big problems uncovered in the state of Georgia's 2020 elections !

...the Supreme Court will have no choice but to take up voting fraud claims brought before them . New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020.

Don't hold your breath....Roberts has already signaled that he's too much of a coward to address the situation, and has obviously kowtowed the three noobs to go along with him.
i dont expect the elections to overturned ,but it may help legislation to make our elections more secure ...
More secure than the most secure election we`ve ever had? Sure, why not?

Which election was second-most secure?....The least secure?

Please show your math.
I`m taking the word of the head of Cybersecurity for the Dept. of Homeland Security, the Attorney General and 62 judges that threw you assholes out of their courtrooms for wasting the taxpayers money and the judges time. Show me your evidence of fraud.
I said show your math, not appeal to authority.
Show you my math? What exactly are you babbling about? Show me your evidence of fraud.

you made the claim, now back it the fuck up with some statistical evidence.

If 2020 was "the most secure election ever" which one was the 2nd most secure?....Which was the least secure?...In order to say one was the best, you need to be able to at least point out the worst.

For you to make the statement, you need verifiable physical proof, not just the say-so of some technocratic hacks.

It's called "logic", Gomer Pyle.
I was quoting Trump`s appointed officials. If you need to know ask them. Tell me about the fraud.
IOW, you have no actual physical proof of the absurd statement you made.

You're dismissed, Gomer.
My proof? Who is living in the Whitehouse today?
and it seems that other states are also finding discrepancies and possible illegal voting activity . i'm not saying these results will change the outcome of the 2020 elections but it is clear that the US needs to strengthen voting integrity and security . it may come to the point if enough states uncover voting discrepancies that the Supreme Court will have no choice but to take up voting fraud claims brought before them . New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020
Yeah... No.
...the Supreme Court will have no choice but to take up voting fraud claims brought before them . New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020.

Don't hold your breath....Roberts has already signaled that he's too much of a coward to address the situation, and has obviously kowtowed the three noobs to go along with him.
i dont expect the elections to overturned ,but it may help legislation to make our elections more secure ...
More secure than the most secure election we`ve ever had? Sure, why not?

Which election was second-most secure?....The least secure?

Please show your math.
I`m taking the word of the head of Cybersecurity for the Dept. of Homeland Security, the Attorney General and 62 judges that threw you assholes out of their courtrooms for wasting the taxpayers money and the judges time. Show me your evidence of fraud.
I said show your math, not appeal to authority.
Show you my math? What exactly are you babbling about? Show me your evidence of fraud.

you made the claim, now back it the fuck up with some statistical evidence.

If 2020 was "the most secure election ever" which one was the 2nd most secure?....Which was the least secure?...In order to say one was the best, you need to be able to at least point out the worst.

For you to make the statement, you need verifiable physical proof, not just the say-so of some technocratic hacks.

It's called "logic", Gomer Pyle.
I was quoting Trump`s appointed officials. If you need to know ask them. Tell me about the fraud.
IOW, you have no actual physical proof of the absurd statement you made.

You're dismissed, Gomer.
Damn, kid. I've never seen anyone argue in such a tight circle.
...the Supreme Court will have no choice but to take up voting fraud claims brought before them . New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020.

Don't hold your breath....Roberts has already signaled that he's too much of a coward to address the situation, and has obviously kowtowed the three noobs to go along with him.
i dont expect the elections to overturned ,but it may help legislation to make our elections more secure ...
More secure than the most secure election we`ve ever had? Sure, why not?

Which election was second-most secure?....The least secure?

Please show your math.
I`m taking the word of the head of Cybersecurity for the Dept. of Homeland Security, the Attorney General and 62 judges that threw you assholes out of their courtrooms for wasting the taxpayers money and the judges time. Show me your evidence of fraud.
I said show your math, not appeal to authority.
Show you my math? What exactly are you babbling about? Show me your evidence of fraud.

you made the claim, now back it the fuck up with some statistical evidence.

If 2020 was "the most secure election ever" which one was the 2nd most secure?....Which was the least secure?...In order to say one was the best, you need to be able to at least point out the worst.

For you to make the statement, you need verifiable physical proof, not just the say-so of some technocratic hacks.

It's called "logic", Gomer Pyle.
That's what happens when you follow a liar back to his doorstep.....he has no idea why he's just spouting a left wing talking point. Of course it was not the most secure and of course it was stolen....there is almost no doubt left anymore that the cheating and thievery were systemic and widespread.
Problems in Georgia? :omg:How is that possible??? :rolleyes:

and it seems that other states are also finding discrepancies and possible illegal voting activity . i'm not saying these results will change the outcome of the 2020 elections but it is clear that the US needs to strengthen voting integrity and security . it may come to the point if enough states uncover voting discrepancies that the Supreme Court will have no choice but to take up voting fraud claims brought before them . New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020

Just more fake news. This is another attempt to overturn legal votes.
of course you are going to say that .... but fear not commie it doesnt matter if it is proven the election was stolen beyond a shadow of a doubt it will not ! i say again ! will not be overturned ! the powers that be know if they did the left would burn the urban areas to the ground ... so rest easy ... in my opinion censorship and banning by social media of conservatives during an election year may have had the biggest impact on the election.

It has not been proven the election was stolen. You have tried over 60 times to convince judges and that includes Trump judges. Yet you have struck out every time.
It has not been proven the election was stolen. You have tried over 60 times to convince judges and that includes Trump judges. Yet you have struck out every time.
i didnt say the election was stolen ...but the cards were stacked against Trump by social media censorship and banning ! and the msm ignored neg info on Biden .
i didnt say the election was stolen ...but the cards were stacked against Trump by social media censorship and banning ! and the msm ignored neg info on Biden .
The cards were stacked against Trump by Trump in 2016 and 2020.
By far the dumbest candidate to run for office since the last retard was installed as president.

May 2 2003
Major combat operations in Iraq are over, and America and her allies have prevailed, President Bush said this evening on the flight deck of a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier.
Roberts, a great example of a post 1998 "republican" Zionist Jew fraud of a "Christian" picked by W to prevent any 911 truth from coming out.

Who just loved homOcare's savior "conservative" John Roberts???

All the Zionist traitors at FOX news....
What is it with the right wings obsession with homosexuality.
What is it with the right wings obsession with homosexuality.

Pete buttegieg is out of the closet. He cannot be blackmailed because he is a total coward hiding in the closet.

HomO is still hiding in the closet. What did that mean, having a compromised president/coward?

HomO was going to close GItmo. Zionists didn't want all the totally innocent victims of the fraud terror war let loose.

We'll open the closet door if you do....

Coward homO - ok, I won't

Your hero homO is THE WORST COWARD in American history... In part because he was

BORN IN KENYA.... and was never part of the home of the brave....
Pete buttegieg is out of the closet. He cannot be blackmailed because he is a total coward hiding in the closet.

HomO is still hiding in the closet. What did that mean, having a compromised president/coward?

HomO was going to close GItmo. Zionists didn't want all the totally innocent victims of the fraud terror war let loose.

We'll open the closet door if you do....

Coward homO - ok, I won't

Your hero homO is THE WORST COWARD in American history... In part because he was

BORN IN KENYA.... and was never part of the home of the brave....
It's some of you that need to come out the closet.
It's some of you that need to come out the closet.

Translation - as a black bigot who hates whites and America, superbadvrotha thinks it was OK to have a compromised closeted homO as prez because homO hates whites and America too.

CRT at work....
It has not been proven the election was stolen. You have tried over 60 times to convince judges and that includes Trump judges. Yet you have struck out every time.
Roe versus wade went through nearly 300 hearings before it became a SCOTUS success..... apparently you don't know how the court system works....all the lower courts are telling the plaintiffs is that they have to go back, reorganize and verify that the complaint matches the legal genre that it is being filed under. The court system is like the have to have your paperwork in order. 60 rejections is nothing in a nation wide scandal...i wouldn't be surprised if it rises to 200 before the right approach lands in the right court room.

Translation - as a black bigot who hates whites and America, superbadvrotha thinks it was OK to have a compromised closeted homO as prez because homO hates whites and America too.

CRT at work....
Hmmm, what have you done to prove you love America?

Just because you call someone gay doesn't make it so or are you saying game recognize game.
i didnt say the election was stolen ...but the cards were stacked against Trump by social media censorship and banning ! and the msm ignored neg info on Biden .

There was no censorship. Only the government can censor. The negative information on Biden was fake news.
and it seems that other states are also finding discrepancies and possible illegal voting activity . i'm not saying these results will change the outcome of the 2020 elections but it is clear that the US needs to strengthen voting integrity and security . it may come to the point if enough states uncover voting discrepancies that the Supreme Court will have no choice but to take up voting fraud claims brought before them . New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020


The evidence for Georgia and Arizona is overwhelming that it was rigged
. Next Wisconsin will come out and eventually Pennsylvania

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