Bannon toast

I'll bet we'll look back at this in the not-too-distant future and see that Trump is Bannon's useful idiot, just as the rubes are for Trump.

Bannon is creating and getting exactly the chaos and destruction he wants, and I doubt that most of these people really understand what they're helping him do.
Bannon has a big mouth on camera and in front of a mic. Bannon doesn't bark in court. He cowers. Big pussy with a big mouth.
Bannon has a big mouth on camera and in front of a mic. Bannon doesn't bark in court. He cowers. Big pussy with a big mouth.
That's how the orange buffoon is when he's been deposed. It's how Rudy acted in court when he had to provide REAL proof about the "rigged election".

Suddenly not quite so mouthy and "strong" (ha ha).

This is all a show. Professional wrestling. And the poor manipulated rubes think it's real.
Bannon has a big mouth on camera and in front of a mic. Bannon doesn't bark in court. He cowers. Big pussy with a big mouth.
I do not know what Bannon says or not. I do know the court and most of the people inside it is mostly rigged against him until proven otherwise.

I don’t care. 👍 You’re a stupid punk ass bitch troll with the IQ of a severely retarded 2nd grader. And of more significance, you’re off topic.

The inane topic is Bannon being toast because he has been charged. 😂🤣

If he’s “toast,” the big question is whether, after he is buttered, does he fall on the carpet buttered side down or buttered side up?

Asking for the carpet.
Mr. Know IT All. You are the only one that knows anything. You word is golden. You suck better than any bitch ever.
Mr. Know IT All. You are the only one that knows anything. You word is golden. You suck better than any bitch ever.
You seem traumatized. Were you like this before your lobotomy?

It’s not that I know it all, fume. I know more than you do. Of course, that’s not exactly saying much.
Name one then.
I do not have to. They are one and the same. I know not every Prog. I know the endless verbal and violent abuses they do. There are too many psychotics in the Prog Party due to diversity, affirmative action, quotas, equity and promotion of social justice that masks real totalitarian agendas.
Here is what I brought to the discussion...

I bring facts ...facts that you can't refute a single word of...EVER...just a bitch..
That's all that backagain does.

And the irony is when he complains about people not knowing english, he's the king of misusing words, (as defined by standard dictionaries), and admitting he uses his own definitions, even if they are in contrast to the dictionary.
So when you point out he's wrong, he uses his backward definitions.
Who's charging Congress that agreed to build a wall in exchange for amnesty for 3 million illegals in 1988 and still haven't done so? It's been funded and the funds raided 3x already.
The irony is the same people Bannon ripped off, will now donate money to defend him.
It's been like the series Lost since Trump started running for president. One random story line disappears and another pops up.
You assume that the government would never charge an innocent man? You assume the government’s allegations are always nothing but the complete unvarnished truth?

His co-conspirator was already convicted, with another going to trial soon. It's a safe bet Lil Stevie is going to prison. I warned you months ago. You had a similar tantrum then.

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