Bernie: "Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."

We have increased min wage and that has never happened. So you are just wrong.

brainless357 is a very stupid liberal and proud of it!!

The law of supply and demand says that if you raise prices( wages in this case) demand goes down, not up!!!
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You flatter yourself that I give a furry rat's ass which of your crap-ass candidates you vote for.

The operative point is that you invariably support social spending and increases in the welfare state. The only time you complain about them is to attack designated targets like WalMart, and even then, your solution is NEVER to decrease welfare spending. It's to take more control over other people's lives and punish them for not knuckling under to your program.

No, I support good wages for people so they can get off welfare. You support corporate welfare which increases government dependence.

No, you support wages set by the government irrespective of the value of the labor performed, and you project what you WISH I believed onto me because it's easier for you to argue against your own delusional straw men than it is to argue against my actual words.

Go ahead, link to any post I've ever put up supporting "corporate welfare". Or develop some integrity and admit that you're attributing a position to me that I've never espoused. I dare you.

You are here now supporting walmarts corporate welfare.

REPEATING the mindless and dishonest line "Walmart's corporate welfare" doesn't serve to make your asshole claim any less of an asshole claim, you asshole.

Supporting corporate welfare and increased government will never decrease government comrade. Your commie plan is working perfectly.

You remain a mental midget. Again using your faux terminology without the ability to even define whateverthefuck it might "mean" is a hallmark of just how totally vapid you are.

You are a void.

And your class warfare rhetoric reveals that at your most base level (which is pretty fucking base) you are nothing more than an enable for mindless communism and socialism as that kind of witless prattle.
We have increased min wage and that has never happened. So you are just wrong.

brainless357 is a very stupid liberal and proud of it!!

The law of supply and demand says that if you raise prices( wages in this case) demand goes down, not up!!!View attachment 54478

What happens when you increase the income of your customers?

too stupid it depends on how it is increased. Do you understand???? is the stupid moron liberal now challenging the law of supply and demand??
No, I support good wages for people so they can get off welfare. You support corporate welfare which increases government dependence.

No, you support wages set by the government irrespective of the value of the labor performed, and you project what you WISH I believed onto me because it's easier for you to argue against your own delusional straw men than it is to argue against my actual words.

Go ahead, link to any post I've ever put up supporting "corporate welfare". Or develop some integrity and admit that you're attributing a position to me that I've never espoused. I dare you.

You are here now supporting walmarts corporate welfare.

REPEATING the mindless and dishonest line "Walmart's corporate welfare" doesn't serve to make your asshole claim any less of an asshole claim, you asshole.

Supporting corporate welfare and increased government will never decrease government comrade. Your commie plan is working perfectly.

You remain a mental midget. Again using your faux terminology without the ability to even define whateverthefuck it might "mean" is a hallmark of just how totally vapid you are.

You are a void.

And your class warfare rhetoric reveals that at your most base level (which is pretty fucking base) you are nothing more than an enable for mindless communism and socialism as that kind of witless prattle.

And nothing in that babbling counters anything I have said comrade.
We have increased min wage and that has never happened. So you are just wrong.

brainless357 is a very stupid liberal and proud of it!!

The law of supply and demand says that if you raise prices( wages in this case) demand goes down, not up!!!View attachment 54478

What happens when your customers have increased incomes?

Won't do them much good when all the prices have been proportionally jacked up, will it?
We have increased min wage and that has never happened. So you are just wrong.

brainless357 is a very stupid liberal and proud of it!!

The law of supply and demand says that if you raise prices( wages in this case) demand goes down, not up!!!View attachment 54478

What happens when your customers have increased incomes?

Won't do them much good when all the prices have been proportionally jacked up, will it?

Well you would have to prove that is what will happen. Increased sales keep costs down.
No, you support wages set by the government irrespective of the value of the labor performed, and you project what you WISH I believed onto me because it's easier for you to argue against your own delusional straw men than it is to argue against my actual words.

Go ahead, link to any post I've ever put up supporting "corporate welfare". Or develop some integrity and admit that you're attributing a position to me that I've never espoused. I dare you.

You are here now supporting walmarts corporate welfare.

REPEATING the mindless and dishonest line "Walmart's corporate welfare" doesn't serve to make your asshole claim any less of an asshole claim, you asshole.

Supporting corporate welfare and increased government will never decrease government comrade. Your commie plan is working perfectly.

You remain a mental midget. Again using your faux terminology without the ability to even define whateverthefuck it might "mean" is a hallmark of just how totally vapid you are.

You are a void.

And your class warfare rhetoric reveals that at your most base level (which is pretty fucking base) you are nothing more than an enable for mindless communism and socialism as that kind of witless prattle.

And nothing in that babbling counters anything I have said comrade.

It wasn't babble. It was simply far beyond your tragically limited abilities to comprehend the obvious and simple.

And you remain confused. YOU are the communist, after all.

Why DO you detest capitalism?

Try to step up your work product. You're so slovenly that you are losing the interest of all us intelligent folks.
You are here now supporting walmarts corporate welfare.

REPEATING the mindless and dishonest line "Walmart's corporate welfare" doesn't serve to make your asshole claim any less of an asshole claim, you asshole.

Supporting corporate welfare and increased government will never decrease government comrade. Your commie plan is working perfectly.

You remain a mental midget. Again using your faux terminology without the ability to even define whateverthefuck it might "mean" is a hallmark of just how totally vapid you are.

You are a void.

And your class warfare rhetoric reveals that at your most base level (which is pretty fucking base) you are nothing more than an enable for mindless communism and socialism as that kind of witless prattle.

And nothing in that babbling counters anything I have said comrade.

It wasn't babble. It was simply far beyond your tragically limited abilities to comprehend the obvious and simple.

And you remain confused. YOU are the communist, after all.

Why DO you detest capitalism?

Try to step up your work product. You're so slovenly that you are losing the interest of all us intelligent folks.

You are the one supporting government dependence comrade.
We have increased min wage and that has never happened. So you are just wrong.

brainless357 is a very stupid liberal and proud of it!!

The law of supply and demand says that if you raise prices( wages in this case) demand goes down, not up!!!View attachment 54478

What happens when your customers have increased incomes?

Won't do them much good when all the prices have been proportionally jacked up, will it?

Well you would have to prove that is what will happen. Increased sales keep costs down.

Lower COSTS keep costs down. Increased sales don't magically appear out of nowhere. In fact, on top of higher costs, there is little reason to expect higher sales.

Joe is in the market to buy an American car. He can buy from Ford or from GM. But GM has perhaps just considerably jacked up the wages to its employees and as a result their cost per car has been jacked up too. Joe, working on a fixed budget and with a little bit of economic common sense (which his pinky43262 lacks), decides he really can't afford the added expense of the GM under such circumstances. So, he elects to buy the Ford.

AS the laws of supply and demand would have told you, pinky, the increased costs (payroll) to GM resulted in higher costs for their product and thus lower sales.

Common sense. Get some.
REPEATING the mindless and dishonest line "Walmart's corporate welfare" doesn't serve to make your asshole claim any less of an asshole claim, you asshole.

Supporting corporate welfare and increased government will never decrease government comrade. Your commie plan is working perfectly.

You remain a mental midget. Again using your faux terminology without the ability to even define whateverthefuck it might "mean" is a hallmark of just how totally vapid you are.

You are a void.

And your class warfare rhetoric reveals that at your most base level (which is pretty fucking base) you are nothing more than an enable for mindless communism and socialism as that kind of witless prattle.

And nothing in that babbling counters anything I have said comrade.

It wasn't babble. It was simply far beyond your tragically limited abilities to comprehend the obvious and simple.

And you remain confused. YOU are the communist, after all.

Why DO you detest capitalism?

Try to step up your work product. You're so slovenly that you are losing the interest of all us intelligent folks.

You are the one supporting government dependence comrade.

No no. that's just your dishonest and baseless and pretty stupid claim. It is, of course, coming from you, false.
We have increased min wage and that has never happened. So you are just wrong.

brainless357 is a very stupid liberal and proud of it!!

The law of supply and demand says that if you raise prices( wages in this case) demand goes down, not up!!!View attachment 54478

What happens when your customers have increased incomes?

Won't do them much good when all the prices have been proportionally jacked up, will it?

Well you would have to prove that is what will happen. Increased sales keep costs down.

Lower COSTS keep costs down. Increased sales don't magically appear out of nowhere. In fact, on top of higher costs, there is little reason to expect higher sales.

Joe is in the market to buy an American car. He can buy from Ford or from GM. But GM has perhaps just considerably jacked up the wages to its employees and as a result their cost per car has been jacked up too. Joe, working on a fixed budget and with a little bit of economic common sense (which his pinky43262 lacks), decides he really can't afford the added expense of the GM under such circumstances. So, he elects to buy the Ford.

AS the laws of supply and demand would have told you, pinky, the increased costs (payroll) to GM resulted in higher costs for their product and thus lower sales.

Common sense. Get some.

Min wage would effect every employer the same. Increased income means increased sales.
Supporting corporate welfare and increased government will never decrease government comrade. Your commie plan is working perfectly.

You remain a mental midget. Again using your faux terminology without the ability to even define whateverthefuck it might "mean" is a hallmark of just how totally vapid you are.

You are a void.

And your class warfare rhetoric reveals that at your most base level (which is pretty fucking base) you are nothing more than an enable for mindless communism and socialism as that kind of witless prattle.

And nothing in that babbling counters anything I have said comrade.

It wasn't babble. It was simply far beyond your tragically limited abilities to comprehend the obvious and simple.

And you remain confused. YOU are the communist, after all.

Why DO you detest capitalism?

Try to step up your work product. You're so slovenly that you are losing the interest of all us intelligent folks.

You are the one supporting government dependence comrade.

No no. that's just your dishonest and baseless and pretty stupid claim. It is, of course, coming from you, false.
Well paying so little leads to more gov dependence. You are in support of paying employees nothing. So yes you are a commie.
You remain a mental midget. Again using your faux terminology without the ability to even define whateverthefuck it might "mean" is a hallmark of just how totally vapid you are.

You are a void.

And your class warfare rhetoric reveals that at your most base level (which is pretty fucking base) you are nothing more than an enable for mindless communism and socialism as that kind of witless prattle.

And nothing in that babbling counters anything I have said comrade.

It wasn't babble. It was simply far beyond your tragically limited abilities to comprehend the obvious and simple.

And you remain confused. YOU are the communist, after all.

Why DO you detest capitalism?

Try to step up your work product. You're so slovenly that you are losing the interest of all us intelligent folks.

You are the one supporting government dependence comrade.

No no. that's just your dishonest and baseless and pretty stupid claim. It is, of course, coming from you, false.
Well paying so little leads to more gov dependence. You are in support of paying employees nothing. So yes you are a commie.
Someone does not like their job and/or pay... Get a new job.

That simple...
You remain a mental midget. Again using your faux terminology without the ability to even define whateverthefuck it might "mean" is a hallmark of just how totally vapid you are.

You are a void.

And your class warfare rhetoric reveals that at your most base level (which is pretty fucking base) you are nothing more than an enable for mindless communism and socialism as that kind of witless prattle.

And nothing in that babbling counters anything I have said comrade.

It wasn't babble. It was simply far beyond your tragically limited abilities to comprehend the obvious and simple.

And you remain confused. YOU are the communist, after all.

Why DO you detest capitalism?

Try to step up your work product. You're so slovenly that you are losing the interest of all us intelligent folks.

You are the one supporting government dependence comrade.

No no. that's just your dishonest and baseless and pretty stupid claim. It is, of course, coming from you, false.
Well paying so little leads to more gov dependence. You are in support of paying employees nothing. So yes you are a commie.

No. Government giving away so much without actual legitimate authority to do so is what leads to dependence.

Furthermore, despite your abject dishonesty, I have never favored paying employees nothing. That's so dishonest and stupid, it could only be spewed by a deliberately dishonest shit bag; i.e., you.

So, no. You remain the sole communist simp in our discussion, you simpleton dishonest useless hack twat.
brainless357 is a very stupid liberal and proud of it!!

The law of supply and demand says that if you raise prices( wages in this case) demand goes down, not up!!!View attachment 54478

What happens when your customers have increased incomes?

Won't do them much good when all the prices have been proportionally jacked up, will it?

Well you would have to prove that is what will happen. Increased sales keep costs down.

Lower COSTS keep costs down. Increased sales don't magically appear out of nowhere. In fact, on top of higher costs, there is little reason to expect higher sales.

Joe is in the market to buy an American car. He can buy from Ford or from GM. But GM has perhaps just considerably jacked up the wages to its employees and as a result their cost per car has been jacked up too. Joe, working on a fixed budget and with a little bit of economic common sense (which his pinky43262 lacks), decides he really can't afford the added expense of the GM under such circumstances. So, he elects to buy the Ford.

AS the laws of supply and demand would have told you, pinky, the increased costs (payroll) to GM resulted in higher costs for their product and thus lower sales.

Common sense. Get some.

Min wage would effect every employer the same. Increased income means increased sales.
Incorrect. Increased income means higher prices, which mean lower sales. Inflation always eats up any wage increase and the only way to make a minimum wage work is to keep it so low that it doesn't really make much of a difference. That's what we've been doing. Here's a real life scenario. I need an income of $65,000/year to comfortably raise a family of three kids. We're not talking college here at all. Now, who's responsible to generate that income, me or a company that offers me a job at $7/hour?
Let the waltons be, envy really makes America an ugly place...

By paying so little their workers are on welfare, the government grows. I think that is a bad thing. You must love big government.
That's not Walmart's responsibility. Never has been and never will be. Can we say straw man?

That doesn't change that it is growing government dependence. Growing dependence only leads to bigger government.
Let the waltons be, envy really makes America an ugly place...

By paying so little their workers are on welfare, the government grows. I think that is a bad thing. You must love big government.

The government grows because libturds and all the people who get a check from the government (is there a distinction?) want it to grow.

And those people get a check from the gov because their employer hoses them. Either the gov or the employers need to provide for them. If you want small gov the only answer is the employer. This isn't so hard to understand.
Who is responsible to generate enough income to raise a family that was voluntarily created?
Let the waltons be, envy really makes America an ugly place...

By paying so little their workers are on welfare, the government grows. I think that is a bad thing. You must love big government.
That's not Walmart's responsibility. Never has been and never will be. Can we say straw man?

That doesn't change that it is growing government dependence. Growing dependence only leads to bigger government.
Who is responsible to generate enough income to avoid dependency?

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