Beloe Zlato! The most successive Russian girl band.

The fact that the Ukrainian language is closer to the roots is obvios. It is more melodic and it retains more of a grammar-semantic connection. For example, the word "нiженьки" is identical to the word lower "нижние" [limbs], while in Russian this connection is lost. There are less baltisms, and so on.
And Russian also have been influensed by Sami language. Now the Sami themselves do not know their languages well, for example the Karelians, but they influenced Russian in the course of assimilation, in the north of Moscow.
first of all, you are lying to yourself about your and your country's place in cultural hyerarchy. :)
To call Russia backward etc by a Ukrainian is like for an Aztec to be called backward by a savage Amazon tribe of the same period :) While there might be more advanced civilization overseas, a Chinese one (definitely not European of that time, military advantage does not mean cultural superiority) but superiority of Aztecs to all these tribes is indisputable. Unless an Amazon goes crazy and suddenly attributes himself to an alien culture :)

Kievan part of Russia has always been a province of someone, except short period of probably 2-3 ages prior to Mongol invasion. All other 800 years Ukraine has always been an illiterate stateless colony of Poland or a province of Russia.

And since Middle ages all culture present in Ukraine was brought there by Russians, concentrated in Russian speaking cities, while Ukrainian speaking seluki were and still are a bastion of dark obscurantism.

Even recent internal conflict in Ukraine is between backward agrarian Ukrainianism and modern Rusian speaking urbanism. Agrarian, uneducated, rural, nationalistic, Ukrainian speaking Western Ukraine vs. industrialized, urban, educated, Russian speaking South and East.
And Ukranians having political power destroys urban civilization in your country, along with Russian speaking science and industry. In Ukraine if you stop reading in Russian you stop reading at all. :)

Am I not correct? :)
Jesus.. The whole territory of Russia was a territory of seluki living in dark ages. Of course, there were literal people there and an intellectual elite which lived in a hostile environment of tsarist autocracy.
The whole territory of Russia was a territory of seluki living in dark ages. Of course, there were literal people there and an intellectual elite which lived in a hostile environment of tsarist autocracy.
If you are leading to that Ukraine has more to do with Europe than Russia, this is complete nonsense. In addition to the Hetmanate in Ukraine, everything is purely Asian, and this is 3/4 pure steppe. And historical Russia is just European: these are the Balts, Germans and Ashkenazi.
But I see no reason to deny Asian history. This is the history of great warriors and great cultures.
rupol, don't make me laugh, Ukrainian sounds like spoiled children's language.

дитячий свит...
The seldduks are exactly those whom you consider Cossacks through the letter O.
In Ukraine they were called Serdyuk. They were actually Turkish cavalry, mixed with Serbs and Muscovites.
And they fought against the Ukrainians, by the way, who were then Lesser Poles. They were defeated by the Polish hussars under Vienna and disbanded.
The story of taras bulba is just about this

Real Cossacks are cavalry, they lived in the east, on the Don land and in the lower reaches of the Dnieper from Cherkassy. Cherkassy is one of the names of the Cossacks.
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If you are leading to that Ukraine has more to do with Europe than Russia, this is complete nonsense. In addition to the Hetmanate in Ukraine, everything is purely Asian, and this is 3/4 pure steppe. And historical Russia is just European: these are the Balts, Germans and Ashkenazi.
But I see no reason to deny Asian history. This is the history of great warriors and great cultures.
On the contrary, I want to say that what is today Ukraine was inside Russian cultural sphere, and its development was in line with that.
On the contrary, I want to say that what is today Ukraine was inside Russian cultural sphere, and its development was in line with that.
No, this is a common myth. Historically, only the hetmanate, the novoserbia and the Volhynia were under this influence. The core of Ukraine is the Poles.
If you look closely, you will notice that Ukrainian women are very similar to Poles, especially in the west.
By the way, there are many Serbs in Ukraine now. On the male line 30-40%. But they appeared there only during the time of Catherine II, it was she who settled them there.

This is the type of appearance I consider Polish, and this is exactly the standard of Ukrainian beauty.

In general, Polish and Ukrainian women are some of the most beautiful women in the world.
That's right, Svetlana herself is from Ivano-Frankivsk, not far from Vinnitsa. And there in the Carpathian region there is even a nationality called Opolen
And this is exactly the area where Ukrainian is really spoken as a native. This is not the case in the Zaporozhye region. There is a Ukrainian official, but they speak Russian
The fact that the Ukrainian language is closer to the roots is obvios. It is more melodic and it retains more of a grammar-semantic connection. For example, the word "нiженьки" is identical to the word lower "нижние" [limbs], while in Russian this connection is lost. There are less baltisms, and so on.
And Russian also have been influensed by Sami language. Now the Sami themselves do not know their languages well, for example the Karelians, but they influenced Russian in the course of assimilation, in the north of Moscow.
I would think Russian would have been more influenced by Turkic languages. But in any case, there seems to be a certain degree of isolation with common words that don't exist in other languages, like "xorosho".

But to get back to the topic, is there anything political about the band that the thread is about? I didn't notice anything, but don't know anything about them. Having the word "white" in the name does not make them white power.
like "xorosho".
This is not an isolated word

Turkic languages
Those languages that are now considered Türkic have an unclear origin from some Altai hypothesis, which does not inspire confidence. Altaians themselves speak Russian and do not know Altai language. And they looks like russians of Volga or Ural.

But the general vocabulary is of course there. Moreover, this common vocabulary is common not so much with the Russians as with the Indo-European ones in general. For example, the order and the horde, the Unns and the union, the Turks themselves include Europeans and Evenks and Turks, all these peoples are different.

There was the Turkization of Asia in the 20s, apparently most of these languages were invented by Lunacharsky&co
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But to get back to the topic, is there anything political about the band that the thread is about? I didn't notice anything, but don't know anything about them. Having the word "white" in the name does not make them white power.
No, it's just folk music. There is no policy
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This is not an isolated word
Isolated in the sense that other Slavic languages do not use it. It does come up in older Russian texts, but with a different meaning. There is a Korean word that has similarity, may not be related...
Isolated in the sense that other Slavic languages do not use it. It does come up in older Russian texts, but with a different meaning. There is a Korean word that has similarity, may not be related...
In the Ukrainian language there is a word 'xoroshyj'. Though a direct analogue of Russian 'xorosho' is Ukrainian 'dobre'.
that other Slavic languages
Well. Good question:)
I think this is baltism from "Gerai".
Ukrainians, usually say "dobre" instead, but it is considered that there is in Ukrainian. I think it's baltism.
rupol, please don't confuse people with your peculiar perception of anything related to almost everything :)

I don't argue but only because it would be like to reform the whole Ukrainian educational system, i. e. some sort of Hercules achievements :)
It's not your fault, but it seems you in Ukraine have really some separate History and geography from the rest of Human kind :)

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