Biden delivers! You got to give him credit…

Scroll back up to the OP buddy. While you guys pretend he’s incompetent and senile all he does is usher through transformative legislation. ;)
Oh I agree....but people that actually support the country over their party, don't support transforming us into a recession, with skyrocketing inflation and interest rates.
Love him or hate him you gotta give Biden credit. This has been an Epic spring session for congress. Joseph Biden has steered, not one, but two transformative pieces of legislation through the House and Senate.

While the Republicans build memes and gaslight their party with tweets the Democrats were hard at work behind the scenes aligning their party members around the things that mattered: Infrastructure, Prescription Costs, Tax Fairness, Environment, Energy Policy.

View attachment 676476

What were the Republicans doing? Well, important stuff like defending insurrection, passing unconstitutional state laws against free speech, and celebrating a very undemocratic movement in red states to ban abortion against the majority wishes.

Biden so far:
Keep calling him sleepy or Brandon, or a vegetable… keep underestimating Biden.

(Supporting links embedded)
Biden Delivers every time he loads up his diaper.
Keystone would not affect oil or gas prices.

Yet it did. When speculators realized Dementia is not just talking the talk, they started buying long contracts. He preached a good anti-energy message, but nobody knew if he was FOS or not. All his actions after he took officer were anti-energy so everybody knew where to lay their money down. That's what drives up the price.
So why isn’t the wall working?

It was never completed for one. Two, Dementia and the Democrats put out a Welcome mat on our border. He reversed nearly all of Trump's successful policies.

A wall is not a be all--end all. It's merely one of the tools we need to keep invaders out. We will always need air support, border patrols, technology.........
The OP:

It was never completed for one. Two, Dementia and the Democrats put out a Welcome mat on our border. He reversed nearly all of Trump's successful policies.

A wall is not a be all--end all. It's merely one of the tools we need to keep invaders out. We will always need air support, border patrols, technology.........
And sharks with laser beams.

Because I know someone who met Biden as part of a meeting between government and business. Said he’s sharp with fast recall. Was impressed but the guy is a businessman so doesn’t love all his positions. All you have are memes.
So you'd rather believe "someone you know" rather than your own damn eyes?
Biden isn’t raising taxes… he’s making sure giant companies pay SOME taxes. He’s after companies that report billions of earnings but pay zero taxes. The have to at least lay 15% if they make a billion in profit. Bam. That’s fair. That’s American. That’s democracy.
Raising taxes in the middle of a recession is stupid fiscal policy! Even Barry knew that but what can you expect from the dumbest man ever to sit behind the desk in the Oval Office! Joe Biden is the worst President we've ever had.

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