Bibi gives presentation on finding yellow cake in Iran

It's fact, Israel has routinely attacked Iran and Syria in recent years. So Iran retaliating, makes perfect sense. I'm actually surprised Iran's been so restrained. The World Community has completely ignored Israel's aggression. The game is rigged.
I know Israel has been running many sorties into Syria, but I don't recall any attack on Iran.
Remember before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East
We need to stop giving these parasite the massive foriegn aid we do now then we will see how much they really love us
As things stand now…. Americans have begun to read and hear that “Israel receives $3 billion in annual U.S. foreign aid.” That’s true. But it’s still a lie. The problem is that in fiscal 1997 alone, Israel received from a variety of other U.S. federal budgets at least $525.8 million above and beyond its $3 billion from the foreign aid budget, and yet another $2 billion in federal loan guarantees. So the complete total of U.S. grants and loan guarantees to Israel for fiscal 1997 was $5,525,800,000
"Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can't help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East."-- John Sheehan, Society of Jesus. (Jesuit priest) | Economics and Politics
Clearly, Israel does have the Golan and Syria has repeatedly refused to make peace with Israel in order to get it back, thus effectively abandoning its claim to the Golan. At this point, with Syria being a failed state, it is in everyone's best interests that the Golan is now part of Israel.
That may be true.

Syria might not be a failed state if Israel would stop trying to exacerbate the situation there.
lol Of course, the Jews are responsible for everything you don't like and the Arabs bear no responsibility for their problems.
lol Of course, the Jews are responsible for everything you don't like and the Arabs bear no responsibility for their problems.
WTF are you talking about? This is not a religious issue and has nothing to do with Judaism. It has everything to do with Netanfuckyou being a sociopath and constantly lying about an Iranian threat.
lol Of course, the Jews are responsible for everything you don't like and the Arabs bear no responsibility for their problems.
WTF are you talking about? This is not a religious issue and has nothing to do with Judaism. It has everything to do with Netanfuckyou being a sociopath and constantly lying about an Iranian threat.
Your attempt to blame Israel for the problems Syria is having makes it about you being both stupid, ignorant and bigoted.

"Syria might not be a failed state if Israel would stop trying to exacerbate the situation there."
It's fact, Israel has routinely attacked Iran and Syria in recent years. So Iran retaliating, makes perfect sense. I'm actually surprised Iran's been so restrained. The World Community has completely ignored Israel's aggression. The game is rigged.
I know Israel has been running many sorties into Syria, but I don't recall any attack on Iran.

It has bombed Iran in recent years. It has also carried out assassinations there. It's the aggressor. Syria's Civil War had nothing to do with Israel whatsoever. So why has it been allowed to repeatedly attack Syria? Think about if the situation were reversed. What would the reaction be? I think it's time for us to break from Israel's Foreign Policy. We aren't required to adhere to a foreign nation's Foreign Policy.
It's fact, Israel has routinely attacked Iran and Syria in recent years. So Iran retaliating, makes perfect sense. I'm actually surprised Iran's been so restrained. The World Community has completely ignored Israel's aggression. The game is rigged.
I know Israel has been running many sorties into Syria, but I don't recall any attack on Iran.

It has bombed Iran in recent years. It has also carried out assassinations there. It's the aggressor. Syria's Civil War had nothing to do with Israel whatsoever. So why has it been allowed to repeatedly attack Syria? Think about if the situation were reversed. What would the reaction be? I think it's time for us to break from Israel's Foreign Policy. We aren't required to adhere to a foreign nation's Foreign Policy.
Bullshit. Iran has been attacking Israel continuously for decades through its Arab proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas, and Israel has not retaliated directly against Iran for these attack so far. All of Israel's actions against Iran in the past have been to prevent it from becoming a nuclear power, a goal embraced not only by the US but by all of the western nations and the UN. Presently, Israel will not allow Iran's imperialist adventure in Syria establish a military presence there from which it can attack Israel further. Everywhere in the ME, not just in Israel, Iran is the aggressor.
It's fact, Israel has routinely attacked Iran and Syria in recent years. So Iran retaliating, makes perfect sense. I'm actually surprised Iran's been so restrained. The World Community has completely ignored Israel's aggression. The game is rigged.
I know Israel has been running many sorties into Syria, but I don't recall any attack on Iran.

It has bombed Iran in recent years. It has also carried out assassinations there. It's the aggressor. Syria's Civil War had nothing to do with Israel whatsoever. So why has it been allowed to repeatedly attack Syria? Think about if the situation were reversed. What would the reaction be? I think it's time for us to break from Israel's Foreign Policy. We aren't required to adhere to a foreign nation's Foreign Policy.
Bullshit. Iran has been attacking Israel continuously for decades through its Arab proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas, and Israel has not retaliated directly against Iran for these attack so far. All of Israel's actions against Iran in the past have been to prevent it from becoming a nuclear power, a goal embraced not only by the US but by all of the western nations and the UN. Presently, Israel will not allow Iran's imperialist adventure in Syria establish a military presence there from which it can attack Israel further. Everywhere in the ME, not just in Israel, Iran is the aggressor.

Syria and Iran have not attacked Israel. That's just fact. So why has Israel been allowed to repeatedly attack them? Are we a world of laws anymore? If so, they should apply to Israel as well.
It's fact, Israel has routinely attacked Iran and Syria in recent years. So Iran retaliating, makes perfect sense. I'm actually surprised Iran's been so restrained. The World Community has completely ignored Israel's aggression. The game is rigged.
I know Israel has been running many sorties into Syria, but I don't recall any attack on Iran.

It has bombed Iran in recent years. It has also carried out assassinations there. It's the aggressor. Syria's Civil War had nothing to do with Israel whatsoever. So why has it been allowed to repeatedly attack Syria? Think about if the situation were reversed. What would the reaction be? I think it's time for us to break from Israel's Foreign Policy. We aren't required to adhere to a foreign nation's Foreign Policy.
Bullshit. Iran has been attacking Israel continuously for decades through its Arab proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas, and Israel has not retaliated directly against Iran for these attack so far. All of Israel's actions against Iran in the past have been to prevent it from becoming a nuclear power, a goal embraced not only by the US but by all of the western nations and the UN. Presently, Israel will not allow Iran's imperialist adventure in Syria establish a military presence there from which it can attack Israel further. Everywhere in the ME, not just in Israel, Iran is the aggressor.

Syria and Iran have not attacked Israel. That's just fact. So why has Israel been allowed to repeatedly attack them? Are we a world of laws anymore? If so, they should apply to Israel as well.
I'm not sure what planet you are posting from, but Earth has never been a world of laws. However, everyone, except you apparently, understands that every nation has the right to defend itself and every government has the responsibility to defend its people and Iran and its proxies have been clear that their intentions are to destroy Israel, so it would be irresponsible of the Israeli government not to take all necessary steps to prevent it. As for Syria, despite numerous attempts by Israeli PM's from Rabin to Netanyahu to make peace with Syria, Syria maintains a state of war with Israel, so every Syrian military asset is legitimate target for the IAF.
And why is Israel being allowed to bomb Syria daily? Syria's Civil War had nothing to do with Israel. Do we still respect International Laws and norms? The world should be condemning Israel for its numerous unprovoked attacks on Syria. Looks like it is a rigged system. I mean, if Syria was bombing Israel daily, the reaction would be very different.

1. Syria main objective of terrorism is against (only) Israel since the end of 1962 war. This has been the problem before the civil war in Syria and ISIS.
2. Netanyahu is an asshole like Trump that wants to go to war with Iran using American boys.
3. Israel is not bombing Syria daily. Bibi only bomb selectively military targets close to Israel.
4. Bibi has not bomb cities or towns.

But you are right the world should condemn Israel. I also doubt Assad is using chemical weapons against his own people this year or last year. If he does...... he knows he will get pounded and create more problems for him. So what’s the point of using chemical weapons?
And why is Israel being allowed to bomb Syria daily? Syria's Civil War had nothing to do with Israel. Do we still respect International Laws and norms? The world should be condemning Israel for its numerous unprovoked attacks on Syria. Looks like it is a rigged system. I mean, if Syria was bombing Israel daily, the reaction would be very different.

Because Iran has been provoking them. Iran has troops entrenched on the Golan, that would be like Russia having a Base in Tijuana.

Maybe if Israel will give up the occupied lands back to the right owners and stop building all those Israel settlements. Then maybe there’s peace.
I find it somewhat disturbing the lack of seriousness being shown toward the prospect of Iran having a nuclear weapon. The liberals on this thread really seem to think this deal would have stopped them from getting one.

And what do you propose? WAR?
Let say scrap the deal. Do you think that will stop them from completing their ambitions?
Right now at least we have inspectors that are free to travel all over Iran.

Just because you are listening to an idiot doesn’t mean it’s true.

The IAEA inspectors consist mostly of American scientists..... That has all the authority to inspect Iran nuclear programs and has not said anything about violations.
Bibi is just full of shit. They have not even started building the manufacturing of hard water in Arak.
You are stupid. Is that why Obambi attacked Syria and Libya?

Did Obama attack Syrian forces? Or was it ISIS that he attacked in Syria?

How many troops did Obama send to Libya to attack them with?

You do knw that ISIS AND Al Qaeda were embedded in the "resistance", right?

Yeah yeah, right and everybody has a cousin that knows somebody who is affiliated with al Qaeda or ISIS. It was a no win situation. That's how McCain was photographs with an al Qaeda affiliated guy.

But Obama's coalition held, and ISIS has no territory to speak of.
So when another Nation attacks you and you kick their asses you're just supposed to give the conquered territory back. I don't think so Tim.

Israel has been bombing Israel for no reason?
When was the last time did syria attack isrsel ro deserve to be bombed recently while in a civil war?

You didn't answer the question. A Nation attacks you, you kick heir asses, and you're just supposed to return the taken territory?
Israel occupy a land that needs to give back. Heard of the french in Africa? British all over the world and here in the US?
Are you for imperialism?

Do you have any Military experience? The Golan gives Syria a clear target to hit ANYWHERE in Israel quite easily. You don't give that back unless you're a Beta Kitten like most Lefty's.
Actually, several Israeli PM's, from Rabin to Netanyahu, have offered to return the Golan to Syria in return for a peace treaty but Syria has always refused. Syria and Lebanon are still formally at war with Israel, despite decades of Israeli efforts to make peace, so everything of military value in Syria is a legitimate military target for Israel.

That is NOT true dude. Rabin wants to return the land but Israelis doesn’t want to give it up. That is why he got assassinated.
Netanyahu asshole never wanted to give up the occupied land. He is acting like one but he is letting more houses being built for settlers. That is why he keeps getting re-elected.
Get back on topic without the insults
And why is Israel being allowed to bomb Syria daily? Syria's Civil War had nothing to do with Israel. Do we still respect International Laws and norms? The world should be condemning Israel for its numerous unprovoked attacks on Syria. Looks like it is a rigged system. I mean, if Syria was bombing Israel daily, the reaction would be very different.

Because Iran has been provoking them. Iran has troops entrenched on the Golan, that would be like Russia having a Base in Tijuana.

Maybe if Israel will give up the occupied lands back to the right owners and stop building all those Israel settlements. Then maybe there’s peace.

They will never give back the Golan, nor should they.

Mod Edit: Comment removed. That's exactly what I'm talking about. What did I just say?
I find it somewhat disturbing the lack of seriousness being shown toward the prospect of Iran having a nuclear weapon. The liberals on this thread really seem to think this deal would have stopped them from getting one.

What about the silence about Pakistan having nuclear weapons including a nuclear bomb, they are Islamic, they were also harbouring Osama Bin Laden, they also are affiliated with The Taliban.

So what is the difference between the silence about Pakistan already having a fully functioning nuclear programme and Iran not having one? That Bibi presentation was similar to what he's been saying for 11 years and a lot of what he used in that presentation is stuff from 2012 rehashed again.
It's fact, Israel has routinely attacked Iran and Syria in recent years. So Iran retaliating, makes perfect sense. I'm actually surprised Iran's been so restrained. The World Community has completely ignored Israel's aggression. The game is rigged.
I know Israel has been running many sorties into Syria, but I don't recall any attack on Iran.

I think the situation is that they are hoping to provoke Iran so Iran does something in retaliation - which under International Law Iran would be within their RIGHT to defend themselves having been attacked - and then they'll run away while America is told to bomb Iran and start war with Iran and get many thousands of American troops killed in the process. It will only be American troops because there is no way America is going to get any type of Coalition together for war with Iran, except perhaps the stupid British will get involved as Britain is America's bitch and America is Israel's bitch.

You know there are many Americans, Evangelical's who masturbate each day at the thought of the SHTF, they literally have massive wet spots in their panties right now masturbating thinking that Ezekiel 38-39 is about to start imminently, you know they WANT Armageddon, they are orgasmic about that Valley of Megiddo, they are of course totally INSANE. The Evangelicals don't actually give a SHIT about Israel, they only care about Israel simply because of that Valley of Megiddo and Armageddon because they think they are going to be Raptured up to Jesus :uhoh3:
Did Obama attack Syrian forces? Or was it ISIS that he attacked in Syria?

How many troops did Obama send to Libya to attack them with?

You do knw that ISIS AND Al Qaeda were embedded in the "resistance", right?

Yeah yeah, right and everybody has a cousin that knows somebody who is affiliated with al Qaeda or ISIS. It was a no win situation. That's how McCain was photographs with an al Qaeda affiliated guy.

But Obama's coalition held, and ISIS has no territory to speak of.
When was the last time did syria attack isrsel ro deserve to be bombed recently while in a civil war?

You didn't answer the question. A Nation attacks you, you kick heir asses, and you're just supposed to return the taken territory?
Israel occupy a land that needs to give back. Heard of the french in Africa? British all over the world and here in the US?
Are you for imperialism?

Do you have any Military experience? The Golan gives Syria a clear target to hit ANYWHERE in Israel quite easily. You don't give that back unless you're a Beta Kitten like most Lefty's.
Actually, several Israeli PM's, from Rabin to Netanyahu, have offered to return the Golan to Syria in return for a peace treaty but Syria has always refused. Syria and Lebanon are still formally at war with Israel, despite decades of Israeli efforts to make peace, so everything of military value in Syria is a legitimate military target for Israel.

That is NOT true dude. Rabin wants to return the land but Israelis doesn’t want to give it up. That is why he got assassinated.
Netanyahu asshole never wanted to give up the occupied land. He is acting like one but he is letting more houses being built for settlers. That is why he keeps getting re-elected.
Actually, Rabin was the only one who actually had a chance to make peace with Syria. He offered to return the Golan in return for a peace treaty with Syria, but Hafez Assad demanded access to the Kinneret and Rabin refused. Sharon was furious with Rabin for this and tried to renew the offer and add access to the Kinneret, but Assad was no longer interested. Netanyahu entered negotiations with Syria in 2011 offering to return the Golan in return for peace, but the civil war in Syria began and ended the negotiations.

The onset of the rebellion against Bashar Assad in January 2011 interrupted intense negotiations between the Syrian president and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, during which the latter agreed to a full Israeli withdrawal from the Golan Heights in exchange for a peace agreement, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Friday.

In the spring of 2010, Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak launched secret indirect negotiations with Assad through American mediator Frederick Hoff, a former commander in the Marines and an expert on border demarcation in disputed areas.

Report: Netanyahu agreed to full Golan Heights withdrawal

Despite all of these offers from Israeli PM's to return the Golan to Syria in return for peace, Syria has chosen to remain at war with Israel, and that makes every military asset in Syria a legitimate target for the IAF.

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