Biden destroyed these female athletes' opportunities and dreams

I gotta say that is fucking hilarious, Not what happened to the girls but when it happened. 2017 and 2019. But it's Biden's EO in 2021 that destroyed them?

On the issue, I think girls should be able to move up in class and compete with the boys but not the other way around.

I do love that as of 1/19/ couldn't get two guys anywhere in the world to discuss women's /girls sports. Regardless of the dude's political leanings, their race, color, creed, age, etc. There was no place in the universe where two men gave a collective single shit about women's sports.

But now...we have like 12 threads on it and right wing mouth breathing knuckle draggers are acting like they care.

This is how the rightwing really feels:

From 2010:

...The vast majority of college sports programs LOSE MONEY, big time. Especially with the bizarre requirements of Title IX, which requires multiple wimmin's sports about which no one but the players, coaches, and their parents gives a shit?

They still don't care about girls or women's sports.

For those like Republican legislators in Montana and other states, the real reason for clinging to the necessity of gender testing isn't about fairness,

I care about fairness.

No you don't or you would require that all competitors come from the same social/economical background, are all the same height, weight and have the same exact muscle mass.

Some basketball players have acromegaly, a hormonal condition that results in very large hands and feet. This condition is surely a genetic advantage in the sport, but players with acromegaly are not banned.
Some doctors speculate that Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps has Marfan syndrome, a genetic condition that results in the long, flexible arms and legs that made Phelps such a force in the pool. Major league baseball players tend to have extraordinary eyesight, which allows them to see the seams on a tiny ball hurtling toward them at high speeds and hit it with greater success than those with poorer vision.
In all these ways, sports aren't fair and yet, these types of inequalities are not just acceptable, but mostly unnoticed. For those like Republican legislators in Montana and other states, the real reason for clinging to the necessity of gender testing isn't about fairness, but the need to protect and reinforce the idea of gender itself.

YOur excuses for pretending to not understand that boys and girls are different, is well done.

Letting girls compete against girls, gives athletic girls a "fair" chance. Yes, not all girls have a shot, but some of them do.

Putting boys in the mix, takes that away from them.
They aren't boys. They are trans girls. Read up on Renee Richards.

Boys are boys. Girls are girls. People with mental problems don't magically change.

Transgendered individuals are not "people with mental problems". It is the 21st century. Some "boys and girls" were born into the wrong body. Fortunately, science can fix that for them and even more fortunately they are getting more support for it from family and friends.

Just another issue where the right wingers are on the wrong side of history.

Funny how that increased support doesn't seem to decrease their suicide attempts.

That Tide of History you feel so good about being on the side of? It's called "Decline and Fall".

You find suicide funny?

Actually, increased support does lead to fewer suicides.

Among trans Ontarians, 35.1 % (95 % CI: 27.6, 42.5) seriously considered, and 11.2 % (95 % CI: 6.0, 16.4) attempted, suicide in the past year. Social support, reduced transphobia, and having any personal identification documents changed to an appropriate sex designation were associated with large relative and absolute reductions in suicide risk, as was completing a medical transition through hormones and/or surgeries (when needed). Parental support for gender identity was associated with reduced ideation. Lower self-reported transphobia (10th versus 90th percentile) was associated with a 66 % reduction in ideation (RR = 0.34, 95 % CI: 0.17, 0.67), and an additional 76 % reduction in attempts among those with ideation (RR = 0.24; 95 % CI: 0.07, 0.82). This corresponds to potential prevention of 160 ideations per 1000 trans persons, and 200 attempts per 1,000 with ideation, based on a hypothetical reduction of transphobia from current levels to the 10th percentile.​
Large effect sizes were observed for this controlled analysis of intervenable factors, suggesting that interventions to increase social inclusion and access to medical transition, and to reduce transphobia, have the potential to contribute to substantial reductions in the extremely high prevalences of suicide ideation and attempts within trans populations. Such interventions at the population level may require policy change.​

First study I've heard of that claims that. We will see if it stands up over time.
You read a lot of studies about transgender issues do you? Well, you’re missing a lot of them.

Can't be bothered to do counter research. I withdraw the point.
There is no counter research. It’s simple logic. If you accept and love your trans child, they are going to be less likely to want to commit suicide, duh. Some parents have to decide do they want a dead son or a live daughter.
It’s probably not a choice children should be making. How about they love who they are?
They can’t love who they are until they can become their true selves.

It really does often come down to a parent having to decide whether they want a live daughter or a dead son (or vice versa).
They should be able to. Lots of kids in wheelchairs want to walk, but they can still be happy.
Hopefully you will never have to find out it’s not the same. Kids try and cut their own penises off.
And what’s different? Lots of kids deal with things that they can not do. Cutting a pen is off doesn’t make a boy a girl. Seems they aren’t getting the correct treatment if they would do that.
The difference is that these children know they were born as the wrong gender.
Cutting their penises off is what kids do when not supported in their desire to transition.

The problem is parents don’t get their children treatment. They tell him to “knock it off” and just “be a boy” or “be a girl”. Oh, and the treatment that will be recommended by actual medical professionals will not be one that you agree with I’m sure...
Children don’t know much of anything. I know younger kids that want to grow up to be dinosaurs. It seems like a decision that is not for children. I mean kids aren’t treated the same as adults for crimes. I’m pretty sure that is justified as kids make a lot of mistakes.

I don’t see how playing girls sports is going to be the thing to save anyone.
These kids DO know. It’s not a game or a phase they grow out of. It’s OK. Some people (mostly Republicans) can’t or will not try to understand it unless it touches them personally.

And at what age? And ruining girls sports is the only thing keeping them from cutting the penis off?
No, support from community and family keeps them from self mutilation and suicide. Sports are often important in a community.

Yes or no, there are benefits to children participating in sports.
Why does it matter if they participate in boys or girls? It's sports either way. Much of the benefits are from FAIR sports. That's why there are so many rules.
Because they are girls. They would get bullied to no end if they had to play on a boys team.

You think she should be changing in the men's locker room?

View attachment 461407

What about this guy? He should wrestle with girls and use the girls locker room?

View attachment 461408

1. If his mental issues is that he has to dress like and make himself look like a girl, then maybe part of the cost is no sports for him.

2. A girl that takes so many male hormones that she looks like that, should not be allowed to compete in girls sports. It would not be fair to the girls. If her mental issues are such that she needs to do that, then maybe part of the cost is no sports for her.
1. Her. Why do intentionally mislabel them? She is a girl and is competing as a girl...and is beaten by girls.

2. HE wanted to wrestle on the boys team but stupid laws passed by transphobic assholes made that impossible.

1. Just keeping it real. I'm sympathetic to his mental issues, but, that does not mean I have to play along.

2. But, she is not a boy. Too jacked up to play with the girls and still not a boy. So, no sports for her. That is fair.
Nobody knows more about mental illness than a sufferer like yourself.

Is this really that big a deal?
I gotta say that is fucking hilarious, Not what happened to the girls but when it happened. 2017 and 2019. But it's Biden's EO in 2021 that destroyed them?

On the issue, I think girls should be able to move up in class and compete with the boys but not the other way around.

I do love that as of 1/19/ couldn't get two guys anywhere in the world to discuss women's /girls sports. Regardless of the dude's political leanings, their race, color, creed, age, etc. There was no place in the universe where two men gave a collective single shit about women's sports.

But now...we have like 12 threads on it and right wing mouth breathing knuckle draggers are acting like they care.

This is how the rightwing really feels:

From 2010:

...The vast majority of college sports programs LOSE MONEY, big time. Especially with the bizarre requirements of Title IX, which requires multiple wimmin's sports about which no one but the players, coaches, and their parents gives a shit?

They still don't care about girls or women's sports.

For those like Republican legislators in Montana and other states, the real reason for clinging to the necessity of gender testing isn't about fairness,

I care about fairness.

No you don't or you would require that all competitors come from the same social/economical background, are all the same height, weight and have the same exact muscle mass.

Some basketball players have acromegaly, a hormonal condition that results in very large hands and feet. This condition is surely a genetic advantage in the sport, but players with acromegaly are not banned.
Some doctors speculate that Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps has Marfan syndrome, a genetic condition that results in the long, flexible arms and legs that made Phelps such a force in the pool. Major league baseball players tend to have extraordinary eyesight, which allows them to see the seams on a tiny ball hurtling toward them at high speeds and hit it with greater success than those with poorer vision.
In all these ways, sports aren't fair and yet, these types of inequalities are not just acceptable, but mostly unnoticed. For those like Republican legislators in Montana and other states, the real reason for clinging to the necessity of gender testing isn't about fairness, but the need to protect and reinforce the idea of gender itself.

YOur excuses for pretending to not understand that boys and girls are different, is well done.

Letting girls compete against girls, gives athletic girls a "fair" chance. Yes, not all girls have a shot, but some of them do.

Putting boys in the mix, takes that away from them.
They aren't boys. They are trans girls. Read up on Renee Richards.

Boys are boys. Girls are girls. People with mental problems don't magically change.

Transgendered individuals are not "people with mental problems". It is the 21st century. Some "boys and girls" were born into the wrong body. Fortunately, science can fix that for them and even more fortunately they are getting more support for it from family and friends.

Just another issue where the right wingers are on the wrong side of history.

Funny how that increased support doesn't seem to decrease their suicide attempts.

That Tide of History you feel so good about being on the side of? It's called "Decline and Fall".

You find suicide funny?

Actually, increased support does lead to fewer suicides.

Among trans Ontarians, 35.1 % (95 % CI: 27.6, 42.5) seriously considered, and 11.2 % (95 % CI: 6.0, 16.4) attempted, suicide in the past year. Social support, reduced transphobia, and having any personal identification documents changed to an appropriate sex designation were associated with large relative and absolute reductions in suicide risk, as was completing a medical transition through hormones and/or surgeries (when needed). Parental support for gender identity was associated with reduced ideation. Lower self-reported transphobia (10th versus 90th percentile) was associated with a 66 % reduction in ideation (RR = 0.34, 95 % CI: 0.17, 0.67), and an additional 76 % reduction in attempts among those with ideation (RR = 0.24; 95 % CI: 0.07, 0.82). This corresponds to potential prevention of 160 ideations per 1000 trans persons, and 200 attempts per 1,000 with ideation, based on a hypothetical reduction of transphobia from current levels to the 10th percentile.​
Large effect sizes were observed for this controlled analysis of intervenable factors, suggesting that interventions to increase social inclusion and access to medical transition, and to reduce transphobia, have the potential to contribute to substantial reductions in the extremely high prevalences of suicide ideation and attempts within trans populations. Such interventions at the population level may require policy change.​

First study I've heard of that claims that. We will see if it stands up over time.
You read a lot of studies about transgender issues do you? Well, you’re missing a lot of them.

Can't be bothered to do counter research. I withdraw the point.
There is no counter research. It’s simple logic. If you accept and love your trans child, they are going to be less likely to want to commit suicide, duh. Some parents have to decide do they want a dead son or a live daughter.
It’s probably not a choice children should be making. How about they love who they are?
They can’t love who they are until they can become their true selves.

It really does often come down to a parent having to decide whether they want a live daughter or a dead son (or vice versa).
They should be able to. Lots of kids in wheelchairs want to walk, but they can still be happy.
Hopefully you will never have to find out it’s not the same. Kids try and cut their own penises off.
And what’s different? Lots of kids deal with things that they can not do. Cutting a pen is off doesn’t make a boy a girl. Seems they aren’t getting the correct treatment if they would do that.
The difference is that these children know they were born as the wrong gender.
Cutting their penises off is what kids do when not supported in their desire to transition.

The problem is parents don’t get their children treatment. They tell him to “knock it off” and just “be a boy” or “be a girl”. Oh, and the treatment that will be recommended by actual medical professionals will not be one that you agree with I’m sure...
Children don’t know much of anything. I know younger kids that want to grow up to be dinosaurs. It seems like a decision that is not for children. I mean kids aren’t treated the same as adults for crimes. I’m pretty sure that is justified as kids make a lot of mistakes.

I don’t see how playing girls sports is going to be the thing to save anyone.
These kids DO know. It’s not a game or a phase they grow out of. It’s OK. Some people (mostly Republicans) can’t or will not try to understand it unless it touches them personally.

And at what age? And ruining girls sports is the only thing keeping them from cutting the penis off?
No, support from community and family keeps them from self mutilation and suicide. Sports are often important in a community.

Yes or no, there are benefits to children participating in sports.
Why does it matter if they participate in boys or girls? It's sports either way. Much of the benefits are from FAIR sports. That's why there are so many rules.
Nobody really cares if it is fair. Stop kidding yourself. As stated previously, some people are born with attributes that make them better natural athletes. Nobody proposes banning them from a sport. Social and economical advantages give athletes a leg up all the time but nobody proposes "leveling the playing field" where they are concerned. There ARE cisgendered women who are stronger or faster or have a better sky hook. Womens sports are not in danger from this tiny minority community.
There are lots of really rich athletes that started very poor and were successful cause sports are fair.
Lots? Define to the millions of, just as talented athletes, that didn’t strike it rich. Sports are anything but fair.

Trans women aren’t dominating any sports anywhere. They didn’t when Renee Richards was allowed to play women’s tennis in the 70s (and the EXACT same handwringing went on) and they aren’t now.
We have lots of different pro teams and lots of rich athletes. Sure many can’t go pro, but those who do are there because of talent. People are not held back by background or race or wealth...
Of COURSE they are. People with wealth have it much easier. Private lessons, sports camps etc., all give them a "leg up" on the "competition", but nobody thinks to ban them from participating in sports just because they have a greater advantage over a poor athlete.

What about genetic abnormalities that result in increased athletic ability? Should people born with acromegaly be excluded from playing because they have a genetic advantage?

Stop kidding yourself that this is about "fairness".
It is unfair to the girls who don't have a stick shift and two ball bearings to increase speed with.
I gotta say that is fucking hilarious, Not what happened to the girls but when it happened. 2017 and 2019. But it's Biden's EO in 2021 that destroyed them?

On the issue, I think girls should be able to move up in class and compete with the boys but not the other way around.

I do love that as of 1/19/ couldn't get two guys anywhere in the world to discuss women's /girls sports. Regardless of the dude's political leanings, their race, color, creed, age, etc. There was no place in the universe where two men gave a collective single shit about women's sports.

But now...we have like 12 threads on it and right wing mouth breathing knuckle draggers are acting like they care.

This is how the rightwing really feels:

From 2010:

...The vast majority of college sports programs LOSE MONEY, big time. Especially with the bizarre requirements of Title IX, which requires multiple wimmin's sports about which no one but the players, coaches, and their parents gives a shit?

They still don't care about girls or women's sports.

For those like Republican legislators in Montana and other states, the real reason for clinging to the necessity of gender testing isn't about fairness,

I care about fairness.

No you don't or you would require that all competitors come from the same social/economical background, are all the same height, weight and have the same exact muscle mass.

Some basketball players have acromegaly, a hormonal condition that results in very large hands and feet. This condition is surely a genetic advantage in the sport, but players with acromegaly are not banned.
Some doctors speculate that Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps has Marfan syndrome, a genetic condition that results in the long, flexible arms and legs that made Phelps such a force in the pool. Major league baseball players tend to have extraordinary eyesight, which allows them to see the seams on a tiny ball hurtling toward them at high speeds and hit it with greater success than those with poorer vision.
In all these ways, sports aren't fair and yet, these types of inequalities are not just acceptable, but mostly unnoticed. For those like Republican legislators in Montana and other states, the real reason for clinging to the necessity of gender testing isn't about fairness, but the need to protect and reinforce the idea of gender itself.

YOur excuses for pretending to not understand that boys and girls are different, is well done.

Letting girls compete against girls, gives athletic girls a "fair" chance. Yes, not all girls have a shot, but some of them do.

Putting boys in the mix, takes that away from them.
They aren't boys. They are trans girls. Read up on Renee Richards.

Boys are boys. Girls are girls. People with mental problems don't magically change.

Transgendered individuals are not "people with mental problems". It is the 21st century. Some "boys and girls" were born into the wrong body. Fortunately, science can fix that for them and even more fortunately they are getting more support for it from family and friends.

Just another issue where the right wingers are on the wrong side of history.

Funny how that increased support doesn't seem to decrease their suicide attempts.

That Tide of History you feel so good about being on the side of? It's called "Decline and Fall".

You find suicide funny?

Actually, increased support does lead to fewer suicides.

Among trans Ontarians, 35.1 % (95 % CI: 27.6, 42.5) seriously considered, and 11.2 % (95 % CI: 6.0, 16.4) attempted, suicide in the past year. Social support, reduced transphobia, and having any personal identification documents changed to an appropriate sex designation were associated with large relative and absolute reductions in suicide risk, as was completing a medical transition through hormones and/or surgeries (when needed). Parental support for gender identity was associated with reduced ideation. Lower self-reported transphobia (10th versus 90th percentile) was associated with a 66 % reduction in ideation (RR = 0.34, 95 % CI: 0.17, 0.67), and an additional 76 % reduction in attempts among those with ideation (RR = 0.24; 95 % CI: 0.07, 0.82). This corresponds to potential prevention of 160 ideations per 1000 trans persons, and 200 attempts per 1,000 with ideation, based on a hypothetical reduction of transphobia from current levels to the 10th percentile.​
Large effect sizes were observed for this controlled analysis of intervenable factors, suggesting that interventions to increase social inclusion and access to medical transition, and to reduce transphobia, have the potential to contribute to substantial reductions in the extremely high prevalences of suicide ideation and attempts within trans populations. Such interventions at the population level may require policy change.​

First study I've heard of that claims that. We will see if it stands up over time.
You read a lot of studies about transgender issues do you? Well, you’re missing a lot of them.

Can't be bothered to do counter research. I withdraw the point.
There is no counter research. It’s simple logic. If you accept and love your trans child, they are going to be less likely to want to commit suicide, duh. Some parents have to decide do they want a dead son or a live daughter.
It’s probably not a choice children should be making. How about they love who they are?
They can’t love who they are until they can become their true selves.

It really does often come down to a parent having to decide whether they want a live daughter or a dead son (or vice versa).
They should be able to. Lots of kids in wheelchairs want to walk, but they can still be happy.
Hopefully you will never have to find out it’s not the same. Kids try and cut their own penises off.
And what’s different? Lots of kids deal with things that they can not do. Cutting a pen is off doesn’t make a boy a girl. Seems they aren’t getting the correct treatment if they would do that.
The difference is that these children know they were born as the wrong gender.
Cutting their penises off is what kids do when not supported in their desire to transition.

The problem is parents don’t get their children treatment. They tell him to “knock it off” and just “be a boy” or “be a girl”. Oh, and the treatment that will be recommended by actual medical professionals will not be one that you agree with I’m sure...
Children don’t know much of anything. I know younger kids that want to grow up to be dinosaurs. It seems like a decision that is not for children. I mean kids aren’t treated the same as adults for crimes. I’m pretty sure that is justified as kids make a lot of mistakes.

I don’t see how playing girls sports is going to be the thing to save anyone.
These kids DO know. It’s not a game or a phase they grow out of. It’s OK. Some people (mostly Republicans) can’t or will not try to understand it unless it touches them personally.

And at what age? And ruining girls sports is the only thing keeping them from cutting the penis off?
No, support from community and family keeps them from self mutilation and suicide. Sports are often important in a community.

Yes or no, there are benefits to children participating in sports.
Why does it matter if they participate in boys or girls? It's sports either way. Much of the benefits are from FAIR sports. That's why there are so many rules.
Because they are girls. They would get bullied to no end if they had to play on a boys team.

You think she should be changing in the men's locker room?

View attachment 461407

What about this guy? He should wrestle with girls and use the girls locker room?

View attachment 461408

1. If his mental issues is that he has to dress like and make himself look like a girl, then maybe part of the cost is no sports for him.

2. A girl that takes so many male hormones that she looks like that, should not be allowed to compete in girls sports. It would not be fair to the girls. If her mental issues are such that she needs to do that, then maybe part of the cost is no sports for her.
1. Her. Why do intentionally mislabel them? She is a girl and is competing as a girl...and is beaten by girls.

2. HE wanted to wrestle on the boys team but stupid laws passed by transphobic assholes made that impossible.

1. Just keeping it real. I'm sympathetic to his mental issues, but, that does not mean I have to play along.

2. But, she is not a boy. Too jacked up to play with the girls and still not a boy. So, no sports for her. That is fair.
Nobody knows more about mental illness than a sufferer like yourself.

Is this really that big a deal?

It is an extreme example of the ideological rigidity of the left and how it drives policy to the detriment of normal people just trying to live their lives.

The point, to me, is that even though you can clearly see how insane it is, and how it is hurting people, that there is no recourse to change this policy.

It is taboo to discuss it, because anyone who opposes any part of Identity Politics is, by definition, a "phobe" or an "ist" of some type.

The question this raises to me, is if liberals are this blind and insane in this example, then how do can we trust them when the issues are actually nuanced or less clear?
I gotta say that is fucking hilarious, Not what happened to the girls but when it happened. 2017 and 2019. But it's Biden's EO in 2021 that destroyed them?

On the issue, I think girls should be able to move up in class and compete with the boys but not the other way around.

I do love that as of 1/19/ couldn't get two guys anywhere in the world to discuss women's /girls sports. Regardless of the dude's political leanings, their race, color, creed, age, etc. There was no place in the universe where two men gave a collective single shit about women's sports.

But now...we have like 12 threads on it and right wing mouth breathing knuckle draggers are acting like they care.

This is how the rightwing really feels:

From 2010:

...The vast majority of college sports programs LOSE MONEY, big time. Especially with the bizarre requirements of Title IX, which requires multiple wimmin's sports about which no one but the players, coaches, and their parents gives a shit?

They still don't care about girls or women's sports.

For those like Republican legislators in Montana and other states, the real reason for clinging to the necessity of gender testing isn't about fairness,

I care about fairness.

No you don't or you would require that all competitors come from the same social/economical background, are all the same height, weight and have the same exact muscle mass.

Some basketball players have acromegaly, a hormonal condition that results in very large hands and feet. This condition is surely a genetic advantage in the sport, but players with acromegaly are not banned.
Some doctors speculate that Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps has Marfan syndrome, a genetic condition that results in the long, flexible arms and legs that made Phelps such a force in the pool. Major league baseball players tend to have extraordinary eyesight, which allows them to see the seams on a tiny ball hurtling toward them at high speeds and hit it with greater success than those with poorer vision.
In all these ways, sports aren't fair and yet, these types of inequalities are not just acceptable, but mostly unnoticed. For those like Republican legislators in Montana and other states, the real reason for clinging to the necessity of gender testing isn't about fairness, but the need to protect and reinforce the idea of gender itself.

YOur excuses for pretending to not understand that boys and girls are different, is well done.

Letting girls compete against girls, gives athletic girls a "fair" chance. Yes, not all girls have a shot, but some of them do.

Putting boys in the mix, takes that away from them.
They aren't boys. They are trans girls. Read up on Renee Richards.

Boys are boys. Girls are girls. People with mental problems don't magically change.

Transgendered individuals are not "people with mental problems". It is the 21st century. Some "boys and girls" were born into the wrong body. Fortunately, science can fix that for them and even more fortunately they are getting more support for it from family and friends.

Just another issue where the right wingers are on the wrong side of history.

Funny how that increased support doesn't seem to decrease their suicide attempts.

That Tide of History you feel so good about being on the side of? It's called "Decline and Fall".

You find suicide funny?

Actually, increased support does lead to fewer suicides.

Among trans Ontarians, 35.1 % (95 % CI: 27.6, 42.5) seriously considered, and 11.2 % (95 % CI: 6.0, 16.4) attempted, suicide in the past year. Social support, reduced transphobia, and having any personal identification documents changed to an appropriate sex designation were associated with large relative and absolute reductions in suicide risk, as was completing a medical transition through hormones and/or surgeries (when needed). Parental support for gender identity was associated with reduced ideation. Lower self-reported transphobia (10th versus 90th percentile) was associated with a 66 % reduction in ideation (RR = 0.34, 95 % CI: 0.17, 0.67), and an additional 76 % reduction in attempts among those with ideation (RR = 0.24; 95 % CI: 0.07, 0.82). This corresponds to potential prevention of 160 ideations per 1000 trans persons, and 200 attempts per 1,000 with ideation, based on a hypothetical reduction of transphobia from current levels to the 10th percentile.​
Large effect sizes were observed for this controlled analysis of intervenable factors, suggesting that interventions to increase social inclusion and access to medical transition, and to reduce transphobia, have the potential to contribute to substantial reductions in the extremely high prevalences of suicide ideation and attempts within trans populations. Such interventions at the population level may require policy change.​

First study I've heard of that claims that. We will see if it stands up over time.
You read a lot of studies about transgender issues do you? Well, you’re missing a lot of them.

Can't be bothered to do counter research. I withdraw the point.
There is no counter research. It’s simple logic. If you accept and love your trans child, they are going to be less likely to want to commit suicide, duh. Some parents have to decide do they want a dead son or a live daughter.
It’s probably not a choice children should be making. How about they love who they are?
They can’t love who they are until they can become their true selves.

It really does often come down to a parent having to decide whether they want a live daughter or a dead son (or vice versa).
They should be able to. Lots of kids in wheelchairs want to walk, but they can still be happy.
Hopefully you will never have to find out it’s not the same. Kids try and cut their own penises off.
And what’s different? Lots of kids deal with things that they can not do. Cutting a pen is off doesn’t make a boy a girl. Seems they aren’t getting the correct treatment if they would do that.
The difference is that these children know they were born as the wrong gender.
Cutting their penises off is what kids do when not supported in their desire to transition.

The problem is parents don’t get their children treatment. They tell him to “knock it off” and just “be a boy” or “be a girl”. Oh, and the treatment that will be recommended by actual medical professionals will not be one that you agree with I’m sure...
Children don’t know much of anything. I know younger kids that want to grow up to be dinosaurs. It seems like a decision that is not for children. I mean kids aren’t treated the same as adults for crimes. I’m pretty sure that is justified as kids make a lot of mistakes.

I don’t see how playing girls sports is going to be the thing to save anyone.
These kids DO know. It’s not a game or a phase they grow out of. It’s OK. Some people (mostly Republicans) can’t or will not try to understand it unless it touches them personally.

And at what age? And ruining girls sports is the only thing keeping them from cutting the penis off?
No, support from community and family keeps them from self mutilation and suicide. Sports are often important in a community.

Yes or no, there are benefits to children participating in sports.
Why does it matter if they participate in boys or girls? It's sports either way. Much of the benefits are from FAIR sports. That's why there are so many rules.
Nobody really cares if it is fair. Stop kidding yourself. As stated previously, some people are born with attributes that make them better natural athletes. Nobody proposes banning them from a sport. Social and economical advantages give athletes a leg up all the time but nobody proposes "leveling the playing field" where they are concerned. There ARE cisgendered women who are stronger or faster or have a better sky hook. Womens sports are not in danger from this tiny minority community.
There are lots of really rich athletes that started very poor and were successful cause sports are fair.
Lots? Define to the millions of, just as talented athletes, that didn’t strike it rich. Sports are anything but fair.

Trans women aren’t dominating any sports anywhere. They didn’t when Renee Richards was allowed to play women’s tennis in the 70s (and the EXACT same handwringing went on) and they aren’t now.
We have lots of different pro teams and lots of rich athletes. Sure many can’t go pro, but those who do are there because of talent. People are not held back by background or race or wealth...
Of COURSE they are. People with wealth have it much easier. Private lessons, sports camps etc., all give them a "leg up" on the "competition", but nobody thinks to ban them from participating in sports just because they have a greater advantage over a poor athlete.

What about genetic abnormalities that result in increased athletic ability? Should people born with acromegaly be excluded from playing because they have a genetic advantage?

Stop kidding yourself that this is about "fairness".

Equating the advantages of a summer sports camp with BEING A MAN PLAYING AGAINST women, is insane.
Just out of curiosity...

Are there any statistics on how often this happens?

Please none of the "Once is too often" responses.

Actual stats on how often, in the US, this has taken place?
We are still in the early phases of allowing boys that pretend to be girls to compete with biological girls. Seeing the results after only a few years strongly indicates that within a short period of time all the female athletic records will be held by males pretending to be female.
Just out of curiosity...

Are there any statistics on how often this happens?

Please none of the "Once is too often" responses.

Actual stats on how often, in the US, this has taken place?
We are still in the early phases of allowing boys that pretend to be girls to compete with biological girls. Seeing the results after only a few years strongly indicates that within a short period of time all the female athletic records will be held by males pretending to be female.

In 1976, when Richards entered her first professional tournament as a transgender athlete, 23 players withdrew. “It's damn unfair to a woman who has devoted her whole life to tennis to lose a spot in a draw to a man and to become involved in the ‘psychological effects’ of losing to someone with a transsexual background,” said a spokesman for the Women’s Tennis Association.
Women’s sports would soon be “taken over by a giant race of surgically created women,” declared an irate reader in The New York Times.
Forty-some years later, women’s tennis seems OK.
I gotta say that is fucking hilarious, Not what happened to the girls but when it happened. 2017 and 2019. But it's Biden's EO in 2021 that destroyed them?

On the issue, I think girls should be able to move up in class and compete with the boys but not the other way around.

I do love that as of 1/19/ couldn't get two guys anywhere in the world to discuss women's /girls sports. Regardless of the dude's political leanings, their race, color, creed, age, etc. There was no place in the universe where two men gave a collective single shit about women's sports.

But now...we have like 12 threads on it and right wing mouth breathing knuckle draggers are acting like they care.

This is how the rightwing really feels:

From 2010:

...The vast majority of college sports programs LOSE MONEY, big time. Especially with the bizarre requirements of Title IX, which requires multiple wimmin's sports about which no one but the players, coaches, and their parents gives a shit?

They still don't care about girls or women's sports.

For those like Republican legislators in Montana and other states, the real reason for clinging to the necessity of gender testing isn't about fairness,

I care about fairness.

No you don't or you would require that all competitors come from the same social/economical background, are all the same height, weight and have the same exact muscle mass.

Some basketball players have acromegaly, a hormonal condition that results in very large hands and feet. This condition is surely a genetic advantage in the sport, but players with acromegaly are not banned.
Some doctors speculate that Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps has Marfan syndrome, a genetic condition that results in the long, flexible arms and legs that made Phelps such a force in the pool. Major league baseball players tend to have extraordinary eyesight, which allows them to see the seams on a tiny ball hurtling toward them at high speeds and hit it with greater success than those with poorer vision.
In all these ways, sports aren't fair and yet, these types of inequalities are not just acceptable, but mostly unnoticed. For those like Republican legislators in Montana and other states, the real reason for clinging to the necessity of gender testing isn't about fairness, but the need to protect and reinforce the idea of gender itself.

YOur excuses for pretending to not understand that boys and girls are different, is well done.

Letting girls compete against girls, gives athletic girls a "fair" chance. Yes, not all girls have a shot, but some of them do.

Putting boys in the mix, takes that away from them.
They aren't boys. They are trans girls. Read up on Renee Richards.

Boys are boys. Girls are girls. People with mental problems don't magically change.

Transgendered individuals are not "people with mental problems". It is the 21st century. Some "boys and girls" were born into the wrong body. Fortunately, science can fix that for them and even more fortunately they are getting more support for it from family and friends.

Just another issue where the right wingers are on the wrong side of history.

Funny how that increased support doesn't seem to decrease their suicide attempts.

That Tide of History you feel so good about being on the side of? It's called "Decline and Fall".

You find suicide funny?

Actually, increased support does lead to fewer suicides.

Among trans Ontarians, 35.1 % (95 % CI: 27.6, 42.5) seriously considered, and 11.2 % (95 % CI: 6.0, 16.4) attempted, suicide in the past year. Social support, reduced transphobia, and having any personal identification documents changed to an appropriate sex designation were associated with large relative and absolute reductions in suicide risk, as was completing a medical transition through hormones and/or surgeries (when needed). Parental support for gender identity was associated with reduced ideation. Lower self-reported transphobia (10th versus 90th percentile) was associated with a 66 % reduction in ideation (RR = 0.34, 95 % CI: 0.17, 0.67), and an additional 76 % reduction in attempts among those with ideation (RR = 0.24; 95 % CI: 0.07, 0.82). This corresponds to potential prevention of 160 ideations per 1000 trans persons, and 200 attempts per 1,000 with ideation, based on a hypothetical reduction of transphobia from current levels to the 10th percentile.​
Large effect sizes were observed for this controlled analysis of intervenable factors, suggesting that interventions to increase social inclusion and access to medical transition, and to reduce transphobia, have the potential to contribute to substantial reductions in the extremely high prevalences of suicide ideation and attempts within trans populations. Such interventions at the population level may require policy change.​

First study I've heard of that claims that. We will see if it stands up over time.
You read a lot of studies about transgender issues do you? Well, you’re missing a lot of them.

Can't be bothered to do counter research. I withdraw the point.
There is no counter research. It’s simple logic. If you accept and love your trans child, they are going to be less likely to want to commit suicide, duh. Some parents have to decide do they want a dead son or a live daughter.
It’s probably not a choice children should be making. How about they love who they are?
They can’t love who they are until they can become their true selves.

It really does often come down to a parent having to decide whether they want a live daughter or a dead son (or vice versa).
They should be able to. Lots of kids in wheelchairs want to walk, but they can still be happy.
Hopefully you will never have to find out it’s not the same. Kids try and cut their own penises off.
And what’s different? Lots of kids deal with things that they can not do. Cutting a pen is off doesn’t make a boy a girl. Seems they aren’t getting the correct treatment if they would do that.
The difference is that these children know they were born as the wrong gender.
Cutting their penises off is what kids do when not supported in their desire to transition.

The problem is parents don’t get their children treatment. They tell him to “knock it off” and just “be a boy” or “be a girl”. Oh, and the treatment that will be recommended by actual medical professionals will not be one that you agree with I’m sure...
Children don’t know much of anything. I know younger kids that want to grow up to be dinosaurs. It seems like a decision that is not for children. I mean kids aren’t treated the same as adults for crimes. I’m pretty sure that is justified as kids make a lot of mistakes.

I don’t see how playing girls sports is going to be the thing to save anyone.
These kids DO know. It’s not a game or a phase they grow out of. It’s OK. Some people (mostly Republicans) can’t or will not try to understand it unless it touches them personally.

And at what age? And ruining girls sports is the only thing keeping them from cutting the penis off?
No, support from community and family keeps them from self mutilation and suicide. Sports are often important in a community.

Yes or no, there are benefits to children participating in sports.
Why does it matter if they participate in boys or girls? It's sports either way. Much of the benefits are from FAIR sports. That's why there are so many rules.
Because they are girls. They would get bullied to no end if they had to play on a boys team.

You think she should be changing in the men's locker room?

View attachment 461407

What about this guy? He should wrestle with girls and use the girls locker room?

View attachment 461408

1. If his mental issues is that he has to dress like and make himself look like a girl, then maybe part of the cost is no sports for him.

2. A girl that takes so many male hormones that she looks like that, should not be allowed to compete in girls sports. It would not be fair to the girls. If her mental issues are such that she needs to do that, then maybe part of the cost is no sports for her.
1. Her. Why do intentionally mislabel them? She is a girl and is competing as a girl...and is beaten by girls.

2. HE wanted to wrestle on the boys team but stupid laws passed by transphobic assholes made that impossible.

1. Just keeping it real. I'm sympathetic to his mental issues, but, that does not mean I have to play along.

2. But, she is not a boy. Too jacked up to play with the girls and still not a boy. So, no sports for her. That is fair.
Nobody knows more about mental illness than a sufferer like yourself.

Is this really that big a deal?

If it is a big enough deal to the men playing at being women to demand and force through all of these societal changes to accommodate their desires, then it's exactly that big a deal to the women being marginalized by it.

So do you want to try to belittle and dismiss the issue again, knowing that in doing so, you're belittling and dismissing the concerns of the "transgenders" you so desperately want to affirm?
Just out of curiosity...

Are there any statistics on how often this happens?

Please none of the "Once is too often" responses.

Actual stats on how often, in the US, this has taken place?
We are still in the early phases of allowing boys that pretend to be girls to compete with biological girls. Seeing the results after only a few years strongly indicates that within a short period of time all the female athletic records will be held by males pretending to be female.
The tragedy!
Just out of curiosity...

Are there any statistics on how often this happens?

Please none of the "Once is too often" responses.

Actual stats on how often, in the US, this has taken place?
We are still in the early phases of allowing boys that pretend to be girls to compete with biological girls. Seeing the results after only a few years strongly indicates that within a short period of time all the female athletic records will be held by males pretending to be female.
The tragedy!
Obviously you have no daughters.
Just out of curiosity...

Are there any statistics on how often this happens?

Please none of the "Once is too often" responses.

Actual stats on how often, in the US, this has taken place?
We are still in the early phases of allowing boys that pretend to be girls to compete with biological girls. Seeing the results after only a few years strongly indicates that within a short period of time all the female athletic records will be held by males pretending to be female.
The tragedy!
Obviously you have no daughters.

Thats true.

What is also true is that 2 months ago, getting a blob supporter to talk about women's sports would be like getting a blob supporter to admit that climate change is real. It wasn't going to happen.

Now, all of the sudden, it's the most important topic...EVER!

You guys are just eating the slop put down in front of you and regurgitating it.
Just out of curiosity...

Are there any statistics on how often this happens?

Please none of the "Once is too often" responses.

Actual stats on how often, in the US, this has taken place?
We are still in the early phases of allowing boys that pretend to be girls to compete with biological girls. Seeing the results after only a few years strongly indicates that within a short period of time all the female athletic records will be held by males pretending to be female.
The tragedy!
Obviously you have no daughters.
I do. A female volleyball player...who would welcome a trans teammate or competitor.
Just out of curiosity...

Are there any statistics on how often this happens?

Please none of the "Once is too often" responses.

Actual stats on how often, in the US, this has taken place?
We are still in the early phases of allowing boys that pretend to be girls to compete with biological girls. Seeing the results after only a few years strongly indicates that within a short period of time all the female athletic records will be held by males pretending to be female.
The tragedy!
Obviously you have no daughters.

Thats true.

What is also true is that 2 months ago, getting a blob supporter to talk about women's sports would be like getting a blob supporter to admit that climate change is real. It wasn't going to happen.

Now, all of the sudden, it's the most important topic...EVER!

You guys are just eating the slop put down in front of you and regurgitating it.
I don't know who out there is supporting this anonymous "blob" you speak of, but I guess they're happy doing it. In the real world, you could have asked me at any point about my stance on allowing boys to dominate girls' sports and I would have been glad to expound on it. Instead, you insist on the group think that is so prevalent among the usual suspects. Why is that?
Run faster!

Regardless, track probably won't be your career. You will have one less trophy, that you will blame on a transgender athlete. Get pissy as hell girl, about something that no one but you will ever remember. Or, run faster.
You're dumb as a box of shit.
Run faster!

Regardless, track probably won't be your career. You will have one less trophy, that you will blame on a transgender athlete. Get pissy as hell girl, about something that no one but you will ever remember. Or, run faster.
Male power!
Male power!

Run faster!

Regardless, track probably won't be your career. You will have one less trophy, that you will blame on a transgender athlete. Get pissy as hell girl, about something that no one but you will ever remember. Or, run faster.
So much for women's rights I guess? LOL
They got what they wanted by forcing male sport teams to allow them play...
If the girl can preform like a male, she should be able too. But you pussies that claim to be female want to take girls scholarships away. Fuck you!
Just stop with the ridiculous hand wringing...

In 1976, when Richards entered her first professional tournament as a transgender athlete, 23 players withdrew. “It's damn unfair to a woman who has devoted her whole life to tennis to lose a spot in a draw to a man and to become involved in the ‘psychological effects’ of losing to someone with a transsexual background,” said a spokesman for the Women’s Tennis Association.​
Women’s sports would soon be “taken over by a giant race of surgically created women,” declared an irate reader in The New York Times.​
Forty-some years later, women’s tennis seems OK.[...]​
in reality, 16 states already have trans-friendly policies governing sports, which differ in details but allow students to compete according to their gender identification in current school records and daily-life activities. So far, girls’ sports in those states seem OK.​
How is it different than an athlete illegally using steroids for an advantage?

It's not. These "trans females" are no different than East German Olympians being shot up with all sorts of testosterone in the 1960s.
Just out of curiosity...

Are there any statistics on how often this happens?

Please none of the "Once is too often" responses.

Actual stats on how often, in the US, this has taken place?
We are still in the early phases of allowing boys that pretend to be girls to compete with biological girls. Seeing the results after only a few years strongly indicates that within a short period of time all the female athletic records will be held by males pretending to be female.
The tragedy!
Obviously you have no daughters.
I do. A female volleyball player...who would welcome a trans teammate or competitor.
Would she really welcome a man on the other side of the net who is 5 inches taller than any of the girls, can jump much higher, hit from a much greater height and with much greater force than any of the women on her team? Even at that, volleyball is not a contact sport and there are not that many situations other than the aforementioned hitter where a man's superior size and muscle mass would enable him to dominate. Yet men and women compete in separate leagues with different net heights, due to the mens' greater leaping ability.

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