big problems uncovered in the state of Georgia's 2020 elections !

I`m taking the word of the head of Cybersecurity for the Dept. of Homeland Security, the Attorney General and 62 judges that threw you assholes out of their courtrooms for wasting the taxpayers money and the judges time. Show me your evidence of fraud.
You're parroting what several lying bastards have said.
My proof? Who is living in the Whitehouse today?
That is certainly no indication that the election was fair at all. It speaks to both sides: Massive fraud vs, fair election.

The creeping evidence that is been revealed in time consuming examinations of ballots and internet activity is not speaking well of fairness.
What is it with the right wings obsession with homosexuality.
It's not an obsession with homosexuality. It a disdain for chickenshits that won't admit they're homosexual. Obubba' s "wife", Michael is a tranny pre-op. Barry likes it that way.
and it seems that other states are also finding discrepancies and possible illegal voting activity . i'm not saying these results will change the outcome of the 2020 elections but it is clear that the US needs to strengthen voting integrity and security . it may come to the point if enough states uncover voting discrepancies that the Supreme Court will have no choice but to take up voting fraud claims brought before them . New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020
The evidence for Georgia and Arizona is overwhelming that it was rigged
. Next Wisconsin will come out and eventually Pennsylvania

All 35 states that voted GOP state house and senate were won by trump. All that claim traitor Joe won need audits, including

It's not an obsession with homosexuality. It a disdain for chickenshits that won't admit they're homosexual. Obubba' s "wife", Michael is a tranny pre-op. Barry likes it that way.

That fag loving black bigot does not care if the American president is a compromised homO from Kenya, that the homO's Kenyan ancestors raped, murdered, rounded up and sold his ancestors to the boats, that the homO's confderate ancestors owned his for decades.

The black bigot cares about

Hating whites
Hating whites
Stealing from the taxpayer
Hating freedom
Hating blacks who do not support the Dems
Xiden won Virginia . The state is mostly all blue
. Forget about Nevada as the fascist leaders won’t allow any digging
Xiden won Virginia . The state is mostly all blue
. Forget about Nevada as the fascist leaders won’t allow any digging

Did not VA vote GOP both state house and state senate?

VA has tons of Dominion machines. Those machines kept a lot of 911 traitors in office who were being "primaried."

Recall trump ahead in VA with 50% in ??

They cheated there big time.
The propagandist says that "potentially" 35,000 Georgians "voted illegally", which is yet another attempt by RepubliKKKans to disenfranchise voters.

They have already sown doubt amongst their low information base, but now they are devising ways to electronically steal votes.
Roberts, a great example of a post 1998 "republican" Zionist Jew fraud of a "Christian" picked by W to prevent any 911 truth from coming out.

Who just loved homOcare's savior "conservative" John Roberts???

All the Zionist traitors at FOX news....
Please tell us why he’s a “ Zionist fraud” and FOX News are “ Zionist traitors” Another dirty “ Christian” with a sewer mouth

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