Balloon With 3 Hypersonic Missiles Tested by China in 2018

IF they fall to earth, unarmed, we can deal with them. IF they become armed then we have much bigger problems. MUCH, MUCH, BIGGER PROBLEMS. IF you fry the trigger circuitry then you are picking up pieces instead of trying to figure out how you're going to supply a nation with new transformers and items to keep people alive with.

Source: China's Spy Balloon Was 200 ft Tall, Carried Payload the Size of a Jet

But hey, the payload that this balloon carried was the size of a major airliner and in the thousands of pounds, This could very easily been a nuclear weapon of great size. 50Kt or greater and we let this thing travers the US at 50,000 feet. Perfect altitude for an EMP detonation.
Wow, sounds pretty serious.

Nah, actually it sounds pretty hilarious.

"Yeah, lets strap a nuclear bomb to the bottom of a balloon and sail it 8,000 miles over a few weeks as a first strike!!! That'll show them!"

The lengths you guys will go to to play up our enemies and tear down the US is truly remarkable.
And yet the command staff say these never happened?

A Pentagon official revealed on Sunday that similar aircraft had been spotted at least three additional times under Trump, but the former president swiftly denied that balloons had entered U.S. airspace on his watch.

Former Trump national security adviser John Bolton said he was not aware of any such incidents during his tenure — and other Trump administration officials have chimed in with the same.

Bloomberg reported Sunday, citing a senior administration official, that the U.S. didn’t learn about the previous balloon flights until after Biden had replaced Trump in the Oval Office — though it remains unclear how the Biden officials eventually learned about the past instances.

So, who are you going to believe or is it a wholly made up lie to help Biden? My major problem is if these did occur, why wasn't the CIC notified of the spy incursion? This is a major matter of national security and a direct violation of our sovereignty.

Wow, sounds pretty serious.

Nah, actually it sounds pretty hilarious.

"Yeah, lets strap a nuclear bomb to the bottom of a balloon and sail it 8,000 miles over a few weeks as a first strike!!! That'll show them!"

The lengths you guys will go to to play up our enemies and tear down the US is truly remarkable.
You really are this stupid..

keep it up, watching you tie yourself up in knots is fun to watch.
Nice Deflection, but still an epic failure.... No rebuttal on the facts presented. Is all you have, just your normal eating of a sugar-coated turd?
Claiming nuke missiles will be dangling from a balloon doesn't need a rebuttal.

It's the craziest thing ever posted.
I guess your blob failed at this too then:

No....actually, he didn't...

Monday, a top general in the United States military rejected recent claims that multiple other Chinese spy balloons had flown over U.S. airspace at least three times during the Trump Administration.

As reported by The Hill, the head of U.S. Northern Command, General Glen VanHerck, said that the Department of Defense “did not detect” any previous instances of balloons flying over the country. Instead, VanHerck claims, any information on such balloons was only reported after they had already left the area, and was gathered by the intelligence community instead of the military.

“We did not detect those threats,” said VanHerck during a press briefing. “The intel community after the fact — I believe as has been briefed already — assessed those threats from additional means of collection and made us aware of those balloons that were previously approaching North America or transited North America.”

Wow, sounds pretty serious.

Nah, actually it sounds pretty hilarious.

"Yeah, lets strap a nuclear bomb to the bottom of a balloon and sail it 8,000 miles over a few weeks as a first strike!!! That'll show them!"

The lengths you guys will go to to play up our enemies and tear down the US is truly remarkable.

They're actually a top delivery system for an EMP and have been used before by japan during ww2.

No....actually, he didn't...

Monday, a top general in the United States military rejected recent claims that multiple other Chinese spy balloons had flown over U.S. airspace at least three times during the Trump Administration.

As reported by The Hill, the head of U.S. Northern Command, General Glen VanHerck, said that the Department of Defense “did not detect” any previous instances of balloons flying over the country. Instead, VanHerck claims, any information on such balloons was only reported after they had already left the area, and was gathered by the intelligence community instead of the military.

“We did not detect those threats,” said VanHerck during a press briefing. “The intel community after the fact — I believe as has been briefed already — assessed those threats from additional means of collection and made us aware of those balloons that were previously approaching North America or transited North America.”

Yes...your blob failed at that too. Well at least he built 45 miles of new wall. LOL. A lot of which has fallen down.
They're actually a top delivery system for an EMP and have been used before by japan during ww2.

They're actually like 14th century technology no sane person would think is a threat in the 2023.

A bird with a sharp beak can bring it down.

please supply a link unless you are... being sarcastic or whatever..

I believe they used one destroying the underground testing facility killing their scientists. It even measured as an earthquake according to the news agency there. I think Kim was covering because of the embarrassment. After that they quit firing missiles.


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