Biden - several races won't be called for days, be patient.

If democrats can't cheat, they can't win. While there is a long list of articles covering planned democrat voter fraud for the 2022 election, I will stick to this one since it is most recent. So, we are being warned to be patient for several races that will take several days after the elections to decide; translation - be patient, democrats need several days to commit enough voter fraud to hold on to the seats in these several races. Voter fraud is nothing new for democrats, they have a very long history of it.

I have mentioned in previous posts in regards to voter fraud that one possible solution is to require thumbprint scans through the use of Live Scan. It is simple, if a person wants vote, all they have to do is go to a city, county or state agency, show proof of identity and have their thumbprint scanned into the voter database. Now guess what, all those crying about voter ID laws in states being racist or whatever (actually they are crying because it hurts democrats in committing voter fraud), well now one would not have to show their ID! Their thumb being scanned would be all that is needed. Oh, but democrats would fight this big time, it would severely hamper their ability to cheat.

Well, here is the article. Prepare for mass voter fraud.

I like your idea, but not the scan. Anything less than a thumbprint, in ink, on a piece of paper wouldn't be acceptable to me.
You don't get around much, eh?

Arizona's Republican attorney general has issued an opinion saying county officials can hand-count all ballots in at least five races from the Nov. 8 election, a move that gives a green light to GOP officials in at least two counties who have been clamoring for hand counts.

LOL AN "opinion", You posted as if it is the way it is always done in AZ. Maybe you should read the article? It would apply to a few counties.

... a move that gives a green light to GOP officials in at least two counties who have been clamoring for hand counts ...
The Dems downgrading of our elections...not know the results for days, maybe weeks. there have been early voting is sioe places for a month...lordy how dumb that seems. We should all pressure the, hopetully, Rep controlled Congress to start making some real changes to all the extreme ways and times to vote. That would better serve to keep our 'democracy".
Lock down the ballots at close of polls--nobody in, nobody out. No communications until a verified total is obtained.
LOL AN "opinion", You posted as if it is the way it is always done in AZ. Maybe you should read the article? It would apply to a few counties.

... a move that gives a green light to GOP officials in at least two counties who have been clamoring for hand counts ...
I noticed you had no link for what you claim, but keep on putting down real links.
Days2Coun t.jpg
I just can't believe the demonRats are doing this shit again.... stealing another makes me so angry .....they have no shame ....they never will learn to be honest....God what scum they are!
If democrats can't cheat, they can't win. While there is a long list of articles covering planned democrat voter fraud for the 2022 election, I will stick to this one since it is most recent. So, we are being warned to be patient for several races that will take several days after the elections to decide; translation - be patient, democrats need several days to commit enough voter fraud to hold on to the seats in these several races. Voter fraud is nothing new for democrats, they have a very long history of it.

I have mentioned in previous posts in regards to voter fraud that one possible solution is to require thumbprint scans through the use of Live Scan. It is simple, if a person wants vote, all they have to do is go to a city, county or state agency, show proof of identity and have their thumbprint scanned into the voter database. Now guess what, all those crying about voter ID laws in states being racist or whatever (actually they are crying because it hurts democrats in committing voter fraud), well now one would not have to show their ID! Their thumb being scanned would be all that is needed. Oh, but democrats would fight this big time, it would severely hamper their ability to cheat.

Well, here is the article. Prepare for mass voter fraud.

I'm sure you guys will claim every race you don't win anyway.
The only time elections are decided on election night is when the votes are so decisively one sided that a candidate concedes.

The actual vote counting always takes days

If the vote is close there is no concession and it takes time. This is nothing new
many states call the elections a few hrs after the polls close ... Florida has improved ballot counts and call their national elections on election day !
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Some poster said it has always taken days to get the result of an election. NO that is not true. Before all the "new" ways, times ect to vote we normally knew the Major results before the next morning of election day. That was with paper ballots, made out on election day and hand counted. Population larger today? Sure, but they also have machines to be counting ballots as they come in, perhaps a little faster than by hand counts. In my experience, hand counters started a the time the polls opened and received ballots all through the day,,,counting as each bunch came to them. When the precinct was done, the totals were called to the County, There was a rule that no results could be made public until all polls, across the nation closed. .
bull many states call the elections a few hrs after the polls close ... Florida has improved balled counts and call their national elections on election day !
As noted… elections are called when the race is not close. You don’t realize it but the votes are still being counted for days
What do you propose?

All that is required for Democrats to steal elections is for Skye to do nothing

All over the world Elections results are know the same night......why America can not be the same?

This is all corruption.....stealing elections by these demonRat thugs, if they don't steal they can not win.
All over the world Elections results are know the same night......why America can not be the same?

This is all corruption.....stealing elections by these demonRat thugs, if they don't steal they can not win.

I know.
But if all we do is complain, what do they care?
What are we going to DO about it?

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