Biden says Putin "Cannot remain in power"

you cannot surrender to someone who is not threatening you. Putin attacking Ukraine poses no threat to the USA.
Yeah... just like Hitler annexing Austria and Czechoslovakia and then attacking Poland was no threat to the USA...

If you can't see any further than the end of your own nose, then... yeah... no threat to the USA... :cool:
In history, this method seems to work. You don't know their battle plaan unless you are the one coming up with it.

If it works for them, why change it?
Sure, running out of fuel 100 miles from their own border and becoming sitting ducks for drones and anti-tank missiles is a sure winner.

Are you actually arguing that sending troops into combat without supplies to include food was ever a winning strategy?

Baghdad Bob had nothing on you people.

Russia's army has always been a horrendous mess and even when they win they lost.
trump is no longer in office, that threat is over. We have a very capable and stable man in charge once again.
Really? A guy who has to be constantly corrected by his handlers and purposely irritates Putin which could start WWIII?
I’m not for either side of this war…but this? TOO FAR!
Edit: it was found on the page of the Ukrainian Azov Battalion’s progandist.
Still no indication you ever read any of it or addressed any of it which is understandable since you can't.


Just going to repeat this to keep exposing what a pile of shit you are constantly evading the official information which you ignore over and over and over because you can't address it which is why you reply with childish stupidity.


Ha ha ha you already ignored the left leaning Brookings Institute post showing the many Sanctions Trump and his administration trying to curb Russian misbehavior and also pushed several members of NATO to pay up on their share of the military support.

Brooking Institute

On the record: The U.S. administration’s actions on Russia


BBC (left leaning)

Trump urges Nato members to double military funding target


Post 80 stands unchallenged.

Oops, still not compelling. Once again, nobody outside your cult agrees with you. The entire world is relieved that the putin-asslicking orange slob is not president right now.
Until Ukrainian soldiers enter Moscow as a conquering army, Ukraine is pissing into the wind and asking why its shoes are wet.
My contacts at Lask Air Force Base in Poland tell me that's kind of what the 36 Ukrainian Air Force pilots have in mind. They have a hard choice to make, level Moscow or take out the entire Russian fleet in the Black Sea. Only 27 of the 29 Russian Mig Fighter Jets are available at this time. Hope that's enough to get the job done.
Sure, running out of fuel 100 miles from their own border and becoming sitting ducks for drones and anti-tank missiles is a sure winner.

Are you actually arguing that sending troops into combat without supplies to include food was ever a winning strategy?

Baghdad Bob had nothing on you people.

Russia's army has always been a horrendous mess and even when they win they lost.
Are you happy living in the fantasy world you occupy?
I’m not for either side of this war…but this? TOO FAR!
Edit: it was found on the page of the Ukrainian Azov Battalion’s progandist.

As opposed to a bombing civilians and destroying entire cities.
I hope you're talking about putin because he's the only one who threatened to use nuclear weapons. He's the whole reason we're talking on this subject.
And he did it as a threat to anyone who would use conventional weaponry to interfere in his war of vanity and of aggression.

Final straw. He has to go.
Oops, still not compelling. Once again, nobody outside your cult agrees with you. The entire world is relieved that the putin-asslicking orange slob is not president right now.
Once again you claim to has polled "the whole world". I call BS on you yet again. This would only be true if you thought your handlers were the "whole world". They are not or you would not have to be tryhin g so hard to convince others that you are correct when it is evident that you are not.
No it is not a defensive organization. It is a provocation to Russia. It’s sole purpose is to kill Russians.

Why is it many Americans don’t understand this? If the Warsaw Pact still existed and took over Canada and Mexico, then placed huge military installations, missiles, aircraft, and troops along our border, what would you think?
Okay did NATO ever attack Russia itself ? Has Russia ever attacked other countries that surround it ? End of story. Every country that borders Russia deserves to be in NATO.

Can one of you put together a cogent argument?

Every time I come back the wingnuts get dumber and dumber.
I did put together a cogent argument. That you cannot or will not comprehend it says an awful lot about you and your mental capacities.
Really? A guy who has to be constantly corrected by his handlers and purposely irritates Putin which could start WWIII?
Like I said if world war III starts it's all on putin's head he's gone psycho, and unfortunately for us our psycho was voted out of office. Otherwise we'd share the blame.
Sure, and ur nation building has always worked out so well. Not.
Russia's going to have to pay for this, rebuilding the Ukraine. The 1.3 trillion confiscated from the oligarchs would be a good start and repaying the Ukraine. The Russian oil reserves will have to be nationalized with the portion going to the victims and rebuilding the Ukrainian Nation.

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