Biden Vows To Shutdown Border If Congress OK's Deal

Trump vs Biden 2024 - who are you voting for?
If the choices are....

(1) an arrogant, power-hungry autocratic narcissist who is intellectually and morally unfit to hold high office
(2) an ancient doddering old fart who can't string two sentences together and who is in thrall now to hyper LibProgs
(3) same old $hit

...I vote for same old $hit.
I could not care less about Trump's personality defects. Im electing a President, not a Pastor.
I'm just asking you about the most likely scenario:

Biden Vs. Trump 2024 who are you voting for?

...or I'll just ask you again in a few months.
I will be writing-in Nikki Haley regardless of the outcome of the primaries...

But if you held a gun to my head and forced me to vote for either Trump or Biden...

I would hold my nose and vote for Biden...

And then I would rush home and take a shower and pour myself a very tall drink in order to get to sleep that night...

But that's just me...

There exist vast legions of American Independents and Centrists who would make a different decision at gun point...
I will be writing-in Nikki Haley regardless of the outcome of the primaries...

But if you held a gun to my head and forced me to vote for either Trump or Biden...

I would hold my nose and vote for Biden...

And then I would rush home and take a shower and pour myself a very tall drink in order to get to sleep that night...

But that's just me...

There exist vast legions of American Independents and Centrists who would make a different decision at gun point...
See, you all cheat. I couldn't say it any other way. You just admitted to it. Hilarious. yep, more credence that 2020 was stolen from Trump.
Why would we fund lethal weapons to defend their border but not use them to defend our own? And they can have a stand alone bill for Ukraine after the border is secure.

The US has never done so and don’t need to start just because a bunch of racist assholes can’t abide the browns.
This makes no sense.
Right? how the judicial branch didn't protect americans is beyond me, but hey, demofks are all bought by the oligarch so they do what they're told to do, cheat to keep trump out.
Right? how the judicial branch didn't protect americans is beyond me, but hey, demofks are all bought by the oligarch so they do what they're told to do, cheat to keep trump out.
Sigh... oh, my... the Supreme Court rules on Constitutional issues... regardless of whether decisions are popular...

Biden said he would use a new emergency authority to handle the border if lawmakers could come together to pass the compromise bill.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Friday pressed Congress to embrace a bipartisan Senate deal to pair border enforcement measures with Ukraine aid, but House Speaker Mike Johnson suggested the compromise on border and immigration policy could be “dead on arrival” in his chamber.

The Democratic president said in a statement late Friday that the policies proposed would “be the toughest and fairest set of reforms to secure the border we’ve ever had in our country.” He also pledged to use a new emergency authority to “shut down the border” as soon as he could sign it into law.

Biden’s embrace of the deal — and Republican resistance — could become an election-year shift on the politics of immigration. Yet the diminishing prospects for its passage in Congress may have far-reaching consequences for U.S. allies around the globe, especially Ukraine.

Much more at the link below...


What more does Congress want from President Biden on the border? What do you think?

all dementia joe has to is enforce US immigration laws.
BS. That is not the main problem with the border, just another big problem with the border. There has been illegal smuggling of booze, weapons, drugs, since the country began. A wall, won't stop that, and has not in any country on earth. The problem is inviting a migrating world population to have free access to settle in the US on the pretense they are in need of asylum from harsh government situations, when really they are just like everybody else, that applies to immigrate, to settle in this country, except, the want to start their time here, by jumping all lines, all controls, in mass, and without checks in place or control of their entry, while expecting and getting benefits from the US Government, on the dole of the American Taxpayer. Court dates for even hearing whether they should be in the country at all, not even schedule for same calendar year they arrived. They do not get work permits, so we support them from the start. Many end up in the underground economy, being illegally hired by US companies, with a wink and a nod. The whole idea is ludicrous and both the Dems and the Reps perpetuate the farce.
It most certainly is .. Besides the record level illegal crossings over the border, the ancillary activities, including drug cartels and sex trafficking, are a fast follower. The majority of fentanyl is coming from the southern border ..

I'd also challenge the position on asylum .. as it seems to be more a legal lynchpin to allow illegals to enter the United States.
It most certainly is .. Besides the record level illegal crossings over the border, the ancillary activities, including drug cartels and sex trafficking, are a fast follower. The majority of fentanyl is coming from the southern border ..

I'd also challenge the position on asylum .. as it seems to be more a legal lynchpin to allow illegals to enter the United States.
I would say a reading of what I said on asylum seeker is in 100% agreement, if you are saying the claim of asylum is a dodge to get around regular immigration.

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