Bernie Sanders says that everyone has a right to healthcare…


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2015
Trump is president, millions disagree with Bernie…
Sanders also co-authored a bill that would have allowed U.S. citizens to buy drugs from Canada... it got shut down something like 52-46. Almost all drugs are cheaper in Canada than in the U.S. some of which are fractions of the cost. That's what big Pharma lobbyist will do for you and your government... what a joke.
Fine! wait till the free loaders have to first wait in line to get into a doctors office, then spend a 1/2 hour/45 minutes to fill out the app {assuming they can read},,,then be told they have to pay in advance !!!
Is HealthCare a "right" listed in the Constitution?

If not you are on your own. Find a doctor, work a deal if you can. Not my issue.
Sanders also co-authored a bill that would have allowed U.S. citizens to buy drugs from Canada... it got shut down something like 52-46. Almost all drugs are cheaper in Canada than in the U.S. some of which are fractions of the cost. That's what big Pharma lobbyist will do for you and your government... what a joke.
I don't want cheap worthless free shit…
Progressives always want something for nothing…
Sanders also co-authored a bill that would have allowed U.S. citizens to buy drugs from Canada... it got shut down something like 52-46. Almost all drugs are cheaper in Canada than in the U.S. some of which are fractions of the cost. That's what big Pharma lobbyist will do for you and your government... what a joke.
I don't want cheap worthless free shit…

It's not worthless... in fact a great deal of it is made in the U.S. :)
Bernie is a socialist too. He would love to have a Cuban like healthcare system here,
The caveat being it would be for the peasants and not the government elites.
Ya see, you have to analyze Sanders definition of health care. Every person in the U.S. who shows up at the emergency room at a local hospital is guaranteed to receive the best care in the freaking world today regardless of his/her political status and ability to pay. What else does Sanders envision fr the future? Does anybody in their right mind plan to travel to North Korea or the people's republick of Cuba or freaking China or socialist Russia for Cancer treatment? Does Sanders envision something like sucking the last dollar from middle class retiree pensions to pay for the medical treatment for the millions of illegal aliens? You can't just throw out political cliches like "health care" and hide behind the criminal enterprise known as the mainstream media. Barry Hussein already tried it.
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Ya see, you have to analyze Sanders definition of health care. Every American who shows up at the emergency room at a local hospital will receive the best care in the freaking world today. What else does Sanders envision? Something like sucking the last dollar from middle class retiree pensions to pay for the medical treatment for the millions of illegal aliens? You can't just throw out political cliches like "health care" and hide behind the criminal enterprise known as the mainstream media. Barry Hussein already tried it.

You don't get preventative care at the ER... You don't go to the ER to get prescription refills for your high blood pressure meds or your diabetic supplies. :rolleyes:

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