Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

None of that says they will invade Europe.
They are determined to return military infrastructure of NATO back to 1997 borders. They hardly can achieve this goal exclusively by non-military actions. Therefore, after the fall of Ukraine, they will start another military-diplomatic-economic game about Poland and other East-European countries.
They are determined to return military infrastructure of NATO back to 1997 borders. They hardly can achieve this goal exclusively by non-military actions. Therefore, after the fall of Ukraine, they will start another military-diplomatic-economic game about Poland and other East-European countries.
Lol. Russia isn’t the aggressor here. NATO is the one who threatens Russia with it’s continued expansion eastward. Arming those nations to attack Russia.

Please don’t tell me you still think NATO is exclusively a defensive alliance. NATO exists to contain the USSR. Guess what? It no longer exists.
Lol. Russia isn’t the aggressor here. NATO is the one who threatens Russia with it’s continued expansion eastward. Arming those nations to attack Russia.
Man, I know that official mythology, that Holy Russia never was an agressor since 988 (for more than thousand years). I'm not going to discuss ideological questions (until they affect strategic matters). I know that the Russians believe that they are right and that they are a fighting for their survival (and they have good reasons to think so).

Please don’t tell me you still think NATO is exclusively a defensive alliance. NATO exists to contain the USSR. Guess what? It no longer exists.
It depends on your definition of the term "defensive". NATO defends not only land of its members, but other things as well, and from some points of view it could look like an agression.
Origin of NATO's protection racket is in Korea. Russia so is problematic for completing any historical circles. Lvov Oblast just got hit with a Kalibr, a gesture of opposition to CIA's 70-year history of decadent operations there.
They are determined to return military infrastructure of NATO back to 1997 borders. They hardly can achieve this goal exclusively by non-military actions. Therefore, after the fall of Ukraine, they will start another military-diplomatic-economic game about Poland and other East-European countries.
Dude, you should adjust your narratives a little bit. In another thread you claimed no one would give money to a bunch of Neo-Nazies in Ukraine to discriminate the Russians.

And now you write a reason why 'someone' needs to do exactly that. If falling of Ukraine is just first step for some global changes, then someone should make sure that another guy will stumble over this step.
Dude, you should adjust your narratives a little bit. In another thread you claimed no one would give money to a bunch of Neo-Nazies in Ukraine to discriminate the Russians.

And now you write a reason why 'someone' needs to do exactly that. If falling of Ukraine is just first step for some global changes, then someone should make sure that another guy will stumble over this step.
Ok. Let's try one more time. Literally no one "supports Kievan regime". No one wants to give money to a bunch of Nazies in Kiev (or elsewhere). No one needs discrimination of the Russians by itself. Some people believe that they can use Kievan Neo-Nazies as a leverage against Russian Federation. Actually, it is almost official strategy of the EU and the USA. They don't want discriminate Russians in Ukraine. They want to defeat Russia. But, from a sober point of view it is absolutely stupid and dangerous strategy. Pushing Russians too hard without achieving real Deterrence Type I (i.e. being simultaneously agressive, weak and vulnerable) it's just an invitation of the Russian nuclear attack.
Therefore, I believe that the USA first need to Make America Great Again, second - to make it attractive, well defended and really prepared for a war, and only then - fight Russia (or try to make a good deal with her). And, anyway, Neo-Nazies are bad weapon, it is more dangerous for Americans.
Lol. Russia isn’t the aggressor here. NATO is the one who threatens Russia with it’s continued expansion eastward. Arming those nations to attack Russia.

Please don’t tell me you still think NATO is exclusively a defensive alliance. NATO exists to contain the USSR. Guess what? It no longer exists.
NYETO Is the European Strand of the Anti-Nationalist Spiderweb
Ok. Let's try one more time. Literally no one "supports Kievan regime". No one wants to give money to a bunch of Nazies in Kiev (or elsewhere). No one needs discrimination of the Russians by itself. Some people believe that they can use Kievan Neo-Nazies as a leverage against Russian Federation. Actually, it is almost official strategy of the EU and the USA. They don't want discriminate Russians in Ukraine. They want to defeat Russia. But, from a sober point of view it is absolutely stupid and dangerous strategy. Pushing Russians too hard without achieving real Deterrence Type I (i.e. being simultaneously agressive, weak and vulnerable) it's just an invitation of the Russian nuclear attack.
Therefore, I believe that the USA first need to Make America Great Again, second - to make it attractive, well defended and really prepared for a war, and only then - fight Russia (or try to make a good deal with her). And, anyway, Neo-Nazies are bad weapon, it is more dangerous for Americans.
Yeah, Make America Great Again at first (only Heavens know what that really means) and let China, Russia and other shitholes form global alliances and transform the world as it suits them. Great idea.

No one wants to defeat Russia. Or more correctly, everyone understands that this impossible to do in the current war. Moreover, it is impossible to defeat a nuclear power by military means.

Ukraine is used as a deterrence for Russia from making really stupid things. Neo-Nazis, satanists, Khazarians or whatever else you call the ruling government in Kiev, no one cares. It is for a kindergarten level.
Yeah, Make America Great Again at first (only Heavens know what that really means) and let China, Russia and other shitholes form global alliances and transform the world as it suits them. Great idea.
There is only one way to do not allow Russia, China, India, Brazil and other to make the world worse. We need to demonstrate them, that our way is better. And there is only one way to demonstrate it - really become better. And to become better, we need, first of all recognise our mistakes. And one of those mistakes is support of the Neo-Nazi Kievan regime.

No one wants to defeat Russia. Or more correctly, everyone understands that this impossible to do in the current war. Moreover, it is impossible to defeat a nuclear power by military means.
Don't underestimate stupidy and wishful thinking of the Western governments. And there is the difference between "it is impossible" and "the price is high".

Ukraine is used as a deterrence for Russia from making really stupid things. Neo-Nazis, satanists, Khazarians or whatever else you call the ruling government in Kiev, no one cares. It is for a kindergarten level.
You said, that the Russians in Ukraine should be discriminated. It sounds pretty Nazi for me.
And no, Ukraine can't deter Russia from attacking the USA. Vice versa , militarisation of Ukraine and denuclearisation of the USA can push the Russians for such attack.
There is only one way to do not allow Russia, China, India, Brazil and other to make the world worse. We need to demonstrate them, that our way is better. And there is only one way to demonstrate it - really become better. And to become better, we need, first of all recognise our mistakes. And one of those mistakes is support of the Neo-Nazi Kievan regime
I think hundreds of thousands of people trying to get to the US and EU every year by every means don't need your demonstration. They already know that.

Don't underestimate stupidy and wishful thinking of the Western governments. And there is the difference between "it is impossible" and "the price is high"
Sure, only the USMB contains world-class experts. Terminal idiocy is a prime requirement for the Western state agencies.

You said, that the Russians in Ukraine should be discriminated. It sounds pretty Nazi for me.
And no, Ukraine can't deter Russia from attacking the USA. Vice versa , militarisation of Ukraine and denuclearisation of the USA can push the Russians for such attack
Russia attacking the US. Dude, wake up, you are not on a Russian forum.
NYETO Is the European Strand of the Anti-Nationalist Spiderweb


Yeah, Make America Great Again at first (only Heavens know what that really means) and let China, Russia and other shitholes form global alliances and transform the world as it suits them. Great idea.

No one wants to defeat Russia. Or more correctly, everyone understands that this impossible to do in the current war. Moreover, it is impossible to defeat a nuclear power by military means.

Ukraine is used as a deterrence for Russia from making really stupid things. Neo-Nazis, satanists, Khazarians or whatever else you call the ruling government in Kiev, no one cares. It is for a kindergarten level.
Start to grow up and face reality, aka take the world as its.

That Russia - especially Putin, is against continued NATO expansion since 2000 is known even to the last idiot in some village.
That any country will try and continue to use whatever political means, right down to making war - in order to protect and serve it's self interests is also a fact of life.

It is the job/task of our politicians to ensure that rivalry between countries does not end up in a war. Something Western democracies utterly fail do do since the past 40 years.
Ukraine was attacked by Russia due to a total failure by our Western politicians. Nothing else nothing more.
In order to cover up their utter failing, they now make it an endless discussion and propaganda crusade, supposedly being about democracy contra autocratic states.

The USA/EU simply picks onto China - because the USA/EU were too stupid and ignorant to comprehend 40 years ago - that a country with a population of 1,4 billion people changing from communism to capitalism is inevitably going to move them from No.1 to No.2. respectively to No.3.
Again instead of concentrating onto their own internal problems and finding/implementing viable solutions, they find it naturally far easier and comfortable to highlight China or Russia as evil non-democratic countries (seems to work great with you).

Which is totally beside the point - personally I really don't care about Uighur's - especially if I wouldn't even know for myself as to why and what is actually happening there.
Because what I do care about, are those millions of refugees/migrants, jobless a deteriorating economy - combined they form a disaster towards society in my own country.

3 major political topics - not even to mention education, national defense, etc. etc. and those politicians try to divert my attention towards poor Ukraine and Uighur's.

Wake up man!
Start to grow up and face reality, aka take the world as its.

That Russia - especially Putin, is against continued NATO expansion since 2000 is known even to the last idiot in some village.
That any country will try and continue to use whatever political means, right down to making war - in order to protect and serve it's self interests is also a fact of life.

It is the job/task of our politicians to ensure that rivalry between countries does not end up in a war. Something Western democracies utterly fail do do since the past 40 years.
Ukraine was attacked by Russia due to a total failure by our Western politicians. Nothing else nothing more.
In order to cover up their utter failing, they now make it an endless discussion and propaganda crusade, supposedly being about democracy contra autocratic states.

The USA/EU simply picks onto China - because the USA/EU were too stupid and ignorant to comprehend 40 years ago - that a country with a population of 1,4 billion people changing from communism to capitalism is inevitably going to move them from No.1 to No.2. respectively to No.3.
Again instead of concentrating onto their own internal problems and finding/implementing viable solutions, they find it naturally far easier and comfortable to highlight China or Russia as evil non-democratic countries (seems to work great with you).

Which is totally beside the point - personally I really don't care about Uighur's - especially if I wouldn't even know for myself as to why and what is actually happening there.
Because what I do care about, are those millions of refugees/migrants, jobless a deteriorating economy - combined they form a disaster towards society in my own country.

3 major political topics - not even to mention education, national defense, etc. etc. and those politicians try to divert my attention towards poor Ukraine and Uighur's.

Wake up man!
Dude, what are you trying to convince me in? Surrender, make deal with Putin, and return back to the things 'as usual' where you can benefit from cheap Russian recourses? That is not going to happen.

What you Western Europeans refuse to admit is that security concerns over Russia are acute for Eastern Europe. And rising ambitions of Russia is of no less significance for them than migration crisis or other economic troubles for you.

Even if NATO had been dissolved in the early 1990s, now we would see another military alliance in Eastern Europe with similar goals. You can't be in a military bloc pursuing your own interests while ignoring others.

You disagree with that? Fine. Return back to Germany and choose representatives that would change German's policy to the EU and NATO. You have every right to do so. But stop this fucking game with this shit 'you don't get the reality' and similar stuff. I have seen enough loons here who tried to lecture me on something while knowing nothing of what is going on here. So, spare me from another one.
Dude, what are you trying to convince me in? Surrender, make deal with Putin, and return back to the things 'as usual' where you can benefit from cheap Russian recourses? That is not going to happen.
Ukraine might consider just that - before the whole country belongs to Russia
What you Western Europeans refuse to admit is that security concerns over Russia are acute for Eastern Europe. And rising ambitions of Russia is of no less significance for them than migration crisis or other economic troubles for you.
There are no security concerns, becasue Putin or Russia will never attack a NATO member.
Even if NATO had been dissolved in the early 1990s, now we would see another military alliance in Eastern Europe with similar goals. You can't be in a military bloc pursuing your own interests while ignoring others.
Why dissolve NATO? they are needed to press and support US demands and aspirations
You disagree with that? Fine. Return back to Germany and choose representatives that would change German's policy to the EU and NATO. You have every right to do so. But stop this fucking game with this shit 'you don't get the reality' and similar stuff. I have seen enough loons here who tried to lecture me on something while knowing nothing of what is going on here. So, spare me from another one.
Germany is down the drain, and so are all the other EU countries - unless they listen to people like Macron in regards to foreign policy, and concentrate onto their own internal problems - which isn't Ukraine. Who cares if the place belongs to Russia entirely or half of it? As I stated: Russia will never attack a NATO member - becasue they are militarily incapable to wage a war against high-tech countries.

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