and without merit.

Erdogan has had a bug up his ass about Gulen for years now. I doubt he has anything to do with this, other than cheering for a successful coup from his living room in Pennsylvania.
There is a Military Coup underway in Turkey to oust the psychopath Erdogan, military jets, gun fire, tanks etc.

At this time the information is still coming in, but the Chief of the Armed Forces has said the military is now in charge and has taken control of Turkey.

The first below link is a Live Feed.

Turkey coup: military attempt to seize power from Erdogan as low flying jets and gunfire heard in Ankara and bridges across Bosphorus in Istanbul closed

Turkey coup: military attempt to seize power from Erdogan as low flying jets and gunfire heard in Ankara and bridges across Bosphorus in Istanbul closed

Apparent attempted military coup ongoing in Turkey

What's Going on in Turkey?
And the military lost, and so Turkey is now lost to Western interests.

The Turks will become an Islamic Republic now and grow stronger alignment with Iran.

The Turks are the overwhelming military power in the region, and even Israel cannot repulse them.

This is a bad day for Western secularism.
Turkey FAKE Coup attempt, Illuminati theater, SCRIPT exposed: Syria Invasion
It wasn't the first time that the illuminati staged a coup attempt but this was a premiere: fake crash of a military aircraft in a fake war of type coup attempt.

Main reasons why illuminati staged the fake coup attempt

1. The BIG BANG script.
It had this line long before Sep 30 2015. the day that Russia officially started the non-stop air bombings of civilians, from splitter bombs to incendiary ammunition:
If after 10 months of haviing the russians using all of their weapons including all those forbidden by the Geneva convention and upscaling iranian, Hezbollah and other foreign ground troops to well over 100,000 no decisive victories against the rebels were achieved, ....
THEN Turkey will officially join the USA and Russia in the war (starts Aug 1, as mentioned).
- decisive victories would have been completing the siege of Aleppo, expelling the rebels from Aleppo and suburbs, recapturing what was lost in 2015 (Ariha, Jiisr-al-Shougour, Idlib) and capturing Azaz, along the turkish border, separating it from Aleppo.
From these objectives only the last one was achieved before July, using kurds of SDF led by traitors and fake rebels dressed as backed by US and Turkey.
The siege of Aleppo started only July 8.
- as for why the deadline was set as Aug 1, see "BIG BANGS starts with resurrection of Osama Bin Laden, staged arrest of Osama Bi.nla.den presidency".

2. Suppress protest.
It starts by detecting dissidents who so far went under the radar, during the "coup attempt".
After the "coup failure": mass detentions of an unprecedented scale even for the terror regime of Erdogan, starting with the military.
Note: Turkey "elections" 2015 totally rigged, all parties controlled by tjhe illuminati. Erdogan had in reality aroind 20% in both elections,, staged according to the same script as the Brexit referendum.
In other words: first a defeat to be turned into a victory within months by repeating the "election".

Coup starts while Erdogan is in holidays in Marmaris. Turkey and ends with "popular protests probably foiled the coup".
What is broadcasted during the fake coup attempt_
- rebels seize state TV, force at gunpoint TV journalist to read declaration
- civilians protesting (in fact only a few hundred)
- civilian protesters step on tank and hit soldiers inside tank
- after a few hours security police (neo-Gestapo) takes as prisioners soldiers that start surrending
- civilians being targeted with bullets by rebels, supposedly by a chopper
- Erdogan returns to Istanbul, gives press conference at airport
- rebels bomb parliament in Ankara
- rebel chopper downed by air force jet in Ankara
- millions of civilians protesting
- no support for the coup outside Ankara and Istanbul.

Talk of fake crashes of miliaty aircraft
Russian jet goes down in flames behind mountain - HOAX: computer graphics video
Same as ALL videos of US, France and Russia warplanes destroying ISIS fuel trucks and oil facilities in Syria.
Exceptions: grain silos in rebel held areas marketed as ISIS refineries, trucks supplying oil to rebel held areas (Azaz) marketed as attacks to ISIS trucks exporting oil to Turkey.
"Rebels" hitting one of the "two russian rescue helicopters" was a staged act for the camera.
Agendas for dummies:
Illuminati Theater to:
1. Divert from leading role of Turkey government in the genocide of sunnis across the border in Iraq and iSyria
In this case by selling the hoax "NATO vs Putin".
2. Sell the hoax "Russia vs ISIS", by suggesting "Turkey's revenge for Russia obliterating ISIS".
Reminder: illuminati previously passed truth in plain sight about ISIS oil being supplied to Assad and (what is relevant in this context) to Turkey.
3. Set the stage to let what's going on for years now in Syria and Iraq become official, under the banner of the "grand coalition".
Reminder of what's going on: russian and extended NATO alias "US led coalition" pilots bombing the rebels wtith splitter and barrel bombs, napalm and chlorine.
4. Cover-up why illuminati ordered "Putin" to deploy anti-aerial missiles in Syria.
Supposedly as protection against Turkey/NATO in fact as part of the "Gog / Magog" script for the destruction of Israel, fulfilling the illuminati anti-Bible.
Illuminati Theater: Turkey downs russian jet hoax computer graphics video same as 9/11 planes

Turkey Ankara bombings hoax, ZERO dead, remake of Suruc, actors reused, staged using the treasonous Kurdish HDP leaders
Now for treason hidden in plain sight
2015: Illuminazi agents playing Kurdish leaders participating in Turkey's "democracy" : treason in plain sight
Mockery of Kurds, having treasonous leaders of HDP participate for the first time in a government as Turkey's fighter jets start the air bombings of kurds in Iraq and Syria.
Illuminati media doing what the human cattle refuses to, or in other words adding 1+1 in one sentence:
"This is the first time MPs from a pro-Kurdish party have cabinet seats and comes as the government is waging a remorseless offensive against Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants."
Illuminati suicide bombers: Ankara Suruc bombing hoax actors reused Kurd traitors
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Gulen who ordered the coup is living in Pensylvinia USA.

The Turkish government ask Washington to deliver him to Turkey.

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