Biden the uniter on Trump just now: He's not just a former president, he's a defeated former president. Defeated by over 7 million of your votes

But "he" did NOT lose" his" pride, "his" sanity, "his" morality, "his" veracity, nor "his" credibility. That's only because "he" lost all those many years ago and is happy writing them off forever.​

Jonathan Karl:

He lost three separate counts in Georgia

He lost an audit conducted by his allies in Arizona

He lost audits in Michigan

He lost in his multiple efforts to get the Supreme Court to intervene

No candidate ever found more ways to lose an election than Donald Trump.

But "he" did NOT lose" his" pride, "his" sanity, "his" morality, "his" veracity, nor "his" credibility. That's only because "he" lost all those many years ago and is happy writing them off forever.​

Jonathan Karl:

He lost three separate counts in Georgia

He lost an audit conducted by his allies in Arizona

He lost audits in Michigan

He lost in his multiple efforts to get the Supreme Court to intervene

No candidate ever found more ways to lose an election than Donald Trump.
Audits are counts, there has to be a comparison of the fake leftyvirus ballots to the actual signature which of course does not match. The Dimmers made sure the audit count was accurate just not the ballots.

But "he" did NOT lose" his" pride, "his" sanity, "his" morality, "his" veracity, nor "his" credibility. That's only because "he" lost all those many years ago and is happy writing them off forever.​

Jonathan Karl:

He lost three separate counts in Georgia

He lost an audit conducted by his allies in Arizona

He lost audits in Michigan

He lost in his multiple efforts to get the Supreme Court to intervene

No candidate ever found more ways to lose an election than Donald Trump.
Back to the basement for a facediaper and a jab.
IF I lose to Biden ........

"It merely required no character"​

January 2017 | Mixed Meters

Michael Harriot at The Root has something to say about GOP voters, and it's  not 'reach out to them'.

Meme Dump: Trump Lied About Going Away – Neko Random
You can't love your country only when you win, my friends

This is not our country. That ended many years ago. Endless Prog grandstanding with their insane comparisons and threats of massive deaths if they do not get their new programs and huge increases in current programs. Very few if any of the Prog politicians with the vicious mouths would be in the front landing at D Day or the Battles on the Island of the pacific. They cheapen the graves of men who died for their country with their theatrics.
Damned right your gullible if you believe the walking, talking disaster got 80 million votes. He sure must love those Dominion machines and mail in ballots.

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