Bernie Sanders supporters are broke

You consider an income of 100,000 to be "wealthy."

You don't?
For starters, you confuse "income" with "wealth." They arent synonyms.
Second, in a place like NYC 100k wont get you very far. Income taxes will take nearly 60% of that. Cost of living is high. If you send a kid to private school you're pretty much way down the socio economic scale.
Finally just because someone has an income of 100k one year doesnt mean much. I had an income of more than that one year and was in the top 10% of earners. But that was because I sold a building i had owned a long time and had cap gains. The next year I was in the bottom.

I'm not confusing anything. You said "you consider and income of $00,000 to be wealthy". Nothing in there about wealth. The average American income is $52,000. $100,000 is almost twice that. And a survey down here showed that in real terms average incomes are brought UP by the earnings of the wealthy - ie , you take the uber rich's incomes out of the equation and the average income declines markedly.
The average is meaningless if you include the top income bracket. About half are making $30k or less annually last I heard.
You consider an income of 100,000 to be "wealthy."

You don't?
For starters, you confuse "income" with "wealth." They arent synonyms.
Second, in a place like NYC 100k wont get you very far. Income taxes will take nearly 60% of that. Cost of living is high. If you send a kid to private school you're pretty much way down the socio economic scale.
Finally just because someone has an income of 100k one year doesnt mean much. I had an income of more than that one year and was in the top 10% of earners. But that was because I sold a building i had owned a long time and had cap gains. The next year I was in the bottom.

I'm not confusing anything. You said "you consider and income of $00,000 to be wealthy". Nothing in there about wealth. The average American income is $52,000. $100,000 is almost twice that. And a survey down here showed that in real terms average incomes are brought UP by the earnings of the wealthy - ie , you take the uber rich's incomes out of the equation and the average income declines markedly.
Are you stoned? You misread my post and then post false and confusing arguments against it.
The RWers are giving up and resorting to Photoshops earlier than usual, I see.
Nah, trying to explain in even the simplest of terms how completely unrealistic Sanders free shit programs are fly's right over the lefts heads. Its a waste of time.

Can you explain why Trump is receiving Secret Service protection, at TAXPAYER expense before he's even a nominee? Surely he can afford his own bodyguards.

Oh that's right- it's called Corporate Welfare. & it's typical Republican hypocrisy.
It would be more fun for you to explain why you jumped to Trump when the conversation is about Sanders fairy tale economics.
You consider an income of 100,000 to be "wealthy."

You don't?
For starters, you confuse "income" with "wealth." They arent synonyms.
Second, in a place like NYC 100k wont get you very far. Income taxes will take nearly 60% of that. Cost of living is high. If you send a kid to private school you're pretty much way down the socio economic scale.
Finally just because someone has an income of 100k one year doesnt mean much. I had an income of more than that one year and was in the top 10% of earners. But that was because I sold a building i had owned a long time and had cap gains. The next year I was in the bottom.

I'm not confusing anything. You said "you consider and income of $00,000 to be wealthy". Nothing in there about wealth. The average American income is $52,000. $100,000 is almost twice that. And a survey down here showed that in real terms average incomes are brought UP by the earnings of the wealthy - ie , you take the uber rich's incomes out of the equation and the average income declines markedly.
Are you stoned? You misread my post and then post false and confusing arguments against it.

Um, no. Methinks somebody has comprehension problems. Go reread the above thread. Then tell me I misread your post...
The RWers are giving up and resorting to Photoshops earlier than usual, I see.
Nah, trying to explain in even the simplest of terms how completely unrealistic Sanders free shit programs are fly's right over the lefts heads. Its a waste of time.

Trying to explain something that doesn't exist must be difficult. When you're ready to stop promulgating fairy tales and answer the question, let me know.
Bernie Sanders supporters are broke
They're not broke, they just don't want to throw their money to someone that's destined to lose; face it the only shot he has as the Democrat Nomination is if Her Royal Majesty gets indicted and the chances of that happening during the administration of King Corruption and his merry band of miscreants is slim and none. :(

Millions of us have our pencils sharpened and are ready and willing and able to WRITE BERNIE IN.

I got a voter survey awhile ago that pissed me off.

They wanted us to tell them who we support but their " poll " had Clinton's box already checked and at the top of the list of candidates.

And you couldn't have your vote counted unless you donate something.

Clinton's supporters are obviously running that show and dissing Bernie every way they can think of.

No money from me for the Ice Queen Hillary.

Either make Bernie the Democratic nominee or watch a write in movement win the Presidency for the first time in history.
Bernie Sanders supporters are broke
They're not broke, they just don't want to throw their money to someone that's destined to lose; face it the only shot he has as the Democrat Nomination is if Her Royal Majesty gets indicted and the chances of that happening during the administration of King Corruption and his merry band of miscreants is slim and none. :(

Millions of us have our pencils sharpened and are ready and willing and able to WRITE BERNIE IN.

I got a voter survey awhile ago that pissed me off.

They wanted us to tell them who we support but their " poll " had Clinton's box already checked and at the top of the list of candidates.

And you couldn't have your vote counted unless you donate something.

Clinton's supporters are obviously running that show and dissing Bernie every way they can think of.

No money from me for the Ice Queen Hillary.

Either make Bernie the Democratic nominee or watch a write in movement win the Presidency for the first time in history.

LOL Bernie Sanders is never going to be a write-in president
Bernie Sanders Supporters: Short on Cash, Big on Time
But Tuesday was different. Tuesday was the night that Senator Bernie Sanders would, as the pundits described it, introduce himself to America at the Democratic primary debate. And nearly 250 people came out to the Dupont Circle bar to watch his turn onstage—people who’d kicked $5 and $10 occasionally to his campaign in support, but more often dedicated hours of their lives to his campaign
The rest of the Sanders supporters interviewed donated much smaller amounts—$5 here, $10 there, or however much money it took to purchase a T-shirt “so that I could show my support for him as often as possible,” said Alex Atkins, a student at the Georgetown Law Center who started a pro-Sanders club on campus. (He wore the shirt in question—bright green with a graphic rendition of Sanders’s glasses and trademark wild hair—under his corduroy blazer.)

I see this 2 ways.
1. it is fuckin ironic :rofl:
2. he is supported by common folk. I would like to think common folk would appreciate work and such more than free shit and no military.


Last time I checked I had over 5K in the bank.
You consider an income of 100,000 to be "wealthy."

You don't?
For starters, you confuse "income" with "wealth." They arent synonyms.
Second, in a place like NYC 100k wont get you very far. Income taxes will take nearly 60% of that. Cost of living is high. If you send a kid to private school you're pretty much way down the socio economic scale.
Finally just because someone has an income of 100k one year doesnt mean much. I had an income of more than that one year and was in the top 10% of earners. But that was because I sold a building i had owned a long time and had cap gains. The next year I was in the bottom.

I'm not confusing anything. You said "you consider and income of $00,000 to be wealthy". Nothing in there about wealth. The average American income is $52,000. $100,000 is almost twice that. And a survey down here showed that in real terms average incomes are brought UP by the earnings of the wealthy - ie , you take the uber rich's incomes out of the equation and the average income declines markedly.
Are you stoned? You misread my post and then post false and confusing arguments against it.

Um, no. Methinks somebody has comprehension problems. Go reread the above thread. Then tell me I misread your post...
You seem to imply that an income of 100k qualifies somene as wealthy. I point out the issue with thT.
Then yoy have some irrelevant obvious bullshit about taking out the top income earners and the average declines. Were you always this good at math? Of course thats the case. So what?
You must be stoned.
Bernie Sanders supporters are broke
They're not broke, they just don't want to throw their money to someone that's destined to lose; face it the only shot he has as the Democrat Nomination is if Her Royal Majesty gets indicted and the chances of that happening during the administration of King Corruption and his merry band of miscreants is slim and none. :(

Millions of us have our pencils sharpened and are ready and willing and able to WRITE BERNIE IN.

I got a voter survey awhile ago that pissed me off.

They wanted us to tell them who we support but their " poll " had Clinton's box already checked and at the top of the list of candidates.

And you couldn't have your vote counted unless you donate something.

Clinton's supporters are obviously running that show and dissing Bernie every way they can think of.

No money from me for the Ice Queen Hillary.

Either make Bernie the Democratic nominee or watch a write in movement win the Presidency for the first time in history.

I think that's an excellent idea. I say write Bernie in and convince your other Democrat friends to do the same. And BTW, did you hear Nanny Bloomberg is looking into running as an Independent? That should make things real interesting.
Bernie Sanders Supporters: Short on Cash, Big on Time
But Tuesday was different. Tuesday was the night that Senator Bernie Sanders would, as the pundits described it, introduce himself to America at the Democratic primary debate. And nearly 250 people came out to the Dupont Circle bar to watch his turn onstage—people who’d kicked $5 and $10 occasionally to his campaign in support, but more often dedicated hours of their lives to his campaign
The rest of the Sanders supporters interviewed donated much smaller amounts—$5 here, $10 there, or however much money it took to purchase a T-shirt “so that I could show my support for him as often as possible,” said Alex Atkins, a student at the Georgetown Law Center who started a pro-Sanders club on campus. (He wore the shirt in question—bright green with a graphic rendition of Sanders’s glasses and trademark wild hair—under his corduroy blazer.)

I see this 2 ways.
1. it is fuckin ironic :rofl:
2. he is supported by common folk. I would like to think common folk would appreciate work and such more than free shit and no military.
They don't need money... They are socialists
Bernie Sanders supporters are broke
They're not broke, they just don't want to throw their money to someone that's destined to lose; face it the only shot he has as the Democrat Nomination is if Her Royal Majesty gets indicted and the chances of that happening during the administration of King Corruption and his merry band of miscreants is slim and none. :(

Millions of us have our pencils sharpened and are ready and willing and able to WRITE BERNIE IN.

I got a voter survey awhile ago that pissed me off.

They wanted us to tell them who we support but their " poll " had Clinton's box already checked and at the top of the list of candidates.

And you couldn't have your vote counted unless you donate something.

Clinton's supporters are obviously running that show and dissing Bernie every way they can think of.

No money from me for the Ice Queen Hillary.

Either make Bernie the Democratic nominee or watch a write in movement win the Presidency for the first time in history.

I think that's an excellent idea. I say write Bernie in and convince your other Democrat friends to do the same. And BTW, did you hear Nanny Bloomberg is looking into running as an Independent? That should make things real interesting.
Sanders as the Dem nominee. Bloomberg as a third party candidate.
Life couldn't get much better for a Republican unless they dumped Trump.
Bernie Sanders supporters are broke
They're not broke, they just don't want to throw their money to someone that's destined to lose; face it the only shot he has as the Democrat Nomination is if Her Royal Majesty gets indicted and the chances of that happening during the administration of King Corruption and his merry band of miscreants is slim and none. :(

Millions of us have our pencils sharpened and are ready and willing and able to WRITE BERNIE IN.

I got a voter survey awhile ago that pissed me off.

They wanted us to tell them who we support but their " poll " had Clinton's box already checked and at the top of the list of candidates.

And you couldn't have your vote counted unless you donate something.

Clinton's supporters are obviously running that show and dissing Bernie every way they can think of.

No money from me for the Ice Queen Hillary.

Either make Bernie the Democratic nominee or watch a write in movement win the Presidency for the first time in history.

I think that's an excellent idea. I say write Bernie in and convince your other Democrat friends to do the same. And BTW, did you hear Nanny Bloomberg is looking into running as an Independent? That should make things real interesting.
Sanders as the Dem nominee. Bloomberg as a third party candidate.
Life couldn't get much better for a Republican unless they dumped Trump.

I don't think it will happen. Bloom-nanny just has money to blow. But the idea that he's thinking about it sure would put the last nails in the coffin if he went through.
Bernie Sanders supporters are broke
They're not broke, they just don't want to throw their money to someone that's destined to lose; face it the only shot he has as the Democrat Nomination is if Her Royal Majesty gets indicted and the chances of that happening during the administration of King Corruption and his merry band of miscreants is slim and none. :(

Millions of us have our pencils sharpened and are ready and willing and able to WRITE BERNIE IN.

I got a voter survey awhile ago that pissed me off.

They wanted us to tell them who we support but their " poll " had Clinton's box already checked and at the top of the list of candidates.

And you couldn't have your vote counted unless you donate something.

Clinton's supporters are obviously running that show and dissing Bernie every way they can think of.

No money from me for the Ice Queen Hillary.

Either make Bernie the Democratic nominee or watch a write in movement win the Presidency for the first time in history.

I think that's an excellent idea. I say write Bernie in and convince your other Democrat friends to do the same. And BTW, did you hear Nanny Bloomberg is looking into running as an Independent? That should make things real interesting.
Sanders as the Dem nominee. Bloomberg as a third party candidate.
Life couldn't get much better for a Republican unless they dumped Trump.

I don't think it will happen. Bloom-nanny just has money to blow. But the idea that he's thinking about it sure would put the last nails in the coffin if he went through.
A guy can dream, cant he?
You don't?
For starters, you confuse "income" with "wealth." They arent synonyms.
Second, in a place like NYC 100k wont get you very far. Income taxes will take nearly 60% of that. Cost of living is high. If you send a kid to private school you're pretty much way down the socio economic scale.
Finally just because someone has an income of 100k one year doesnt mean much. I had an income of more than that one year and was in the top 10% of earners. But that was because I sold a building i had owned a long time and had cap gains. The next year I was in the bottom.

I'm not confusing anything. You said "you consider and income of $00,000 to be wealthy". Nothing in there about wealth. The average American income is $52,000. $100,000 is almost twice that. And a survey down here showed that in real terms average incomes are brought UP by the earnings of the wealthy - ie , you take the uber rich's incomes out of the equation and the average income declines markedly.
Are you stoned? You misread my post and then post false and confusing arguments against it.

Um, no. Methinks somebody has comprehension problems. Go reread the above thread. Then tell me I misread your post...
You seem to imply that an income of 100k qualifies somene as wealthy. I point out the issue with thT.
Then yoy have some irrelevant obvious bullshit about taking out the top income earners and the average declines. Were you always this good at math? Of course thats the case. So what?
You must be stoned.

Oh boy.....

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