Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

The Ukes are denying that the city is lost. Yet, but it has been a slaughterhouse for Russia.

I'm awaiting the latest news.

The mud may delay it all.


They can deny all they want...

But yes.... Bakhmud is gone for the corrupt Zelensky comedian ...

It is gone
The news is pretty bad when I believe an online poster named "skye" over them.

But she's never been known to lie, and they have. :(

It's really not funny, and if I didn't laugh, I'd cry.
lol the Russian military is 5 times the size of the Ukrainian's forces, with lots of armor, artillery, and supply. They have been driven back in many places, and they will be rolled back from this one soon as well.They don't have the morale the Ukrainian soldiers have for one, and even Biden has to stop dragging his feet soon and send actual aid faster. The Marine Corps is deactivating its M1 tanks, so send them over for one. And more drones and satellite services. Germany is stepping up a little too.
The news is pretty bad when I believe an online poster named "skye" over them.

But she's never been known to lie, and they have. :(

It's really not funny, and if I didn't laugh, I'd cry.

I am not the one who is lying LOL

I quoted

in your mind is Reuters who is lying?

LOL unbelievable:rolleyes:
Is it true that Putin has ass cancer that metastasized directly into his brain?

I hope he has a very swift death.
I am not the one who is lying LOL

I quoted

in your mind is Reuters who is lying?

LOL unbelievable:rolleyes:
I was giving you a compliment, but Reuters has been known to lie. They are a propaganda arm of the MIC.

For instance: They claimed Assad gassed his own people on purpose.

That's not what happened. What happed was Spetznatz (yeah, I probably butchered that) chased ISIS into a chemical weapons depot and didn't know that's what it was and called in a airstike on it to kill the ISIS. Well, there were chemical weapon bombs in there. It all got blown up and some bad gas was released.
But Russia's army is a joke, they are losing badly & getting killed by the tens of thousands.
Putin is on his deathbed with cancer & the people have turned against the war.
Ukraine is taking Crimea & may invade Russia any day now. :rolleyes:

Saying the truth makes you a Putin lover.
Truth to proggies is like garlic to a vampire

I was giving you a compliment, but Reuters has been known to lie. They are a propaganda arm of the MIC.

For instance: They claimed Assad gassed his own people on purpose.

That's not what happened. What happed was Spetznatz (yeah, I probably butchered that) chased ISIS into a chemical weapons depot and didn't know that's what it was and called in a airstike on it to kill the ISIS. Well, there were chemical weapon bombs in there. It all got blown up and some bad gas was released.

Got news for ya'

Not only Bakhmud is gone

Ukraine is gone too...90% of Ukraine.... will be what it will be.:)

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