Beloe Zlato! The most successive Russian girl band.

Not as drunk as a Russian.

In two years Russia will haven't neither drunk people nor drugs or alcohol.
After the gang of Putin get kick in the ass Tsar and Church will run Russia and will decrease sells of vodka & Co

The traditional Russian drink is neither Vodka nor Wine nor Beer but Medowucha.
It will be no alcoholics in Russia anymore

The Russia moves away from the western shitty 'culture' to its roots.
After traitor Putin and his Cabal gotta go Russian Patriots will break any relationship with the West and Russia goes its own way.

Good luck with that. Being a backward country, with illiterate peasant populace, an absolute autocratic rule and corrupted and inefficient bureaucratic apparatus is what their roots actually are.
In two years Russia will haven't neither drunk people nor drugs or alcohol.
After the gang of Putin get kick in the ass Tsar and Church will run Russia and will decrease sells of vodka & Co

The traditional Russian drink is neither Vodka nor Wine nor Beer but Medowucha.
It will be no alcoholics in Russia anymore

Alcohol consumption was a significant part of their cultural mode for centuries and in two years they will suddenly become sober due to some patriots getting the power. Cool story, bro.

Ask Gorbachev how this will work out.
Alcohol consumption was a significant part of their cultural mode for centuries and in two years they will suddenly become sober due to some patriots getting the power. Cool story, bro.

Ask Gorbachev how this will work out.

You're spreading blatant lies, only after a part of Poland became Russia and Jewish merchants were allowed to enter the country Russian people got to know the taste of vodka.
You're spreading blatant lies, only after a part of Poland became Russia and Jewish merchants were allowed to enter the country Russian people got to know the taste of vodka.
Yeah, there are various versions of that. But I doubt that yours is true, because there were decrees which regulated a vodka market since at least Peter the Great who lived long before even the first partition of Poland.
Yeah, there are various versions of that.

But the only one finale possible when the Russian Nation wants to survive.

A completely prohibition of strong alcohol, the death penalty for drug dealers and addicted and of course big kick in Putin's and Co ass.
Good luck with that. Being a backward country, with illiterate peasant populace, an absolute autocratic rule and corrupted and inefficient bureaucratic apparatus is what their roots actually are.
lol, Esay, you seem to be a part of Ukrainian intelligencia, the one which Ukraine had never had until Russians (and especially evil Soviets) artificially created :)

I mean I understand it's a great temptation to believe own propaganda, but can an intelligent person afford himself such a luxury? Especially taking in account that for Ukraine self-decieving is absolutely lethal...

Ukaine is deindustrializing fast, it loses population fast, and the most qualified and educated leave - either to Russia or to Europe. The least qualufied - to Poland to work in strawberry fields, the most qualified - to Russia to work in new plants.

Ukraine as a degrading system cannot privide its population with work and sources of income.

And what is even more tragic to you, new agriculture technologies do not require many people in rural area too.
Rural redneck Seluki in Western Ukraine, the driving force of Ukrainian nationalism will first find themselves the only ones left in medieval agrarian economy which Ukraine gradually becomes, and then they will be thrown out of their land and out of life, because there will be no jobs for them in agriculture, no one needs so many unskilled working hands....

But keep dreaming and comforting yourselves with your lie on Russia :)
Yeah, there are various versions of that. But I doubt that yours is true, because there were decrees which regulated a vodka market since at least Peter the Great who lived long before even the first partition of Poland.

Baron, you seem not to have been to Russia :)

you are wasting time patricipating in this discussion, this vodka stereotype is irrelevant, . :)

It was not, but for about 15-20 years it is irrelevant, it is nothing but a part of Western propaganda :)

I am old enough, I was a teenager in last years in USSR, I remember drunk people lying here and there in the street then.

All these alcoholics died off in 90s, now people don't have time to drink. You will not see a single drunk person in the street now. I saw about 10 times more homeless people lying in the streets of Germany or Italy than in Russia. Probably it is due to the climate, but in Russia now you will not see homeless people, and now there are no drunk people.

About 40% of Russians don't drink alcohol at all, more than 50% drink a little from time to time.

There are no ugly scenes of drunk mobs like in cities of the UK in weekends.

As well in the US more than 100 000 people die yearly due to drugs overdose, mostly opioids, as consequence of life getting harder and harder every year. And it is only beginning. The US is going to face much worse a catastrophe which we faced in 90s.

Russia has adapted to hardships and is going up. The West is disadapted to growing hardships, alcoholism and drugs overdoses are growing, the West is going down.

As for Ukraine, it is depopulating fast. Not only due to alcohol, but generally due to lack of perspectives, no future.

Going to the army and to the war becomes an attractive job in Ukraine, if you don't emigeate or work abroad.

The funniest thing in all this is a Ukrainian Esay, talking here about backward savage Russia, when his compatriots en masse have to decide either to work as seasonal workers in Poland swine farms or move to successful Russia, whose GDP per capita is 3 times higher than one of Ukraine :)

to talk yourself into believing in your superiority when you are dying is a Ukrainian way of suicide :)
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Baron, you seem not to have been to Russia :)

you are wasting time patricipating in this discussion, this vodka stereotype is irrelevant, . :)

It was not, but for about 15-20 years it is irrelevant, it is nothing but a part of Western propaganda :)

I am old enough, I was a teenager in last years in USSR, I remember drunk people lying here and there in the street then.

All these alcoholics died off in 90s, now people don't have time to drink. You will not see a single drunk person in the street now. I saw about 10 times more homeless people lying in the streets of Germany or Italy than in Russia. Probably it is due to the climate, but in Russia now you will not see homeless people, and now there are no drunk people.

About 40% of Russians don't drink alcohol at all, more than 50% drink a little from time to time.

There are no ugly scenes of drunk mobs like in cities of the UK in weekends.

As well in the US more than 100 000 people die yearly due to drugs overdose, mostly opioids, as consequence of life getting harder and harder every year. And it is only beginning. The US is going to face much worse a catastrophe which we faced in 90s.

Russia has adapted to hardships and is going up. The West is disadapted to growing hardships, alcoholism and drugs overdoses are growing, the West is going down.

As for Ukraine, it is depopulating fast. Not only due to alcohol, but generally due to lack of perspectives, no future.

Going to the army and to the war becomes an attractive job in Ukraine, if you don't emigeate or work abroad.

The funniest thing in all this is a Ukrainian Esay, talking here about backward savage Russia, when his compatriots en masse have to decide either to work as seasonal workers in Poland swine farms or move to successful Russia, whose GDP per capita is 3 times higher than one of Ukraine :)

to talk yourself into believing in your superiority when you are dying is a Ukrainian way of suicide :)

Western 'democracy' wants most of Russians die of alcohol abuse.
while going back to the topic

Baron, there are many groups performing in A la Rus style, it is gradually bdcoming a trend, but generally there are plenty of wonderful Russian groups and bands playing modern music..

like this one, you may find more in their Youtube channell

I don't like this style. This just comes from historical Russia, the northwest, Belarus and the Baltic states. This is such a light vulgar gaiety and tomfoolery.
Everything that happens from the steppes, from the Don, Volga, Ural and Ukraine has lyrical, romantic motives. There, the major motives are rarely found in folk music, but it does not have such dashing gaiety.

It's the same in the epic. From there, fairy tales about the dashing fool take place, and from the southeast there is a heroic epic.
All this clearly shows the colossal gap in the mentality of the Horde and Moscow russia.
I don't like this style. This just comes from historical Russia, the northwest, Belarus and the Baltic states. This is such a light vulgar gaiety and tomfoolery.
Everything that happens from the steppes, from the Don, Volga, Ural and Ukraine has lyrical, romantic motives. There, the major motives are rarely found in folk music, but it does not have such dashing gaiety.

It's the same in the epic. From there, fairy tales about the dashing fool take place, and from the southeast there is a heroic epic.
All this clearly shows the colossal gap in the mentality of the Horde and Moscow russia.

lol, this tune of Tetris is known to every Westerner of older generation.

does this joyful song belong to Southern or Northern Russia? :)

I am not sure what you meant but I tend to think your assumption are too artificial and imaginary :)
besides, what do you know of Golden horde mentality? :)
except that it exists in heads of Ukrainian Nazis and Ukrainians affected by Nazi propaganda? :)
There are really tragic ballads, about how warriors die, perhaps this is what was previously called a cruel romance. This genre is essentially lost. This song is believed to have been a cruel romance.

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except that it exists in heads of Ukrainian Nazis and Ukrainians affected by Nazi propaganda?
Modern Ukrainians essentially consider the Moscow hetmanate as their culture. No, it was not only in Ukraine, it was for all the cavalrymen of the great Steppe, starting from the Don Valley. Maybe some Cossack songs have major notes, but they still don't have this ditty style. The bulk of the southeastern songs are lyrics and tragedy, and Ukrainian ones are also mostly like that.
are too artificial and imaginary
This can be seen from the very plots of the songs. There they constantly talk about war, campaigns, the steppes, horses, sobbing for the deceased husband, along the Don and Volga, among the Ukrainians about the Danube. Almost all songs of this kind revolve around these attributes.
I think that in the steppe there were no balalaikas and harmonica at all, especially ratchets and spoons. Steppe songs do not go well with these instruments. This is essentially guitar music. Any such song fits well on the guitar.

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