Biden Vows To Shutdown Border If Congress OK's Deal

I remember when he took office , he asked immigrants not to cross the border , to use only checkpoints. They did not heed the warning. Now he should take action , sending them back immediately after fingerprinting them. Because of they ever do it again , they should face prison time , no exceptions. That's how you shut them down once and for all. Plus it will finally shut down the republicans trash talking.

He invited the flood while he was a candidate. He literally told them to "surge to the border".
Dimocrats, motivate these people to flood in. They are the ones who create sanctuary cities. They are the ones who broadcast to the third-world that they want to give them free taxpayer paid healthcare, like they are now doing in California, and will now be spreading to other blue states.
They do shit like this:

All candidates raise hands on giving health care to undocumented immigrants​

He invited the flood while he was a candidate. He literally told them to "surge to the border".
Dimocrats, motivate these people to flood in. They are the ones who create sanctuary cities. They are the ones who broadcast to the third-world that they want to give them free taxpayer paid healthcare, like they are now doing in California, and will now be spreading to other blue states.
They do shit like this:

All candidates raise hands on giving health care to undocumented immigrants​

He said to come Legally. You must quote the whole truth if you're going to quote someone.
He invited the flood while he was a candidate. He literally told them to "surge to the border".
Dimocrats, motivate these people to flood in. They are the ones who create sanctuary cities. They are the ones who broadcast to the third-world that they want to give them free taxpayer paid healthcare, like they are now doing in California, and will now be spreading to other blue states.
They do shit like this:

All candidates raise hands on giving health care to undocumented immigrants​

Demofks did with sanctuary city statements. Now that they’re here demofks don’t want them
Here is what I am seeing
View attachment 894502

View attachment 894501
I did not know 2023 numbers were even in there yet and everything looks screwy with missing percentages on the right.

Nostra, you got another site that will simply show what you are referring to?

Wow! You really are stupid. We are talking about spending, and you bring a bunch of numbers that don’t include spending.

Here ya go. Dumbass. Second column is spending showing just what I said.

2023 estimate4,802,4836,371,827-1,569,3443,604,3885,159,771-1,555,3831,198,0951,212,056-13,961
2024 estimate5,036,3846,882,738-1,846,3543,828,2305,567,203-1,738,9731,208,1541,315,535-107,381
2025 estimate5,419,4737,090,942-1,671,4694,156,1815,685,070-1,528,8891,263,2921,405,872-142,580
2026 estimate5,772,6227,293,572-1,520,9504,447,9485,804,710-1,356,7621,324,6741,488,862-164,188
2027 estimate6,080,4627,589,373-1,508,9114,701,2856,012,491-1,311,2061,379,1771,576,882-197,705
2028 estimate6,399,5278,003,139-1,603,6124,949,8176,330,019-1,380,2021,449,7101,673,120
The other way of looking at it is...

Well, Joe... you had three years, and you showed your true colors by allowing us to be swamped-under by this flow...

NOW... when you sense grave risk to your Presidency, and your narrow majority in the Senate, you grudgingly begin to act.

You've made us wait for three years with no action.

You are no longer trusted to do what is right and what is necessary and to sustain that once the news fades.

You've made us wait for three years with no action... and your solution will only be half-a$$ed and half-hearted.

No thank you.

We can wait for one more year, and then it will get done the RIGHT way, and you won't be any part of it.

You (and your DHS Secretary) brought this upon yourselves... your actions had consequences... these are yours... enjoy...

And what the fuck are you going to say if your Republican piece of shit Trump gets criminally convicted and loses the election by a landslide?

Oh wait I know what you going to say - should have taken a good border deal when you got one, and oh by the way not screw over Ukraine and Israel in the process.
You mean the one you commies fought tooth and nail, xiden refused to finish and has ordered all the gates in it opened. All part of their MO.

The gates are for flood control, and were opened just as frequently during DJ's administration.
The so-called "senate bill" is just a CYA attempt by an administration that is too incompetent to deal with the reality of a freaking invasion.
And what the fuck are you going to say if your Republican piece of shit Trump gets criminally convicted and loses the election by a landslide?
I won't be saying anything because he's not "MY" Republican piece of $hit.

I routinely post against the Orange Baboon God and his deficiencies and shortcomings and character flaws and unfitness.

But I also routinely post against Democratic Open Border laxity and Biden's profound failure to enforce existing law.

Oh wait I know what you going to say - should have taken a good border deal when you got one, and oh by the way not screw over Ukraine and Israel in the process.
Could be... could be... but we've gotten to the point where The Power of the Purse is being used as intended by the Founders.

I believe that we need to continue supporting Ukraine and Israel and I routinely post in favor of doing just that.

But I am, first and foremost, an American, and there is, at present, a profound and uncontrolled wave of Illegals swamping us.

That must be brought to an end... at all costs... and it needs to be done before anyone outside the US gets one more dime.

There is a way out of this.

Democrats surrender.

Give the Republicans exactly what they want with respect to immigration... no compromise... fold your poker hand.

We owe nothing to these waves of Illegal Aliens... we owe everything to ourselves... and we want to give help to friends.

Fail to surrender... fail to fold your poker hand... and you are going to lose the November 2024 general election.

On several levels... national, state and local... because the American People have had a bellyful of your dereliction of duty.

Meanwhile... Texas (and others) will continue to shove Illegal Aliens down YOUR throats until you choke on them.

Which is EXACTLY what needs to be done to ensure that your support of these Illegal Aliens loses popular affirmation.

You are in no position to "threaten" on this subject... so don't even try. :laughing0301:
allowing 5000 per day to enter and bussed to an American city of their choice is not a shut down border....
The establishment. More of the same old tired shit.
If the choices are....

(1) an arrogant, power-hungry autocratic narcissist who is intellectually and morally unfit to hold high office
(2) an ancient doddering old fart who can't string two sentences together and who is in thrall now to hyper LibProgs
(3) same old $hit

...I vote for same old $hit.

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