Biden will let Cuban demonstrators die in Cuba

I do not understand how the democrats can deny entry to Cuban refugees but accept others illegally coming across our southern border. Is it not the height of hypocrisy? Is it not clear that those Cuban refugees face certain death if they are forced to return?
Democrats have zero morality. To them only one thing is important > power. The Cuban people (or refugees if they were to become that), are looked upon by Biden & Democrats as enemies, because they are a right wing entity, that is in opposition to a left wing government in Cuba.

No doubt Biden sees them as equivalent to Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and other Cuban Americans who are conservative, and as such if Cuba were liberated, large numbers of them would come here, get citizenship, and become Republican voters.

They would be just the opposite of the Mexicans that Biden imports, and treasures so much, to become Democrat voters. Not a chance that Biden will do anything like the US did with Noriega in Panama in 1989. If Trump were get back in the White House , there could be another "Operation Just Cause" with Cuba, and that or a military coup might be the only hope the Cuban people might have, unless another conservative country would intervene, because the Cuban people are generally unarmed, and defenseless, against the Cuban military.
It only takes a Democrat to turn Republicans into immigrant lovers :lol:
Not immigrant lovers moron. Explain your double standard, obtuse POS.
What double standard do I have?
You don't have a problem with unbridled illegal immigration from Mexico, but suddenly you have a problem when it is from Cuba. Why the double standard. Illegal immigration is illegal immigration regardless of where it comes from.
I dare you to be misinformed about TN. :lol:

You're simply upset that he dared to criticize your side of the duopoly.
The people coming to the southern border are mainly Central Americans.

Try to keep up.
Nothing gets by you, does it?

At the end of the day: I want us to stay the hell out of Cuba. We just wrapped up Afghanistan and I'm reading goofiness about us intervening in Cuba. Flaccid pass.
That's as bad as TN. You don't have a problem with going south of Mexico and spending large sums of money to finance illegal immigration from there, but we must not get involved in Cuba. As for your duopoly remark, I made it clear I don't advocate for either one. You folks on the other hand seem to pick one over the other. Seems to me like you have a liberal bent that you are trying to disguise.
I posted a link on page 1. Why dont you look at it?
You are looking like a damn fool.
Your posts on page 1 are #1, "Good" and #15, "It only takes a Democrat to turn Republicans into immigrant lovers :lol:" No links. Foolish me following your Bullshit. Maybe you should check yourself before posting crap.
Page 2, im soooooooo sorry :lol:
Did you get my call outs to you? A few threads I have started ;)
am i making you work, mdk? hehe
Someone has to help you leave all those food and water caches along on the southern border.
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He sure will. The demo'rats do not want the American people to know what life is like in Cuba.
I could see the DNC gunning them down as they try to float for safety into Florida, much like they tried to take out the GOP Congress in Virginia at a baseball game.
Antifa will probably start volunteering themselves to go down to Cuba so they can crack some skulls of these dissidents.
ANTIFA is anti-fascist hawker.

try to keep up.
Yea sure, they is fighting fascisms by using every fascist tactic there is. :cuckoo:

As the DNC ensures that every able bodied person that wants to cross the US Mexico border will find a home in a sanctuary city, they are telling those in Cuba who are protesting communism that they are not welcome in the US, so don't even try to cross any US border.

Those immigrants who might try to flee for their lives on inner tubes or rafts will be ceremoniously returned to the Leftist regime and probably be murdered.

But who wants voters in the US who will vote against the DNC?

So it makes perfect sense to me.

This is very reckless politics.
The DNC has no concerns.

They own everything

So with no one to investigate them for anything, no one to report them to the general public, they are free to do and say what they wish.

They are as powerful as Castro now.

Don't be such a foolish drama queen. We should be for the Cuban people.. for their peace and prosperity.. NOT get them killed out of false pride and vanity.
So you would allow them refuge in the US?
Hell no. They want illegals and dead people to vote for Dems.

As the DNC ensures that every able bodied person that wants to cross the US Mexico border will find a home in a sanctuary city, they are telling those in Cuba who are protesting communism that they are not welcome in the US, so don't even try to cross any US border.

Those immigrants who might try to flee for their lives on inner tubes or rafts will be ceremoniously returned to the Leftist regime and probably be murdered.

But who wants voters in the US who will vote against the DNC?

So it makes perfect sense to me.

This is very reckless politics.
The DNC has no concerns.

They own everything

So with no one to investigate them for anything, no one to report them to the general public, they are free to do and say what they wish.

They are as powerful as Castro now.

Don't be such a foolish drama queen. We should be for the Cuban people.. for their peace and prosperity.. NOT get them killed out of false pride and vanity.
So you would allow them refuge in the US?
Hell no. They want illegals and dead people to vote for Dems.
Sorry freak... The democrats enjoy the majority of support by quote a bit.

As the DNC ensures that every able bodied person that wants to cross the US Mexico border will find a home in a sanctuary city, they are telling those in Cuba who are protesting communism that they are not welcome in the US, so don't even try to cross any US border.

Those immigrants who might try to flee for their lives on inner tubes or rafts will be ceremoniously returned to the Leftist regime and probably be murdered.

But who wants voters in the US who will vote against the DNC?

So it makes perfect sense to me.

This is very reckless politics.

Cubans vote Republican. The Cuban protestors are opposing a Collectivist Totalitarian Regime, the Reich fears they may cause Americans to yearn for freedom and rise up against them.

As the DNC ensures that every able bodied person that wants to cross the US Mexico border will find a home in a sanctuary city, they are telling those in Cuba who are protesting communism that they are not welcome in the US, so don't even try to cross any US border.

Those immigrants who might try to flee for their lives on inner tubes or rafts will be ceremoniously returned to the Leftist regime and probably be murdered.

But who wants voters in the US who will vote against the DNC?

So it makes perfect sense to me.

This is just like FDR sending Holocaust refugees back to Europe to be incinerated during WWII.

DemoKKKrats HATE freedom.
Mayorkas MUST resign, immediately.

As the DNC ensures that every able bodied person that wants to cross the US Mexico border will find a home in a sanctuary city, they are telling those in Cuba who are protesting communism that they are not welcome in the US, so don't even try to cross any US border.

Those immigrants who might try to flee for their lives on inner tubes or rafts will be ceremoniously returned to the Leftist regime and probably be murdered.

But who wants voters in the US who will vote against the DNC?

So it makes perfect sense to me.

This is very reckless politics.
The DNC has no concerns.

They own everything

So with no one to investigate them for anything, no one to report them to the general public, they are free to do and say what they wish.

They are as powerful as Castro now.
Only till Nov 2022

They they will likely be neutered
Sorry freak... The democrats enjoy the majority of support by quote a bit.

Why is your Nazi Reich denying entry to Cubans fleeing a repressive regime who will kill or imprison them?
He says the Democrats are enjoying a majority support. Interestingly those "supporters" are fleeing the DEMOCRAT shitholes by the thousands

As the DNC ensures that every able bodied person that wants to cross the US Mexico border will find a home in a sanctuary city, they are telling those in Cuba who are protesting communism that they are not welcome in the US, so don't even try to cross any US border.

Those immigrants who might try to flee for their lives on inner tubes or rafts will be ceremoniously returned to the Leftist regime and probably be murdered.

But who wants voters in the US who will vote against the DNC?

So it makes perfect sense to me.

This is very reckless politics.
The DNC has no concerns.

They own everything

So with no one to investigate them for anything, no one to report them to the general public, they are free to do and say what they wish.

They are as powerful as Castro now.

Don't be such a foolish drama queen. We should be for the Cuban people.. for their peace and prosperity.. NOT get them killed out of false pride and vanity.
So you would allow them refuge in the US?
Hell no. They want illegals and dead people to vote for Dems.
Sorry freak... The democrats enjoy the majority of support by quote a bit.
What they enjoy is not important. What the end result far more important. We transitioned to a 3rd world voting and reactions now while still having a first world economy. in many areas with others moving to a lesser world status.
I do not understand how the democrats can deny entry to Cuban refugees but accept others illegally coming across our southern border. Is it not the height of hypocrisy? Is it not clear that those Cuban refugees face certain death if they are forced to return?

Cuban refugees tend to vote Republican when they become citizens. Let that sink in...Joe Biden would rather let these people be tortured to death in Cuba than have them potentially vote against his party some day.

Let THIS sink in. You would rather let Central American refugees fleeing famine and gang violence in their home countries, die, or have their children forced into gangs and prostitution, than to let them into the USA and have them potentially vote against YOUR party some day.

Just to be really clear, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the head of DHS have ALL told Central Americans to stay home, and that they will NOT be allowed in.

The ONLY people Biden allowed to come in were the families and children who Donald Trump had allowed to pile up at Ports of Entry, leaving them in squalid and dangerous conditions awaiting metered entry into the USA.

What's shocking to me is that you oppose letting people from shithole third world countries into the USA, but you're all in favour of letting people from shithole 3rd world Cuba into the USA.
He sure will. The demo'rats do not want the American people to know what life is like in Cuba.
I could see the DNC gunning them down as they try to float for safety into Florida, much like they tried to take out the GOP Congress in Virginia at a baseball game.
Dems allow future Dem voting illegals to flood across the border by the millions while anti socialist Cuban's are not welcomed :eusa_think:

Illegals and foreign nationals can't vote no matter what Trump claims.
I do not understand how the democrats can deny entry to Cuban refugees but accept others illegally coming across our southern border. Is it not the height of hypocrisy? Is it not clear that those Cuban refugees face certain death if they are forced to return?
Any attempt to tell others on social media will probably be censored as hate speech

Can you rationally and honestly make your point without inciting violence?

The internet has been shut down in Cuba for a couple of days. We don't know how many are protesting or if there is violence against them.

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