Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

Hot Air Good news: Obama using the word “teabaggers” now

Now As USUAL, Obama is right and wrong. The stimulus is part of what created the Tea Party. But it wasn't the Republicans being against it, it was the fact it was voted into law DESPITE people like me and you calling our Congressman and Senators and telling them NOT to vote for it, and they voted for it ANYWAY. Jerks!

Typical that Obama has it backwards.

But this is so typically liberals. Out of one side of his mouth he calls for "civility" and two days later calls us "tea baggers."

This reminds me of the liberal op who once demanded of me "in the interests of civility" not to use the word liberal. But not five minutes later, he called conservatives, KKKonservatives.

When I pointed out this hypocrisy, he was furious.

"Civility" to a liberal means YOU can't say anything critical about THEM. It doesn't mean they can't say anything they want about YOU.

After all, THEY, the all high liberal, are the elite and soooooooooooooooooooo above you. It's "uncivil" to criticize them. :eusa_snooty:

YOU, however, are the plebes. You are the proletariat. YOU are the peasants. You can't expect the same civility demanded of YOU towards liberals to be directed back at you YOU. :eusa_snooty:

YOU are a peasant and it's for your own "good" they call you every name in the book. Maybe you will finally see your eeeeeeeeevil ways and become liberal!!!!!! :eusa_snooty:

The arrogance and pompous hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a knife.


Funny how the teabaggers are so concerned about political correctness when its THEM who is offended.

Fuck you teabaggers! For the past 20 years you've made it a practice to offend others as much as possible and then act like you have no idea why anyone would be offended. Now its your turn you filthy TEABAGGERS!

20 years? Hmmmm. That's interesting because the left keep insisting that the TEA Parties are a backlash organization against Obama because he's black Was Obama around 20 years ago?

My problem with many on the left.... They are incapable of rational, critical, reasoned thought. Basically, they dumb and Spiderman Tuba is an absolutely perfect example of their lack of intellect.

Actually the REAL tea party has been around for quite some time however the NEW versions of the tea party that have been propped up and supported by right wing hacks and foxnews are "a backlash organization against Obama because he's black" at least on a small scale then there are the majority of them who are just ill-informed morons who take what they are spoonfed and pretend that they have a real argument.

So you must be a glenn beck supporter because you have the tendency to take some comment made somewhere by some one and try to apply it to a group as a whole or someone who never actually expressed that belief.

I saw beck do that on his show, he took a promise made by obama and then posted a comment made by a "left wing blogger" and then beck tried to claim that obama lied because of something that "left wing blogger" said that was contrary to obama's promise.

typical dishonesty from the right. Nothing new and it's always expected.
If I made that claim, I would. As I didn't, I'll just continue to toy with your stupidity.

I bet you really, REALLY hope I would 'run away' and/or 'avoid' you.
You do realize si, that Drsmith is a paid progressive propogandist don't you?

Notice how he NEVER holds Obama accountable for his abject ineptness, or continual abject failings.. He's a paid lackey, nothing more!

But hey, you're making him look like the idiot i've known him to be for quite some time. So, as you were. Carry on!....I'm highly entertained!:popcorn:

A bit of an aside, it annoys me that the progressive movement has been highjacked by socialists.

Anyway, if the current progressives have smith as one of their paid propagandists, one doesn't need much of a brain to counter them. Just patience. So, if ever anyone feels the need to pay a propagandist to post on a message board (LMFAO that anyone WOULD actually pay for message board propaganda) to counter these idiots, the pool of capable candidates should be large.


But, smith is a perfect 'ambassador' for the progressives. :lol:

Get this, my first encounter with this moron here, he tried to claim that I do not provide supporting information when I make a claim. I asked him to support that allegation, and the fool found a post of mine where I told someone to look up the meaning of a word in a dictionary. Yup. That's proof that I do not properly reference. I kid you not. :rofl:

and you don't. the one attempt made by you to provide proof in thsi thread was a link to a clip from rachel maddow that proved you WRONG. LOL The rest of what you have posted has been nothing but unsubstantiated spin and personal attacks.

Furthermore, how do you justify defining me as a progressive?? What traits do i have that make me fit that mold?? Is it my support of gun rights?? Or how about my support of the death penalty?? Or is it my belief that one should have the right to do as they wish as long as they don't violate another's right to do the same?? Or is it becuase I merely disagree with you and your dishonest spin and baseless personal attacks?

Please expalin how I am a progressive??
Uh oh, I smell an insecure lil' rat. It won't be long now!

It's 11:16 PST....The rat is about to arrive!

Mark my words!
Damn i'm good!....30 minutes and the rat arrives!

Almost 3 years removed and those Ranger instincts are as strong as ever!

Feels good that age hasn't diminished my capacity to know exactly what's going around me!



Thanks for proving that you ARE a stalker. the FACT that you took the time to remember my usual schedule at my part time job since the last time i explained it to you shows that you are a stalker and it has nothing to do with your "ranger instincts" LOL

Furthermore, why bring up your alleged service?? it doesn't nothing to justify yourarguments and only shows how desperate you are to try and give credence to your spin but that is all it shows.

Thanks for the laugh LOL
Uh oh, I smell an insecure lil' rat. It won't be long now!

It's 11:16 PST....The rat is about to arrive!

Mark my words!
Damn i'm good!....30 minutes and the rat arrives!

Almost 3 years removed and those Ranger instincts are as strong as ever!

Feels good that age hasn't diminished my capacity to know exactly what's going around me!



how come that you know his schedule and moves so well? cameras? telescopes?

I explained my usual schedule to him in the past and the stalker remembered it. Creepy isn't it??

The thing is that I am curently going to school and working two part time jobs, one of which gives me a decent amount of computer time in between work the other does not. So during my one part time job which usually lasts from about 1-6pm I post to kill time. I told chef jester this in the past and now he tries to use it to somehow support his claims that he was a ranger with "ranger instincts" because he remembered my schedule. LOL
What's creepy is your obsession with Sweaty Male Balls.

Just sayin'.
Damn i'm good!....30 minutes and the rat arrives!

Almost 3 years removed and those Ranger instincts are as strong as ever!

Feels good that age hasn't diminished my capacity to know exactly what's going around me!



how come that you know his schedule and moves so well? cameras? telescopes?
None of the above!

It's a vibe. People who have fear emit a certain vibe that permeates from within. Those who obviously have a severe case of an insecurity/inferiority complex tend to emit said vibe 10 fold. Much like those in combat that sense that impending doom of the bullet entering the brain!....They know it's coming, they just don't know from where or when said bullet will pierce the skull and send brain matter spewing in 11 different directions!


LOL WOW you truly are delusional. Yeah sure <sarcasm> the above is how you do it, or is because I told you my schedule in the past and have logged onto this board and posted at about this same time everyday for the last few months. LOL

Oh well thanks for the laughs as you desperately try to support your alleged service with more BS spin. LOL
Uh oh, I smell an insecure lil' rat. It won't be long now!

It's 11:16 PST....The rat is about to arrive!

Mark my words!
Damn i'm good!....30 minutes and the rat arrives!

Almost 3 years removed and those Ranger instincts are as strong as ever!

Feels good that age hasn't diminished my capacity to know exactly what's going around me!



Thanks for proving that you ARE a stalker. the FACT that you took the time to remember my usual schedule at my part time job since the last time i explained it to you shows that you are a stalker and it has nothing to do with your "ranger instincts" LOL

Furthermore, why bring up your alleged service?? it doesn't nothing to justify yourarguments and only shows how desperate you are to try and give credence to your spin but that is all it shows.

Thanks for the laugh LOL
Why would I take the time to "remember" your schedule?

You're a fucking dufus. I could give less than a damn about your schedule. You could croak tomorrow and I wouldn't give a shit. So why would I waste time on an ignorant morons schedule?

Man, you sure do think your fuckin' special. Fact is, there's nothing special about a douche bag. Other than it stinks like vinegar and you probably got your ass beat with the hose as a child!

Get over yourself, you ain't shit!...But you are fun to laugh at!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
And I was correct. You didn't prove a thing. Well, except that you are a moron. You parroted others' points made days before you entered the thread. Then, when trolling murf, you seemed to think you came up with some epiphany that proved something of no consequence at all except in your odd mind.

You did, however, demonstrate that you are an class-A idiot.

Now, tell me I'm running away and/or avoiding you. I like it when you do that.

No you were NOT correct and you haven't proven that I parroted the argument in question despite your claim that I did. However, it is funny that you stated you never made the claim and then I show that you did and then you try to ignore the fact that you LIED, AGAIN. LOL

Face it you have been owned by ME and the best you can do is try to attack me personally as you pretend that it never happened. LOL
Oh and here we go with the "but you said this, then I said that, but I ran away, but I didn't run away, you ran away, and and and and, well, then, AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGHHH!"

Jesus fucking christ!.....Grow the fuck up, already!

Seriously man, you've got some debating skills. Get over your inferiority/insecurity complex and stop acting like a spurned lil' child. You'll get a lot farther that way. Both up here and in life in general.

Hey it's not my problem he doesn't like the statements that he made in the past and then claimed that he didn't make them. I merely pointed out his dishonesty and inconsistencies if he didn't want that to happen then he shouldn't have been inconsistent or dishonest.

However, thanks for the ad hominem and thanks for showing that you have no debating skills and can only stalk and attack the messenger.
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Please expalin how I am a progressive??

Here you go:

With each and every post you make, you reveal yourself to be Progressively and Progressively Moronic.

nice editting of my post to suit your needs as you ignore things you don't wish to comment on but do you have ANY specifics or are lame and baseless vague generalities and personal attacks all that you have to offer??
Damn i'm good!....30 minutes and the rat arrives!

Almost 3 years removed and those Ranger instincts are as strong as ever!

Feels good that age hasn't diminished my capacity to know exactly what's going around me!



how come that you know his schedule and moves so well? cameras? telescopes?

I explained my usual schedule to him in the past and the stalker remembered it. Creepy isn't it??

The thing is that I am curently going to school and working two part time jobs, one of which gives me a decent amount of computer time in between work the other does not. So during my one part time job which usually lasts from about 1-6pm I post to kill time. I told chef jester this in the past and now he tries to use it to somehow support his claims that he was a ranger with "ranger instincts" because he remembered my schedule. LOL

Speaking of Rangers, we had a company commander with former Ranger training and experience. So there we are out on the tundra of the great Alaska interior in the late spring. Anyone who has been out there knows just how spongy and terrible ground maneuver are at that time of the year.

So the Captain, who is first name is Rodney, proceeds to read the map wrong. He went 180 degrees the wrong way (despite his 1SGs quiet advice), and turned a 15 klick into a 30 klich march over twelve hours. They were late getting into position, then we overran them. The Captain earned the sobriquet "Rodney Ranger Wrongway" for the remainder of his tour and a terrible rating from the Battalion commander.

The moral of the story is this: not all Rangers ranger well. I suspect TwistedJoker has earned laurels in wrongway posting.
What's creepy is your obsession with Sweaty Male Balls.

Just sayin'.

YOU are the one that can't stop using references to the "t-word" so once again it is YOU who has the obsession. LOL

How many times have I used the "t-word" in this thread and directed it at someone??

I admit I used it a few times directed at someone in the beginning of this thread when the debate was ongoing about who used it first, thanks Si modo for admitting the street form was used by tea-partiers first, but I haven't used it directed at anyone since the beginning of this thread when I used it to laugh at ignorant righties who didn't know it had an alternate meaning when they applied it to themselves.

However YOU are the one that constantly mentions it as you try to assign an obsession to others when it clearly lies with YOU.

Face it, I and others countered your spin and you can't deal with it. LOL
how come that you know his schedule and moves so well? cameras? telescopes?

I explained my usual schedule to him in the past and the stalker remembered it. Creepy isn't it??

The thing is that I am curently going to school and working two part time jobs, one of which gives me a decent amount of computer time in between work the other does not. So during my one part time job which usually lasts from about 1-6pm I post to kill time. I told chef jester this in the past and now he tries to use it to somehow support his claims that he was a ranger with "ranger instincts" because he remembered my schedule. LOL

Speaking of Rangers, we had a company commander with former Ranger training and experience. So there we are out on the tundra of the great Alaska interior in the late spring. Anyone who has been out there knows just how spongy and terrible ground maneuver are at that time of the year.

So the Captain, who is first name is Rodney, proceeds to read the map wrong. He went 180 degrees the wrong way (despite his 1SGs quiet advice), and turned a 15 klick into a 30 klich march over twelve hours. They were late getting into position, then we overran them. The Captain earned the sobriquet "Rodney Ranger Wrongway" for the remainder of his tour and a terrible rating from the Battalion commander.

The moral of the story is this: not all Rangers ranger well. I suspect TwistedJoker has earned laurels in wrongway posting.

or he is one of the lucky guys who survived a headshot.
No you were NOT correct and you haven't proven that I parroted the argument in question despite your claim that I did. However, it is funny that you stated you never made the claim and then I show that you did and then you try to ignore the fact that you LIED, AGAIN. LOL

Face it you have been owned by ME and the best you can do is try to attack me personally as you pretend that it never happened. LOL
Oh and here we go with the "but you said this, then I said that, but I ran away, but I didn't run away, you ran away, and and and and, well, then, AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGHHH!"

Jesus fucking christ!.....Grow the fuck up, already!

Seriously man, you've got some debating skills. Get over your inferiority/insecurity complex and stop acting like a spurned lil' child. You'll get a lot farther that way. Both up here and in life in general.

Hey it's not my problem he doesn't like the statements that he made in the past and then claimed that he didn't make them. I merely pointed out his dishoensty and inconsistencies if he didn't want that to happen then he shouldn't have been inconsistent or dishonest.

However, thanks for the ad hominem and thanks for showing that you have no debating skills and can only stalk and attack the messenger.
No. I learned long ago that debating you is a lesson in futility. It's a waste of fucking time. You don't debate. That's the point!.....And when you're obvioulsy wrong, you don't have the spine to admit. You just go into your lil' "my mommy took my cookie away mode". And then your stalking from thread to thread begins.

Like I said, grow the fuck up, and you might get some good debate. Otherwise, i'm just going to continue to laugh at your childish ass!

Look at your rep power. Over 1600 posts and you can't manage more than 4. It clearly shows that even those on your side know you're a fucking childish idiot!
Damn i'm good!....30 minutes and the rat arrives!

Almost 3 years removed and those Ranger instincts are as strong as ever!

Feels good that age hasn't diminished my capacity to know exactly what's going around me!



Thanks for proving that you ARE a stalker. the FACT that you took the time to remember my usual schedule at my part time job since the last time i explained it to you shows that you are a stalker and it has nothing to do with your "ranger instincts" LOL

Furthermore, why bring up your alleged service?? it doesn't nothing to justify yourarguments and only shows how desperate you are to try and give credence to your spin but that is all it shows.

Thanks for the laugh LOL
Why would I take the time to "remember" your schedule?

You're a fucking dufus. I could give less than a damn about your schedule. You could croak tomorrow and I wouldn't give a shit. So why would I waste time on an ignorant morons schedule?

Man, you sure do think your fuckin' special. Fact is, there's nothing special about a douche bag. Other than it stinks like vinegar and you probably got your ass beat with the hose as a child!

Get over yourself, you ain't shit!...But you are fun to laugh at!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I don't know why you would take the time to remember my schedule but isn't that a question that you should ask yourself in your session with your shrink??

Thanks for stalking and lying about me again. LOL
how come that you know his schedule and moves so well? cameras? telescopes?

I explained my usual schedule to him in the past and the stalker remembered it. Creepy isn't it??

The thing is that I am curently going to school and working two part time jobs, one of which gives me a decent amount of computer time in between work the other does not. So during my one part time job which usually lasts from about 1-6pm I post to kill time. I told chef jester this in the past and now he tries to use it to somehow support his claims that he was a ranger with "ranger instincts" because he remembered my schedule. LOL

Speaking of Rangers, we had a company commander with former Ranger training and experience. So there we are out on the tundra of the great Alaska interior in the late spring. Anyone who has been out there knows just how spongy and terrible ground maneuver are at that time of the year.

So the Captain, who is first name is Rodney, proceeds to read the map wrong. He went 180 degrees the wrong way (despite his 1SGs quiet advice), and turned a 15 klick into a 30 klich march over twelve hours. They were late getting into position, then we overran them. The Captain earned the sobriquet "Rodney Ranger Wrongway" for the remainder of his tour and a terrible rating from the Battalion commander.

The moral of the story is this: not all Rangers ranger well. I suspect TwistedJoker has earned laurels in wrongway posting.
Yeah well, that's officers for ya'!:razz:

Where was that at?...Wainwright, Greeley?....I did 18 months at Wainwright......Good times indeed!
Oh and here we go with the "but you said this, then I said that, but I ran away, but I didn't run away, you ran away, and and and and, well, then, AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGHHH!"

Jesus fucking christ!.....Grow the fuck up, already!

Seriously man, you've got some debating skills. Get over your inferiority/insecurity complex and stop acting like a spurned lil' child. You'll get a lot farther that way. Both up here and in life in general.

Hey it's not my problem he doesn't like the statements that he made in the past and then claimed that he didn't make them. I merely pointed out his dishoensty and inconsistencies if he didn't want that to happen then he shouldn't have been inconsistent or dishonest.

However, thanks for the ad hominem and thanks for showing that you have no debating skills and can only stalk and attack the messenger.
No. I learned long ago that debating you is a lesson in futility. It's a waste of fucking time. You don't debate. That's the point!.....And when you're obvioulsy wrong, you don't have the spine to admit. You just go into your lil' "my mommy took my cookie away mode". And then your stalking from thread to thread begins.

Like I said, grow the fuck up, and you might get some good debate. Otherwise, i'm just going to continue to laugh at your childish ass!

Look at your rep power. Over 1600 posts and you can't manage more than 4. It clearly shows that even those on your side know you're a fucking childish idiot!

I debate and you lose, which is why you can only attack me, like you did with your thread you started on the msnbc board where you attacked obama and blamed him for the DOW dropping 5,000 points in his first 90 days and then I proved you wrong and your thread ended up being posters chiming in to make fun of you after the DOW went up every week after you posted your partisan attack on obama and tried to blame him for the drop that occured on W's watch. LOL

As far as being obviously wrong this thread was based on nothing but rightwing propaganda that has been countered by me and others and since then righties like you have trolled in to attack posters and ignore teh FACT that the spin presented by the OP was based on LIES. So the only posters who are "obviously wrong" are you and your fellow trolls who continue attacking despite being shown to be WRONG. LOL

As for rep power it is a conservative leaning board so it's obvious that it favors the conservatives as far as rep goes and besides that what the hell does rep power have to do with anything?? Do you actually care what other people on this board think about you so much that you wish to be propped up by your rep score?? Are you really that shallow??
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Hey it's not my problem he doesn't like the statements that he made in the past and then claimed that he didn't make them. I merely pointed out his dishoensty and inconsistencies if he didn't want that to happen then he shouldn't have been inconsistent or dishonest.

However, thanks for the ad hominem and thanks for showing that you have no debating skills and can only stalk and attack the messenger.
No. I learned long ago that debating you is a lesson in futility. It's a waste of fucking time. You don't debate. That's the point!.....And when you're obvioulsy wrong, you don't have the spine to admit. You just go into your lil' "my mommy took my cookie away mode". And then your stalking from thread to thread begins.

Like I said, grow the fuck up, and you might get some good debate. Otherwise, i'm just going to continue to laugh at your childish ass!

Look at your rep power. Over 1600 posts and you can't manage more than 4. It clearly shows that even those on your side know you're a fucking childish idiot!

I debate and you lose, like you did with your thread you started on the msnbc board where you attacked obama and blamed him for the DOW dropping 5,000 points in his first 90 days and then I proved you wrong and your thread ended up being posters chiming in to make fun of you after the DOW went up every week after you posted your partisan attack on obama and tried to blame him for the drop that occured on W's watch. LOL

As far as being obviously wrong this thread was based on nothing but rightwing propaganda that has been countered by me and others and since then righties like you have trolled in to attack posters and ignore teh FACT that the spin presented by the OP was based on LIES. So the only posters who are "obviously wrong" are you and your fellow trolls who continue attacking despite being shown to be WRONG. LOL

As for rep power it is a conservative leaning board and what the hell does rep power have to do with anything?? Do you actually care what other people on this board think about you so much that you wish to be propped up by your rep score?? Are you really that shallow??
Quit being dishonest ya' fucking hack!

You know that thread was in response to Obama's ridiculous statement about the fact that he didn't bother to keep an eye on the stock market because as he said, "it just goes up and down"....One of the most ridiculous statements ever made by a sitting president, particularly when the economy is in fucking shambles.

What was the title of that thread, dipshit?......Oh yeah, "since obama says he doesn't keep an eye onthe market, we'll do it for him"

That was a great thread. Went on for almost a year. And those who didn't really understand how the market works, learned a hell of a lot from those of us who do.

Stop you're fucking dishonesty, moron!
No. I learned long ago that debating you is a lesson in futility. It's a waste of fucking time. You don't debate. That's the point!.....And when you're obvioulsy wrong, you don't have the spine to admit. You just go into your lil' "my mommy took my cookie away mode". And then your stalking from thread to thread begins.

Like I said, grow the fuck up, and you might get some good debate. Otherwise, i'm just going to continue to laugh at your childish ass!

Look at your rep power. Over 1600 posts and you can't manage more than 4. It clearly shows that even those on your side know you're a fucking childish idiot!

I debate and you lose, like you did with your thread you started on the msnbc board where you attacked obama and blamed him for the DOW dropping 5,000 points in his first 90 days and then I proved you wrong and your thread ended up being posters chiming in to make fun of you after the DOW went up every week after you posted your partisan attack on obama and tried to blame him for the drop that occured on W's watch. LOL

As far as being obviously wrong this thread was based on nothing but rightwing propaganda that has been countered by me and others and since then righties like you have trolled in to attack posters and ignore teh FACT that the spin presented by the OP was based on LIES. So the only posters who are "obviously wrong" are you and your fellow trolls who continue attacking despite being shown to be WRONG. LOL

As for rep power it is a conservative leaning board and what the hell does rep power have to do with anything?? Do you actually care what other people on this board think about you so much that you wish to be propped up by your rep score?? Are you really that shallow??
Quit being dishonest ya' fucking hack!

You know that thread was in response to Obama's ridiculous statement about the fact that he didn't bother to keep an eye on the stock market because as he said, "it just goes up and down"....One of the most ridiculous statements ever made by a sitting president, particularly when the economy is in fucking shambles.

What was the title of that thread, dipshit?......Oh yeah, "since obama says he doesn't keep an eye onthe market, we'll do it for him"

That was a great thread. Went on for almost a year. And those who didn't really understand how the market works, learned a hell of a lot from those of us who do.

Stop you're fucking dishonesty, moron!

Who is being dishonest?? Not me. However, you are. The fact is that you attacked obama over the slide in the DOW that began on W's watch and you did in fact claim that it dropped 5,000 in obama's first 90 days. The fact is that the DOW went UP every week after you started that thread and people chimed in to ask where you were since you pretty much abandoned your own thread based on how the DOW went UP and you looked like a fool.

Oh and you missed part of my post, why no response to the last two paragraghs?? How typical. You make claims and then when they are countered you avoid responding.
I debate and you lose, like you did with your thread you started on the msnbc board where you attacked obama and blamed him for the DOW dropping 5,000 points in his first 90 days and then I proved you wrong and your thread ended up being posters chiming in to make fun of you after the DOW went up every week after you posted your partisan attack on obama and tried to blame him for the drop that occured on W's watch. LOL

As far as being obviously wrong this thread was based on nothing but rightwing propaganda that has been countered by me and others and since then righties like you have trolled in to attack posters and ignore teh FACT that the spin presented by the OP was based on LIES. So the only posters who are "obviously wrong" are you and your fellow trolls who continue attacking despite being shown to be WRONG. LOL

As for rep power it is a conservative leaning board and what the hell does rep power have to do with anything?? Do you actually care what other people on this board think about you so much that you wish to be propped up by your rep score?? Are you really that shallow??
Quit being dishonest ya' fucking hack!

You know that thread was in response to Obama's ridiculous statement about the fact that he didn't bother to keep an eye on the stock market because as he said, "it just goes up and down"....One of the most ridiculous statements ever made by a sitting president, particularly when the economy is in fucking shambles.

What was the title of that thread, dipshit?......Oh yeah, "since obama says he doesn't keep an eye onthe market, we'll do it for him"

That was a great thread. Went on for almost a year. And those who didn't really understand how the market works, learned a hell of a lot from those of us who do.

Stop you're fucking dishonesty, moron!

Who is being dishonest?? Not me. However, you are. The fact is that you attacked obama over the slide in the DOW that began on W's watch and you did in fact claim that it dropped 5,000 in obama's first 90 days. The fact is that the DOW went UP every week after you started that thread and people chimed in to ask where you were since you pretty much abandoned your own thread based on how the DOW went UP and you looked like a fool.

Oh and you missed part of my post, why no response to the last two paragraghs?? How typical. You make claims and then when they are countered you avoid responding.
The last part of your post is ridiculous. There's just as many of your fellow loony lib's up here, as there are conservatives.

I never attacked Obama for the slide. I attacked him for once again putting his ignorant foot in his god damn mouth, as we have ALL seen he does on a regular basis. Just as he did today with Calderon.

Imagine that. The economy is in crisis, and that inept fucking lil' moron has the audacity to claim he doesn't bother to keep an eye on the stock market. WHAT A LEADER!..... He's a fucking idiot, nothing more!

Oh well, I wasn't ignorant enough to vote for that asshat!...It was quite clear that he was a moron while on the campaign trail.
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