Author Stephen King

Nope, Frank, we need to realize that the small minority angry far right scares the hell out of the other 85 to 90% of America.

no one is scared... seriously?
Really. The far reactionary right believe they are normal and in step with American values while the rest of America looks at them and go WTF? I remember my evangelical friends in Nacogdoches, Many, Natchitoches, Jasper, etc., all though the rest of Christianity in America were like them.
Have you ever noticed that Jake has never met a far left loon he didn't like ?:)
And I like far right loons like you and CrusaderFrank and BlackSand.

It evens out.

hey! what about me?? :( :badgrin:
You are on the pedestal by yourself, Bonzi. You are adored not just liked.

I really think you and Holly are the neatest ladies on the Board.

You are both sincere and honest and try to do right.
Nope, Frank, we need to realize that the small minority angry far right scares the hell out of the other 85 to 90% of America.

no one is scared... seriously?
Really. The far reactionary right believe they are normal and in step with American values while the rest of America looks at them and go WTF? I remember my evangelical friends in Nacogdoches, Many, Natchitoches, Jasper, etc., all though the rest of Christianity in America were like them.

I don't think anyone is afraid. They just think they are nuts.
The out of control liberals have it under control - the far right extremists are just background noise at this point.
The far lefties are dangerous, too, Bonzi, just not as numerous as the far righties, who are too full of anger to pull as a unit that can sway all of America.
Nor have you posted anything worthwhile in almost five years.

Address the OP, kid.:itsok:

Why should I care about his opinion anymore than I should care about yours?
I mean pick an idiot,any idiot...whats the difference?
The difference is that you are unable to address the OP, just the same as you generally have been unable to address other OPs in the five years you have been here.

The OP and source are lame ass liberals...why would I address them?
Nor have you posted anything worthwhile in almost five years.

Address the OP, kid.:itsok:

Why should I care about his opinion anymore than I should care about yours?
I mean pick an idiot,any idiot...whats the difference?
The difference is that you are unable to address the OP, just the same as you generally have been unable to address other OPs in the five years you have been here.

The OP and source are lame ass liberals...why would address them?

yes. anything you don't like must be "lame".

Nor have you posted anything worthwhile in almost five years.

Address the OP, kid.:itsok:

Why should I care about his opinion anymore than I should care about yours?
I mean pick an idiot,any idiot...whats the difference?
The difference is that you are unable to address the OP, just the same as you generally have been unable to address other OPs in the five years you have been here.

The OP and source are lame ass liberals...why would address them?

yes. anything you don't like must be "lame".


It is common knowledge that liberals are lame...
And of course anyone who would flood our country with terrorist and illegals for political gain goes beyond lame and straight to treason.
But have no fear,these problems will be dealt with soon.
Oh, dear, whatever will we do? HWGA, you are indeed one of the three most lame, least dangerous persons on the Board.
I agree with Stephen King in that Trump is a buffoon and entertainer, he's also very egotistical; that said, he has hit on subjects that are real and need to be addressed, not buried as far-left liberals would prefer to do.
1. Muslims: One just has to research the history of Islam and it's ambitions and actions. Also, if one wants to see how things will be if the influx of Muslims isn't ended, just review, Germany, England, Sweden, Denmark, France and other nations across the globe.
2. Illegal immigration: Honest, law-abiding individuals wait years to come in legally, while crap streams over the border. If it's so tough down south, unite and change it.
3. Military: Under Obama, has continued to shrink during a time when it needs to grow as the threats grow.

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