Biden declared Jackson non qualified


its this:

They, of course, wouldn't want to have that happen.
And now all you can do is do personal attacks....I totally understand you not being able to stick to the topic of the thread. It makes you and yours look really bad.
The extremist judges got into political decision-making. And she is just that.
Do you call white women girl? If so link to where you did so. As for colored that has not been acceptable for decades. Only a racist shill would call a black woman colored girl.
Who says 'colored' is not acceptable? What does NAACP stand for? These people use it themselves. Pasty-faced white old leftwing men do NOT have the authority to make the racist call for someone else.
Right. A racist, sexist shill. Also, "Person of Color" doesn't put "person" first by accident.
Oh, another white old man leftwinger who thinks he can ordain himself to make definitions for others. Sorry, gramps, but you can't.
Mashie has exhibited quite a bit of patience over this tonight, but he is quickly losing it.
Oh, another white old man leftwinger who thinks he can ordain himself to make definitions for others. Sorry, gramps, but you can't.
Mashie has exhibited quite a bit of patience over this tonight, but he is quickly losing it.
Lots of insults, that's not very Christian of you Lent Breaker.
Black people are not oppressed.....HOWEVER, there are some residual flaws still left to be worked out in the system and society in general....

If this were not so, why were you morons touting Trump's criminal justice reform as some big major thing that blacks should thank him for??

Do you understand why I can easily kick you morons around for sport?? Because you are inherently on the wrong side of history and you are too cowardly to rexamine your own bullshit
You are delusional........You attack whites and ignore blacks for being worse. Slavery was only a temporary thing here where whites fought and died to end slavery---blacks on the other hand, thousands of years of slavery that still continues till this day despite WHITES forcing most of slavery to end in africa as well. Historically speaking, whites were more on the right side than blacks. Now, we have affirmative action and welfare to oppress and enslave taxpayers and others.
No, I support the polices that are being ADVANCED CURRENTLY IN 2022 by people who wish to maintain the desegregation of public schools, universities, that wish to ADVANCE the teaching of accurate history -- so the next time someone sees how utterly juvenile and stupid these rightwing talking points are -- they destroy them with the ease I am destroying yours...

If Joe Biden is today what you folks believe he was 30 years ago -- you would support him today....but the fact he just nominated a black woman is triggering you today...not me...
Most of the shit black activist advocate teaching is made up shit--you INaccurate history. If universities and other schools have to lower their standards to put in black students what does that say of the black students?

You are a fool---you support a racist and you think because he lowers the standards to nominate an unqualified black woman as a political stunt such as his HO and this judge who is constantly overturned that it is all good. What it shows besides the obvious stupidity though is that Biden and you both lack any sort of moral compass.

its this:

What a nonsense claim---BROWN has constantly been overturned because she either doesn't know the law or she ignores the law to push her agenda. All of the other judges beside Obama's two idiots (Kagan the perjurer and Racist Sotomyer with the iq of a bug and who doesn't know law) are qualified---both knowing the law and applying it. Even corrupt Roberts atleast knows the law and can apply it sometimes...
Still waiting for me to produce something I never claimed existed?
POST # 48

I asked you if the LSAT scores for any other justice were published and you said yes


It's just that LSAT scores have never been made a huge public issue because they were all in the high 160s and 170s.

If this were not an issue, nobody would be demanding it.


So where are they published?
I have prospective tenants try this same kind of stuff. I had a black woman apply for a rental. She couldn't get me a credit report, but she had a number of references. Most of them from work at her government agency. They would have this title and that title, but every single one of them was another black woman. "Oh, yeah, she good. She reliable". I was like "Show me something real."

Yeah, something like their tax returns maybe?

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