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Ben Carson: Theory Of Evolution Encouraged By The Devil


What is your favorite dog, or cat? Do you have a child, would you say they look more like you or your spouse... their parents or your, maybe a combination of all of you?

Maybe your children if you have any look nothing like you, however maybe if yo have children they are not yours at all...

Huh? The glaring problem with evolution is there is no fossil record.
Fossil evidence
Introduction to Human Evolution | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program

Better study up, there are two huge gaps that cannot be accounted for by fossil records
You have lost any cred you had. We an incredibly ignorant statement. So long to you.
“I personally believe that this theory that Darwin came up with was something that was encouraged by the adversary, and it has become what is scientifically, politically correct.”

In a speech delivered in 2012, Ben Carson said the big bang theory was part of the “fairy tales” pushed by “high-faluting scientists” as a story of creation.

Similarly, Carson, a noted creationist, said he believed the theory of evolution was encouraged by the devil.

“Now what about the big bang theory,” said Carson at speech to fellow Seventh-day Adventists titled “Celebration of Creation,” about the theory for the origin of the universe.

“I find the big bang, really quite fascinating. I mean, here you have all these high-faluting scientists and they’re saying it was this gigantic explosion and everything came into perfect order. Now these are the same scientists that go around touting the second law of thermodynamics, which is entropy, which says that things move toward a state of disorganization.

“So now you’re gonna have this big explosion and everything becomes perfectly organized and when you ask them about it they say, ‘Well we can explain this, based on probability theory because if there’s enough big explosions, over a long period of time, billions and billions of years, one of them will be the perfect explosion,” continued Carson. “So I say what you’re telling me is if I blow a hurricane through a junkyard enough times over billions and billions of years, eventually after one of those hurricanes there will be a 747 fully loaded and ready to fly.”

Carson added that he believed the big bang was “even more ridiculous” because there is order to the universe.

“Well, I mean, it’s even more ridiculous than that ‘cause our solar system, not to mention the universe outside of that, is extraordinarily well organized, to the point where we can predict 70 years away when a comet is coming,” he said. “Now that type of organization to just come out of an explosion? I mean, you want to talk about fairy tales, that is amazing.”

Later, Carson said he personally believed Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution was encouraged by the devil.

“I personally believe that this theory that Darwin came up with was something that was encouraged by the adversary, and it has become what is scientifically, politically correct,” said Carson.

“Amazingly, there are a significant number of scientists who do not believe it but they’re afraid to say anything,” Carson added, saying he would be writing a book, “The Organ of Species,” that shows how the organs of the body refute evolution.

Ben Carson: Big Bang A Fairy Tale, Theory Of Evolution Encouraged By The Devil

OMG, I can't imagine this man as president.
What I can't believe is that in order to be a Doctor of Neuroscience, that schooling includes tons of lab work in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

It's not that far of a stretch because there are lot's of neuroscience people crossing over into high end stuff like particle physics, and other things
Here is what I find interesting... Evolution as a theory has literally billions upon billions of collected bones from even thousands of years ago... Past that you can actually see the process of evolution in a single mother fucking generation of any species including humans. Yet these same people who would like to claim there is simply "not enough evidence!!!" place their belief in a book that has actually ZERO fucking evidence to back it up outside of words that have been translated many fucking times....

Take your pick on what you would like to believe, I won't judge you... Ok, I might a little. But lets face it, the gawd believers who are not supposed to judge, in fact judge more than any evolutionist alive.

It's sad that the infection of idiotic religious nutbags are so prevalent in the Republican party, it surly has eroded the party from what it could have been.
The youtube clip:

Celebration of Creation- Ben Carson, MD

The idiot makes a fool of himself with his very first claim!

Are Whales Smarter Than We Are?

Cetacean brains, such as those of dolphins (left) and humpback whales (right), have even more cortical convolutions and surface area than human brains do.

We humans pride ourselves on our big brains. We never seem to tire of bragging about how our supreme intelligence empowers us to lord over all other animals on the planet. Yet the biological facts don't quite square with Homo sapiens' arrogance. The fact is, people do not have the largest brains on the planet, either in absolute size or in proportion to body size. Whales, not people, have the biggest brains of any animal on earth.
Not that I want to vote for Ben Carson, or the extreme views

For me Ben Carson is right partly and I would consider myself moderate to left

If you scientifically look into our genes we are all interconnected , we don't have to be a creationist to believe that.

He understands the brain more than most people do, I have studied the brain with my addiction counselor studies and there is way more to us than walking on all fours to what we are now.

For me I totally get what he is saying with the universe being ordered ( but perhaps he took acid like myself back in the hippy days..:wink_2: ......

It is all very complex but I get what he is saying

I've been sober 15 months, and he wouldn't have made any sense to me when I was drunk either.

I've had a spiritual awakening, and my faith shares no common ground with provable science, and scientificly supported theories
Here is what I find interesting... Evolution as a theory has literally billions upon billions of collected bones from even thousands of years ago... Past that you can actually see the process of evolution in a single mother fucking generation of any species including humans. Yet these same people who would like to claim there is simply "not enough evidence!!!" place their belief in a book that has actually ZERO fucking evidence to back it up outside of words that have been translated many fucking times....

Take your pick on what you would like to believe, I won't judge you... Ok, I might a little. But lets face it, the gawd believers who are not supposed to judge, in fact judge more than any evolutionist alive.

It's sad that the infection of idiotic religious nutbags are so prevalent in the Republican party, it surly has eroded the party from what it could have been.
It's "Reagan's Folly" and Barry Goldwater warned of it.

In order to secure the southern vote, which is infested with creationists, you get what we have now.
I would vote for a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim for certain offices.

I might vote for a creationist as dog catcher or city clerk.
Not that I want to vote for Ben Carson, or the extreme views

For me Ben Carson is right partly and I would consider myself moderate to left

If you scientifically look into our genes we are all interconnected , we don't have to be a creationist to believe that.

He understands the brain more than most people do, I have studied the brain with my addiction counselor studies and there is way more to us than walking on all fours to what we are now.

For me I totally get what he is saying with the universe being ordered ( but perhaps he took acid like myself back in the hippy days..:wink_2: ......

It is all very complex but I get what he is saying

I've been sober 15 months, and he wouldn't have made any sense to me when I was drunk either.

I've had a spiritual awakening, and my faith shares no common ground with provable science, and scientificly supported theories

Haaa Haaaa too funny~ Congrats on your 15 months!

Huh? The glaring problem with evolution is there is no fossil record.
Troll. The fossil record is extensive.
What is your favorite dog, or cat? Do you have a child, would you say they look more like you or your spouse... their parents or your, maybe a combination of all of you?

Maybe your children if you have any look nothing like you, however maybe if yo have children they are not yours at all...

Huh? The glaring problem with evolution is there is no fossil record.
Fossil evidence
Introduction to Human Evolution | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program

Better study up, there are two huge gaps that cannot be accounted for by fossil records
You have lost any cred you had. We an incredibly ignorant statement. So long to you.

Where are the transitional fossils? Oops. :)
In the final analysis, there is no conflict between Evolution and Creation - merely a matter of interpretation and time-lines.
I'd agree, if you're saying all creation occurred at the Big Bang, when the basic Laws of Physics were laid down, and everything from that point forward has been evolution.
We may be closer to common ground than one might think at first.

If a benevolent, omnipotent, eternal Creator-God exists, and if Judeo-Christian holy writ is correct on the macro-level, that the Creator-God did all this, then...

It seems entirely likely, that that Creator-God invented our Laws of Physics, planned the Big Bang and its resultant effects down to the sub-atomic level across vast expanses and vast eons of time, then executed the Big Bang, monitored the progress of the after-effects, tweaked conditions here-and-there over billions of years, and thereby set into motion the creation of our flyspeck solar system and range of planets, and the development of life, species and individuals upon our own particular flyspeck...

After all, for an eternal Creator-God, 11 billion years (or whatever the latest wisdom is, regarding the age of the Universe) is a morning's work before a coffee break...

In such a way, the two seemingly-irreconcilable theories can be easily and conveniently reconciled, with both being correct, on at least the macro level.
one major problem how could a sentient life exist when nothing did?
Not a problem at all...

Multiple universes...

The Creator-God stands in one while creating the next, and on and on, in infinite regression...

Is not the Lord God eternal?

Is not the Lord God master of many mysteries that we cannot yet (or ever) fathom?

If God exists, and if He-She-It-They are eternal, then, is it not possible - even likely - that He controls all dimensions, all universes, and time itself?

You are asking for proof for the Un-Knowable, are you not?
I've been saying it, and I'll say it again, this man is truly stupid......

Ben carson.

You're saying a brain surgeon is "truly stupid"? Really?
he does have the personality of paint.

Unlike YOU?
so you thinks he's got an outgoing personality?
he's a walking talking advertisement for anti anxiety medication.
In the final analysis, there is no conflict between Evolution and Creation - merely a matter of interpretation and time-lines.
I'd agree, if you're saying all creation occurred at the Big Bang, when the basic Laws of Physics were laid down, and everything from that point forward has been evolution.
We may be closer to common ground than one might think at first.

If a benevolent, omnipotent, eternal Creator-God exists, and if Judeo-Christian holy writ is correct on the macro-level, that the Creator-God did all this, then...

It seems entirely likely, that that Creator-God invented our Laws of Physics, planned the Big Bang and its resultant effects down to the sub-atomic level across vast expanses and vast eons of time, then executed the Big Bang, monitored the progress of the after-effects, tweaked conditions here-and-there over billions of years, and thereby set into motion the creation of our flyspeck solar system and range of planets, and the development of life, species and individuals upon our own particular flyspeck...

After all, for an eternal Creator-God, 11 billion years (or whatever the latest wisdom is, regarding the age of the Universe) is a morning's work before a coffee break...

In such a way, the two seemingly-irreconcilable theories can be easily and conveniently reconciled, with both being correct, on at least the macro level.
one major problem how could a sentient life exist when nothing did?
Not a problem at all...

Multiple universes...

The Creator-God stands in one while creating the next, and on and on, in infinite regression...

Is not the Lord God eternal?

Is not the Lord God master of many mysteries that we cannot yet (or ever) fathom?

If God exists, and if He-She-It-They are eternal, then, is it not possible - even likely - that He controls all dimensions, all universes, and time itself?

You are asking for proof for the Un-Knowable, are you not?
no. but it makes a nice bed time story.
Huh? The glaring problem with evolution is there is no fossil record.
Troll. The fossil record is extensive.
What is your favorite dog, or cat? Do you have a child, would you say they look more like you or your spouse... their parents or your, maybe a combination of all of you?

Maybe your children if you have any look nothing like you, however maybe if yo have children they are not yours at all...

Huh? The glaring problem with evolution is there is no fossil record.
Fossil evidence
Introduction to Human Evolution | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program

Better study up, there are two huge gaps that cannot be accounted for by fossil records
You have lost any cred you had. We an incredibly ignorant statement. So long to you.

Where are the transitional fossils? Oops. :)
No oops at all.
Huh? The glaring problem with evolution is there is no fossil record.
Troll. The fossil record is extensive.
What is your favorite dog, or cat? Do you have a child, would you say they look more like you or your spouse... their parents or your, maybe a combination of all of you?

Maybe your children if you have any look nothing like you, however maybe if yo have children they are not yours at all...

Huh? The glaring problem with evolution is there is no fossil record.
Fossil evidence
Introduction to Human Evolution | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program

Better study up, there are two huge gaps that cannot be accounted for by fossil records
You have lost any cred you had. We an incredibly ignorant statement. So long to you.

Where are the transitional fossils? Oops. :)
(A few) transitional fossils
Sit down.
Ben carson.

You're saying a brain surgeon is "truly stupid"? Really?
he does have the personality of paint.

Unlike YOU?
so you thinks he's got an outgoing personality?
he's a walking talking advertisement for anti anxiety medication.

Unlike YOU?
Very much unlike me .
An unwritten qualification for president is not to put your supporters to sleep
I've been saying it, and I'll say it again, this man is truly stupid. I'm hoping this thread turns into right wingers denying evolution so we can have a hilarious debate.

i don't think he's stupid. i think he's deluded
Ben carson.

You're saying a brain surgeon is "truly stupid"? Really?
he does have the personality of paint.

Unlike YOU?
so you thinks he's got an outgoing personality?
he's a walking talking advertisement for anti anxiety medication.

Unlike YOU?

he talks like he's on meds. again, that has nothing to do with his intellect. i credit him for becoming a surgeon. but that doesn't mean he isn't delusional.
it was ok though for Barry to sit in church with rev wright spewing his crazy racist beliefs for twenty years though?

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