Biden declared Jackson non qualified

You seem to misunderstand the help AA provides. AA exists to put its boot on the necks of cuck white racists and prevent them through the force of law, from standing in the way of opportunity for qualified poc. Those racist segregationists who you all like to point out were Democrats back in the day, this law was designed to put them in their place and bend their knee. And because those white racists were cucked, people like Ketanji Brown Jackson got to go to Havard and eventually the Supreme Court where she will serve a life time appointment. The moral of that story is that white racists are cucks who always, always lose.
I understand why some feel AA is needed and that it does smear those who benefit from it. This being an obvious case in point.
You seem to misunderstand the help AA provides. AA exists to put its boot on the necks of cuck white racists and prevent them through the force of law, from standing in the way of opportunity for qualified poc. Those racist segregationists who you all like to point out were Democrats back in the day, this law was designed to put them in their place and bend their knee. And because those white racists were cucked, people like Ketanji Brown Jackson got to go to Havard and eventually the Supreme Court where she will serve a life time appointment. The moral of that story is that white racists are cucks who always, always lose.
I sure hope the surgeon that performs your brain surgery wasn't an AA admission.
So, what are Gorsuch's LSAT scores?
What was Sotomayor's? What was Kagan's. Let's face it. All the women appointed by the Democrats have been utter embarrassments. They've set back women 50 years. And now we're getting ready for another embarrassment.
I sure hope the surgeon that performs your brain surgery wasn't an AA admission.
My cousin is a surgical pediatrician, like his father who was a neonatal specialist and his God father who was a Dean of medicine for the University of the West Indies in Trinidad. You're just an ignorant rando racist on a message board. What would you know?
Amy Barrett must get awfully tired of potty training these leftwing women simps. And now here comes another one.
My cousin is a surgical pediatrician, like his father who was a neonatal specialist and his God father who was a Dean of medicine for the University of the West Indies in Trinidad. You're just an ignorant rando racist on a message board. What would you know?
Were they AA admissions?

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