Biden is on a roll as commander in chief

Yep, dude has all but "rolled" himself right out the fucking door as the worthless do-nothing Covid candidate and unelected POTUS! :laughing0301:
Unelected….you‘re talking about Trump right. He still thinks he’s president. No one gives a fk, only the Humpers.
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Unelected….you‘re talking about Trump right. He still thinks he’s president. No one gives a fk, only the Humpers.

Poor sog, confused as usual being the brainwashed demscum that you be. Trump is still president of the nation of patriotic Americans, your dear leader isn't even ruler over his own memory and bowels.
Poor sog, confused as usual being the brainwashed demscum that you be. Trump is still president of the nation of patriotic Americans, your dear leader isn't even ruler over his own memory and bowels.
Delusional....Trump is your fascist white supremest figure head.
Delusional....Trump is your fascist white supremest figure head.

At least that is what you want him to be. Yet, it is the DEMOCRAT PARTY that practices fascism and racism every day of its lives now while convincing gullible saps like you to accept the projection of their own actions onto those whom would expose them.
At least that is what you want him to be. Yet, it is the DEMOCRAT PARTY that practices fascism and racism every day of its lives now while convincing gullible saps like you to accept the projection of their own actions onto those whom would expose them.
Really ? We’ll see when Trumpf is indicted for trying to over throw an election WITH NO PROOF or fraud except by his own followers. So far. Members of his election team have been indicted, adjudged guilty and paid restitution. The gop is collecting criminals and their indictments to the tune of 300 plus to one.
So, you’re a liar.
At least that is what you want him to be. Yet, it is the DEMOCRAT PARTY that practices fascism and racism every day of its lives now while convincing gullible saps like you to accept the projection of their own actions onto those whom would expose them.
A lot of babble with no proof. It’s the gop that, takes away women’s freedom of reproductive rights, wants to close the right to seek medical out of state, uses the gov as a personal wealth generator, has over 300 criminal administration indictments, has nearly all the recessions, is planning now in the next take over to ELIMINATE Medicare and social security…..praises fascist Putin for invading Ukraine and supports rigged elections by only putting up candidates that want to circumvent voting and replacing it with legislative decree. THATS ALL FASCISM.

But, you can’t come up with one policy of Dems that isn’t supported by the majority of voters. Just nonsense lying babble and bull sht from the right is all you have.
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Really ? We’ll see when Trumpf is indicted
Just when is that going to happen already? Ive heard that 300 times now since I joined here five years ago!

for trying to over throw an election WITH NO PROOF
So, you're way out of it aren't you? The proof is undeniable and irrepressible and sooner or later it will come out no matter how many crooked judges and election officials and leftwing media try to suppress it. If there is no proof, Ace, then why have I never found ONE PERSON here able to explain a single one of the roughly 3,000 bizarre irregularities surrounding the election? The fraud is proven ten times over just that none of you peeps are willing to even look at the evidence, so afraid all of you are at exposing and cleaning up our corrupt and broken election system that still can't even tell us yet 3 days later who won the AZ state election.
A lot of babble with no proof.
Proof that everyone can easily see but you idiot deniers try to run from. Everything that you accuse others of you democrats are indeed guilty of, did it first, and far worse than anyone else.

Go back to hiding under your damp rock.
forgiving college debts
colleges and universities should stick it to the pols and forgive the debts themselves...use endowments to forgive the debt, tax the endowments and earmark the money for future tuition...
...have the administration staffs pay dues to forgive these debts...they would be happy to do this for their Alum [as opposed to taxpayers with no skin in the game], they won't make excuses to get out of it like the politicians do...
That's what ya call problem solved
Just when is that going to happen already? Ive heard that 300 times now since I joined here five years ago!
Recession? Check
Rampant inflation? Check
Sky high gas prices? Check
Begging other countries for oil? Check
Getting baby formula airlifted into the US to save babies lives? Check
Millions of illegals flooding into the country? Check.
Americans still left behind in Afghanistan? Check
Gave the Taliban Billions in arms? Check
Lowest approval rating in history? Check.
Really ? We’ll see when Trumpf is indicted for trying to over throw an election WITH NO PROOF or fraud except by his own followers. So far. Members of his election team have been indicted, adjudged guilty and paid restitution. The gop is collecting criminals and their indictments to the tune of 300 plus to one.
So, you’re a liar.
Indictment means nothing. Look how many times Hillary was accused. Nothing.
Indictment means nothing. Look how many times Hillary was accused. Nothing.
Accused, by NO ONE. An indictment is brought by a law enforcement agency. Hillary, zero.

91 convictions of gop criminals to one under Dems.

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