Beloved Conservative 40-year Teacher Loses Job After Slapping Disrespectful Student. Marxist Left WILL Ruin Him.

teachers know they can't hit students
but students can spit on, insult and threaten teachers and their families on a daily basis and you like that very much. ok, typical no one expects any better form your ilk. If someone threatens to rape a female member of my family they WILL lose their teeth at a minimum.
but students can spit on, insult and threaten teachers and their families on a daily basis and you like that very much. ok, typical no one expects any better form your ilk. If someone threatens to rape a female member of my family they WILL lose their teeth at a minimum.

Nice of you to follow the bullshit with more bullshit. No one, not one person, has shown a link verifying what the kid said. As I said before, the kid could have threatened to turn the teacher in for having sex with his students. But since we don't know, how about we stick to the facts.

This all stemmed from a dress code violation. Certainly nothing that called for the kid to be hit hard enough to bounce his head off a concrete block wall.

Oh, and if a student spits on a student that is assault. They can be expelled and/or prosecuted for it.
People like me? You mean people who work hard, raise their kids right, and are part of their community??? Otherwise, I don't know who the hell you are talking about.

The teacher lost it and hit a student, causing visible injuries. There is no reason why the teacher should be exempt from the laws.

Your claim that I support a "loud mouthed rude punk" is just more of your bullshit. The fact that I think a teacher should be held responsible for his actions does not mean I support the kid.
Not bull shit, sorry you think post pubescent males should be allowed to threaten to rape other peoples children. The left want 16 year olds to vote, if you are old enough to vote you are old enough to lose your teeth for threatening to rape another persons daughter. Or is your 'outrage" because the guy is a republican who was defending his family from the depravity of the left?

I ask you now, do you know everything that happened before this video was released? Everything that happened during the entire course of this school year? Thats why I side with the teacher, some of our nations kids belong in a freaking zoo because they behave like animals.
Instinctively, I do. Yes. There's probably a long history there, and the kid reportedly threatened to rape the teacher's daughter. Should Hosinger have done it? No. Would I have done it? No. Can I understand how he could? Definitely.

Where is the evidence of this claim? The school themselves said the incident was about the student wearing a hoodie in his classroom
Not bull shit, sorry you think post pubescent males should be allowed to threaten to rape other peoples children. The left want 16 year olds to vote, if you are old enough to vote you are old enough to lose your teeth for threatening to rape another persons daughter. Or is your 'outrage" because the guy is a republican who was defending his family from the depravity of the left?

I ask you now, do you know everything that happened before this video was released? Everything that happened during the entire course of this school year? Thats why I side with the teacher, some of our nations kids belong in a freaking zoo because they behave like animals.

My outrage, if you can call it that, is the constant repeating of the "he threatened to rape his daughter". Not one iota of evidence has been offered to show he said that. In fact, I have seen nothing to suggest that the teacher even HAS a daughter. One person made that shit up, to try and defend a conservative. And several of "your ilk" have repeated it like it was a fact.

As for whether I am outraged because it was a republican? No. I am outraged that it happened. That a student ended up with a bloody nose, bloody mouth, a lump and an abrasion on his head, simply because his teacher could not control his temper. Whether it was a democrat or republican, conservative or liberal, I do not care at all. It does not happen in schools. If it does, the adult will face the consequences.
Where is the evidence of this claim? The school themselves said the incident was about the student wearing a hoodie in his classroom

Thank you.

The OP made up the bit about the kid threatening to rape the teacher's daughter. I'm guessing he did it to try and raise sympathy for the teacher.

But quite a few have addressed it like it was fact. It isn't. There is no evidence that it was anything more than a dress code violation.
I know what goes on in our schools and society is lucky that most of our teachers haven't already quit since today's kids have zero respect for anything or anyone, and they threaten their teachers on a daily basis, and a teacher cannot even raise their voice in self-defense. You don't know what happened any more than I do, but chances are the teacher had his reasons and I defend a teacher with decades of experience over some punk kid who was never once told no by his parents or society. In my eye, we need another 100,000 teachers like this one.
We need 100,000 teachers who slap students?
but students can spit on, insult and threaten teachers and their families on a daily basis and you like that very much. ok, typical no one expects any better form your ilk. If someone threatens to rape a female member of my family they WILL lose their teeth at a minimum.
That student did that? Or are you saying that because some students do that elsewhere, it's ok for this teacher to slam and slap this child?
It appears to be the same with those who say nothing about white children being shot and schools, for example.
Wrong. School shootings get nationwide coverage. How many Black children were shot in Democrat run cities last week? No one knows because the media is silent. Doesn't fit the democrat agenda narrative.
Not bull shit, sorry you think post pubescent males should be allowed to threaten to rape other peoples children. The left want 16 year olds to vote, if you are old enough to vote you are old enough to lose your teeth for threatening to rape another persons daughter. Or is your 'outrage" because the guy is a republican who was defending his family from the depravity of the left?

I ask you now, do you know everything that happened before this video was released? Everything that happened during the entire course of this school year? Thats why I side with the teacher, some of our nations kids belong in a freaking zoo because they behave like animals.
Like GOP base voters lol? Make up some more bs....
Wrong. School shootings get nationwide coverage. How many Black children were shot in Democrat run cities last week? No one knows because the media is silent. Doesn't fit the democrat agenda narrative.
Everyone knows except you twits, and the crap GOP that keeps the mainly anti-minority war on drugs going forever...
but students can spit on, insult and threaten teachers and their families on a daily basis and you like that very much. ok, typical no one expects any better form your ilk. If someone threatens to rape a female member of my family they WILL lose their teeth at a minimum.
... and you will go to jail as a result of your stupidity.
women in their 30s can be raped moron, and minor or not

You know what is most amazing about this? Myself and many others have asked for references to this moronic claim.

And most amazingly, I have not found it yet. Nor has anybody else, nor has anybody verified it ever even happened.

In other words, it is pure bullshit, and you all are just trying to justify an adult hitting a kid.

And oh yes, I am sure that there are hundreds of cases of junior high aged kids hunting down the adult daughters of their teachers and raping them.

The most amazing thing is, none of you all even seem to realize how stupid you soind.

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