Biden leads largest deficit reduction on record.

You can't get mad at this.

Biden is actually helping bring down the Federal deficit.
I don't know if bragging about increases in tax receipts driven by record breaking inflation is the best look.
Just saying breaking the backs of the poor & most vulnerable on fixed incomes isn't the best way to raise more in taxes.

Thanks Joe!

Prove it.
From your outdated (May) OP article:
"Last month’s surplus was that rare piece of good news you almost never get when it comes to the federal budget. But sadly, a $308 billion surplus will barely make a dent in our $24 trillion national debt,"

So the surplus was just one good month. Not worth celebrating.
Look at how much more the US owes in interest as the Fed raises rates, and the economy slows into a recession.
From your outdated (May) OP article:
"Last month’s surplus was that rare piece of good news you almost never get when it comes to the federal budget. But sadly, a $308 billion surplus will barely make a dent in our $24 trillion national debt,"

So the surplus was just one good month. Not worth celebrating.
Look at how much more the US owes in interest as the Fed raises rates, and the economy slows into a recession.
Ah yeah. And it says it's the biggest reduction on record. Quit belly aching about the facts. They are what they are.
Well I notice another of disagreeing but no facts about it not happening.

Such as it is with the right wing.
Ah yeah. And it says it's the biggest reduction on record. Quit belly aching about the facts. They are what they are.
One month is nothing. Just sayin. Read my post again, see the $24T national DEBT in May?
"Last month’s surplus was that rare piece of good news you almost never get when it comes to the federal budget. But sadly, a $308 billion surplus will barely make a dent in our $24 trillion national debt"

Know what the National Debt is now, in July? $30 Trillion!!! You're celebrating low IQ bullshit.
I have read it. Point out the part that you are referring to.

Come on now. Be an adult.
As usual, you read it and didn't understand it and made yourself look stupid.
Be an adult and read it one paragraph at a time and consider the implications of each and every sentence.

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