Baby killing Democrats have always sided with evil over good...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Democrats were the party of the slave traders, who would throw blacks overboard into the ocean if they got sick or looked like they wouldn't survive the trip.

Democrats were the party of the slave owners, who beat and whipped their slaves mercilessly and had sex with the slave women and illegitimate half-race children born into slavery.

Democrats were the party that rebelled with the election of anti-slavery Republican Abraham Lincoln, and caused a horrible war that cost the lives of 600,000 Americans.

Democrats were the party of Andrew Jackson, who forced the civilized tribes out of Southern states and sent them on the "Trial of Tears" where thousands of them died on the way.

Democrats were the party of Jim Crow segregation, poll taxes, poll intelligence tests, and other means and methods to keep blacks subservient and prevent them from voting.

Democrats are the party of welfare handouts, which has broken apart the black family and caused generations of blacks to live in subservient dependency on government social workers.

Democrats are the party of abortion, all the way to birth, and now even infanticide.

Democrats are the party that want to euthanize the terminally ill, the handicapped, the mentally ill and the mentally challenged.

Democrats are the party that shed tears for convicted murderers, and work diligently so none of them get the death penalty.

Democrats are the party that is soft on Islamic terrorism, and doesn't even want to use the world "Islamic" to describe it.

Democrats are the party that want to open up our borders to endless illegal immigrants, so they can get the illegal votes of illegal aliens and win elections by fraud.

Democrats hamper the President's efforts to stop drug smuggling, human trafficking, and sex slavery of underaged girls.

Democrats want to pass the "Green New Deal" which would totally destroy the economy and cost trillions of dollars with unrealistic goals to end all power sources other than wind and solar.

The Democratic Party has always served evil, and is run by evil men and women. If you believe in Satan, as I do, you should keep in mind that Satan is the Prince of Lies and it is he who inspires the Democratic Party in all that they do.
Males trying to control women's bodies...don't want abortion....don't have one.
Abortion is legal.

Accept it or move somewhere else.
Slavery was legal at one time.

You sound like the kind of guy who would own one and tell me it was none of my business.
So tell me why you have the RIGHT to tell women what to do with their bodies?

Telling a wpman what to do and what they can not do is not the same thing. Especially, when it involves the violation of the rights of another (the child)

Funny how you fucktardz always conveniently leave that part put.
How do you propose to stop abortions?
1) homes for unwed mothers
2) make it easier to adopt
3) more accountability for the fathers
4) teach children that it's wrong to kill
Telling a wpman what to do and what they can not do is not the same thing. Especially, when it involves the violation of the rights of another (the child)

Funny how you fucktardz always conveniently leave that part put.

Here’s the thing, like it or not:

Abortion is legal, and it will remain legal whether you like it or not.

Deal with it.
Telling a wpman what to do and what they can not do is not the same thing. Especially, when it involves the violation of the rights of another (the child)

Funny how you fucktardz always conveniently leave that part put.

Here’s the thing, like it or not:

Abortion is legal, and it will remain legal whether you like it or not.

Deal with it.

Turn the page, fucktard and you will see the other side says, "we aint backing down."

So, get the fuck used to it.

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