Bibi gives presentation on finding yellow cake in Iran

It's fact, Israel has routinely attacked Iran and Syria in recent years. So Iran retaliating, makes perfect sense. I'm actually surprised Iran's been so restrained. The World Community has completely ignored Israel's aggression. The game is rigged.
I know Israel has been running many sorties into Syria, but I don't recall any attack on Iran.

I think the situation is that they are hoping to provoke Iran so Iran does something in retaliation - which under International Law Iran would be within their RIGHT to defend themselves having been attacked - and then they'll run away while America is told to bomb Iran and start war with Iran and get many thousands of American troops killed in the process. It will only be American troops because there is no way America is going to get any type of Coalition together for war with Iran, except perhaps the stupid British will get involved as Britain is America's bitch and America is Israel's bitch.

You know there are many Americans, Evangelical's who masturbate each day at the thought of the SHTF, they literally have massive wet spots in their panties right now masturbating thinking that Ezekiel 38-39 is about to start imminently, you know they WANT Armageddon, they are orgasmic about that Valley of Megiddo, they are of course totally INSANE. The Evangelicals don't actually give a SHIT about Israel, they only care about Israel simply because of that Valley of Megiddo and Armageddon because they think they are going to be Raptured up to Jesus :uhoh3:

What a pleasant little girl you seem to be, a bull shitter to be sure, but pleasant in a well.......bitchy sort of way. Nobody is applauding or hoping for anything. I understand you hate the Jews....but seriously. May I call you Ms. Adolph?

The ignorance of American's in ME matters is astounding.
It's fact, Israel has routinely attacked Iran and Syria in recent years. So Iran retaliating, makes perfect sense. I'm actually surprised Iran's been so restrained. The World Community has completely ignored Israel's aggression. The game is rigged.
I know Israel has been running many sorties into Syria, but I don't recall any attack on Iran.

I think the situation is that they are hoping to provoke Iran so Iran does something in retaliation - which under International Law Iran would be within their RIGHT to defend themselves having been attacked - and then they'll run away while America is told to bomb Iran and start war with Iran and get many thousands of American troops killed in the process. It will only be American troops because there is no way America is going to get any type of Coalition together for war with Iran, except perhaps the stupid British will get involved as Britain is America's bitch and America is Israel's bitch.

You know there are many Americans, Evangelical's who masturbate each day at the thought of the SHTF, they literally have massive wet spots in their panties right now masturbating thinking that Ezekiel 38-39 is about to start imminently, you know they WANT Armageddon, they are orgasmic about that Valley of Megiddo, they are of course totally INSANE. The Evangelicals don't actually give a SHIT about Israel, they only care about Israel simply because of that Valley of Megiddo and Armageddon because they think they are going to be Raptured up to Jesus :uhoh3:

What a pleasant little girl you seem to be, a bull shitter to be sure, but pleasant in a well.......bitchy sort of way. Nobody is applauding or hoping for anything. I understand you hate the Jews....but seriously. May I call you Ms. Adolph?

The ignorance of American's in ME matters is astounding.

^^^^ Triggered with all that name calling, cannot refute anything can you? :badgrin:

"Call me the Red Pill."

No you are certainly not Red Pilled, I am Red Pilled, you are Blue Pilled heading soon probably to just taking the Black Pill because you'll have nothing left as an option.

"The ignorance of American's in ME matters is astounding."

Why is America in the Middle East again? What exactly are these American National Interests, considering the Middle East is more than 10,000 miles away.

Thanks for showing the forum just how clueless you are. Saves me the trouble.

The Magic Negro and his Bitch Sec of State armed ISIS is Syria, surely you knew that?
Al Qaeda too.
Sorry your history is lacking it was the Reagon Administration in response to thye soviet invsasion of afganastan when Osama Bin Laden was trained. He brought down the wall in afganastan. The place broke the Soviets and now we are doing the same thing! When are we going to learn that when dealing with that country you should just topple them and leave ! As we are pulling away we say good luck and don't make us come back!

Wow, clueless much? We aren't talking about 80's kid. I also posted the DIA REport that details what I said. Better luck next time.
If you are blaming al qaeda on some body that is when we armed and trained them. Osama was trained by the reagon administration he later became the head of al qaeda! You are clueless. Osama started preaching against the US after desert storm. No better luck next time! Al qaeda existed before Barack had any real power!

LOL, Al Qaeda and ISIS are embedded in the Syrian "resistance". You're not too bright are you? We're taking about SYRIA ;)

"Al Qaeda and ISIS are embedded in the Syrian "resistance".

There are no Moderate Rebels, the majority of them are affiliated with ISIS, Al Qaeda and the Al-Nusra Front.
Just another war for Israel only this time it might involve Russia

The West already has contributed significantly in fucking up The Middle East, it began in the 1920s, creating Iraq, Saudi Arabia etc it's now time for The West to GTFO and allow The Middle East to deal with it's own problems.

Why is The Middle East any of America's business? Why is The Middle East the business of ANY Western nation? It's not, it's time The Middle East was left to sort it's own problems out, all that Western involvement there has resulted in is that The West is now on a daily basis having to deal with increased Islamic terrorist attacks.

The West has achieved not a great deal in nearly 100 years in that region, time to GTFO and IMHO there will never be peace in the Middle East, the entire region is a madhouse.
Your attempt to blame Israel for the problems Syria is having makes it about you being both stupid, ignorant and bigoted.

"Syria might not be a failed state if Israel would stop trying to exacerbate the situation there."
Israel has run multiple sorties into Syria. You do know sorties are missile strikes?
Your attempt to blame Israel for the problems Syria is having makes it about you being both stupid, ignorant and bigoted.

"Syria might not be a failed state if Israel would stop trying to exacerbate the situation there."
Israel has run multiple sorties into Syria. You do know sorties are missile strikes?
Despite numerous attempts by Israel to make peace with Syria, Syria has maintained a state of war against Israel and that makes every military asset in Syria a legitimate target for the IAF, nevertheless, Israel has only struck targets in Syria involved in the transfer of advanced weapons to Hezbollah or involved in establishing a permanent Iranian military presence in Syria. If anything of value were occurring between your ears, you would understand that has nothing to do with Syria being a failed state.
Bullshit. Iran has been attacking Israel continuously for decades through its Arab proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas, and Israel has not retaliated directly against Iran for these attack so far. All of Israel's actions against Iran in the past have been to prevent it from becoming a nuclear power, a goal embraced not only by the US but by all of the western nations and the UN. Presently, Israel will not allow Iran's imperialist adventure in Syria establish a military presence there from which it can attack Israel further. Everywhere in the ME, not just in Israel, Iran is the aggressor.
Israel doesn't respect the sovereignty of other nations, yet you blame everyone but them?
I'm not sure what planet you are posting from, but Earth has never been a world of laws. However, everyone, except you apparently, understands that every nation has the right to defend itself and every government has the responsibility to defend its people...
Does that include the Palestinians?
Bullshit. Iran has been attacking Israel continuously for decades through its Arab proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas, and Israel has not retaliated directly against Iran for these attack so far. All of Israel's actions against Iran in the past have been to prevent it from becoming a nuclear power, a goal embraced not only by the US but by all of the western nations and the UN. Presently, Israel will not allow Iran's imperialist adventure in Syria establish a military presence there from which it can attack Israel further. Everywhere in the ME, not just in Israel, Iran is the aggressor.
Israel doesn't respect the sovereignty of other nations, yet you blame everyone but them?
Israel respects the sovereignty of all nations that are not at war with Israel and are not attacking Israel. Are you able to understand your bigotry is not different from people who claim Jews use the blood of Christian/Arab children to make Passover motzo?
I think the situation is that they are hoping to provoke Iran so Iran does something in retaliation - which under International Law Iran would be within their RIGHT to defend themselves having been attacked - and then they'll run away while America is told to bomb Iran and start war with Iran and get many thousands of American troops killed in the process. It will only be American troops because there is no way America is going to get any type of Coalition together for war with Iran, except perhaps the stupid British will get involved as Britain is America's bitch and America is Israel's bitch.

You know there are many Americans, Evangelical's who masturbate each day at the thought of the SHTF, they literally have massive wet spots in their panties right now masturbating thinking that Ezekiel 38-39 is about to start imminently, you know they WANT Armageddon, they are orgasmic about that Valley of Megiddo, they are of course totally INSANE. The Evangelicals don't actually give a SHIT about Israel, they only care about Israel simply because of that Valley of Megiddo and Armageddon because they think they are going to be Raptured up to Jesus :uhoh3:
You know the biggest reason I can't stand Zionists? It's because they remind me of neocons. And I absolutely detest neocons.
I'm not sure what planet you are posting from, but Earth has never been a world of laws. However, everyone, except you apparently, understands that every nation has the right to defend itself and every government has the responsibility to defend its people...
Does that include the Palestinians?
The Palestinians do not have a nation, but even so they have the right to defend themselves, but they have no need to defend themselves against Israel, but only to defend themselves against their own leaders and people like you who relish seeing them suffer and die so you can try to blame their suffering on Israel.
I think the situation is that they are hoping to provoke Iran so Iran does something in retaliation - which under International Law Iran would be within their RIGHT to defend themselves having been attacked - and then they'll run away while America is told to bomb Iran and start war with Iran and get many thousands of American troops killed in the process. It will only be American troops because there is no way America is going to get any type of Coalition together for war with Iran, except perhaps the stupid British will get involved as Britain is America's bitch and America is Israel's bitch.

You know there are many Americans, Evangelical's who masturbate each day at the thought of the SHTF, they literally have massive wet spots in their panties right now masturbating thinking that Ezekiel 38-39 is about to start imminently, you know they WANT Armageddon, they are orgasmic about that Valley of Megiddo, they are of course totally INSANE. The Evangelicals don't actually give a SHIT about Israel, they only care about Israel simply because of that Valley of Megiddo and Armageddon because they think they are going to be Raptured up to Jesus :uhoh3:
You know the biggest reason I can't stand Zionists? It's because they remind me of neocons. And I absolutely detest neocons.
If you understood either of those words, you might actually have had something to say.
I think the situation is that they are hoping to provoke Iran so Iran does something in retaliation - which under International Law Iran would be within their RIGHT to defend themselves having been attacked - and then they'll run away while America is told to bomb Iran and start war with Iran and get many thousands of American troops killed in the process. It will only be American troops because there is no way America is going to get any type of Coalition together for war with Iran, except perhaps the stupid British will get involved as Britain is America's bitch and America is Israel's bitch.

You know there are many Americans, Evangelical's who masturbate each day at the thought of the SHTF, they literally have massive wet spots in their panties right now masturbating thinking that Ezekiel 38-39 is about to start imminently, you know they WANT Armageddon, they are orgasmic about that Valley of Megiddo, they are of course totally INSANE. The Evangelicals don't actually give a SHIT about Israel, they only care about Israel simply because of that Valley of Megiddo and Armageddon because they think they are going to be Raptured up to Jesus :uhoh3:
You know the biggest reason I can't stand Zionists? It's because they remind me of neocons. And I absolutely detest neocons.

I am 100% Anti-Neo-Conservatives, the Neo-Conservatives want Perpetual War, they are Perpetual Warmongers, they want WWIII they do not give a crap, it is OUR collective moral obligation to this planet and to the future of this planet that we prevent the Neo-Conservatives from getting their perverted and twisted wish.

So many nations have issues with other nations, but these issues with careful diplomacy can if not be resolved at least can be made less volatile, with this attitude there remains a hope for tomorrow, if the Neo-Conservative Warmongers have their way, there is no hope for tomorrow, there will be no second chances for the majority of this planet.

I hate Neo-Conservatives and there is nothing Conservative about them and I wish Conservatives would read about that crowd and realise it. The Neo-Conservatives only have ONE policy and that is Perpetual War.

No More Wars in The Middle East, GTFO already. The West needs to GTFO of the Middle East and STAY OUT of the Middle East, let ALL nations in the Middle East fight among themselves and PROTECT themselves and sort their own problems out.
Despite numerous attempts by Israel to make peace with Syria, Syria has maintained a state of war against Israel and that makes every military asset in Syria a legitimate target for the IAF, nevertheless, Israel has only struck targets in Syria involved in the transfer of advanced weapons to Hezbollah or involved in establishing a permanent Iranian military presence in Syria. If anything of value were occurring between your ears, you would understand that has nothing to do with Syria being a failed state.
Syria did not attack Isarel; Israel attacked Syria.
I think the situation is that they are hoping to provoke Iran so Iran does something in retaliation - which under International Law Iran would be within their RIGHT to defend themselves having been attacked - and then they'll run away while America is told to bomb Iran and start war with Iran and get many thousands of American troops killed in the process. It will only be American troops because there is no way America is going to get any type of Coalition together for war with Iran, except perhaps the stupid British will get involved as Britain is America's bitch and America is Israel's bitch.

You know there are many Americans, Evangelical's who masturbate each day at the thought of the SHTF, they literally have massive wet spots in their panties right now masturbating thinking that Ezekiel 38-39 is about to start imminently, you know they WANT Armageddon, they are orgasmic about that Valley of Megiddo, they are of course totally INSANE. The Evangelicals don't actually give a SHIT about Israel, they only care about Israel simply because of that Valley of Megiddo and Armageddon because they think they are going to be Raptured up to Jesus :uhoh3:
You know the biggest reason I can't stand Zionists? It's because they remind me of neocons. And I absolutely detest neocons.
If you understood either of those words, you might actually have had something to say.

I'm Right-Wing and I hate the Neo-Conservatives, they are wastes of human skin who need to be destroyed, they should be treated like how a dog with rabies is treated.
The Palestinians do not have a nation, but even so they have the right to defend themselves, but they have no need to defend themselves against Israel, but only to defend themselves against their own leaders and people like you who relish seeing them suffer and die so you can try to blame their suffering on Israel.
Israel is shooting unarmed protesters and you say there is nothing to defend?
I'm not sure what planet you are posting from, but Earth has never been a world of laws. However, everyone, except you apparently, understands that every nation has the right to defend itself and every government has the responsibility to defend its people...
Does that include the Palestinians?
The Palestinians do not have a nation, but even so they have the right to defend themselves, but they have no need to defend themselves against Israel, but only to defend themselves against their own leaders and people like you who relish seeing them suffer and die so you can try to blame their suffering on Israel.

The general problem is Hamas, I think the majority of Palestinians want to live in peace IN their own nation, the ONLY solution is a Two State Solution, Two States living side by side, a lot of Palestinians are married to Israeli's and a lot of Israeli's are married to Palestinian's, there is on both sides though a small minority of extremists who do not want peace, on the Palestinian side the extremists are Hamas, on the Israeli side the extremists are the Settlers who have been filmed advocating the total Genocide of all Palestinians and while there are the extremists on the Palestinian side and the extremists on the Israeli side there is never going to be peace, if both sets of extremists could be completely isolated then there probably would be a chance at some type of peace.

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