Berkeley's students are an embarrassment to progressivism

The rightwing is right when they say those Berkeley student protestors are snowflakes. It's amazing to me how college students rarely have any self-awareness to how hypocritical and nauseating they come across a lot of the time. I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- "The Friends of Voltaire"

You are kidding yourself if you think they are not the mainstream of leftism today.
The rightwing is right when they say those Berkeley student protestors are snowflakes. It's amazing to me how college students rarely have any self-awareness to how hypocritical and nauseating they come across a lot of the time. I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- "The Friends of Voltaire"

I agree. I don't understand what "ANTIwhatever" is trying to do, but as a leftist I certainly don't support that crap. Some one needs to come down hard on them - violence, distruction etc is not "free speech" nor is prohibiting the right of others to excersize free speech.

The problem with your support is you affirm the statement that CAL Students are violent and destructive. If and when one of the masked vandals is arrested and we can determine he or she is a student you might have a point. I personally watched protests which became violent at SFSU, CAL and at City Hall in SF and from that experience know that only a few participate in violent actions, and they are usually there to party, not to protest.

I know one thing for sure, things are almost always peaceful until the press arrive - cameras and microphones are the catalyst which provoke violence.

There is no reason for the right to be so anti-science, infrastructure and education....If you weren't I'd probably vote republican.
Well, all that's a lie, so go ahead and vote Republican. You have my permission.
The rightwing is right when they say those Berkeley student protestors are snowflakes. It's amazing to me how college students rarely have any self-awareness to how hypocritical and nauseating they come across a lot of the time. I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- "The Friends of Voltaire"

You are kidding yourself if you think they are not the mainstream of leftism today.

Correll, you continue to prove you have no real world experience and those of us who do, realize you are a fool. A fool who believes all the propaganda and lies which support the biases you hold. Find a new hobby, posting is something you will never be good at.
The rightwing is right when they say those Berkeley student protestors are snowflakes. It's amazing to me how college students rarely have any self-awareness to how hypocritical and nauseating they come across a lot of the time. I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- "The Friends of Voltaire"

Berkely students remind me of the SDS.
We at Hobart College caught the Head of upstate NY SDS. He got 2 freshmen to firebomb the ROTC office and probably the one at Kent State. He was also an FBI undercover agent. And again, they may well not be Berkeley students causing the trouble. At any rate, WHOEVER does should be arrested.
When a liberal can't win an argument, he often starts ranting hysterically like that. :itsok:
They broke 3 windows and scorched a sidewalk. WAYYY Overblown in dupe world. The dupes think there are riots everywhere lol...
Look, there goes another one! :biggrin:
Anarchist a-holes, not Dems. And blown out off all proportion so most of the dupes think it it's a nationwide nonstop riot lol...not just crazy anarchists in Berkeley and Seattle and gangstas in ghettos ...

Including GRAFFITTI!!! Stupid a-holes that Dems are against your Nazis, militias etc out destroying Jewish cemeteries and black churches etc etc. Both sides should condemn and fight these a-holes instead of just trying to make political points. Especially the giant RW hate/bs propaganda machine. Which we don't have.

Try the real world sometime.

Nonsense, as usual. Militant left wing groups such as BAMN, are not anarchists.

Not all lefties are militant, but some them damn well are, and that's what we've been watching since election day.

Anarchists, my ass.
Whatever the hell they are, they're not Dems...

Yep, they most definitely ARE dems.
The rightwing is right when they say those Berkeley student protestors are snowflakes. It's amazing to me how college students rarely have any self-awareness to how hypocritical and nauseating they come across a lot of the time. I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- "The Friends of Voltaire"

I agree. I don't understand what "ANTIwhatever" is trying to do, but as a leftist I certainly don't support that crap. Some one needs to come down hard on them - violence, distruction etc is not "free speech" nor is prohibiting the right of others to excersize free speech.

The problem with your support is you affirm the statement that CAL Students are violent and destructive. If and when one of the masked vandals is arrested and we can determine he or she is a student you might have a point. I personally watched protests which became violent at SFSU, CAL and at City Hall in SF and from that experience know that only a few participate in violent actions, and they are usually there to party, not to protest.

I know one thing for sure, things are almost always peaceful until the press arrive - cameras and microphones are the catalyst which provoke violence.

View attachment 123487

fueri is another stupid member of the chamber of fools. Why doesn't the chamber have standards, do they allow any and every fool to join?
Progressivism? Progressive Era ended in 1920' are all fucking Marxist/socialist revolutionaries.
The rightwing is right when they say those Berkeley student protestors are snowflakes. It's amazing to me how college students rarely have any self-awareness to how hypocritical and nauseating they come across a lot of the time. I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- "The Friends of Voltaire"

You are kidding yourself if you think they are not the mainstream of leftism today.

Correll, you continue to prove you have no real world experience and those of us who do, realize you are a fool. A fool who believes all the propaganda and lies which support the biases you hold. Find a new hobby, posting is something you will never be good at.

If you think that modern liberals support the Right to Free Speech, you are deluded.
Berkeley Marxist are the New Democratic Party. Look at the convention in Philadelphia? Most anti White, anti police, ant family values shit I have ever seen.
The rightwing is right when they say those Berkeley student protestors are snowflakes. It's amazing to me how college students rarely have any self-awareness to how hypocritical and nauseating they come across a lot of the time. I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- "The Friends of Voltaire"

I agree. I don't understand what "ANTIwhatever" is trying to do, but as a leftist I certainly don't support that crap. Some one needs to come down hard on them - violence, distruction etc is not "free speech" nor is prohibiting the right of others to excersize free speech.

The problem with your support is you affirm the statement that CAL Students are violent and destructive. If and when one of the masked vandals is arrested and we can determine he or she is a student you might have a point. I personally watched protests which became violent at SFSU, CAL and at City Hall in SF and from that experience know that only a few participate in violent actions, and they are usually there to party, not to protest.

I know one thing for sure, things are almost always peaceful until the press arrive - cameras and microphones are the catalyst which provoke violence.

View attachment 123487

fueri is another stupid member of the chamber of fools. Why doesn't the chamber have standards, do they allow any and every fool to join?

You have something to back that up or are you just off on one of your masturbatory expeditions.

And this coming from the moron that posted that '14 defining signs of fascism' nonsense repeatedly during the campaign.

The rightwing is right when they say those Berkeley student protestors are snowflakes. It's amazing to me how college students rarely have any self-awareness to how hypocritical and nauseating they come across a lot of the time. I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- "The Friends of Voltaire"

Berkely students remind me of the SDS.
We at Hobart College caught the Head of upstate NY SDS. He got 2 freshmen to firebomb the ROTC office and probably the one at Kent State. He was also an FBI undercover agent. And again, they may well not be Berkeley students causing the trouble. At any rate, WHOEVER does should be arrested.
Look, there goes another one! :biggrin:
Anarchist a-holes, not Dems. And blown out off all proportion so most of the dupes think it it's a nationwide nonstop riot lol...not just crazy anarchists in Berkeley and Seattle and gangstas in ghettos ...

Including GRAFFITTI!!! Stupid a-holes that Dems are against your Nazis, militias etc out destroying Jewish cemeteries and black churches etc etc. Both sides should condemn and fight these a-holes instead of just trying to make political points. Especially the giant RW hate/bs propaganda machine. Which we don't have.

Try the real world sometime.

Nonsense, as usual. Militant left wing groups such as BAMN, are not anarchists.

Not all lefties are militant, but some them damn well are, and that's what we've been watching since election day.

Anarchists, my ass.
Whatever the hell they are, they're not Dems...

Yep, they most definitely ARE dems.

We at Hobart College caught the Head of upstate NY SDS. He got 2 freshmen to firebomb the ROTC office and probably the one at Kent State. He was also an FBI undercover agent. And again, they may well not be Berkeley students causing the trouble. At any rate, WHOEVER does should be arrested.

He was an FBI agent? You must be as old as I am. I was overseas when the SDS was at the convention in Chicago. It may not be the students but a radical group infiltrating them and trying to recruit. I have seen the 60's coming back in the past few months and seems even worse because of social media.
Note the canard from the Right that Berkeley is obligated in some way because they're a public, not private, institution.

Let's remember their totally different attitude, when Kim Davis, a PUBLIC employee, wanted to discriminate against gays and deny them THEIR civil rights.

Oh yeah, you conveniently forgot about that.
The rightwing is right when they say those Berkeley student protestors are snowflakes. It's amazing to me how college students rarely have any self-awareness to how hypocritical and nauseating they come across a lot of the time. I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- "The Friends of Voltaire"

I agree. I don't understand what "ANTIwhatever" is trying to do, but as a leftist I certainly don't support that crap. Some one needs to come down hard on them - violence, distruction etc is not "free speech" nor is prohibiting the right of others to excersize free speech.

The problem with your support is you affirm the statement that CAL Students are violent and destructive. If and when one of the masked vandals is arrested and we can determine he or she is a student you might have a point. I personally watched protests which became violent at SFSU, CAL and at City Hall in SF and from that experience know that only a few participate in violent actions, and they are usually there to party, not to protest.

I know one thing for sure, things are almost always peaceful until the press arrive - cameras and microphones are the catalyst which provoke violence.

View attachment 123487

fueri is another stupid member of the chamber of fools. Why doesn't the chamber have standards, do they allow any and every fool to join?

You have something to back that up or are you just off on one of your masturbatory expeditions.

And this coming from the moron that posted that '14 defining signs of fascism' nonsense repeatedly during the campaign.


And each of the 14-points have become alive in the Trump Administration. But, being stupid you can't post an expository response to my argument.

The evidence I have to support you are a fool, is anyone who rejects the verifiable truth in my comment with and emoji or emoticon has been fooled by the propaganda which dominates the Internet. Get you ass onto the streets before shit hits the fan, and don't watch Fox news if you want to comment on reality (yeah, I know, you'll deny being a Fox News fan).

Unless and until you post something thoughtful or thought provoking I will consider you to be a member of the c chamber of fools.

Have a nice day.
I agree. I don't understand what "ANTIwhatever" is trying to do, but as a leftist I certainly don't support that crap. Some one needs to come down hard on them - violence, distruction etc is not "free speech" nor is prohibiting the right of others to excersize free speech.

The problem with your support is you affirm the statement that CAL Students are violent and destructive. If and when one of the masked vandals is arrested and we can determine he or she is a student you might have a point. I personally watched protests which became violent at SFSU, CAL and at City Hall in SF and from that experience know that only a few participate in violent actions, and they are usually there to party, not to protest.

I know one thing for sure, things are almost always peaceful until the press arrive - cameras and microphones are the catalyst which provoke violence.

View attachment 123487

fueri is another stupid member of the chamber of fools. Why doesn't the chamber have standards, do they allow any and every fool to join?

You have something to back that up or are you just off on one of your masturbatory expeditions.

And this coming from the moron that posted that '14 defining signs of fascism' nonsense repeatedly during the campaign.


And each of the 14-points have become alive in the Trump Administration. But, being stupid you can't post an expository response to my argument.

The evidence I have to support you are a fool, is anyone who rejects the verifiable truth in my comment with and emoji or emoticon has been fooled by the propaganda which dominates the Internet. Get you ass onto the streets before shit hits the fan, and don't watch Fox news if you want to comment on reality (yeah, I know, you'll deny being a Fox News fan).

Unless and until you post something thoughtful or thought provoking I will consider you to be a member of the c chamber of fools.

Have a nice day.

His point about your absurd 14 point list, undermining any claim of yours to credibility is spot on.
Note the canard from the Right that Berkeley is obligated in some way because they're a public, not private, institution.

Let's remember their totally different attitude, when Kim Davis, a PUBLIC employee, wanted to discriminate against gays and deny them THEIR civil rights.

Oh yeah, you conveniently forgot about that.

Let's not forget AG Gonzales and his pal Monica Goodling.
Scandal puts spotlight on Christian law school - The Boston Globe

There's no hypocrite like a conservative hypocrite.
The problem with your support is you affirm the statement that CAL Students are violent and destructive. If and when one of the masked vandals is arrested and we can determine he or she is a student you might have a point. I personally watched protests which became violent at SFSU, CAL and at City Hall in SF and from that experience know that only a few participate in violent actions, and they are usually there to party, not to protest.

I know one thing for sure, things are almost always peaceful until the press arrive - cameras and microphones are the catalyst which provoke violence.

View attachment 123487

fueri is another stupid member of the chamber of fools. Why doesn't the chamber have standards, do they allow any and every fool to join?

You have something to back that up or are you just off on one of your masturbatory expeditions.

And this coming from the moron that posted that '14 defining signs of fascism' nonsense repeatedly during the campaign.


And each of the 14-points have become alive in the Trump Administration. But, being stupid you can't post an expository response to my argument.

The evidence I have to support you are a fool, is anyone who rejects the verifiable truth in my comment with and emoji or emoticon has been fooled by the propaganda which dominates the Internet. Get you ass onto the streets before shit hits the fan, and don't watch Fox news if you want to comment on reality (yeah, I know, you'll deny being a Fox News fan).

Unless and until you post something thoughtful or thought provoking I will consider you to be a member of the c chamber of fools.

Have a nice day.

His point about your absurd 14 point list, undermining any claim of yours to credibility is spot on.

Really? Are you capable of offering a rebuttal? Com on Correll, admit you are dumb as a box of rocks and be honest once in your life.
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