Because Democrats Run The Economy, Employment Improved!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The employment report of March 5 was not only better than expected, except in the Contruction Jobs part of it, but except in that part of it: Employment improved!

Note on the February 2010 Employment Situation - Up Front Blog - Brookings Institution

People like stupid Kentucky Senator, Jim Bunning, who believe that businesses and households have no debts outstanding--on a daily basis--are of the mentality that caused the decimation of the jobs of the housing market, and the decimations of the values of the property values, in all the real estate markets. Stupid people actually elected them to office.

Other languages even have far more colorful descriptions of them all!

Democrats know these languages, and so instead of sending in troops to kill them off, actually work to try to prevent them from flying jet aircraft into tall buildings, which are as safe(?) as their building codes will allow. Chile appears to understand about safe, and Southern California, which understands about safe. Then there is Haiti, and other places that anyone can think of. Anyone guesses what they all have in common!

The Tea Party GOP were so entralled with the deaths of 9/11, in fact: That they actually doubled the murders in two basis-free military interventions, still on-going.

Sarah Palin can even write things down, one her hands: She is so smart(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Now millions can tune in to see if anyone in Hollywood really is all that light-skinned, with no negro dialect: Maybe like Tonto, of Lone Ranger fame!)
Brookings has this below in the report.

"Payroll employment outside the hard-hit construction industry actually rose last month. The poor performance of construction might have been partly due to severe weather in the middle Atlantic states. Bad weather may also have affected weekly hours worked, which fell last month after rising in January. The work week remains slightly higher than it was early last fall."

There are several reports like it, all of which appear to have some mysterious origin in a document, nowhere labled, "Q," or however even theology wants that meant(?).

The household survey is further shown to support the concept of an increase of jobs.

Then There is the Fox-like, Fantasy Show concept of Terry-poster, wherein they seem to write things down on the plams of their hands! Somewhere it is reported that their new famous analyst will actually go into training on a Reality-Show type format!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Anyone recalls that Alaska can even seen Vlad Putin from the front porch, shirtless, riding bareback, of the more modern GOP family values. Like in Massachusetts it's even like having: Nothing on at all!)
The employment report of March 5 was not only better than expected, except in the Contruction Jobs part of it, but except in that part of it: Employment improved!

Note on the February 2010 Employment Situation - Up Front Blog - Brookings Institution

People like stupid Kentucky Senator, Jim Bunning, who believe that businesses and households have no debts outstanding--on a daily basis--are of the mentality that caused the decimation of the jobs of the housing market, and the decimations of the values of the property values, in all the real estate markets. Stupid people actually elected them to office.

Other languages even have far more colorful descriptions of them all!

Democrats know these languages, and so instead of sending in troops to kill them off, actually work to try to prevent them from flying jet aircraft into tall buildings, which are as safe(?) as their building codes will allow. Chile appears to understand about safe, and Southern California, which understands about safe. Then there is Haiti, and other places that anyone can think of. Anyone guesses what they all have in common!

The Tea Party GOP were so entralled with the deaths of 9/11, in fact: That they actually doubled the murders in two basis-free military interventions, still on-going.

Sarah Palin can even write things down, one her hands: She is so smart(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Now millions can tune in to see if anyone in Hollywood really is all that light-skinned, with no negro dialect: Maybe like Tonto, of Lone Ranger fame!)

So, we lost 30,000+ more jobs last month, and the unemployment rate remains at 9.7% but you believe that "Employment Improved?"

Actually, the words of the report don't read anything at all(?), but who's counting(?!)!

"The most encouraging sign in the BLS report is the continued rise in employment shown in the household survey. The number of adults reporting they have jobs increased by almost 310,000 in February after climbing by 540,000 in January. Most of the two-month rise in employment has been in full-time jobs, which have increased by 586,000 since December. In spite of this good news. . . ."

When the other data-base is included, then anyone who does read the words ,and the numbers: Would tend to conclude what Brookings concluded!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Anyone recalls that all of this is even lawful reporting, in America! After all, if anything at all is bigoted or somehow insensitive: It has been on American television already, for years! Notice that even the Academy Awards, public relations event, is televised, and worldwide! The Academy is simply a more privileged, and exclusive, organization of exclusion, in our world!)
Even accroding to Obama's projections....we would have been much better off without the stimulus.

AND we would not be another 1 trillion in debt.
Recessions come and go and usually peak at about 12-18 months after they begin.
This one still has not peaked.
Last time a recession did not peak within 18 months was the lost decade of Japan.
What was different with that one?
Japan kept on trying to jump start the economy with stimulus plans.
Obama simply wanted to ignore that part of history.
The Reporting is of a Democratic Party Stimulus, funded and administered, and even planned just like a business does.

GOP Tea Party people, and their elected representatives, may in fact think that business, households, and government are all random events.

Democrats know better, and are in the lead!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Famoulsy, even just this week, Senator Gregg tried to explain the failure to provide a properly applied COLA, to pensionsers in the United States: On the basis that he and the others wanted to keep faith with COLA in the statute. That COLA, in the statute, is fixed percentage computed--the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the rich houses all come tumbling down! The one he voted against would have applied, properly, an equal amount basis of computing of a $250.00 amount.)
The employment surveys are able to corroborate, or disclaim any findings, of the other. The numbers and words not only do not know how to read, they don't even know how feel good or bad(?)!

The main job losses are in the employment of actua working people doing building trades work: Which GOP Tea Party types, and their elected people, tried to kill off year after year.

Then came, "The Change," or however the new Speaker is addressed(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(New Speaker Not Work In Garden! New Speaker Stay Out of Smog--Do Second-Hand, Spirit Communion, instead!)
Poor boy must have strained that muscle between his ears. It's not working properly.
The decimation of the Construction Industry, GOP and Tea Party intended and implemented, even had to face into the weather. It probably tried to do its facing, elsewhere!

Two examples of the GOP Tea Party intent to kill off Americans were reported in the last two weeks. The one is from Senator Bunning, the other is from Senator Gregg!

Those are public record! They actually tend to corroborate one another!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Hmmm! What Grow in Gardein, anyway?!)
The decimation of the Construction Industry, GOP and Tea Party intended and implemented, even had to face into the weather. It probably tried to do its facing, elsewhere!

Two examples of the GOP Tea Party intent to kill off Americans were reported in the last two weeks. The one is from Senator Bunning, the other is from Senator Gregg!

Those are public record! They actually tend to corroborate one another!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Hmmm! What Grow in Gardein, anyway?!)

Once you threw in Senator Bunning and his actions, which were responsible, albeit only done becuase he was not running again, I realized you simply go with what you hear...not with applying logic.
Nothing in any household or business budget-making logic would arrive at the outcome of the mostly heinous family values of the GOP, and including its Tea Party, toilet level, movement!

Businesses, Households, and Governments have credit sources that they use!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Snake in Garden, No take American Express?!? Hmmm! Want Forbidden Fruit Instead!)
Any kind of improvement is called the bounce affect. Whenever things get this low the economy will bounce. That is my opinion.
The sports analogy stuff, apparently applies mostly to Golf, and not to economics(?)!

"Crow, Jame Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Oooooooh, Ho-ing, In the Gardein, In The Front Lawn, by the Fiat, now we're ho-ing, in the Tulips, at Tea(?)!

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